genius evil

Chapter 1497

Chapter 1497

Cai Hetian would not underestimate Jiang Chen's malice, because he himself harbored evil intentions, so it would not be surprising if Jiang Chen intended to plot.

But even if it wasn't surprising, when Jiang Chen said such words, it still made Cai Hetian's complexion as ugly as possible.

Because, in Cai Hetian's view, even if Jiang Chen was dissatisfied with him, he was too anxious.

After all, the three of Zhu Qi had already appeared. If Jiang Chen wanted to plot against him, he had plenty of time and opportunity, so why rush?
If you are so anxious to take the lead, are you not afraid that if you are counterattacked by him, you will die without a place to die?

You know, once you turn your face, you will definitely kill the other party by any means, and it is absolutely impossible to show any mercy!

"Brother Cai, Brother Jiang have expressed their views like this. Could it be that you still want to eat alone?" Hearing the sound, Zhu Qi said with a half-smile.

"No wonder Brother Cai is so cautious. Could it be that he is worried about me getting a piece of the pie?" Dong Kuang said, not without malice.

Liang Yan didn't speak, but the way he looked at Cai Hetian was extremely intriguing.

Cai Hetian frowned, said in a few words, Jiang Chen was causing him great trouble, how could he not understand the hidden meaning of what Zhu Qi and the others said, they were forcing him to bow his head and make a statement.

"The three misunderstood, that is, I, Cai, don't even know where the ancient tomb is. How can we talk about eating alone?" Cai Hetian said.

"Brother rookie, it's your fault. Didn't you say that you have clues, at least a [-]% chance of finding the ancient tomb?" Jiang Chen yelled dissatisfied.


Cai Hetian was full of black lines, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, never expecting that Jiang Chen would spare no effort in betraying him.

But wouldn't Jiang Chen know that once Zhu Qi and the others join in, even if they find the ancient tomb, the benefits they can get will be very limited?

What's more, Zhu Qi and the three of them moved hand in hand. This kind of movement is much bigger than him and Jiang Chen, and it will inevitably attract other attention.

Under such a situation, it is very possible that the other five people among the top ten forces have long been watching every move here. In that case, even if the ancient tomb is finally found, it seems that the significance It also became smaller.

"Brother Cai, so there is such a saying." Zhu Qi looked at Cai Hetian with deep meaning, and laughed sinisterly.

Then, the gazes of the three all fell on Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen betrayed Cai Hetian so easily, and betrayed so thoroughly, it has to be said that it was beyond the expectations of the three.

I simply don't know whether to say that Jiang Chen is too naive, or whether to say that Jiang Chen has no brains at all.

Just worrying about Cai Hetian being alone, or betraying Cai Hetian, could it be that Jiang Chen thinks that the three of them are good people? Isn't this naive, what is it?
For no reason, this matter became extremely interesting, making the three of Zhu Qi laugh out loud.

"Brother Cai, it's your fault." Immediately afterwards, Dong Kuang said teasingly.

Cai Hetian's face turned black, and he was now more and more convinced that Jiang Chen was tricking him. In the eyes of Zhu Qi and the others, this situation was very funny, but Cai Hetian was in a state of unspeakable suffering.

At the same time, Cai Hetian was speechless, even if he wanted to refute, he didn't know how to refute.

"It is indeed a coincidence that the clues were obtained, but whether the clues are true or not remains to be verified." Cai Hetian said bravely.

While talking, Cai Hetian looked at Jiang Chen with vicious and sharp eyes.

In Cai Hetian's opinion, there is no need to continue the cooperation between the two parties. Next, whenever there is an opportunity, he must make Jiang Chen unable to survive or die.

"It's too modest, brother rookie. When you say this, do you think the three of them are fools, or do you think I'm a fool?" Jiang Chen was very displeased.

What Jiang Chen did was indeed cheating Cai Hetian, and it was the kind of cheating to death.

Cai Hetian chose to cooperate with him because he saw that he was in the limelight, so he intentionally pulled him in and acted as a shield to attract the attention of all parties. However, Jiang Chen was not in the habit of being a shield for others.

The situation turned around, and now, Cai Hetian became his shield, because he was already very successful, and he filled up the hatred for Cai Hetian.

As for what Cai Hetian will do next, Jiang Chen is not worried at all. At this point, there are not many choices for Cai Hetian, and he is caught in a dilemma.

Even if Cai Hetian wanted to retreat, how would Zhu Qi and the others give him a chance?
So, whether Cai Hetian is willing or not, he can only continue to search for the ancient tomb until he finds the ancient tomb.

In the end, if he succeeded in finding the ancient tomb by relying on those clues, it would be better to say that if he hadn't found it, then Cai Hetian would immediately become the target of public criticism. In that case, he probably wouldn't even know how he died.

