genius evil

Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511
From the Seven Star Martial Academy to the Siji Palace, the distance is extremely long, and it would take an astonishing amount of time to travel by simply using a flying boat.

Naturally, Jiang Chen traveled through the space several times and crossed to go. In this way, when Jiang Chen arrived at the Black Dragon Empire, it would be several days later.

The Molong Empire belongs to the Eastern Great Region, and its territory borders on the Siji Palace, which is why the Molong Empire was the first to be targeted.

And starting from the Molong Empire to the Siji Palace, since there is no space to cross the coordinates, Jiang Chen can only rely on the flying boat honestly.

Fortunately, after entering the territory of the Black Dragon Empire, it will take at most a few days to arrive at the Siji Palace. In terms of time, there is no need to be too anxious.

Along the way, Jiang Chen received various news continuously. The continent was shaken violently, and the powerful gathered towards the Four Pole Palace. All kinds of information indicated that a great battle was about to begin.

However, since the last time, after the chiefs of several martial arts institutes took action, Siji Palace has become quiet, and no other news has come out.

It's just that despite this, the oppressive atmosphere that is about to come is pervasive on everyone's head, and everyone is well aware that if there is any movement in the quadrupole palace, it will inevitably be a new round of heaven and earth shattering, which means It means that the order of Zhenwu Continent will be bloodbathed and then rebuilt!

"The guide...the second type of person...the messenger of all things..."

Inside the flying boat, Jiang Chen whispered silently. The second type of person's argument was that Jiang Chen learned about it from Emperor Shen Qing of the Tianfeng Empire.

This kind of statement is very intriguing. In fact, what really moved Jiang Chen was that the existence of the powerful cultivators was not a secret in Zhenwu Continent.

In other words, his identity is clearly visible in the eyes of some Xeon existences.

Jiang Chen thought of the woman in the portrait of the goddess again. The woman was powerful and mysterious. Now that the Siji Palace had surfaced, Jiang Chen had to seriously consider whether the woman was injured and her soul was broken into pieces. related.

Besides, who can hurt her?

"call out!"

"call out!


Above the sky, one after another flying boats tore apart the void, and the directions they went to, without exception, were all the quadrupole palaces.

On the flying boat, auras of aura intertwine, and many warriors have strong or weak cultivation bases, but no matter whether they are strong or weak, they are clearly ready to throw their heads and blood on this trip.

"One person is against a whole continent!" Jiang Chen said to himself.

The behavior of the guide is clearly an enemy of the whole world, regardless of the factors behind it, this kind of spirit really makes people want to be respected irresistibly.

"What kind of elegant demeanor that should be, the word peerless is no exaggeration." Jiang Chen said, it is inevitable that he yearns for it.

"Jiang Chen!"

A flying boat approached, and someone recognized Jiang Chen's identity and greeted him.

"Brother Jiang, are you going to the Siji Palace?" the voice asked again, seemingly surprised, but also pleasantly surprised, looking Jiang Chen up and down, with a clear and unmistakable look of suspicion in his eyes.

Jiang Chen nodded dumbfoundingly, and the man was silent for a while before saying, "Brother Jiang, take care!"

The distance between the two flying boats then opened up. The two words are short and the meaning is self-explanatory. Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and said softly: "I hope there is a chance to see you again!"

Because of the matter of the Garden of Everything, Jiang Chen is known to everyone in the entire Eastern Territory. This is the Molong Empire, and most of the visitors are from the Eastern Great Territory. After Jiang Chen's identity is recognized, sometimes someone suggests Walking together with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen did not refuse.

Gradually, the number of such companions increased, and dozens of flying boats were mighty, which was quite a huge force.

Two days later, a city was within sight. It was Xilan City. It was only half a day's journey from Xilan City to Siji Palace, and there were many powerful beings who stopped here.

Jiang Chen had known this kind of news before, so after arriving in Xilan City, Jiang Chen put away the flying boat and went into the city.

In the past, the Siji Palace had always been low-key. Except for some powerful forces who knew of its existence, the vast majority of people, let alone knew about it, had never even heard of it.

This is also why the sudden high-profile appearance of the Four Pole Palace will shake the entire continent. It is like a prehistoric monster with the power to move a continent.

Just like the low-key of Siji Palace, even within the territory of Molong Empire, Xilan City is inconspicuous. Xilan City is not big, and people from all over the world poured in, making the city a bit crowded.

On the streets in the city, warriors from all sides came and went like weaving. When Jiang Chen entered Xilan City, his sense of presence seemed to become a bit stronger because of it.

"Is that Jiang Chen?"

