genius evil

Chapter 1490 I Have No Guilt

Chapter 1490 I Have No Guilt

Song Weiyang not only regretted it, but also knew that she had been fooled.

She was all on guard, but in the end, she fell into the trap carefully arranged by Jiang Chen. Not to mention losing the initiative, she became active just as Jiang Chen expected.

Of course, Song Weiyang didn't take the initiative for too long, Jiang Chen just took over and became the one who took the initiative...

Time passes, good days are short.

"Master went to look for Jiang Chen, why hasn't he come back yet?"

The fourth daughter of Zhichun chirped.

Since Song Weiyang went to look for Jiang Chen in the daytime yesterday, one night has passed, Song Weiyang has not returned for a long time, the four of them feel very strange, they don't understand why Song Weiyang will delay for such a long time.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is healing the master?" Zhixia said thoughtfully.

He believed that it would take such a long time only if Jiang Chen was healing Song Weiyang.

"Jiang Chen, isn't he a liar?" Zhiqiu said carelessly.

"You say Jiang Chen is a liar, do you mean to say that the master was cheated by him?" Zhidong said with a sidelong glance at Zhiqiu.

"It's not impossible." Zhiqiu said with a mutter.

But even though Song Weiyang was not here, Zhiqiu was cautious when he said such a sentence, as if he was afraid that if he was not careful, it would be passed into Song Weiyang's ears, causing Song Weiyang to be angry.


However, following Zhiqiu's words, Zhichun and Zhixia got up one after another and greeted them.

"It's over!"

Hearing the sound, Zhiqiu complained incessantly, she was worried that Song Weiyang would hear her, so she just muttered softly, but she came here for whatever she was afraid of, Song Weiyang, who disappeared for a night, came back.


Following the sound, Zhiqiu raised her head to look over, and then she was completely stunned.

It wasn't just Zhiqiu who was stunned, but the three daughters of Zhichun looked at Song Weiyang with astonishment, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Song Weiyang looked a little haggard, her face was slightly pale, but that kind of whiteness was not pure, but a kind of rosy white.

However, this is not what the four girls focus on. What really attracts the four girls' attention is that Song Weiyang's full head of white hair has disappeared, replaced by black hair like a waterfall.

The four girls all knew that the reason why Song Weiyang's hair turned white was precisely because of the sequelae of practicing the flower planting formula.

This kind of sequelae is almost irreversible, Song Weiyang used countless methods, but none of them worked.

But now, Song Weiyang's hair has returned to its original state, there is only one possibility, that is, the sequelae of cultivating the flower planting formula have been cured.

"Jiang Chen healed the master?" Zhiqiu said awkwardly.

She had previously thought that Jiang Chen was a liar, who would have expected that Song Weiyang would be cured by Jiang Chen, then Jiang Chen could not be a liar.

It's just that I don't know why, I feel a little weird, Zhiqiu always feels that Song Weiyang looks a little strange, not the same as usual.

It seems that something happened to Song Weiyang, it was not just as simple as being cured of the sequelae.

"Congratulations master!"

Zhichun said softly, laughing at Yanyan, very happy.

"Congratulations master!"

Zhixia and Zhidong said afterward.

"Congratulations master!"

After realizing it, Zhiqiu did the same, and hurriedly said.

Song Weiyang didn't speak, she glanced at Zhiqiu seemingly casually, and then entered the room.

Just a mere glance, Zhiqiu felt a creepy feeling, and his face turned pale.

"I don't have a guilty conscience... I don't have a guilty conscience..."

Zhiqiu mumbled, but she didn't know whether she was suggesting herself or hypnotizing herself.

"But why, I feel, the guilty one is the master?"

After being stunned, Zhiqiu murmured.

She came to her senses at this time, the glance Song Weiyang glanced at her was clearly a manifestation of guilty conscience.

Song Weiyang did have a guilty conscience, overnight, the changes in her body can be described as earth-shaking, and the relationship with Jiang Chen is also earth-shaking.

Song Weiyang knew very well that in the eyes of Zhiqiu's four daughters, her own changes must be more or less obvious.

Although Song Weiyang would not personally admit the relationship between herself and Jiang Chen, she was always a little bit ashamed and embarrassed.

"Jiang Chen, you bloody liar!"

Inside the room, Song Weiyang cursed viciously.

"Who is scolding me?"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen sneezed, rubbed his nose, and muttered.

In the slightly airtight room, there was still the fragrance of Song Weiyang's body, which foreshadowed what happened here last night.

"As the old saying goes, women up and down are tigers... What the ancients said always makes sense." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

Song Weiyang looks extremely conservative and restrained, but she also has a crazy side.

In particular, the accumulation of desire over the years has reached a rather terrifying level, like a balloon that is constantly inflated, on the verge of exploding.

