genius evil

Chapter 1509 The Voice of the Great Dao

Chapter 1509 The Voice of the Great Dao
Jiang Chen has always done as he pleases. He has never had any sense of belonging to this world. He is extremely clear that he is just a passer-by in this world.

He was going to leave after all, and his return was not even the earth, but the True Spirit Continent that he had always yearned for and even missed.

That was the place where he truly belonged. Otherwise, no matter where he was, Jiang Chen would feel as lonely as a rootless duckweed.

Therefore, when Feng Xingyu mentioned the passing of the torch, Jiang Chen felt helpless, even felt amused, and didn't think he could take on this important task.

But the departure of Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, followed by Song Weiyang's departure, suddenly made Jiang Chen realize one thing, that is, before he knew it, he had so much connection with this world. The connection, those connections, can no longer be severed.

The troubled times have come, affecting the whole continent, he can leave at any time, but how will the people around him survive in this troubled times?
Jiang Chen hadn't thought about this problem before, and he didn't think it was a so-called problem for him, so he didn't need to think about it at all.

But now, Jiang Chen realized that even if he didn't want to think about it, he had to think about it carefully.

"Wen Qingxin, Shen Shijing?" Jiang Chen said in his heart.

The second daughter was sent away by him back then. Originally, Jiang Chen thought that this matter was extremely simple, and when his voice shook the Eastern Great Region, the second daughter would naturally return to his side.

At worst, it is time to send back a message.

However, so far, no news has been sent back, and Jiang Chen also does not know where the two daughters went.

This matter was originally not important, because Jiang Chen didn't think it would be difficult to find the second daughter, as long as he searched seriously, he would naturally be able to find it.

But now, there is no time. In this troubled world, who can guarantee that the second daughter will not be affected?If it is affected, how can such a regret be made up for?

In addition, there are clues about the old man.

This matter can be said to be where Jiang Chen's heart knot lies. From the earth to the Zhenwu Continent, nothing has been obtained. So far, there has been no useful news from the Moon God Temple.

"I don't have much time left." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and on this day, the entire Seven Star Martial Academy was in a state of excitement.

Inside, around the Seven Star Pagoda, many martial arts students gathered.

"Do you know why there is a Seven Star Martial Academy?" Feng Xingyu asked suddenly, and the person he was asking was Jiang Chen.

Then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to answer, Feng Xingyu said again, "There was the Seven Star Tower first, and then the Seven Star Martial Academy. Once the Seven Star Tower is destroyed, the Seven Star Martial Academy will also destroy its foundation."

"So that's how it is." Jiang Chen said with a look of sudden realization, "Since the Seven Star Pagoda is so precious, how can it be damaged? From my point of view, let's just let it go."

"Absolutely not." Feng Xingyu waved his hand, righteously.

"Opening the altar and worshiping the pagoda, what a joke!" Feng Xingyu said in a stern voice.

"However, the Seven Star Pagoda is really too precious." Jiang Chen advised.

"Open the altar!" A loud voice resounded, and Feng Xingyu ordered.

"Principal Feng, it's really unacceptable to be so impulsive at such a young age." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

The corner of Feng Xingyu's mouth twitched. The reason why he said this to Jiang Chen was to make Jiang Chen face himself and realize how great the responsibility he shouldered.

However, Jiang Chen has always been unreliable and inconspicuous, this time Feng Xingyu wondered whether it was a big mistake to let Jiang Chen be the person who passed on the torch.

However, even if it was a mistake, it was too late to correct it, and it was imperative to open the altar and sacrificial tower.

Void Resonance!

Impressively, on the body of the Seven Star Pagoda, incomparably complicated text symbols emerged one after another. Those text symbols, at a rough glance, seemed meaningless, like graffiti.

But when the characters and symbols appeared one after another, the majestic atmosphere slowly diffused, making everyone feel a little more solemn and respectful involuntarily.

"Totem!" Looking up, Jiang Chen whispered in his heart.

That is a totem, I don't know its name, but it is extremely powerful, because it is one after another reasonable words, each of which contains Tao and reason, engraved on the body of the Seven Star Pagoda, and it is the only way to achieve success. Gained the reputation of the Seven Star Tower.

The writing is extremely ancient, at least in Jiang Chen's cognition, no matter which writing it is, it is beyond the scope of textual research, and the breath of vicissitudes is released, which easily makes people feel palpitations, and even bows in their hearts. The meaning of worship.

"Prove the way?" Jiang Chen said silently again.

According to the woman in the portrait of the Goddess, the difficulty of proving the Tao is as difficult as reaching the blue sky, but even though she doesn't know the specific meaning of the reasonable words, it clearly shows that in this world, there have been unimaginable of brilliance.

Unless, the Seven Star Pagoda itself is not something from Zhenwu Continent, but from an outer world, from another time and space that is completely different.


It seems that there is an invisible big hand knocking on the body of the tower, making a humming sound. The sound is deafening, and it has the magical effect of enlightenment, which is endlessly beneficial and memorable.

