genius evil

Chapter 1496 It's Wrong to Eat Alone

Chapter 1496 It's Wrong to Eat Alone


After a moment, Jiang Chen's expression inevitably became strange.

His consciousness is released, but the range it can radiate is extremely limited, only a thousand meters away.

The spiritual consciousness encountered a barrier, silently, like the muddy sea.

Moreover, it is not just as simple as encountering a barrier, it is simply collapsed into the invisible, which means being swallowed without leaving a trace.

And this is because Jiang Chen's consciousness is integrated with the Pure Yang Cauldron, one can imagine how mysterious and extraordinary this place is.

"No wonder, it's impossible to find out exactly where the ancient tomb is." Jiang Chen said in his heart, finally solving a doubt deep in his heart.

On the surface, the area where the ancient tomb is located is delineated, but in fact, it is still huge and boundless, and if it is necessary to accurately search for an ancient tomb within such a large area, it is as difficult as Yu ~ looking for a needle in a haystack.

One can imagine the difficulty of finding a tiny needle in the vast ocean.

"Brother Jiang, this place is very strange." Cai Hetian said.

"How sure are you?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"At least [-]%." Cai Hetian responded.

"Fifty percent?" Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, although he knew that [-]% certainty was already a very high probability, and it was impossible to expect Cai Hetian to have a higher certainty.

The other thing is, when Cai Hetian said this, he felt that there was room for it when he heard it. Of course, Jiang Chen didn't care too much about it.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen simply said.

He didn't have the time to waste his wits and courage with Cai Hetian, the most important thing is to get the benefits, otherwise, even if Cai Hetian is calculated to be defeated, it will be meaningless.

Cai Hetian nodded and led the way.

After formally entering the range of the ancient tomb, Jiang Chen further discovered that the terrain here was strange and inexplicable, and even the seemingly inconspicuous trees seemed to contain strangeness.

Not to mention the mountain peaks, as if they were artificially piled up, with too many traces of human intervention.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether Cai Hetian had such a cognition, but in his eyes, it was extremely conspicuous, and he could see everything at a glance.


Suddenly, with Jiang Chen's right hand, something shot out and fell into his palm.

It was a broken magic weapon, with faint traces of the law, but the damage was too serious, and it became a waste product, worthless at all.

"This thing is not simple." Jiang Chen said.

"Is this a bowl? A Buddhist item?" Looking over, Cai Hetian was slightly surprised.

This is a Buddha bowl that emits a faint golden light, but that kind of golden light is already extremely dim, but it is easy to see what the prototype is.

"It's something from an eminent Buddhist monk, why did it fall here?" Cai Hetian asked.

"Who should I ask?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

He felt strange, and just wanted to ask, how could he know that Cai Hetian was the first to ask.

Cai Hetian sneered, and said: "In the domain battlefield, there are always fights everywhere, and it's not certain that the mighty one will get into trouble here by accident."

"I think what you said is quite reasonable." Jiang Chen said casually.

The two continued to move forward. In front of them, the mountains were rugged and steep, as if they had been fabricated by an incredibly powerful existence.

The solitary peaks are pulled up, not one or two, but one piece after another, but after walking through such an area, the scenery in front of you becomes very different.


There was a loud buzzing sound, and another thing fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

It was an ancient qin, but it was damaged, leaving only one string. The material of this string is not simple, it is extremely tough and difficult to break.

"This piano?" Cai Hetian looked over again, and then smiled, "Brother Jiang, your luck is really good."

"What's the explanation?" Jiang Chen just asked.

"This seems to be the piano in the legend, it surpasses the heavens and the earth..." Cai Hetian said.

"Stop it, it's just a piece of garbage." Jiang Chen interrupted Cai Hetian, and threw it away casually.

"Did a great battle take place here?" Jiang Chen thought thoughtfully.

Whether it is Song Weiyang or Cai Hetian, both of them have a certain degree of understanding of this place, but on the other hand, their understanding is very limited.

A bowl and a piano... are not in Cai Hetian's cognition, and Cai Hetian has no reaction to these two things.

And if Cai Hetian knew something, he would never react like this. Even if he deliberately pretended and covered up, how could he escape Jiang Chen's eyes?
This undoubtedly means that Cai Hetian knows nothing.

"It's interesting." Jiang Chen smiled.

Finding the ancient tomb did not happen overnight, otherwise Cai Hetian would not have chosen to cooperate with him given the clues.

Even though Cai Hetian's original intention was to use him, it was still full of unpredictable risks, and it was impossible for Cai Hetian not to know this.

In this way, such a long search process will not be boring.

