genius evil

Chapter 1491 Black Wind Shuangsha

Chapter 1491 Black Wind Shuangsha
Looking at the entire domain battlefield, existences like Yu Hang are just a handful of people.

They claim to be the guardians of order, but in fact, from another aspect, they control one side, life and death, and control with one hand, no one can disobey.

The so-called guarding order, seriously, isn't it the maker of that order?

Jiang Chen was well aware of this issue.

Compared to Jiang Chen, Song Weiyang stayed in the domain battlefield for a longer time, and he was more aware of the forces of all parties.

Therefore, Song Weiyang is also clear about this point.

This invitation letter from Yuhang, even if it is just a simple invitation, is impossible to be so naive as to think that it contains good intentions, and it must have the intention to suppress Jiang Chen.

"You want me to go with you?" Song Weiyang asked.

It was precisely because he knew the malice contained in this invitation letter that Jiang Chen sent out the invitation, which made Song Weiyang even more confused.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded, and then said in a serious manner, "You and I joined forces to kill all directions and be invincible. We just formed a combination. I even thought about the name of the combination. It's called the Black Wind Shuang Sha, what do you think?"

"The two evil spirits of the black wind?"

Hearing the sound, she couldn't restrain herself, the corners of her mouth twitched, Song Weiyang couldn't hold back, and gave Jiang Chen a hard look.

What kind of name is that?
"Not satisfied? It doesn't matter, there are better ones, how about calling him the Legend of Condor Heroes?" Jiang Chen said again, fully considering Song Weiyang's feelings.

While talking, Jiang Chen thought of the mountain sculpture that was with the big tortoise. If that guy was brought over, the Condor Heroes would be worthy of the name.

Song Weiyang was speechless, she couldn't understand, what kind of meaning does such a name represent, it seems that Jiang Chen is full of interest, could it be that there is a deep meaning?

However, I can't figure it out, and it is destined to be difficult to understand what such a deep meaning is.

"No, it's better to call it Black Wind Shuangsha." However, Jiang Chen quickly shook his head.

Because, it suddenly occurred to me that the Condor Heroes was a tragedy, and it was more powerful because of the black wind and two evil spirits.

Song Weiyang remained silent, letting Jiang Chen sing a one-man show.

It was extremely clear that if she agreed, Jiang Chen would definitely climb up the pole. Jiang Chen is such a person, there is no doubt about it.

Having suffered and been cheated in front of Jiang Chen, Song Weiyang knew that silence is the best response.

"Why don't you call me the God of Turtle Heroes? Big beauty, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said enthusiastically.

Song Weiyang couldn't listen anymore, she didn't think that this title had any beauty at all, it was much worse than Black Wind Shuangsha.

"Sure enough, the Black Wind Shuangsha is the best." Jiang Chen said with a smile, this is what he wanted.

After all, Song Weiyang has been given several choices, giving full play to the democratic style, lest Song Weiyang feel that he is too domineering and firmly deny his proposal.

After making a choice, make a choice. In this way, both parties agree together. Jiang Chen thinks that Song Weiyang should have nothing to say.

"Yuhang is not a kind person."

Finally, after Jiang Chen finished speaking, Song Weiyang said with a hint of reminder.

"It just so happens that neither am I." Squinting his eyes, Jiang Chen chuckled.

Two days later, Jiang Chen and Song Weiyang set off for the meeting.

It is no exaggeration to say that this trip was a trip to the Dragon Lake and the Tiger Cave, Song Weiyang was at a loss as to why he was persuaded by Jiang Chen.

There, as far as the eye can see, there are magnificent buildings, picturesque and poetic, just like the imperial palace. This place is Yuhang's residence.

From Gao Shou, Jiang Chen knew early in the morning that Yu Hang was a very popular person, but what he saw with his own eyes at this time was still unexpected.

This can be said to be king by occupying land, but it is not difficult to see how ambitious Yu Hang is.

"If you haven't touched the Dao, how can you be king?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

It seems that Yu Hang is crazy, but in fact, such a situation, in Jiang Chen's view, is a big joke.

He has dealt with the royal family of the Tianfeng Empire, and he knows very clearly what such a background means. In the empire, the emperor of the royal family claims to be the strongest in proving the Dao, and how can it be compared with mere Yuhang?
It's just the warriors in the Void Return Realm. If they were not in the domain battlefield, but in the outside world, they would have been slapped to death long ago.

Of course, Jiang Chen knew that the domain battlefield is known as a place of disorder, the strong are respected, and warriors who have returned to the void are indeed qualified to dominate one side. Therefore, Yuhang's move is not incomprehensible, but It's a bit disgusting that life is too long.

Immediately after handing out the invitation letter, Jiang Chen and Song Weiyang were brought inside.