This was a comprehensive calculation. It seemed that Jiang Chen was only joking with Cai Hetian, but it cut off Cai Hetian's back path and forced Cai Hetian into a desperate situation.

Cai Hetian was mad with hatred and had a strong urge to kill Jiang Chen to relieve the hatred in his heart.

But thinking about it like that, it will undoubtedly make Zhu Qi and the other three even more cheap, so they can only give up, but the hatred in their hearts can't be resolved, on the contrary, it has reached the point where it cannot be added.

He has always been good at calculating, so he quickly realized how malicious Jiang Chen was, which made him become mad with anger.

"Brother Cai, the three of us are actually fools? No wonder Brother Cai wants to eat alone. After all, why give the benefits to fools." Liang Yan said with a smile.

"Misunderstood." Cai Hetian waved his hands again and again.

He didn't want to fall into Jiang Chen's trap.

"If the three of you can trust Cai, I don't mind going with Cai, but if you haven't found something, please don't blame the three." Cai Hetian said again.

Cai Hetian had to be a little cautious, because even he himself was not completely sure, and if he said too much, he would be the one who would be unlucky in the end.

"Of course not."

"Brother Cai is too worried."

"Aren't we people who don't know good and bad?"


The three of Zhu Qi all said with a smile. On the surface, they are all very kind and sincere, but anyone can hear it. Such a response has no sincerity at all.

Cai Hetian suddenly felt like sitting on the wax, and had a strong feeling of being on his back, and all of this was caused by Jiang Chen, and because of Jiang Chen's usual innocent face, he didn't even have a chance to vent.

"Hateful!" Cai Hetian said with hatred in his heart, such an account was kept in mind.

Afterwards, the team of two became a team of five, and Cai Hetian became more cautious, and had to be cautious.

"Brother rookie, why do you look so ugly, you can't be too stingy, you know?" Jiang Chen said via voice transmission.

"Brother Jiang, it's in vain for me, Mr. Cai, to trust you so much." Cai Hetian also said via voice transmission.

"That's wrong." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said innocently, "Brother rookie, you must not understand my intentions, I'm clearly thinking of you."

"For my sake?" Cai Hetian looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, completely unable to understand how Jiang Chen would say such words.

"These three guys have ulterior motives. Instead of letting them plot us in the dark, it's better to put all the contradictions on the table. In this way, their petty actions will naturally be greatly reduced. Every move is in the hands of the two of us." Under surveillance." Jiang Chen said with certainty.

"That's why you betrayed me?" Cai Hetian sneered.

As for Jiang Chen's words, he didn't even believe a single punctuation mark. He was deceived too badly. If he believed Jiang Chen credulously, he would be deceived to the point where he would be deceived even more.

"Telling?" Jiang Chen shook his head again, and said, "Brother rookie, this is your fault, how could it be a betrayal, false and true, true and false, in this way, it can confuse the public... If What do you think the three of them would think if they didn't say anything?"


Cai Hetian was stunned for a while, he realized that Jiang Chen's words were very reasonable, and for a while, they were irrefutable.

Because, even Cai Hetian himself knew very well that Jiang Chen's words were not at fault.

Otherwise, it will only deepen the hostility between Zhu Qi and the three, and it will be of no benefit.

"Brother rookie, I am sincere and sincere, but you are so wronged, it is really sad." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Cai Hetian didn't say anything anymore, even if what Jiang Chen said had some truth, but justification didn't necessarily mean that Jiang Chen's actions were correct.

From time to time, along the way afterwards, a few damaged instruments were found, which made Jiang Chen even more guessing and suspicious.

"Brother Cai, did you make a further discovery?" After several hours, Zhu Qi and the three finally became impatient.

It took several hours, but the journey was slow and they got nothing. Zhu Qi and the three of them were deeply dissatisfied with this situation, thinking that Cai Hetian was deliberately delaying time.

"There is."

However, after asking such a question, Cai Hetian said that his face was trembling uncontrollably as he spoke, showing a bit of excitement.


After the words fell, Cai and Tianxin pointed their fingers in one direction, and then he took the lead, turned into a phantom, and walked in that direction at a high speed.


Seeing this, Zhu Qi and the three followed closely behind. Although they didn't know what Cai Hetian had discovered and were so excited, the three of them inevitably became excited.

"Did you discover it so soon?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

He was very patient, and he didn't think that Cai Hetian would lead the way honestly, and was ready for a protracted battle, just a few hours, not worth mentioning.

However, he actually found something. It has to be said that Jiang Chen was quite astonished. Immediately, his figure flickered, and Jiang Chen traveled through the void, chasing after Cai Hetian and the others in the direction where the four disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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