In this way, when that kind of desire has an outlet, it will naturally be like a flood, out of control.

After Song Weiyang took the initiative, Jiang Chen had the intention to guide, but after a little guidance, Song Weiyang learned by himself without a teacher, and then, most of the time, he took the initiative.

Thinking of the scene like last night, Jiang Chen was more or less dumbfounded, he simply didn't know whether he took advantage of Song Weiyang, or Song Weiyang took advantage of him.

After a while, when Jiang Chen walked out, Gao Shou was already waiting outside. Seeing Jiang Chen walking out, Gao Shou immediately handed over an invitation letter.

After receiving the invitation letter, Jiang Chen casually glanced at it and asked, "What do you say?"

On this invitation letter, there is an inscription, which shows a name.


Jiang Chen couldn't be more unfamiliar with this name, so he asked this question.

"In this domain battlefield, this person is truly invincible." Gao Shou explained.

Jiang Chen was very unfamiliar with Yu Hang, but this invitation letter was extremely meaningful.

Gao Shou explained again, saying, this is a reshuffle!

In the domain battlefield, there has never been peace, and there are many battles, but if there are battles, there will naturally be defenders of that order.

It can be said that this Yuhang is the person who maintains the order of one party.

The so-called shuffling is nothing more than drawing a group, suppressing a group, killing a group, and cultivating a group...

"After all, it has touched this level of existence." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

He occupies the mountain as the king in Yunxiao Mountain, and what he does is to expand his influence, and then use this to get in touch with different circles, fully integrate himself into this environment, and grab resources and opportunities.

"I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome." Gao Shou said worriedly.

In the past few days, Jiang Chen's commotion was not insignificant. In Gao Shou's opinion, it is very likely that Yuhang sent out an invitation letter during this period of time.

There is a high probability that Jiang Chen will become the target that Yu Hang wants to suppress.

Because Jiang Chen was in the limelight, if Jiang Chen was the one to do the surgery, it would undoubtedly be the best choice.

"There will be no trouble." Jiang Chen said lazily.

If there is trouble, then yes, Yu Hang is in trouble.

Crazy last night, but it was not just as simple as curing Song Weiyang's sequelae, Jiang Chen used this to go a step further, and now it is already the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

He broke through the two barriers in one fell swoop, directly from the Nascent Soul mid-stage Dzogchen to the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and he was only one step away from the cultivation of the gods.

With such a cultivation level, if he used the innate good fortune technique, Jiang Chen could fight even that Void Returning cultivator.

Yu Hang wanted to shuffle the cards, and he was likely to become the target of being suppressed by Yu Hang, so Jiang Chen also wanted to see who was suppressing whom.

"Two days later!" Jiang Chen said.

The date of the invitation letter is two days later, so, at that time, it will naturally be known.

Jiang Chen signaled Gao Shou to leave, and then went to Song Weiyang's residence.

It can be said that the two achieved each other, his cultivation was able to break through, but Song Weiyang also made a breakthrough, it was not just as simple as curing the sequelae.

"Jiang Chen!"

When Jiang Chen appeared, the gazes of the four Zhichun girls all fell on Jiang Chen.

It was as if they were seeing Jiang Chen for the first time, each of them had a deep look of inquiry in their eyes.

This is because Jiang Chen actually cured Song Weiyang's sequelae, and turned the big words he said before into reality, which is very surprising.

"It must be my mistake to be so handsome." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, tell me, did you really cure Master?" Zhiqiu asked.

This question has always troubled her, and she said the wrong thing, which made her feel very uneasy until now, so, impatiently, she asked such a question.

"I, Jiang Chen, have great medical skills. No matter what the problem is, I can easily catch it." Jiang Chen boasted to himself solemnly.

Zhiqiu was speechless, thinking that Jiang Chen was too shameless, as thick-skinned as a city wall, even if Song Weiyang's sequelae were cured, but such big words could be said casually.

The three girls of Zhichun also asked questions, and under their watchful eyes, Jiang Chen walked into the room and appeared in front of Song Weiyang.

"What are you doing here?" Frowning, Song Weiyang asked.

Just now when Jiang Chen came, Song Weiyang knew about it, but the time they separated was still very short, Jiang Chen actually came to the door, making Song Weiyang puzzled, not understanding what Jiang Chen was going to do.

Squinting his eyes and chuckling lightly, Jiang Chen said, "Big beauty, if I say I miss you, you won't believe me, but I really miss you."

Rolling her eyes, Song Weiyang blushed, she really didn't believe it, to be exact, she retained a certain degree of doubt in every sentence of Jiang Chen's words.

"Okay, then I'll tell the truth." Jiang Chen looked helpless, and immediately said, "Yuhang sent me an invitation letter, are you interested and come with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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