"Is it really him?"

"Is there any mistake, are you sure it's Jiang Chen?"


There were voices of discussion coming from his ears, no doubt full of doubts. Jiang Chen was inexplicable when he heard those voices in his ears.

Could it be that he can't come to Xilan City?

Is he not supposed to come?Or, he won't come?
But he's already here, okay?

What's more, just talk about it, can't you talk about it in private, why are you talking so loudly, is it because you are worried that he won't hear it or something?

However, Jiang Chen finally understood why on the way here, many people looked at him with extremely suspicious eyes. They clearly thought that, in terms of his behavior style, he was probably insulated from words like righteousness.

After realizing this, the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched. When did his reputation become so bad?

"Brother Jiang, long time no see." One person walked towards Jiang Chen and said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen stared at the speaker and looked again and again. After all, he did not recognize the other person, so he was sure that he had never dealt with him before, but what happened to such a familiar tone of voice? ?

"Brother Jiang, in the Garden of All Things, I am honored to witness your peerless beauty with my own eyes." The man said embarrassingly.

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Jiang, you will come to Xilan City, which will increase the confidence of many people." The man just said.

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen stared dryly.

Isn't this taking him as a negative example?When we talk about it in the future, it can be said that even Jiang Chen has stepped forward, why do you have any reason to back down?
It sounds good, but why does it sound so awkward?Jiang Chen wanted to hit someone a little bit.

But that guy knew that Jiang Chen had a bad temper, so he ran away after he finished speaking, leaving Jiang Chen without a target, so he could only find air, and punched him twice viciously to relieve his suffocation.

"Friend, come here." Jiang Chen waved to a talking guy, and said in an unquestionable tone.

The man's complexion changed drastically, just like the eggplant beaten by the frost, he stumbled and said: "Brother Jiang, did I do something wrong, or I apologize to you, your lord has a lot, don't bother with me ,Ok!"

"No!" Jiang Chen said viciously.

Those discussing were able to confirm Jiang Chen's identity, so more and more people joined the discussion. This was the first time Jiang Chen learned that his own character was so poor.

But Jiang Chen's biggest advantage is that he doesn't believe in evil, so Jiang Chen needs to make sure of his own character.

The man shrank his neck, but after all he didn't dare to disobey, he walked towards Jiang Chen shyly, and said in a muffled voice, "Brother Jiang, what advice do you have?"

"What kind of person do you think I am?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Handsome and unrestrained, outstanding." The man said tremblingly.

"I didn't expect you to be so discerning?" Jiang Chen was taken aback, let this person go, and waved again, calling another person over.

"Tell me, what kind of person am I?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to hear the truth or lies?" the man asked cautiously.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Naturally, you have to listen to the truth. Tell me quickly, don't waste my time." Jiang Chen urged impatiently.

"Brother Jiang, with all due respect, you are just too good, that's why you've attracted so much jealousy." The man said righteously, while talking, he didn't forget to pat his chest, In order to show a posture of swearing.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed all of a sudden, and said with a smile: "Am I really that good? Actually, I'm just a little bit better than you guys. In other words, you shouldn't be jealous of me too, right?"

"Brother Jiang, I've admired you for a long time, so I can't be jealous at all." The man said again swearing.

"Okay, now that the truth is over, what about lies?" Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Jiang, with all due respect, why do you have to be so good? In fact, you can keep a low profile." The man said heartbroken.

The people next to him were overwhelmed when they heard this, and all the goosebumps popped up all over their bodies. Is it really good to flatter like this?Moreover, what happened to Jiang Chen's seemingly favorable reaction to such an obvious flattery?

Could it be that the purpose of Jiang Chen catching others to ask questions is to flatter them, but does he really need such a bad taste?
"I think what you said is right. You have a unique vision and a bright future!" Jiang Chen patted the man on the shoulder and said earnestly.

"Brother Jiang, I will keep your advice in mind, and I will continue to work hard to never let you down, Brother Jiang." The man clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"I'm just talking casually. Don't take it to heart. In fact, I have no expectations of you." Jiang Chen had no choice but to tell the truth.

That person was about to cry, he flattered Jiang Chen so hard, so what if Jiang Chen listened to the last sentence, should he hit him like this?

"You..." Jiang Chen pointed at one person again, as if he was addicted to it, that was a person who never tired of it.

Then many people just saw that Jiang Chen arrested one person after another, until the other party praised him to the point of being ecstatic, then he released them.

As for someone dissatisfied, of course there is none, and it is precisely in this way that Jiang Chen announced his arrival...

(End of this chapter)

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