genius evil

Chapter 1492 Are You Scared?

Chapter 1492 Are You Scared?

Immediately, Jiang Chen was involved in the vortex of the storm!
Seeing such a scene, Song Weiyang was speechless.

Because, to a large extent, Jiang Chen was not passively involved, but a result of Jiang Chen's active choice.

It can only be said that Jiang Chen is too capable of causing trouble. No matter where he goes, trouble will appear there, and there will never be exceptions.

And this may be considered a talent.

It's just that such a talent is usually left speechless!
"You made a mistake. It's not that I want to die, but that what you're doing now is very suspicious of seeking death...Of course, if you are sure that you want to die, then I will definitely help you." Jiang Chen Said calmly.


That person made a move, and he really couldn't stand Jiang Chen's tone of voice. Even if he was provocative first and planned to anger Jiang Chen, he couldn't control it after all, and became himself irritated.

This person's attack has the momentum of thunder, his cultivation is not ordinary, and his combat power is extraordinary.

He sacrificed a magic weapon and suppressed it forcefully, as if it was unintentional, but also as if he had prepared it long ago.

Jiang Chen didn't care at all, whether it was intentional or unintentional, in front of the real power, there was no difference at all.

And it just so happens that he is the truly powerful existence.

Therefore, when this person came to suppress him, Jiang Chen was unceremonious and suppressed it instead.

Jiang Chen made a breakthrough in cultivation, advanced to the Great Perfection in the late Nascent Soul, and broke through two small realms one after another. With this, he restored the Pure Yang Cauldron to a perfect state in one fell swoop.

Jiang Chen sacrificed the Pure Yang Cauldron, and the domain was released. Within that domain, Jiang Chen was like an invincible existence.

This person has been suppressed, and there are no bones left from the beating. Jiang Chen has no intention of being merciful at all.

Similarly, this is also killing chickens and monkeys!
The battle happened quickly, and it ended even faster. Looking at the pool of blood on the ground, the expressions of the rest of the people in the living room changed drastically, and their faces were terrified.

It was too fast, not only the battle ended too fast, but Jiang Chen's killing speed was too fast.

Directly suppressed, then crushed, from beginning to end, that person didn't even have room to resist.

But you have to know, that is the martial artist in the late stage of Huafan, so tragic and terrifying, how powerful Jiang Chen is.

"I promise to fulfill you, and I will definitely fulfill you. See if I, Jiang Chen, mean what I say!" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He is very calm, quite leisurely.

"Wait, but is there anyone else who wants to die?" Following that, Jiang Chen said again.

This was a blatant provocation, and he didn't mind causing public outrage at all, because Jiang Chen knew that he was a thorn in the side of these people.

On the surface, Yuhang sent a total of six invitation letters, but apart from him, these five forces must be related to Yuhang, otherwise, their cooperation would not be so tacit .

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Chen doesn't care about it.

The reason why he came here for the appointment was to make a big fuss, which just saved the process of letting him create conflicts, and directly detonated the conflicts.

Everyone was silent, their eyes flickered, showing deep fear.

The person who died in Jiang Chen's hands was definitely not a weak person. If they didn't bow their heads to show weakness, the fate of that person would be a lesson for others.

"It's too boring. Is Yuhang just so tricky? It's not enough to watch." Jiang Chen said, looking like a lonely master.

Everyone was sympathetic, and it could be heard that Jiang Chen didn't even pay attention to Yu Hang.

That's the very few Xeons that exist in the field battlefield, Jiang Chen actually said that, what a big tone.

"Brother Jiang speaks quickly, but he is very open!"

Almost as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a voice came out of nowhere.

The moment the sound came, a figure floated over and entered the living room.

"You are Yu Hang?" Jiang Chen casually glanced at him and said casually.

This person looks unremarkable, but there is an indescribably sharp aura on him, which is clearly the sign of a Void Warrior.

Even within the realm battlefield, Void Returning Warriors are as rare as that, enough to sit on one side and make rules.

"It's my humble servant." Yu Hang said, but he was quite humble.

While talking, Yu Hang looked Jiang Chen in the eyes, said with a light smile, "Brother Jiang's name is like a thunderbolt to my ear, and it really is that being famous is not as good as seeing him once. Brother Jiang's demeanor is far better than I imagined."

"Too polite, I would be embarrassed if you praised me so much." Jiang Chen said with a smile, but anyone can see that Jiang Chen is very useful, absolutely not the slightest bit. Excuse me.

"However, don't stop praising me just because I'm embarrassed. The person I admire the most in my life is the one who tells the truth." Jiang Chen said again.

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. They thought that Jiang Chen was really embarrassed. They never thought that Jiang Chen was so weird.

This is not a hint at all, but an explicit indication that Yu Hang should continue to praise him.

What puzzled them even more was Yu Hang's attitude.

