genius evil

Chapter 1493 Surrender to Me

Chapter 1493 Surrender to Me
Jiang Chen was very clear about one thing, that is, if Yu Hang hadn't been afraid of him, then he would have taken action to erase him long ago.

Yuhang didn't act for a long time, and even promised benefits, this kind of menstruation is too abnormal, the so-called abnormal things must have demons, but that's it?
It looks like a candied date, but in fact, it is that arsenic~shuang.

If Jiang Chen was too naive and thought that he was valued by Yu Hang, then sooner or later, he would be tricked to the point where he didn't know how to die.

Because, in that way, he would simply become a professional backer!
Between the makers of the rules and the guardians of the rules, on the surface, they seem to be equally equal, which is amazing, but how could Jiang Chen not know how sinister Yu Hang's intentions are.

It was obvious that he wanted to kill with a blunt knife, and then he was killed by one knife after another.

Speaking of this step, Jiang Chen only verbally teased a few words, but did not turn his face. Speaking of which, he has already given Yuhang a lot of face.

Jiang Chen thought he was trying to save face, but if he heard that, it was impossible for Yu Hang to think that way.

From Yu Hang's point of view, it was an offense, and it was a wanton humiliation. In the final analysis, from the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen didn't take him seriously.

Yu Hang admitted that Jiang Chen's performance surprised him. He has always been cautious and never took risks. This is why he chose to be close to show his favor and mention cooperation.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen was so shrewd.

It can be said that there is no trace of this kind of calculation. If it were other people, I am afraid that they would have been too excited to control themselves.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen saw through it at a glance.

Not to mention other things, just such a mentality is enough to move people, and it is inevitable that Yuhang should take a higher look at it.

"You didn't take the bait and forced me to kill you with my own hands?" Yu Hang said in his heart.

He didn't take risks easily, but this time, he didn't mind at all, making an exception for Jiang Chen, as long as Jiang Chen thought he could bear the consequences.

"Jiang Chen, you are too self-righteous." Shaking his head, Yu Hang said coldly.

"I think you are a genius, and you intend to cultivate it. Maybe in time, you will be my successor. That would be such an honor, but you don't know the good and the bad, and you are bringing your own destruction!" Immediately, Yu Hang said gloomyly.

"Don't get angry at all. I've always been kind and magnanimous. As long as you bow your head to me, I can spare your life today." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Listening to his tone of voice, it seems that as long as he wants to, he can take Yuhang's life at any time.

Or, to understand it from another angle, that is, in Jiang Chen's eyes, Yu Hang is indistinguishable from that dead man.

The tone of such a speech is not insignificant, and the expressions of all the people present have changed greatly, and their thoughts are different.

"This guy……"

Song Weiyang was a headache, thinking that there was no need to completely offend Yu Hang, but Jiang Chen still wanted to offend him without any scruples.

"Is it that confident?" Song Weiyang was distracted for a while, knowing in her heart, if Jiang Chen wasn't extremely conceited, how could he be like this?



After all, everyone couldn't listen anymore, and jumped out one after another, accusing Jiang Chen. It was filled with righteous indignation, as if wishing to do something immediately and kill Jiang Chen.

"Shut up all of them, or they will all be suppressed and killed, leaving no room for survival!" Jiang Chen was unceremonious and unparalleled.

"Yu Hang, give you a little time to consider my suggestion carefully. After all, I, Jiang Chen, have always convinced people with virtue." Jiang Chen said to Yu Hang again.

"You really are forcing me to kill you!" Yu Hang said in a vicious voice.

He thought, is it because of what he did that caused Jiang Chen to have hallucinations, otherwise, how could he say such a thing?

How could it be possible to ask him to bow his head!
It's a fantasy at all, don't you know what it means once Yuhang bows his head?

As the rule maker of this side, how can he bow his head to others!

Such words are too vicious, even more unacceptable than killing people. In terms of Yu Hang's usual pride, just such a sentence constitutes the reason for him to kill Jiang Chen.

"It's clear that you are forcing me to kill you." Jiang Chen sighed softly, with a look of reluctance.

"Maybe you don't believe my words, but I really have always convinced people with virtue." Jiang Chen said again, he was kindly admonishing, warning Yuhang not to take risks, otherwise, it will be very miserable, and there will be no bones left. His fame was ruined because of a wrong decision.

That was too pity, it made him unbearable.

Jiang Chen's words could be said to be harsh. On the surface, it sounded that he was thinking of Yu Hang, but in fact he pressed on every step of the way, leaving no way for Yu Hang to retreat.

Naturally, Yu Hang could hear the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and precisely because he could hear it, his lungs were about to explode.

"Death!" roared angrily, and Yu Hang made a move, attacking and killing.

He wanted Jiang Chen to understand a truth, Xeon's existence cannot be humiliated, and once humiliated, the price cannot be borne!

He was sitting in Yuhang, and Jiang Chen had only gained power for a while, but what qualifications did he have to be arrogant in front of him?

