genius evil

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

A sacred mountain exploded, and it was rumored that a powerful god was buried here.

The sacred mountain shattered in the middle, where the white light towered into the sky, and it was magnificent.

On this day, heaven and earth are in mourning.


A flying boat floats in the air, at such a speed, it seems to be floating in the sky, constantly tearing the void, moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

"The sky is going to change!" The woman in white standing on the flying boat subconsciously tightened her clothes, and then subconsciously raised her head to look at the higher sky above her head.

She is not afraid of the cold, it's just that the chilling aura that pervades the world, invisibly, makes people feel a little colder from the bottom of their hearts.

Even a powerful existence like her feels so small at this moment.

The flying boat was flying in the direction of the Seven Star Martial Academy. Jiang Chen received the order from Feng Xingyu. Such an order was so urgent and powerful that Jiang Chen couldn't refuse it even if he wanted to. Can carry the five daughters of Song Weiyang from Tianhai City.

Feng Xingyu gave Jiang Chen a very short time. After arriving at the next destination, he would directly start the void shuttle and cross to it. Otherwise, such a long journey would waste some time unnecessarily.

"It's going to rain, Niang is going to get married..." The lazy voice reached Song Weiyang's ears.

Hearing the sound, Song Weiyang was slightly taken aback, and followed the prestige, the young man with a tired face was lying comfortably and comfortably on the deck of the flying boat with his hands as pillows.

Such a sentence came out of nowhere, but after thinking about it carefully, Song Weiyang realized that it was so reasonable.

Worrying is not enough to solve any problem.

Even though, Song Weiyang never thought that Jiang Chen's laziness and contempt could solve the problem.

"Dean Feng said, what's the matter?" Song Weiyang asked softly.

Within the empire, the Martial Academy is the leader. Song Weiyang knows the status of the Seven Star Martial Academy within the Great Qin Empire. Song Weiyang has also heard of the name of Xingyu. A Martial Academy, to some extent, means controlling half of an empire.

"Sacrifice to the Seven Star Pagoda." Jiang Chen said.

"What?" Song Weiyang's face changed slightly, and she lost her voice: "Has it reached this point?"

"It should have reached this point." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said, with a rare earnestness and seriousness.

The Seven Star Pagoda is the important weapon of the Seven Star Martial Academy. Looking at the Zhenwu Continent, there are only a handful of such existences.

There are changes in the world, and everyone is in danger.

Even if an empire is independent, self-protection is not enough, let alone other people.

"Then, it's really come to this point." Song Weiyang sighed softly, she looked at the sky above her head again, and felt that she was so small.

Three days later, after crossing several times, Jiang Chen successfully arrived at the Seven Star Martial Academy, and was summoned by Feng Xingyu for the first time.

"Jiang Chen, do you still remember what I told you earlier?" Feng Xingyu said without hesitation.

"Dean Feng, have we met before?" Blinking, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

When Feng Xingyu single-handedly threw him and the big tortoise into the domain battlefield, Jiang Chen had always kept this matter in mind. Although it would not be possible to retaliate because of it, it was very necessary to respond occasionally.

"Under the prosperous age, there are always hidden crises that are not known to the public. The prosperity must decline, and the troubled times have come." As if he didn't hear what Jiang Chen was saying at all, Feng Xingyu said to himself.

Jiang Chen was stunned and speechless. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. At least, Feng Xingyu's thick skin was only more than that compared to him.

"Then, I understand what you mean, Dean Feng." Jiang Chen then said.

"Oh, you understand?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Feng Xingyu had a half-smile.

These words were just a beginning, the key content was not mentioned a word, Jiang Chen just expressed his understanding, but Feng Xingyu was curious about what Jiang Chen understood.

As for, if he pretended to be crazy and foolish as before, then just take it as what he heard. As far as his disposition is concerned, no matter what, he would not care about Jiang Chen.

"Because I'm so handsome..." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Is this what you understand?" Before Jiang Chen finished speaking, Feng Xingyu just couldn't listen anymore, and couldn't help interrupting Jiang Chen's words.

Originally, he thought that he hadn't heard anything, but he greatly underestimated Jiang Chen's shamelessness. In this case, he said it so grandiosely.

"The way is up to the sky, just to seek longevity, but the way is long, and longevity is slim." Feng Xingyu said again, sighing with emotion, "Longevity is hard to find. In the end, there will be a handful of loess in the land of three feet."

"Dean Feng, are you cursing me?" Jiang Chen asked, the corners of his mouth twitching non-stop.

"Don't be too ambitious." Feng Xingyu said solemnly.

"I haven't finished my words yet." Jiang Chen was very innocent.

"Go ahead." Waved his hand, Feng Xingyu signaled.

"Given that I am not only handsome, but also endowed with extraordinary talents and strange bones, Dean Feng, you are so anxious to summon me here, you must tell me that the task of saving Zhenwu Continent is entrusted to me, right? "Jiang Chen said solemnly.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Feng Xingyu stared at Jiang Chen, and said in a deep voice, "Exactly."