Yu Hang is definitely not the kind of person who is easy to get along with, he is domineering and extremely arrogant, but he said such words, as if he admired Jiang Chen very much.

Such a situation is astonishing, but it is completely different from the imagined scene!

You know, even if Yu Hangfu appeared and Thunder killed Jiang Chen, they would definitely not be so puzzled.


Xiumei frowned slightly, Song Weiyang glanced at Yu Hang, she was thoughtful, but also confused and hard to understand.

"Brother Jiang is funny and humorous, he really has a real temperament." Yu Hang praised.

"Then what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and praise." Jiang Chen urged, looking impatient.

Yu Hang's face changed slightly. Jiang Chen's words were very rude, just like if he didn't continue to praise, Jiang Chen would be rude to him.

"Brother Jiang, do you know that I invited you here, what is the so-called?" Yu Hang said casually, changing the subject without any trace.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to continue to praise Jiang Chen. If so, what is the difference between being led by the nose by Jiang Chen?

What's more, that is actually flattering Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's attitude is not obvious, but how is it possible to make him flatter Jiang Chen?
"Did I get it wrong? Didn't you invite me here just to praise me?" Jiang Chen said in bewilderment.

"Brother Jiang, are you interested in cooperating with me?" Yu Hang said, as if he didn't hear what Jiang Chen was saying.


Everyone was full of doubts, but even if they didn't know what aspect Yu Hang was going to cooperate with Jiang Chen, it was like this, which already surprised them.

Does Yu Hang think highly of Jiang Chen so much?

They actually proposed to cooperate, and they took the initiative to mention that they wanted to befriend Jiang Chen's peers. They put down an extremely low attitude, not just attaching importance to Jiang Chen, but thinking that Jiang Chen was an existence of the same level as him. .

Otherwise, it can't be called cooperation at all, but use, or drive!

For example, they cannot have the qualifications to cooperate with Yuhang, and can only be driven to work hard for Yuhang. Yuhang told them to go east, but never dared to go west, and told them to go west, never dared to go east.

Otherwise, Yuhang will be angry, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

"Speak clearly? What is the cooperation?" Jiang Chen became interested, and stopped making jokes. Instead, he wanted to hear what Yu Hang would say about this matter.


Song Weiyang was extremely curious, she focused on Yu Hang, and listened attentively.

"In the domain battlefield, it has always been called a place of disorder, but it is impossible to really have no order. I am the one who establishes the order, but it is impossible to cover everything. Therefore, I hope that with Brother Jiang, you Sincere cooperation." Yu Hang said slowly.

"Make the rules and guard the rules. The two complement each other and are indispensable. Otherwise, no one will abide by the rules. Then, the rules are established. Wouldn't it be a big joke?"

"The strong should be proud of themselves. Don't disobey every word or word. Brother Jiang, if you want to order the Quartet in the future, who would dare not obey?"

Yu Hang spoke neither slowly nor quickly, and told him everything about what he wanted to cooperate with Jiang Chen.


There was the sound of sucking air, one after another.

It was someone who was too terrified and couldn't restrain it, making a sound of gasping for air.

Yu Hang's words seemed to be unclear from a rough hearing, and he hadn't mentioned the main point for a long time, but in fact, the main point was very clear.

That is, within the domain he controls, he is the maker of the rules, and Jiang Chen is the guardian of the rules.

This means that the power in Jiang Chen's hands has been magnified without limit, and he has the qualification to kill anyone.

This was too surprising, who would have expected that Yu Hang would hold Jiang Chen in such high regard.

"It's so good, it's so touching." Jiang Chen said, feeling extremely sad.

Yu Hang's words, no matter from which angle you hear them, are very exciting. They are equal to Yu Hang and will fly to the sky, control one side of the field, and kill them.

"So, Brother Jiang, did you agree?" Yu Hang said with joy on his face. Judging by his reaction, it seemed that he was afraid that Jiang Chen would refuse.

"Of's impossible to agree. After all, I don't look like a fool, do I?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Jiang, what do you mean by that?" Yu Hang asked.

"Before I answer this question of yours, you first answer me a question... Are you afraid?" Jiang Chen asked.


Frowning tightly, Yu Hang smiled wryly.

Jiang Chen's words seemed to have no beginning and no end, but the so-called fear, naturally means that he was afraid of Jiang Chen, but how should he answer this question?

"To be honest, tell everyone, is it difficult for you to be afraid of me?" Jiang Chen teased.

In an instant, Yu Hang's complexion changed suddenly, and his eyebrows were dark, "Jiang Chen, you are too ignorant of good and evil. I, Yu, intend to cultivate you out of my appreciation for you. Don't make mistakes and cut your own way!"

"Sure enough, you are really scared!" Jiang Chen said swearingly, directly taking Yu Hang's threat as a deaf ear!
(End of this chapter)

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