genius evil

Chapter 1495

Chapter 1495
"Dominate the domain battlefield? I don't have that kind of ambition, as long as you don't cheat me, brother rookie." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Cai Hetian's arrival, to a certain extent, is no different from the day when the pie was dropped and accurately hit Jiang Chen's head.

This is to give benefits, but Jiang Chen is naturally not so naive as to think that this is really as simple as a benefit, and there must be countless big pits waiting behind it.

If you accidentally jump into that big pit, you will never be able to climb out again!

However, even if Jiang Chen knew it was a big hole, it was still impossible, so he just gave up. This is why Jiang Chen was willing to cooperate with Cai Hetian in acting.

Jiang Chen has always been good at things like acting. As for whether Cai Hetian is good at it, that's not Jiang Chen's concern.

The only thing Jiang Chen cares about is how far Cai Hetian can act in such a play. If he gives up halfway, he will be very disappointed.

"Brother Jiang, you are worrying too much." Cai Hetian shook his head, extremely serious.

He said, "Since you choose to cooperate with Brother Jiang, you will naturally do your best and dare not hide your secrets! If Brother Jiang has any concerns, don't mention it."

"Don't, I already mentioned it." Jiang Chen waved his hand, interrupting Cai Hetian's words.

Thus, Jiang Chen has a new judgment, that is, this guy's acting skills are quite good, but there is no need to worry, he will give up halfway.

Hearing the sound, Cai Hetian smiled very intensely, and he then had a secret conversation with Jiang Chen, further informing about the situation of that ancient tomb.

According to Cai Hetian, the ancient tomb has existed for a long time, but even though it is in the domain battlefield and almost everyone knows it, no one has ever entered it so far.

Because, no one has ever discovered the real location of the ancient tomb, and every search has ended without a problem.

Then, Cai Hetian told again that he had recently obtained some clues by chance, which might be able to unravel the true face of the ancient tomb.

This is really the initiative to give benefits, and it is the kind of incomparable hospitality and initiative. Jiang Chen listened, talked and laughed at Yan Yan, and had a good chat with Cai Hetian.

Finally, the two agreed to meet in three days.

When Cai Hetian left, Jiang Chen took the initiative to send Cai Hetian to the foot of Yunxiao Mountain. The two hooked up shoulder to shoulder, and they seemed to be familiar with each other.

"Innocent guy!"

A cruel sneer appeared on Cai Hetian's face.

He didn't despise Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's performance, it can only be said, was nothing new and did not exceed his expectations.

Taking the initiative to offer benefits, Cai Hetian didn't think that Jiang Chen had such qualifications. If he didn't cheat Jiang Chen, who should he cheat?


As everyone knows, Jiang Chen also said this in his heart.

Cai Hetian thought he was teasing him, but he didn't know that he was thinking the same way.

The two have their own ulterior motives, but on the surface, they seem to be friendly. They both want to trick each other, but we have to see, in the end, who is more skilled.

"Which ancient tomb really exists?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

In front of his line of sight, a figure in white floated over, it was Song Weiyang.

After the relationship between the two has gone further and made a substantial breakthrough, Jiang Chen has been trying to strike while the iron is hot in the past few days to make the relationship between the two more harmonious.

However, Song Weiyang never cooperated, so that every time Jiang Chen saw Song Weiyang, his heart would itch.

"What Cai Hetian said is basically true." Song Weiyang said.

Sensing Jiang Chen's fiery eyes looking at her, Song Weiyang subconsciously avoided, not looking at Jiang Chen, for fear that Jiang Chen would make an aggressive move, which would make her panic.

"But that ancient tomb, although no one has found it, has never been found in that direction, and it has always been paid attention to by countless forces, but if there is a slight disturbance, it cannot escape their eyes." Song Weiyang said again.

"Shoot the bird that stands out, I understand the truth." Jiang Chen said.

Cai Hetian revealed some information, but also intentionally omitted some.

It seems that what Cai Hetian revealed is more important, but what he intentionally left out is the most deadly.

This is why Cai Hetian knew that Jiang Chen had not been here for a long time on the domain battlefield, and the information between the two sides was asymmetrical. If Jiang Chen was careless, then he would be Cai Hetian's target to attract hatred.

"So, Cai Hetian said that he got a clue, it is very likely to be true?" Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"It should be so." Song Weiyang said after pondering for a while.

If Cai Hetian hadn't obtained some clues about the ancient tomb, it was very likely that he would be able to find the ancient tomb, then Cai Hetian had absolutely no reason to appear in front of Jiang Chen.

Cai Hetian's move was to use Jiang Chen to attract the attention of all parties.

It just so happened that Jiang Chen was originally in the limelight and attracted the attention of all parties, so it was the best choice to use Jiang Chen to attract the attention of all parties.

"It is indeed a good opportunity." Jiang Chen just smiled.

He took the initiative to wait for someone to come to the door. As he wished, Cai Hetian came to the door. Eliminating Cai Hetian's sinister intentions, this is indeed a very good opportunity.