Afterwards, along the way, Jiang Chen found damaged magical artifacts one by one. If these magical artifacts were in complete form, none of them were ordinary objects.

But it was all broken and became worthless.

There are several pieces of magical artifacts, if not too broken, it is inevitable that Jiang Chen will covet them.

"One magic weapon, one life!" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Even if it is a powerful warrior, it is not easy to obtain one of these magic weapons. If we infer from this, it is not an exaggeration to say that one magic weapon has one life.

This means that there are as many broken instruments as there are strong people who died here.

So far, Jiang Chen has found a total of more than a dozen magical artifacts, which means that at least a dozen people died, and those people, in Jiang Chen's view, at least had the cultivation base of returning to the void.

"Void-returning powerhouse?" Jiang Chen's expression became weird uncontrollably.

He has dealt with Void Returning Warriors before, and he is very clear that this is a powerful existence that can be seen in the whole continent.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no weirdness for one after another of the Void-returning experts to fall here.

"Could it be that this ancient tomb is really related to a strong man who proved his way?" Jiang Chen was suspicious.

Proof is too difficult!

Moreover, there is a saying that the Dao is the strongest, that is to say, the martial artist who proves the Dao is the supreme existence on this continent.

For example, the Lord of the Empire.

Take control of an empire with endless boundaries.

Even, Jiang Chen once suspected that even the emperor of the empire might not be the strong man who proved the Dao, because the woman in the portrait of the goddess had said something about it, which aroused some speculations in Jiang Chen.

But if this ancient tomb is related to enlightenment, then it is logical that there are so many traces left by Void Returning experts.

These damaged instruments were not hidden deeply, except for Jiang Chen who brought them over with great interest, Cai Hetian didn't care.

"Brother Jiang, someone has followed." Suddenly, Cai Hetian's voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

Jiang Chen nodded. He had already noticed that there were three people in total, following the two of them. It had been a while since Jiang Chen had followed them like that, but Jiang Chen didn't care.

"What are they going to do? Could it be that they want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman? It is absolutely impossible!" Cai Hetian said coldly.

"The good thing is that everyone has a share, so why be so stingy." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Cai Hetian was stunned for a while, completely unexpected that Jiang Chen would say such a thing.

"It's wrong to eat alone. I, Jiang Chen, hate other people eating alone." Jiang Chen said again.

After the words fell, before Cai Hetian could respond, Jiang Chen said loudly, "You three, come out. It's too boring to hide and hide. Let's go together so that we can take care of each other."



Three figures appeared immediately, releasing a powerful aura, none of them were the weak ones.

"Three people?" Cai Hetian frowned.

He only sensed one breath, Jiang Chen actually sensed three, and between the two, the judgment was made. This made Cai Hetian feel strange, and the way he looked at Jiang Chen changed.

These three people appeared, they were all acquaintances, Cai Hetian had dealt with them before, and they were the people from the top ten forces guarding the domain battlefield.

"Brother Zhu, Brother Dong, Brother Liang..." Cai Hetian said in greeting.

"Brother Cai, please don't blame me for coming here." Zhu Qi said with a smile.

"Brother Cai has always been a humble and peaceful person. Presumably he knew we were coming. If he wanted to blame him, he would have already blamed him." Another person said, his name was Dong Kuang.

"Brother Dong's words are very true." The third person nodded, smiling all over his face. He looked like he was very easy to get along with, and his name was Liang Yan.

Between the three, there is a tacit cooperation, and what you say to me makes Cai Hetian have nothing to say.

Such words, in fact, have an extremely conspicuous deterrent meaning, but if Cai Hetian expresses dissatisfaction, the three of them will turn their faces every minute.

Cai Hetian knew the three of them well, how could he not know how the three of them behaved.His expression was restrained, he didn't express it, but he was also shocked.

The relationship between the three was definitely not harmonious in the past. At this time, they actually came together, and there was a tendency to join forces. Could it be that they made a special trip because of him?

Regardless of whether this is the case, it also gave Cai Hetian a great sense of crisis.

"You are Jiang Chen?" After a while, Zhu Qi said, he stared at Jiang Chen and looked at him, looking very interested in Jiang Chen.

"That's right, it's me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Jiang's words are right, it fits my heart." Zhu Qi said again.

"Of course, that's exactly what I really think, but if brother rookie insists on eating alone, it's not up to me to decide." Jiang Chen said lazily.


Hearing the sound, Cai Hetian's face changed drastically. What did Jiang Chen mean by this? Could it be that he wanted to push him to the opposite of Zhu Qi and the others?
(End of this chapter)

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