genius evil

Chapter 1510 Life is precious

Chapter 1510 Life is precious

Panic spread, but the interior of the Seven Star Martial Academy was as calm as ever, as if all the turmoil outside had been isolated and related to this place.

Jiang Chen strolled in the Martial Academy, followed by the four daughters of Zhichun.

He himself is a figure in the limelight, no matter in terms of popularity or popularity, he is unmatched, especially the four little beauties who follow behind him are even more conspicuous, attracting countless eyes.

"Too high-key, I'm obviously such a low-key person." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Zhichun's four daughters kept silent, pretending that they didn't hear anything.

"Seven Star Martial Academy, I am invincible. Who can understand such emptiness and loneliness?" Suddenly, Jiang Chen let out a long sigh, extraordinarily generous, with a great sense of emptiness, loneliness and coldness.

"In the Siji Palace, the strong are like clouds." Zhichun said.

"Extreme existence gathers!" Zhixia said after him.

"Looking at the entire continent, they are invincible." Zhiqiu said.

"Lonely? Go and fight!" Zhidong said not to be outdone.

"No!" Jiang Chen waved his hand incomparably crisply.

"Jiang Chen, don't you feel that the current Seven Star Martial Academy is lifeless and lifeless? If you stay here, wasting time will only waste your fighting spirit!" Clenching her fists, Zhichun puffed her mouth, said loudly.


Song Weiyang went to the Siji Palace alone, and threw the four daughters of Zhichun to Jiang Chen. One hundred and one thousand of the four daughters were reluctant, and each of them wanted to follow Song Weiyang, but how could Song Weiyang be able to do so? If you talk about it, you have made up your mind, and the four girls can only obey.

But it does not mean that the four girls have given up, but after Song Weiyang left, they kept encouraging Jiang Chen to let Jiang Chen go to Siji Palace.

It was hard for Song Weiyang to talk, and it was even harder for Jiang Chen to talk. Therefore, for several days, letting the four daughters wear their tongues, Jiang Chen still went his own way, very indifferent.

"Really? How do I feel, it's pretty good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, have you been doing nothing for the rest of your life?" Zhixia said, with a tone of hatred for iron and steel. What a pity.

"I have a dream..." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and said, "My dream is very simple. It is nothing more than recruiting beautiful beauties from all over the world."

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to be famous in history? Don't you want great achievements to be passed down through the ages?" Zhiqiu said, but his tone became bewitching.

"I don't want to!" Without even thinking about it, Jiang Chen shook his head firmly.

Are you kidding me, there is a price to be paid for being a hero and being a great man, okay?That kind of price, basically 90.00% or more, is to pay for life.

Of course, in that way, you can gain a good reputation, but if everyone is dead, what's the use of getting that reputation?
Jiang Chen has always been very pragmatic, living is good, isn't it?Why would you seek your own death?He, Jiang Chen, had been a handsome man in his two lives, but he still didn't want to die young.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you worried about the master's safety?" Zhidong said quietly after hesitating for a while.


Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's brows suddenly twitched. It was different from what Zhichun and the three daughters said, and it was no different from that nonsense in his ears. Zhidong's words directly hit Jiang Chen's vital point.

The troubled times have come, and the fate of endless warriors in the entire Zhenwu Continent is affected, who can be alone?
Song Weiyang went to the Siji Palace alone, determined and tenacious, it was clear that she had no intention of coming back alive, if she said she was not worried, she would be deceiving herself and others.

Rubbing his nose, Jiang Chen said, "That's all for today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Zhidong nodded, she understood what is enough is enough, talking too much would cause Jiang Chen's resentment, deep in her heart there was a burst of excitement, after all Jiang Chen didn't ignore Song Weiyang's life and death, in this way, it would be very easy. It is possible to successfully persuade Jiang Chen.

They quickly exchanged glances with the other three girls. The four girls got along day and night, and they had a tacit understanding. They had already caught Jiang Chen's painful foot. They were confident that they would be able to persuade Jiang Chen.


"It is indeed lifeless!"

After a while, after finally throwing the four girls away, Jiang Chen walked in the Seven Star Martial Academy alone.

It can be clearly seen that many disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy are slack and lazy when it comes to cultivation, and each of them has a deep worry look on their faces.

"Ranking Jade Bi!"

Jiang Chen appeared in front of a ranking jade bi, here is the list of top [-] outside sects!

At the beginning, Jiang Chen entered the outer gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy, rose strongly, pulled down Situ Aofeng, took the first place in the top [-] list, and became famous in the Martial Academy.

After a while, another ranked jade bi was caught in Jiang Chen's eyes.

