genius evil

Chapter 1499 The Ancient Bronze Coffin

Chapter 1499 The Ancient Bronze Coffin

A figure is like the wind, tearing the void, moving and flickering, at such a speed, even with a glance of divine sense, it may not be able to detect it.

That was Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen knew that the so-called luck was just to see who was one step faster. Unless Cai Hetian panicked in this matter, otherwise, if the ancient tomb was indeed in this area, it would be absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen , behind Cai Hetian.

This is the technique of void travel, one side after another of the void is torn apart soundlessly, and then, when Jiang Chen is far away, the void is healed, triggering round after round of big explosions.

I saw a faint golden light that was fleeting. Although this void travel technique was obtained from the giant tortoise, because Jiang Chen had previously fused a demon crystal of the shadow phantom flood dragon, it was far more powerful than the giant tortoise. Innate instinct, with faster speed.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen searched all of the hundreds of kilometers of the area.

"No." Jiang Chen whispered, and immediately acted again, continuing to search.

In this way, without stopping, in ten minutes, the area within hundreds of kilometers was searched by Jiang Chen.

"Still not?" His brow frowned slightly at this moment.

In this situation, I have to say that it was more or less beyond Jiang Chen's expectations, because he didn't think that Cai Hetian was lying, so, is there something that he missed.

Or, because the ancient tomb was hidden too deep, he didn't find it?
"The former? Or the latter?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, pondering.

Soon, Jiang Chen thought that the former was more likely no matter how he looked at it.

An ancient tomb is hidden in the deep mountains. No matter how deep it is hidden, it is impossible to leave no traces. It can only be said that some details were inadvertently ignored by him, which led to nothing.

"Come again!"

Jiang Chen has always been a decisive person. Since he had such doubts, he immediately urged the speed and started the second search without hesitation.

However, to Jiang Chen's surprise, this time, Jiang Chen was still greatly disappointed.

"Something's wrong." Jiang Chen's brows couldn't help but tightened a bit.

If it wasn't because he believed that Cai Hetian had no reason to cheat, Jiang Chen would almost blame Cai Hetian for the problem at this moment.

Moreover, during this search, Jiang Chen clearly discovered that Cai Hetian was also running around like headless flies.

That undoubtedly means that so far, Cai Hetian has gained nothing.

"It's true that something has been missed, but I haven't noticed it yet." Jiang Chen was thoughtful.

In the process of the second search, Jiang Chen almost started a blanket search. As a result, it took even longer, nearly two hours.

Jiang Chen had enough self-confidence. With this kind of searching method, even if there was a needle left here, he would definitely find it.

But an ancient tomb, compared to a needle, the target is so big, it has never entered the line of sight from the beginning to the end, this situation is very unusual.

"Is this the real reason why no one has ever found the ancient tomb?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Countless eyes stared at this area, but the ancient tomb was hard to find, and the real face could not be seen.

"If this continues, no matter how many times we search, we may not be able to find clues." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

If you can't straighten out the causal relationship contained in it, no matter what you do, it will be nothing more than a waste of effort, and Jiang Chen is naturally unwilling to do such a thing.

"Could it be that there is a big formation here, and under the cover of the big formation, the ancient tomb is covered?" Jiang Chen said.

This situation is not impossible.

There is a peerless formation, which conceals the secrets of the sky and isolates them from detection.

If the ancient tomb was indeed surrounded by a large formation, Jiang Chen wouldn't feel the slightest bit strange about it.

But no matter how miraculous the formation is, it is still arranged by people after all. Jiang Chen does not think that it can completely block his own perception.

Unless, it is another situation.

That situation is that in this area, there is another unknown corner, such a corner, no one has ever set foot.

That can also be called a small world.

For the martial arts practitioners of Zhenwu Continent, the earth is a small world, and it is also the place of trials.

The small world that Jiang Chen thought of at this time was very different from the existence of the earth. To be precise, it was a small world that he carried with him.

That is to say, the owner of the ancient tomb buried himself in his small world. This is the real reason why the ancient tomb is clearly located in this area, but it is not visible after searching.

"Could it be like this?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said.

What Jiang Chen has always been best at is reducing complexity to simplicity, but now he has to deviate from his original intention, simplify to complexity, and deduce various possibilities from various angles.

Even that possibility is only an insignificant one in ten thousand, or even negligible one in one millionth of a hundred thousandth.

Whenever there is a possibility, Jiang Chen will not easily miss it.

