genius evil

Chapter 1494

Chapter 1494 No morals
Everyone chooses to surrender, without exception.

Some people are afraid of death, their hearts are broken, and they don't hesitate to bear the burden of humiliation, but there are also some people who are willing to follow Jiang Chen.

This is the existence of Xeon, obliterating Yuhang, and rewriting the pattern in the domain battlefield.

And you must know that before Jiang Chen, there were already decades of history, and no one had shaken that kind of pattern. This undoubtedly meant that Jiang Chen's unintentional actions changed history.

In this way, following Jiang Chen is nothing.

After all, once this matter gets out, one thing that can be guaranteed is that those who follow will be like crucian carp crossing the river, and they are just the first batch of followers.

"Very good." Jiang Chen said with a smile, still very satisfied with everyone's reactions.

Although some people are reluctant and have a mournful face, on the whole, they are quite aware of current affairs.

Jiang Chen's way of dealing with problems has always been simple and rude, and this matter is considered to be settled.

As for surrendering willingly or unwillingly, Jiang Chen didn't care at all. What he needed was just an attitude. This was to avoid wasting his time.

After all, Jiang Chen would not spend his time on these trifles.


"Next, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Chen and Song Weiyang left, and on the way back to Yunxiao Mountain, Song Weiyang said curiously.

"I have no plans for now." Jiang Chen said casually.

These words are not perfunctory, but Jiang Chen really has no specific plans, from entering the domain battlefield, rampaging all the way, to this step, the next step is the time to shear the sheep.

Of course, this statement is too straightforward.

To put it in a more euphemistic way, that is, after a lot of foreshadowing in the early stage, it's time to collect the fruits of victory.

However, even so, Jiang Chen didn't think about where to cut the scissors.

That being the case, Jiang Chen was too lazy to think about it, and simply waited for the big fat sheep to come to his door.

As far as Jiang Chen is concerned, what he needs is actually very simple, that is, to grab more opportunities and make further breakthroughs, at least to break through the realm of transforming gods.

Otherwise, once he leaves this domain battlefield, his own safety is still not guaranteed. Jiang Chen will not be so arrogant as to think that his current strength is enough to contend with such an existence.

"No plan?"

Hearing the sound, Song Weiyang was stunned.

She also thought that Jiang Chen had a thorough calculation. This was because, since coming into contact with Jiang Chen, no matter what Jiang Chen did, it had an extremely direct purpose.

Jiang Chen said such words, which inevitably made Song Weiyang feel stunned.

"In the domain battlefield, ten forces occupy ten directions, and Yuhang is one of them... In terms of Yuhang's strength, among these ten forces, it ranks among the top five..."

After a little hesitation, Song Weiyang said softly.

Jiang Chen has not been in the domain battlefield for a long time, and he is not clear about the division of forces within the domain battlefield, and he is born to be a bold and bold master. This point, for a long time, has puzzled Song Weiyang. I don't know where Jiang Chen's confidence comes from.

"Yuhang dies, his territory changes hands, and the other nine major forces will inevitably be alarmed." Soon after, Song Weiyang said again.

"This is very good, I think, they should give me a big gift." Jiang Chen said with a smile, looking forward to it.

"According to common sense, it is indeed the case." Jiang Chen could tell that he was teasing, but Song Weiyang still nodded solemnly.

"Giving a big gift is the next best thing, this is a temptation." Immediately afterwards, Song Weiyang said again.

"Don't worry about so much, as long as the gifts they send are big enough, I can forgive them for being presumptuous in front of me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Short-handed, soft-mouthed.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, once he took other people's things, he had to be more generous, otherwise, wouldn't he appear very unstructured and imposing?


What Song Weiyang said was not wrong, Yu Hang died, and the huge domain battlefield was alarmed.

That was the overlord of one side, he could be called a hero, and Jiang Chen's name spread throughout the entire battlefield.

Just two days later, someone teamed up and climbed up Yunxiao Mountain, called on their names, and begged to see Jiang Chen.

"Big beauty, the gift giver is here." Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face, as if he couldn't wait.

Song Weiyang was very speechless, she didn't understand why Jiang Chen was so happy, this was a temptation, the gift was just a cover.

Soon, Jiang Chen led Song Weiyang and saw the person coming.

A total of three people went up the mountain hand in hand, representing three different forces.

The ten major forces, guarding the ten directions, are not to say that fire and water are incompatible with each other, but they are destined not to be considered harmonious. Therefore, the appearance of these three people is quite meaningful.

"As for the gift, don't hurry to hand it over." Jiang Chen said, and that was the first sentence.