This is the inner sect's celestial list, Jiang Chen raised his head, his eyes slightly closed, he saw his own name on the top, number one in the inner sect's celestial list, how high-spirited and powerful he was.

What happened in the past is vivid in my mind, as if it happened yesterday.

A large section of memory flooded into Jiang Chen's mind, and the dusty memory gradually became clear...

Whether it is the top [-] list of the outer sect, or the top list of the inner sect... To a certain extent, this is a way to prove one's own existence, so it will trigger countless people to follow suit.

It used to be brilliant, but now it is in decline.

The ranked jade disc was as clean as new, but it had become unattractive at all, and everyone was panicked.

Jiang Chen turned his head and found that at some point, there were already many people surrounding him. Only then did he realize that he had been standing under the Heaven List for quite a while.

"Senior Brother Jiang!"

One person stepped forward, saluted with fists in both hands, and said politely.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to be restrained.

"Senior brother Jiang, I don't know when you will go to the Siji Palace, can you let me go with you?" He heard the man say again, looking at Jiang Chen with eager eyes.

"Brother Jiang, can you let me go together!"

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen voices sounded in Jiang Chen's ears almost in unison.

Jiang Chen was surprised for a while. What he saw on everyone's faces was not madness, but calmness, even calmness.

"Do you know what it means to go to the Four Pole Palace? It is very likely that you will die on the way." Frowning, Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Brother Jiang, we all know!" Everyone said in unison.

Jiang Chen gave a wry smile, he waved his hand again, and walked away slowly, deep in his heart, because of this, he was severely shaken.

"Life is precious, and the price of freedom is even higher!"

Jiang Chen thought about it thoughtfully, and vaguely understood why the crowd was so angry.

The heavens and the earth are mutated, and chaos arises. Who can protect himself wisely? Those big and small whirlpools will eventually get involved, swallow or obliterate them.

An invisible big net, like a haze, shrouded everyone's heads. If you resist, you may die, but if you don't resist, you will definitely die.

Such a multiple-choice question, in any case, is not difficult to do.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's brows involuntarily tightened a bit.

He never thought that he could stay out of the matter. The reason why Jiang Chen didn't move in the past few days was just to observe the development of the situation.

A few days later, another piece of news came out, shaking the entire Zhenwu Continent.

Within the Eastern Great Territory, the principals of several great martial arts colleges joined forces to attack and kill the ushers, but failed. Three of them were killed on the spot and two were seriously injured.

This news is even more shocking than when the monarchs of the ten great empires fell into the sand.

In every empire, there is a powerful martial arts academy, which continuously exports talents, and the president of each martial arts academy is unpredictable.

The existence of the Martial Academy is a banner within the empire.

Now, those abbots were defeated and suffered heavy casualties, which undoubtedly meant that one banner after another had been cut off in the middle.

After the news was transmitted back to the Seven Star Martial Academy, there were wailing voices inside the Martial Academy one after another. This was because, among the two injured, one of them was Feng Xingyu.

"Dean Feng, you really don't have to worry." Jiang Chen said while shaking his head helplessly.

However, Jiang Chen also understands that this is just a test... After the actions of the ten great imperial monarchs, the deans of several great martial arts schools ... Then the next period of time will be quiet, until, the ultimate of the four great domains Strong existence, the clarion call to launch a counterattack towards the Siji Palace.

"It's almost time." Jiang Chen said to himself.

He must go to the Siji Palace, it doesn't care about justice or righteousness, the only thing Jiang Chen cares about is the safety of the people around him.

Of course, Jiang Chen is well aware that when Feng Xingyu handed over the Seven Star Pagoda to him, he was already involved. no difference.

"Jiang Chen, have you finally figured it out?" The happiest ones were none other than Zhichun's four daughters. They thought that it was their tireless efforts that finally moved Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, when are we going to leave? Do we need to prepare anything?" Zhixia said happily.

"Jiang Chen, just make arrangements for what you need." Zhiqiu and Zhidong also said, very active and attentive.

"You stay here!" Jiang Chen said casually.

These four women are four oil bottles, the reason why Song Weiyang let them stay is precisely based on such a reason, in this way, it is even more impossible for Jiang Chen to bring them.Otherwise, wouldn't it be asking for trouble?As for trouble, Jiang Chen has always kept a respectful distance.


Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the faces of the four girls immediately turned pale.

The day after the news was sent back to the Seven Star Martial Academy, Jiang Chen walked out of the Seven Star Martial Academy. He sacrificed his flying boat and headed towards the direction of the Siji Palace at the fastest speed.

The four domains of east, west, north, south are the four poles of Zhenwu Continent, and the Palace of the Four Pole governs the four domains, so the location is exactly the central area where the four domains border...

(End of this chapter)

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