"I'm joking." Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

"The troubled times have come, the crisis is everywhere, and the fate is approaching, who will pass on the torch?" Feng Xingyu sighed.

"So the task of passing on the torch is just entrusted to me?" Jiang Chen asked, suddenly feeling a lot of pressure.

"You are the spark I left for the Seven Star Martial Academy." Feng Xingyu said seriously.

The reason why he summoned Jiang Chen to come to the Seven Star Martial Academy, what he did was to protect Jiang Chen, the heavens and the earth were mutated and chaos was rampant, this was an additional arrangement.

When the chaos is over, there will be a comeback and the continuation of the fire.

"Why me?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

He was indeed joking, he never thought that Feng Xingyu summoned him for this purpose, and he never thought that he could take on this important task.

"Because you are the most suitable candidate. Looking at my Seven Star Martial Academy, who is more suitable than you? You were too modest before. When it's time to make a high profile, you should be high profile." Feng Xingyu said noncommittally.

"Dean Feng, I found that your vision is really good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Go, I will make arrangements for the funeral. Remember, after three days, you must not be absent when offering sacrifices to the Seven Star Pagoda." With a wave of his hand, Feng Xingyu drove him away, and as soon as he finished speaking, he drove him away, out of sight and out of mind .

"Brother Jiang...Brother Jiang..."

After a while, Jiang Chen saw Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, and they clasped their fists together to say hello.

Jiang Chen nodded, looking over, both of them have made breakthroughs in their cultivation since they returned from the Garden of Everything, and now their aura is so strong that it is far from what it used to be.

"Brother Jiang, I heard that you're back. I'll wait and say goodbye." Ji Mobai said.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Chen was rather surprised.

"Siji Palace." Ji Mobai said.

"The place has already turned into a battlefield, how can people of my generation be absent?" Fang Qingxuan also said with a smile.

"Behead the Receiver?" Jiang Chen said.

It is conceivable how powerful it is to seize the luck of a continent by one person.

"You two, have you decided?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

The two nodded in unison, but Jiang Chen didn't say anything more, knowing that both of them were ambitious people, how could they be willing to become mediocre?

Even if the road ahead is bumpy and bumpy, the road is dangerous, and you die at any time, you are still brave and diligent, and go forward without hesitation.

On this day, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan left the Seven Star Martial Academy, but to Jiang Chen's surprise, Zhong Shenxiu also walked out silently with his inner disciples.


The four major domains were shaken, countless bad news spread, and the major empires were lifeless.

"Jiang Chen, it's time for me to go." Song Weiyang said to Jiang Chen.

"Beautiful beauty, don't join in the fun if you're good looking." Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen felt a headache.

With a slight smile, Song Weiyang said: "I have my own way to go, but the way you want to go is different from mine after all..."

"Stop!" Jiang Chen interrupted Song Weiyang, and said angrily: "As the old saying goes, husbands sing and women follow."

"I haven't heard this sentence before." Song Weiyang said.

Jiang Chen was stunned and speechless. He had to say that Song Weiyang's response was extremely sharp, but Song Weiyang was also going to the Siji Palace. Compared with the farewell of Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, Jiang Chen was even more surprised by this kind of journey. .

"Perhaps, it has nothing to do with ambition, but a responsibility." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

There are no eggs under an overturned nest. This is a simple truth that cannot be simpler. Ji Mobai understands it, Fang Qingxuan understands it, Zhong Shenxiu and others also understand it... Feng Xingyu's existence is extremely strong, especially because of these people. Before I understand it, I have seen it clearly... In this way, how can Song Weiyang not understand?
It has nothing to do with ambition, and it has nothing to do with greatness... Because in Jiang Chen's view, this is definitely not greatness, but stupidity. After all, it is really stupid and stupid if such things as sending to death are linked to greatness.

Therefore, it can only be a responsibility, and everyone is in awe, perhaps like such an ant, but it will also launch a struggle in the final stage!

"Come back alive." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Song Weiyang said solemnly.

She thought that Jiang Chen would forcibly block him. In that case, no matter how strong her will was, it would be impossible for her to leave, but Jiang Chen didn't do that, which surprised Song Weiyang more or less, but it was easy. Touch the softness deep in your heart.

Jiang Chen was naturally able to block it, but he knew very well that if he did that, he would not be able to change Song Weiyang's attitude, it could only be accomplished.

Song Weiyang left on the second day, leaving Zhichun four daughters to stay in the Seven Star Martial Academy. She left alone, and Jiang Chen personally saw her off.

"It seems that there is nothing to say." Jiang Chen smiled wryly, he had a stomach full of things to say, but when those words came to his lips, he found that every sentence was extremely redundant.

Song Weiyang chuckled and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight.

"Perhaps, I should do something too." Watching Song Weiyang go away, Jiang Chen murmured...

(End of this chapter)

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