Yu Hang's murderous thoughts were rampant, and he didn't intend to show mercy at all, and sacrificed a powerful magic weapon to pull the world around. However, this was far from enough for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen wasn't careless, even if he had a breakthrough in cultivation, he wouldn't be arrogant enough to think that he could fight against the Void Returning cultivator, so Jiang Chen immediately activated the innate good fortune technique, and his cultivation skyrocketed accordingly.

This kind of skyrocketing rate is undoubtedly astonishing. Jiang Chen's cultivation has directly impacted from the late stage of Nascent Soul to the late stage of Transformation God at a rampant speed.

How miraculous is the method of the cultivator who transforms the spirit, and how can it be beyond Yu Hang's imagination?

In the end, Yu Hang was filled with hatred. Even if he died, it would be difficult for him to understand why Jiang Chen was so powerful and terrifying.

"Why bother, I've given you a chance, do you have to force me to kill someone?" Jiang Chen sighed, looking very angry.

However, everyone's hearts trembled, and their hearts were torn apart.

Yu Hang actually died, in Jiang Chen's hands. This battle seemed fierce, but after Jiang Chen's aura soared, there was no suspense.

It was almost a horizontal push, Yu Hang claimed to be invincible and powerful, but in front of Jiang Chen, he was passive everywhere, fell into the disadvantaged, and was crushed to death.

This was too terrifying, unexpected, who would have imagined that Jiang Chen would be so terrified.

"It's going to change!"

A thought emerged from their minds.

Yuhang sits in one side and formulates the rules, but when he dies, the rules he left before will naturally be completely overturned.

Jiang Chen has become the controller of the heart, so Jiang Chen will naturally re-establish the rules.

That is to say, from now on, here, Jiang Chen will honor him and give orders to all directions.

So fast, it can be called miraculous, it is clear that Jiang Chen has not been rising in the domain battlefield for a long time, but he has come to such a step.

Just ask, who else can stop his progress?
Will it continue to be crushed until the entire domain battlefield is trampled under its feet?

In that way, if it's not changing the sky, what is it!
"Starting today, everyone will remember a name, his name is Jiang Chen!"

There were also people who said silently in their hearts.

No matter who they are and what their backgrounds are, they must remember Jiang Chen's name, and remember what meaning this name represents.

Starting today, Jiang Chen entered the domain battlefield, the most powerful sequence will pull the wind and clouds, and the entire domain battlefield will be stirred up.

Song Weiyang remained silent, she looked at Jiang Chen, her mood was difficult to recover for a long time.

Does this guy who seems to be fooling around and doesn't care about anything at all, know what Yu Hang's death today means?
Looking at the domain battlefield, Yu Hang controlled one-tenth of the territory, that is to say, Jiang Chen was on an equal footing with the other nine people at this moment.

And there is no doubt that, compared to the other nine, Jiang Chen has greater potential and is destined to surpass the other nine.

Although, this is only the most superficial division of territory, in the domain battlefield, there is a powerful existence beyond the world, Jiang Chen will not be able to cover the sky with one hand.

But it is enough to show what kind of identity and status Jiang Chen has!

Even though it was clear early in the morning that Jiang Chen was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but in such a short period of time, Jiang Chen reached such a height, which still caught Song Weiyang by surprise.

"That breath?" Song Weiyang thought to herself.

Previously, Jiang Chen's aura soared, it was indescribably powerful, and the feeling of oppression was suffocating.

Suddenly, Song Weiyang realized that in terms of healing herself, on the surface, she was the one who benefited the most, but that was not the case, the one who benefited the most was Jiang Chen.

"This bastard!" Song Weiyang cursed fiercely.

What Jiang Chen calculated was not only her body, but also other aspects... In other words, he calculated her body just by the way. Jiang Chen's real purpose was to use him to break through.

How could this make Song Weiyang not angry, her teeth clenched tightly, her face darkened.

It has to be said that a woman's association ability is so rich, especially a woman in love, whenever there is a disturbance, the associations generated can almost be combined into a novel.

If Jiang Chen knew what Song Weiyang was thinking, he would definitely scream innocent. For a man like him, calculating Song Weiyang's body is the most important thing, and the rest are just incidental.

According to Song Weiyang's understanding, it is basically putting the cart before the horse.

But Jiang Chen didn't know about it, so he could only let Song Weiyang be sullen all by himself.

"Wait, what are your plans?" Facing everyone, Jiang Chen said coldly.

Once the emperor and the courtiers, these people had only obeyed Yuhang's orders before, so from this moment on, this situation will change.

Everyone chose to remain silent. They offended Jiang Chen today, and they were very disturbed and restless.

"Surrender to me, or die!"

Without waiting for them to speak, Jiang Chen said very simply, without giving them any choice, they can only submit, and, can only die!

Of course, if someone is not afraid of death, then Jiang Chen has nothing to say!

(End of this chapter)

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