genius evil

Chapter 1500 I, Jiang Chen, 5 bodies cast down

Chapter 1500 I, Jiang Chen, are thrown into the ground

The ancient bronze coffin floats in the air, as if it has existed for ever.

That ancient and vicissitudes of life quietly diffused in the void, making people's heart palpitate, but at the same time, mouth-watering.

It was rumored that in the ancient tomb, the most powerful person who proved his way was buried. Therefore, the discovery of this ancient bronze coffin brought temptation, which is conceivable.

Quietly, with the sound of sucking in air-conditioning, everyone's breathing, all unconsciously, became fiery.

"It's mine, no one can compete with me!"

One person shouted loudly, it was a middle-aged man in a blue robe, his voice was ruthless, and he had an undeniable aura, after saying this, a pair of tiger eyes swept around, one by one from Jiang Chen and the others. And pass.

It can be clearly seen that in the depths of his eyes, there is a strong killing intent, there is no doubt that if someone raises a question, he will immediately strike with thunder, bloody suppression and killing, without mercy.

"Tengshan." Frowning, Cai Hetian said in a deep voice.

This person's name is Teng Shan, and among the top ten forces guarding the ten directions, he has always been known as No. 1, and he is neither unassuming nor overbearing.

At this time, in front of everyone, Teng Shan made such a statement, which undoubtedly showed his arrogance and domineering meaning.

"Teng Shan, what you said is that you treat me as a dead person?" A cold voice came out, and one person said displeasedly, with an extremely unkind expression on his face.

That's Meng Junqi. This person's face is old, his beard and hair are white. In fact, he is not very old. It's just that he has practiced a certain skill, which makes him look extra old.

"Are you not convinced?" Teng Shan sneered.

Before the words fell, Teng Shan immediately made a move, attacking and killing forward without any hesitation, it was obvious that Meng Junqi was regarded as a deadly enemy, and the methods of killing were endless.

"court death!"

Meng Junqi was furious, Teng Shan was completely unreasonable, he lived with others and died with others, but how could he, Meng Junqi, be bullied wantonly?
Maybe Teng Shan made a sharp move to scare the chicken to scare the monkey, but it's hard to say who is the chicken and who is the monkey.

Meng Junqi refused to accept it, and challenged him angrily.

The battle was fierce, and in the end, at the cost of a little injury, Teng Shan killed Meng Junqi forcefully.

"This person is only one or two inferior to the chief executive of the Tianfeng Empire's royal family." Seeing this, Jiang Chen said.

If there was such a powerful existence before, Jiang Chen would have to retreat. However, this time is different from the past. After entering the domain battlefield, with the help of Song Weiyang, Jiang Chen's cultivation has made breakthroughs one after another. It may not be impossible to fight against it.

"Who else!"

Just when Jiang Chen thought so, Teng Shan said again.

He is extremely powerful, and directly wants to suppress everyone to the point of bowing their heads, and will not allow disobedience, otherwise, there is only one way to go, and that is death.

"It's yours, go quickly." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.


When Jiang Chen said this, his eyes fell on him one after another. Even Teng Shan was somewhat surprised.

"What do you see me doing? Is there anyone who is not convinced? If you are not convinced, then stand up. Anyway, I am Jiang Chen, I am convinced and cast my body on the ground." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The faces of several people were all strange. Although they didn't know much about Jiang Chen, it was not difficult to know that Jiang Chen had just risen in the domain battlefield and had a legendary demeanor. It must not be that simple. Easy to be with.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen actually said such words, does this mean that he surrendered to Teng Shan?


Teng Shan laughed out loud, Jiang Chen's words were very in line with his appetite, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and Jiang Chen is undoubtedly, he knows the current affairs very well.

"That's all!" Teng Shan said in his heart.

With Jiang Chen's rise all the way, Jiang Chen is an existence that no one can ignore. Regarding Jiang Chen, no matter how contemptuous Teng Shan is, it is impossible, really despise.

But now, Teng Shan believed that regardless of Jiang Chen's strength, it was a compromise so easily, and even if he had some means, they were limited and nothing to worry about.

"No one stands up, right? Since no one wants to stand up, then what's the situation looking at me? Of course I know that I am handsome, but if I am handsome, will you all be in awe of me?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Several people are angry.

From what they heard, Jiang Chen's words were suspected of speaking for Teng Shan. If they didn't know that Jiang Chen had nothing to do with Teng Shan before, they would simply suspect that the two were colluding.

Under the current circumstances, no one knew what was inside the ancient bronze coffin.However, it is so easy, even if it is given to Teng Shan, it is absolutely impossible.

"Brother Teng, there is still a bit of friendship between us. We simply don't take advantage of anyone else. Whoever gets it will get it. There is no need to tear face." After all, one person said, his name For Lei Mang.

Jiang Chen was afraid of Teng Shan, so he compromised because of this, but Lei Mang, it was impossible for him to compromise on this.