Those three people had weird faces, but they were still quick. They each gave a big gift and said some polite words. Jiang Chen went in from one ear to the other, and accepted the three gifts without being polite.

"It's too stingy, it's so shabby... Could it be because the time is too short and the preparations are not well prepared... It must be like this. I will give you time to prepare another one." Jiang Chen put on a straight face, very worried Said displeased.

The three of them looked at each other, each looked at Jiang Chen with deep meaning, a bit like looking at an idiot, but also a bit, incomprehensible.

"It's true that the time is too short and too hasty. My master said, please forgive me." One person said.

"Since it is a gift, it must be sincere. Otherwise, it is better not to give it. Anyway, I will definitely not forgive it." Jiang Chen said.

The man was astonished, and smiled wryly in a low voice.

The other two were also puzzled by Jiang Chen's attitude.

They came for temptation, but found nothing, and left in despair.

"Too stingy, do you still have integrity?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Song Weiyang raised his hand to caress his forehead, Jiang Chen openly expressed dissatisfaction, and even asked for it openly, it seemed that it was only out of dissatisfaction with the gift, but from the perspective of others, what would he think?
However, it was unknown who among the three of them spread the news about Yunxiao Mountain. For a while, everyone in the domain battlefield was in an uproar.

Of course, for Jiang Chen, it was not all without benefits. At least, the next few big gifts turned into real big gifts, which made Jiang Chen very satisfied.

"Just accept it without saying anything?" A voice sounded.

This person's name is Cai Hetian, and he is one of the guardians of the ten major forces in the domain battlefield. Hearing the report, Cai Hetian said thoughtfully.

"Master, that's true. Jiang Chen is really weird." The person who sent the message said awkwardly.

"It's nothing more than that greedy and lustful person." Cai Hetian sneered.

He has seen countless people, all kinds of people, and he has dealt with them before.

Some people, once you think about it, will become elusive, but in fact, it is very simple, as simple as it looks on the surface.

Cai Hetian believed that Jiang Chen was exactly like this.

There is no need to pay attention to why Jiang Chen is like this. This is nothing more than greed for money, so why bother to delve into it?
"Jiang Chen, since you are so greedy for money, then I will give you another big gift." Cai Hetian said coldly.

The top ten forces occupy ten directions, which means that a piece of cake will inevitably be divided into ten parts. In this way, the benefits that everyone can get will be greatly reduced.

In such a phenomenon, everyone is deeply dissatisfied in private, but each checks and balances, but it is impossible for anyone to act as the early bird and try to break the balance.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will become a public enemy and become the target of public criticism.

But Jiang Chen was the target of everyone's criticism, he had no scruples and was extremely arrogant.

Wouldn't it be a pity if such an existence was not utilized?
Cai Hetian was moved, and then he set off to Yunxiao Mountain to meet Jiang Chen.

"Brother rookie, are you saying that there is an ancient tomb in this domain battlefield, and no one has ever entered it so far?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Exactly." Cai Hetian nodded.

Jiang Chen called him brother rookie, Cai Hetian didn't care about Jiang Chen.

"Then, is it possible that you mean that you and I will join hands to explore?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Brother Jiang, the reason why I came to Yunxiao Mountain is precisely because of this plan." Cai Hetian nodded again.

After meeting with Jiang Chen, Cai Hetian explained his intention of coming very directly, and wanted to join forces with Jiang Chen. As for whether Jiang Chen would agree, Cai Hetian was not worried at all.

In his description, that ancient tomb contained endless wealth, and it even had inheritance of Taoism. Cai Hetian believed that Jiang Chen would definitely agree.

"Then, why did you choose me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang, to be honest, compared to other people, your identity background and the relationship between the parties are the simplest." Cai Hetian said quite sincerely.

"So, I look easier to deceive, is that what you mean?" The smile on Jiang Chen's face became even stronger.

"This statement is wrong." Cai Hetian shook his head, and he said, "What I said is that Brother Jiang, you are difficult to be influenced by all forces."

Cai Hetian said so, but for what Cai Hetian said, even if it was a punctuation mark, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to believe it.

"An ancient tomb, is there a way to inherit Taoism?" Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

Cai Hetian was talking about the hype, as if he would suffer a big loss if he didn't agree to join forces. Judging from Cai Hetian's performance, he was either an idiot himself, or he regarded him as an idiot and thought he could be fooled at will.

"Since rookie brother, you are so sincere, how can I have the nerve to refuse." Jiang Chen said.

Grinning, Cai Hetian smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Jiang, I have a hunch that the cooperation between you and me must be extremely pleasant... Just enter the ancient tomb, and say it bluntly, Brother Jiang, you will dominate the battlefield of the domain, just around the corner!"

(End of this chapter)

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