"The Voice of the Great Dao!" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

It was actually the voice of the Dao, and it was also called the voiceless voice of Proving the Dao. After listening to the voice, Jiang Chen's expression also changed, showing a little more awe.

The process of refining the Seven Star Pagoda is extremely complicated, and it takes an hour. When the sacrifice is completed, even Feng Xingyu is in vain.

Just saw that the Seven Star Pagoda was floating in the air, and then shrunk extremely quickly, becoming only about one foot high. With Feng Xingyu Xin's swipe, it landed firmly in the palm of his hand.

"It is rumored that this thing can suppress and kill those who have proved the Dao to the strongest." Feng Xingyu said.

During the process of offering sacrifices to the pagoda, all his energy and energy were exhausted. Such consumption was almost irreversible. When he finished speaking, his hair turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his hair turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye. Appearance, all in an instant.




Seeing this, the faces of many teachers in the martial arts academy changed drastically, and they all lost their voices.

"It's okay!" He waved his hand to signal everyone not to panic, and said, "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about."

At the end, Feng Xingyu lowered his head, stared at the Seven Star Pagoda in his hand, and said slowly, "The sky and the earth are shaking, and the chaos has come..."

Having said that, suddenly, two rays of light fell on Jiang Chen's body, and he said in a deep voice, "Jiang Chen, are you ready?"

"No." Without thinking, Jiang Chen just said.

Feng Xingyu laughed loudly and said, "Little guy, I just like your straightforwardness. I know you are extraordinary. If anyone can survive to the end in this troubled world, it must be you."

"Too flattering me." Jiang Chen said embarrassedly, but actually, because of Feng Xingyu's words, he was a little startled.

It can be clearly heard that Feng Xingyu's words have a deep meaning, and he clearly understands him to a certain extent, just as Shen Qing can tell that in this world, he belongs to the second type of person.

The second kind of person's statement means that he is the same type of person as the owner of the Four Pole Palace.

"Is this why you chose me?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

If Feng Xingyu had an insight into the truth and chose him as the object of the torch inheritance, then the prerequisite is that he lived longer and his life was big enough.

They are the same type of people as the Palace Master of the Four Extremes Palace, that is to say, Jiang Chen and the Palace Master of the Four Extremes Palace are from the same place. Pros and cons.

"As expected, ginger is old and spicy." Jiang Chen sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Everything is not without a reason, but calculated. Naturally, Jiang Chen never thinks that his identity can be concealed from the world and avoid everyone's eyes and ears.

How keen is the perception of Xeon's existence? As a cultivator, there is a huge difference between him and a martial arts practitioner. How can he not perceive it?
"After all, it was a fluke." Jiang Chen said to himself.

He is powerful and conceited, and along the way, almost all of them are horizontal, but it is the cause, somewhat numb and careless, for a while forgetting that he is different.

Now being reminded, Jiang Chen suddenly came to his senses, but he had to face himself squarely.

On this day, Feng Xingyu went to the Siji Palace with the Seven Star Pagoda in hand.

In the next few days, one after another, various news spread throughout the entire continent.

"Shen Qing is dead." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his expression became extremely serious for no reason.

The news came that the map of mountains and rivers, the important weapon of the Tianfeng Empire, was shattered. Within the territory of the Tianfeng Empire, the territory of millions of miles was full of hype, and the heaven and the earth were in mourning.

The entire continent was shaken, people panicked and became more and more confused, and the signs of troubled times became more and more obvious.

There was a black rain in the entire Tianfeng Empire, which was caused by resentment. This was the second monarch of the empire to fall after the death of Emperor Molong. It also meant that the strength of the Tianfeng Empire was exhausted.

The sound of crying was overwhelming, and the news came, which surprised Jiang Chen, but it was not surprising. Earlier in the Tianfeng Empire Palace, he learned of the death of Emperor Mo Long. Judging from Shen Qing's series of reactions, Jiang Chen was Know that this day will come sooner or later.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shen Qing to allow him to leave the palace alive, and since he let go of his personal grievances, it undoubtedly means that Shen Qing had a premonition that his life would not be long.

Perhaps the only thing that surprised him was the sudden death of Shen Qing.

"Who will be the next person to die?" Jiang Chen said silently.

Be it Emperor Mo Long or Shen Qing, in fact Jiang Chen didn't care whether they were alive or dead, but Jiang Chen had to give more consideration to some problems.

"Perhaps, such things as the inheritance of the torch are not suitable for me." Jiang Chen said with a wry smile, this is a heavy responsibility, and it is also a constraint.

A lot of news came out from time to time, and occasionally one or two news was earth-shattering, until half a month later, a news spread, and the whole Zhenwu Continent boiled.

The monarchs of the ten great empires teamed up to attack the Four Pole Palaces, and each sacrificed their country's heavy weapons to gamble on the country's national fortune, but, without exception, their halberds fell into the sand.

This kind of news makes people despair. After all, panic spreads like a plague, and the end is approaching!

(End of this chapter)

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