In the living room, someone had already arrived. When Jiang Chen and Song Weiyang entered, dozens of eyes fell on Jiang Chen.


Someone noticed Song Weiyang, stared and looked again and again, his face was puzzled, extremely weird, vaguely felt familiar, but for a while, it was hard to remember where he had seen him before.

"Grandma Baihua?"

Someone said with extra surprise, after all, she recognized Song Weiyang's identity, but she was even more surprised.

Before Song Weiyang, she had white hair like snow, which was very conspicuous, it was Song Weiyang's symbol, it was extremely unique, and it could be recognized at a glance in the crowd.

Now, white hair turning black is another feeling.

"It's actually Grandma Baihua?"

All the people present all focused their attention on Song Weiyang, they were puzzled and curious, they didn't understand what happened.

What has changed is not only the bloody white hair, but also Song Weiyang's essence, blood, energy and spirit. territory.

Song Weiyang didn't pay any attention to these scrutiny and exploration, her heart was calm, and she and Jiang Chen found a place at random, and sat down.

"Hi everyone, are you waiting for me? I'm too embarrassed." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and greeted everyone generously.

There are more than a dozen people here, but according to the division of forces, they are divided into five forces in total. Under Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness, he has a clear understanding of this situation.

Come to think of it, the invitation letters sent by Yuhang were not just sent to him, but a total of six copies were sent out. These five forces, like him, received the invitation letter and came as promised.

"Are you that Jiang Chen?" someone asked.

"It's me." Jiang Chen said.

"During this period of time, you have been rampant in the domain battlefield. I thought that you are such a powerful person, but what I see now is nothing more than mere." The man said.

"Rumours are always untrue and exaggerated. Often out of ten sentences, if one is true, it is quite good." Another person said with a smile, not without the intention of ridicule.

"It's just rumors, why bother?" someone said.

Unanimously, they chose to belittle Jiang Chen, and there seemed to be a certain degree of hostility towards Jiang Chen in their words and deeds.

They had never met each other before, let alone dealt with each other. Such hostility seemed strange, but Jiang Chen knew that it was inevitable.

Compared with these forces, he is a latecomer, rising rapidly and becoming famous.

But the cake is only that big. If he is a newcomer and wants to share the cake, it means that the interests of these people have been touched.

As people with vested interests, touching their interests is far more difficult for them to accept than touching their souls.

If Jiang Chen wanted to share the cake, he would have to share more of that piece of cake. At the same time, the benefit they could get each was to get less.

In this way, how could Jiang Chen be tolerated?

Not to mention just a few innocuous ridicules, Jiang Chen would not be surprised at all even if he directly rips his face and fights.

"The rumors are indeed not true. Everyone must not believe them. Whoever believes them is an idiot." Jiang Chen said with a smile, as if he was not angry at all.

His reaction was unexpected, everyone couldn't help but took a deep look at him, not knowing whether Jiang Chen was pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

But if he was pretending to be stupid, there was no trace and it was natural. So, does this mean that Jiang Chen is not pretending to be stupid, but really stupid?

"I, Jiang Chen, are more than a hundred times stronger than the rumors. This is the truth, the fact. You must not be deceived by the rumors and think that I am the one who is easy to deceive. Otherwise, the end will be worrisome and the consequences will be unpredictable." Jiang Chen said confidently, with an air of consideration for everyone.

"Is this a threat?" Someone asked displeased.

Even if Jiang Chen's words were not threats, they were indistinguishable from threats.

"Just tell the truth, why are you angry? Speaking of which, I think it's better for you to bully... But take a closer look, do I plan to bully you?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

The corners of Song Weiyang's mouth twitched again. She knew how powerful Jiang Chen's mouth was. Even a dead person could be said to come back to life. How could these people be opponents?
Of course, what was more important was that Jiang Chen's character, which never suffers, just got ridiculed a few words, and immediately became intolerable, and fought back mercilessly.

"This guy……"

Song Weiyang had a headache for a while, all doubting whether her decision to come with Jiang Chen was really wrong.

Even though Song Weiyang wavered countless times on the way here, she never thought that this decision was wrong.

"It's not my style to bully others, so you all must be honest and don't give me a chance to bully you." Jiang Chen said kindly.

When such words came out of Jiang Chen's mouth, one of these people counted as one, and their mouths were all crooked by anger.


One person stood up against the table, and he glared at each other, looking at Jiang Chen, deep in his eyes, flames jumped, and murderous aura surged!
"Jiang Chen, do you want to die?" The man said angrily, the way he looked at Jiang Chen was astonishingly the same as looking at a dead person, no difference at all.

To be precise, at this moment, Jiang Chen is already a dead person in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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