"If the ancient tomb is indeed within the small world, how can I enter it?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

Small worlds exist in different ways, and the ways to enter them are also different. They are ever-changing and elusive. Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt a headache.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's figure moved, and then appeared in front of Cai Hetian.

"Brother rookie, did you discover something?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Cai Hetian shook his head and said helplessly, "It's so strange, why did this happen? Could it be that the clues I got were wrong."

"What is the clue that brother rookie got?" Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and asked.

Cai Hetian has always insisted that he has obtained clues, and Jiang Chen has not pursued this matter deeply before, but at this time, in Jiang Chen's view, perhaps such clues may have deep meanings.

At this point, Cai and Tian are the first and the second eldest. Even if they deliberately conceal it, they still realize that it seems meaningless to continue to conceal it.

Since Jiang Chen asked, Cai Hetian simply told the whole story.

"Sure enough!"

When Cai Hetian finished speaking, Jiang Chen's heart was suddenly moved.

According to Cai Hetian, there is indeed a small world here, but Cai Hetian failed to comprehend the true meaning of that clue.

And it is the reason why he has doubts in this aspect, so, following Cai Hetian's talk, it is automatically combined, and then concluded that the existence of the small world.

"The entrance to the small world?" In Jiang Chen's eyes, it was as if there were two bright moons hanging in the sky.

Taking Jiang Chen's reaction into his eyes, Cai Hetian was stunned for a while, but he didn't know what Jiang Chen discovered by his own words.


Regardless of what Cai Hetian thought, Jiang Chen said decisively.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen turned into a long rainbow and soared into the sky.

The small world is above the void sky, so no matter how you search in the mountains and forests, it is impossible to find anything.

The clues provided by Cai Hetian made Jiang Chen fully realize that this was the case.

Immediately, Jiang Chen did not hesitate.

Seeing this, Cai Hetian had no hesitation, followed Jiang Chen, and rushed upwards. In his opinion, no matter what Jiang Chen found, he should not miss it. Following Jiang Chen, there is nothing wrong.




In that extremely far place, the void exploded, and several figures flashed out, rushing towards the direction where Jiang Chen and Cai Hetian were located at an inconceivable speed.

There are five people in total, all of them are Void Warriors, and when they are doing their best, the noise they make is not insignificant.

The forest exploded, the air waves rolled, and the five of them unanimously used their speed to the limit. After that, the five of them rushed upwards in the direction that Jiang Chen and Cai Hetian left.

"Damn it, they're here too." Gritting their teeth, Cai Hetian said in a bitter voice.

Earlier, the appearance of the three of Zhu Qi had already caused Cai Hetian a headache. He was unwilling, and this was a calculation. However, there were other people, hiding in the dark, hiding their breath. At this time, they suddenly appeared, and it was impossible to guard against .

These five people are exactly the five people among the top ten forces. They hide deeper, and at the same time, there is no doubt that they are more terrifying. Even if Cai Hetian has a hole card, it is inevitable and he is deeply afraid.

"Brother Jiang, how should we deal with it?" Cai Hetian said hastily, wanting to let Jiang Chen make up his mind.

"Whatever." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Jiang Chen had a premonition that the road to the ancient tomb would not be peaceful. Since these people were willing to come, they might as well serve as cannon fodder for him.

In other words, Jiang Chen just needs some cannon fodder, taking the lead and taking risks are not his style.

Above the sky, there were a total of seven figures constantly shuttled back and forth, all of them with extreme speeds that the naked eye could not capture. In the end, a void was forcibly torn apart by Jiang Chen, and then, Jiang Chen stepped into a strange place.

In front of his line of sight, a white cloud was floating, and behind that white cloud was an ancient bronze coffin.

The ancient bronze coffin is suspended in the void, it doesn't know where it came from, and it doesn't know where it will go. It gives people the feeling that it is more ancient and has always been here.

The indescribable coercion, shrouded in the void, even Jiang Chen, under the suppression of the sodium coercion, would have a feeling of being terrified.

There is no doubt that in that ancient bronze coffin, there must be an unknowable and powerful existence buried.

"That is?"

"An ancient coffin?"

"Over there, what's the situation?"


Behind Jiang Chen, an uncontrollable exclamation sounded, accompanied by the sound of gasping for air-conditioning, including Cai Hetian, the six people were shocked by the scene they saw before them, and then they were moved by it. His complexion changed greatly for this.

Who would have expected that the ancient tomb that countless people have been striving for is actually in that empty space, and the scene in front of them also has a kind of feeling that wants to subvert the senses, has a kind of feeling like a dream Feeling like an illusion!

(End of this chapter)

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