genius evil

Chapter 1489

Chapter 1489
"Jiang Chen, can you really resolve the sequelae of the Flower Planting Technique for me?" Song Weiyang said.

She appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and she didn't make a fuss with Jiang Chen, but asked such a sentence in a rather direct way.

"Naturally." Without even thinking about it, Jiang Chen just said casually, very swearing.

"Not quite right!"

The voice fell, Jiang Chen waved his hand, he looked at Song Weiyang, and said with great displeasure, "Big beauty, did I hear wrong? Please tell me, why do you ask me such a question?"

Song Weiyang was dumb, embarrassed and embarrassed.

She thought it was already obvious why she asked such a question, and with Jiang Chen's intelligence, it was impossible not to hear what the underlying meaning was.

Therefore, Jiang Chen's reaction, in Song Weiyang's view, was clearly pretending to be stupid.

This is undoubtedly abominable, it almost wants Song Weiyang to run away.

Even if she has already made a decision and has made sufficient psychological preparations, she still feels unbearable, making Song Weiyang unavoidably doubt whether her own decision was wrong.

"Big beauty, why don't you speak?" Jiang Chen said curiously.

"It's very simple, I don't believe your words." Song Weiyang said coldly.

Didn't Jiang Chen want to ask the bottom line?Then, she told Jiang Chen the most true thoughts deep in her heart.

That's right, she just didn't believe Jiang Chen's words.

Because of the practice of planting flowers, it left indelible sequelae. Although Jiang Chen saw the clues, it did not mean that Song Weiyang believed in Jiang Chen's words, but has always had many doubt.

In this case, originally, Song Weiyang didn't want to say it, nor did she want to admit it.

However, Jiang Chen had the intention of being aggressive, so he simply turned his heart away, and Song Weiyang just said it.

However, Jiang Chen smiled, and he said with a smile, "That's it, then, now, big beauty, do you believe my words?"

"This?" Song Weiyang was stunned.

The previous question was difficult to answer, but this question was obviously more difficult.

"I don't need you, the beautiful lady, to answer this question. I might as well ask and answer it myself." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You still don't believe me, it's just that the situation is stronger than others, so you decided to take a gamble... But have you really made up your mind? Are you mentally prepared enough? In addition, do you know that you want to What exactly is the bet?" Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Jiang Chen, are you deliberately teasing me?" Song Weiyang said coldly, her face was pale and her eyes were sharp.

"No, no, I just want to confirm your attitude in advance to avoid misunderstanding." Jiang Chen said shaking his head.

What a smart person Jiang Chen is, Song Weiyang appeared, and the first sentence he said was clear about Song Weiyang's intentions.

But in that case, even though it was said from Song Weiyang's mouth, whether Song Weiyang knew it clearly or not is not necessarily very clear.

Therefore, Jiang Chen watched and had to say a few more words.

Otherwise, misunderstandings will occur, and such misunderstandings will definitely not make people feel happy.

Of course, what Jiang Chen valued more was to make Song Weiyang willing, otherwise, even if Song Weiyang came to the door on his own initiative, in Jiang Chen's view, it would be no different from the overlord's bow.

But if he wanted the Overlord to fight hard, why wait until now?

Song Weiyang may not know that for some things, the only thing that matters is your love and my wish, but Jiang Chen is very clear about this, and this is what needs to be confirmed.

"Damn it!" Biting her white teeth lightly, Song Weiyang was in a state of confusion.

She thought that Jiang Chen was deliberately teasing her, but after hearing what Jiang Chen said, she knew that she had misunderstood.

That was not a tease, but Jiang Chen was grabbing the initiative, in short, trying to take the initiative away from her.

Although he knew that Jiang Chen had always been domineering, but such an insignificant small detail, Jiang Chen actually cared about every penny, which was still unexpected by Song Weiyang.

You know, she thought that Jiang Chen's heart would be full of joy when she appeared, and she was so excited that she couldn't tell north from south.

But he was wrong. On the surface, Jiang Chen appeared to be absurd, unreliable, and unreliable, but he had a calmness and wisdom that were different from ordinary people.

"He wants to take the initiative, but he wants me to take the initiative." Song Weiyang said in his heart.

She is a smart person, it is not an exaggeration to say that Bingxue is smart, after a brief sentence, it is clear at a glance what kind of profound meaning it has.

After realizing this point, Song Weiyang's mind couldn't help but become more confused.

Because, it gave her the feeling that Jiang Chen was forcing her to fall in love with him.

"There will be no misunderstanding, even if it is me, I will bear it alone and will never vent my anger." Immediately, Song Weiyang said, and she reminded, "If it is convenient, you can start."

Song Weiyang thinks that she can not take the initiative, but if she wants to take the initiative, it is absolutely impossible, don't even think about it.