Jiang Chen was very satisfied, he smiled happily.

"This matter should be treated with caution." Song Weiyang reminded, solemnly.

"Naturally, I won't let you be a widow, big beauty." Jiang Chen said with a smile, the eyes that looked at Song Weiyang became even hotter.

Heartbeat speeded up quietly, Song Weiyang turned her head and left as a phantom.

"Big beauty, wait for me..." Jiang Chen shouted loudly, following closely behind.


The fact that Cai Hetian appeared in Yunxiao Mountain was not a secret, and it was quickly spread in the domain battlefield. The purpose of the meeting between the two also aroused many discussions and speculations.

Because of this point, more and more people sent gifts to the mountain, and every gift was a big gift, which made Jiang Chen extremely happy.

"Cai Hetian is deliberately spreading the news." Song Weiyang said.

It is naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to spread the news about Cai Hetian's coming to Yunxiao Mountain, so the person who spread the news can only be Cai Hetian.

In such a short period of time, it spread all over the battlefields of the domain, creating an uproar, causing countless discussions. Undoubtedly, Cai Hetian revealed some information while spreading the news.

"Big beauty, it really is you who care about me the most, I am so moved." Jiang Chen said with great sigh.

Those who gave gifts to the mountain were going further to investigate the situation. Jiang Chen was well aware of this, but this in no way prevented him from accepting those great gifts.

In other words, if it wasn't for Cai Hetian's sake, how could he accept the gift and be soft-hearted?
Therefore, in view of this point, Cai Hetian's actions are not unforgivable.

"The entire Yunxiao Mountain is under the surveillance of others." Song Weiyang said helplessly, ignoring Jiang Chen's ridicule.

The agreed time has not yet come, and Jiang Chen's side is full of grass and trees. Although Jiang Chen has some calculations, Song Weiyang feels that, in fact, Cai Hetian has already seized the opportunity.

Because, once Jiang Chen made any movement, it was inevitable that he would fall into the eyes of others, and there was nothing to hide.

And this is the real purpose of Cai Hetian spreading the news!

Calculating step by step, step by step, there is no doubt that at the moment Cai Hetian made the decision to come to Yunxiao Mountain, everything after that was calculated by Cai Hetian, covering every aspect.

Naturally, this did not surprise Song Weiyang.

As one of the top ten forces in the domain battlefield, is Cai Hetian a simple and easy person to be with?If there is no such scheming and means, how can we talk about the current height and achievements?
On the contrary, even though they have always stayed by Jiang Chen's side, they always have a feeling of being unpredictable towards Jiang Chen, and they have no idea what Jiang Chen is thinking.

"It doesn't matter, these accounts, I will keep them in my heart one by one." Jiang Chen said calmly.

No matter what Cai Hetian did, when the time comes, Jiang Chen will repay him a sum of money.

Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't care about Cai Hetian's calculations at all. This was just a small fight, not painful or itchy, and it didn't affect Jiang Chen's good mood at all.

Three days passed quickly.

This time, Jiang Chen didn't take Song Weiyang with him, he set off alone to meet Cai Hetian.

It didn't go beyond what Song Weiyang expected, under Yunxiao Mountain, the eyeliner was densely covered, and Jiang Chen's appearance shocked countless people, but Jiang Chen didn't care, he used the technique of traveling through the void, just like that, disappeared under the eyes of everyone in the sky.

That was extreme speed, and with Jiang Chen's current cultivation level, it would be difficult for even the Void Returner to perceive it, let alone capture it.

This is also a very important reason why Jiang Chen has no fear.

Several hours later, at the agreed place, Jiang Chen and Cai Hetian met, and then, they headed together in the direction of the ancient tomb.

The location of the ancient tomb is in the center of the domain battlefield. In the past three days, Jiang Chen has heard more about the existence of this ancient tomb.

The ancient tomb is mysterious, and there are various legends circulating. There are even rumors that a strong person who proved the Tao is buried there. From this, one can imagine how precious such a inheritance of Taoism is!

It is not difficult to explain why, countless forces are staring at this direction.

After all, even if the rumors are true, the existence buried in the ancient tomb must not be a simple person, and there are other opportunities, which should not be missed.

"Brother Jiang, in the past few days, there has been a turmoil in the domain battlefield, and there may be some changes. We must be careful in everything." Cai Hetian reminded, earnestly exhorting.

"If anyone wants to die, just do it right away, don't worry about it." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Brother Jiang really can't be speculated with common sense." Slightly surprised, Cai Hetian said dumbfounded, but he had a new impression of Jiang Chen.

Of course, such an impression is definitely not a good one.

The domain battlefield is huge, and at the speed of Jiang Chen and Cai Hetian, they did not appear within the scope of the ancient tomb until the next day.

"That's right here?" Jiang Chen said in his heart, the words fell, and his consciousness was released immediately, unscrupulously, swept out...

(End of this chapter)

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