"Brother Lei is right. Don't you think Brother Teng's actions are too domineering?" Another person said loudly, with a long sword on his back, his name was Lu Changping.

"Using power to overwhelm others? Brother Teng, I'm waiting in your eyes. Could it be that you are so vulnerable?" The third person said aloud, his name was Xu Zhongling.

The three of them spoke one after another, and there was a faint tendency to work together. In such a situation, Teng Shan's eyebrows were suddenly frowned, and he realized that things were getting tricky.

If it's a mess and they fight separately, he, Tengshan, is not afraid of anyone, but if they join forces, even with his strength, he has to be a little bit afraid.

"Uh, you guys really stood out? Speaking of which, why bother? Look at Brother Teng, who is tall and mighty, with a dignified appearance. Compared with him, don't you feel ashamed of yourself?" Jiang Chen said in bewilderment. .

"Brother Teng, it's just three little grasshoppers, but they dare to show off their power in front of you and shoot them to death, making them pay the price." Jiang Chen said to Tengshan again.

Teng Shan did have the urge to shoot Lei Mang and the other three to death, but he didn't want the benefit of being in his hands to be taken by these three.

If not, wouldn't his act of killing Meng Junqi be meaningless other than a waste of effort?

"Will the three of you wait for me to be my enemy?" Teng Shan said coldly.

"Brother Teng, you're wrong. It's not us who want to be your enemy, but you, who make us difficult." Lei Mang responded.

"Very well, you won't be in trouble soon," Teng Shan said.


Immediately afterwards, Teng Shan made another attack, violently attacking, which surprised the three of Lei Mang. They originally thought that the pressure of the three together would be enough to suppress Teng Shan.

Who would have expected that Teng Shan was so arrogant, not only did not back down, but took the lead in making the move.




A murderous voice came out, and immediately, Lei Mang and the three of them were all enraged.

Tengshan is arrogant, but why are they not like this?Teng Shan tried to suppress the three of them with the power of one person, which is simply wishful thinking.

If you fight, you don't have to be afraid.

The four of them fought until the void collapsed. Jiang Chen was dazzled when he saw it, and the smile on his face was extremely bright.

"Brother rookie, is it exciting?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Naturally it is extremely exciting." Cai Hetian said with a smile.

Previously, Cai Hetian was a little at a loss when he noticed the appearance of five people, but it turned out that the five people killed each other. How could such a big drama not be exciting?
"So, is that why you, rookie brother, are watching from the sidelines?" Jiang Chen said again.

"Huh?" Cai Hetian was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"Brother rookie, it's your fault. Could it be that you think that the four of them will fight to the point where both of them will lose, and then you take the opportunity to take their lives? It's too immoral." Jiang Chen was furious. Said.

"Shut up!" Cai Hetian roared angrily.

Jiang Chen's words clearly meant to push him to the opposite of Tengshan and the others. If Tengshan and the others believed Jiang Chen's words, he might not even know how he died.

"Speaking so loudly, isn't it a guilty conscience?" Jiang Chen smiled kindly, looking gentle and harmless.

"Why sophistry, rookie brother, I can only say that you are too smart, I admire Jiang Chen, after all, you are still too young, there are too many things to learn, in the future, rookie brother, don't be stingy to teach me " Jiang Chen said with emotion, with an appearance of benefiting a lot.

Cai Hetian's face turned black, and he was furious. Jiang Chen's words were not without sinister intentions. This was pressing him step by step until he was pushed into the abyss that would never be restored.

At this moment, the four rays of light glanced over Cai Hetian's body one after another.

Those were the four people in Tengshan who were in the middle of the great war. What Jiang Chen said, they heard what Jiang Chen said. Looking at Cai Hetian at this moment, it was clear that flames were burning deep in the depths of their eyes.


Cai Hetian almost ran away, and he was targeted.

Knowing what Jiang Chen said, no matter whether the four of them believe it or not, they still regard him as the number one target. Between the two sides, no matter who wins in the end, he will become the next one to be targeted. object.

And all of this was thanks to Jiang Chen.

"Boy, if you have the chance, you will die without a place to bury!" Cai Hetian said with hatred in his heart.


At this moment, the figure shot out.

Originally, Cai Hetian still wanted to wait until the battle was over and act after seeing the result, but at this moment, he realized that he could only preemptively strike and act before the four of Tengshan.

"court death!"



Because of what Jiang Chen said, the four of them in Tengshan were staring at Cai Hetian all the time. At this moment, when Cai Hetian moved, the four of them shouted in unison.

Then I saw four figures shooting out, chasing after Cai Hetian and launching an attack.

Cai Hetian was very miserable, the situation was more serious than he expected, he could not fight at all, he would die in an instant, died with hatred, and his bones would not remain.


At this time, Teng Shan approached even further, and with a wave of his big hand, a palm wind slapped on the ancient bronze coffin...

(End of this chapter)

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