Because, the limit of what she can do is right now, if she goes any further, she might turn against Jiang Chen.

"Convenience, as a man, how can there be times when it is inconvenient." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

While talking, he looked Song Weiyang up and down, and sighed in admiration, with a look of color and soul.

Song Weiyang forced herself to calm down and let Jiang Chen scrutinize her. After all, she had come to this point, and if she was hypocritical, she would look down on herself.

As for Jiang Chen's soul-giving appearance, Song Weiyang didn't believe it.

Jiang Chen was terribly rational, if he was deceived by the appearance he showed, he would be devoured without even the dross left.

"Big beauty, then I'm really going to start." Rubbing his palms together, Jiang Chen said impatiently, as if he had been longing for this matter for a long time, and finally, the opportunity came.

"Let's get started." Song Weiyang said with twitching corners of her lips.

Jiang Chen just stretched out his hand and held Song Weiyang's jade hand in the palm of his hand. Feeling the softness and softness, he led Song Weiyang and walked into the room.

"Big beauty, as an upright gentleman who can sit still, I think it's necessary to remind you again, it's still too late to regret it now." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Such seriousness even makes Song Weiyang think that Jiang Chen is indeed an upright gentleman.

"Jiang Chen, don't you dare?" Song Weiyang said teasingly.

She didn't want to talk any more, thinking that every time she said a word, it would be a little more embarrassing, maybe Jiang Chen was not reminding, but molesting, but this kind of molesting also had a tendency to break through the limit of Song Weiyang's psychological tolerance.

"As a man, he would not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire. How could he not dare?" Jiang Chen said righteously, patting his chest.

Song Weiyang wanted to laugh inexplicably, but in the end she forced herself to hold back.

"Then hurry up." Song Weiyang urged.

"How can this kind of thing be fast? The most taboo thing is the word fast. Fortunately, I, Jiang Chen, am a real man, and I have no taboos in my life." Jiang Chen said.


Song Weiyang's head was full of black lines, and he couldn't understand why Jiang Chen's rhetoric was always the same no matter what he said.

In Song Weiyang's view, such words are meaningless.

If Jiang Chen was a real man, wouldn't it be more convincing to prove it with actions without saying a word?
On the contrary, saying such words will only make people feel that Jiang Chen has a guilty conscience and is covering up something.

"Guilt? Cover up?"

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and in an instant, Song Weiyang's eyes on Jiang Chen became, strange.

"Is this why Jiang Chen was just talking nonsense to me before?" Song Weiyang thought in her heart.

From the first time the two met, Jiang Chen showed an extremely strong and direct desire to possess, even if Song Weiyang was a piece of wood, he could feel it personally.

But from the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen was indistinguishable from an honest gentleman, and he never did anything to break the bottom line.

Previously, Song Weiyang believed that Jiang Chen was playing tricks on his mind. At this time, he couldn't help but wonder if there was an ulterior secret behind this, or in other words, an unspeakable secret?

"This look?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

Why, he interpreted countless meanings from Song Weiyang's eyes?Was he mistaken, hallucinations?

Fortunately, Jiang Chen doesn't know how to read minds, otherwise, he would definitely spurt blood, he just didn't want the Overlord to fight hard, but he was misunderstood by Song Weiyang to such an extent, how could he bear it?
"Jiang Chen, if it's inconvenient for you..." Song Weiyang said with a slight sigh.

"As I said just now, it is extremely convenient." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"Don't be brave." Song Weiyang was helpless.

"Why should I be brave?" Jiang Chen asked without knowing why.

"You know it well." Song Weiyang became even more helpless.

She thought that she had touched the truth, but that kind of truth was too hurtful to speak out.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen might go crazy!
"Big beauty, why do you speak so inscrutablely that I can't understand a single word?" Jiang Chen said in bewilderment.

"It's not that you don't understand, it's just that you don't want to admit it, you can't accept it." Song Weiyang murmured.

"So, what are you doubting?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"It should be certain." Song Weiyang said.

Immediately, Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, even if he was an idiot, he could hear it, Song Weiyang's words were expressing that he couldn't do it.

"It's useless to talk about it, you have to try it yourself." Jiang Chen said in an inducing tone.

Song Weiyang looked at Jiang Chen, she had a half-smile, and said, "Are you sure?"

"Just take it as if I'm bringing shame on myself." Jiang Chen looked indifferent.

Now that Jiang Chen has made a request, even if such a request is extremely weird and even unreasonable, Song Weiyang feels that if he doesn't try it, not only Jiang Chen will be unwilling, but she will also be very unwilling. .

So, Song Weiyang tried it, and then she regretted it...

(End of this chapter)

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