genius evil

Chapter 1512 Don't even take a loss

Chapter 1512 Not willing to take a loss
Xilan City is extremely lively, and there are all kinds of powerful beings entrenched inside. Although Jiang Chen is strong, no matter whether it is his strength or status, he is far from being ranked.

This means that when Jiang Chen enters Xilan City, he will be like a stone thrown into a turbulent lake, and it will not be able to stir up any waves at all.

However, Jiang Chen created a unique path, and in an astonishing way, immediately made his arrival known to the whole city.

Some people suspect that Jiang Chen did it on purpose, because in this way, it is more in line with his usual high-profile behavior style. After all, Jiang Chen has always been high-profile, so how could he be willing to disappear from the public?

There are also people who think that Jiang Chen's nature is like this, but he intensified his dissatisfaction with a certain matter, which is why such a strange scene appeared.

But Jiang Chen had already lived in a restaurant, he ignored the speculations from the outside world, and went his own way.

"Uh, isn't it a little too high-profile?"

After entering the restaurant, Jiang Chen was stunned to see wave after wave of people pouring into the restaurant, they were clearly coming towards him.

"Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang..."


One after another, the voices of greeting came to Jiang Chen's ears one after another. Although Jiang Chen had intended to create such an effect, this effect was really too good.

It took a full hour for Jiang Chen's ears to be cleansed. A figure entered the hotel and sat down in front of Jiang Chen. Then he picked up what Jiang Chen ordered and ate it. Meaning nothing.

It wasn't until he was full and burped that the man wiped his mouth that he got up and signaled, "You brat, come with me."

"It's okay to go with you, but the question is who will pay the bill?" Jiang Chen asked.

For them, eating is just to satisfy the desire of the tongue, not the necessary needs of the body, but the problem is that they want to leave after eating so much food, patting their buttocks, dare to ask, how can there be such a cheap food in this world? Things?
Jiang Chen had always been the one who took advantage of others, but was there a time when he was taken advantage of?
So Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied, and his face was definitely not that good-looking at the moment.


The man looked at Jiang Chen, blowing his beard and staring.

"Are you asking me to pay the bill?" the man said angrily.

"Or, whoever eats pays the bill?" Jiang Chen suggested, thinking that this is really a good suggestion.

The man's face turned blue with anger in an instant, and he laughed back from his anger. He called the restaurant owner, settled the account, and urged, "Hurry up."

"Principal Feng, do you have to be so stingy? In my hometown, even brothers are clear accounts." Jiang Chen muttered.

The AA system is still very popular on Earth, but English is no different from Niaoyu in this world. In order to avoid the trouble of explaining, Jiang Chen can only explain this truth as simply as possible.

The person who came was none other than Feng Xingyu.

If Jiang Chen's intentional high profile was for fishing, then Feng Xingyu was undoubtedly the first fish Jiang Chen caught.

Jiang Chen knew when to be high-key and when to be low-key. If he chose to be low-key when he was high-key, he would be stupid, and if he was low-key, he would be courting death!
Everything is purposeful or even targeted, but Jiang Chen can't just say it outright with such a little thought.

Otherwise, wouldn't Feng Xingyu be even angrier if he found out that Jiang Chen was fishing?
"Respect the elders!" Feng Xingyu said with the corners of his mouth twitching for a while.

"Love the young, Dean Feng!" Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"How decent!" Feng Xingyu blew his beard and stared again.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and took advantage of the situation and asked: "Principal Feng, I just came to Xilan City. I was exhausted and exhausted. You came to me in such a hurry. This kind of behavior can't be regarded as loving children, right? So , how can I respect the old?"

"The situation is a bit special!" Feng Xingyu reminded.

Feng Xingyu's residence was a large courtyard. In a small city like Xilan City, it was simply extravagant to find such a huge and luxurious courtyard, which made Jiang Chen heartbroken.

After all, comparing the two, the restaurant he entered earlier was nothing more than a pig's nest.

As soon as he entered the other courtyard, Jiang Chen saw a colorful figure flashing past his eyes.

"Dean Feng, you actually came all the way here to hide in the golden house?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"That's the dean of Yuanling Wuyuan." Feng Xingyu's face turned dark.

"Disrespect, disrespect!" Jiang Chen's face immediately changed, as if he had never said such a thing at all.

The other courtyard is huge and the interior is spacious. Not only Feng Xingyu lived there, but also the deans of several other martial arts schools in the Eastern Great Region. Feng Xingyu led Jiang Chen all the way into the other courtyard. Soon, Jiang Chen was with him. The other deans had a face-to-face meeting.

"Hello, everyone." Jiang Chen said carelessly, clasping his fists together.

The deans of several great martial arts schools gathered together. In a peaceful and prosperous age, it is impossible for such a situation to happen. They are all huge, serving as the backbone of the major empires. Every move is about the fate of an empire.

It is only in this troubled world that such an abnormal situation will appear.


Following Jiang Chen's words, several eyes, almost uniform, landed on Jiang Chen's body.

The meanings contained in those gazes were varied, some laughed it off, some were funny, and of course some were dissatisfied, it seemed that they were dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's carefree attitude.

Feng Xingyu's old face was dark again. He brought Jiang Chen in, and originally wanted to introduce him, but who would have thought that Jiang Chen was so familiar.

"Hey, why is no one talking? Could it be that you are all bad?" Jiang Chen jokingly laughed lightly, taking those gazes into his eyes one by one.

"Slap your mouth!" A cold low voice, like a thunderbolt, rushed into Jiang Chen's ears, and then exploded in Jiang Chen's mind.

Even with Jiang Chen's current cultivation level, when that voice exploded in his mind, he couldn't restrain his energy and blood.

Following the sound, Jiang Chen saw that the person who spoke was none other than the dean of the Yuanling Martial Academy.

"Principal Yuan, do you have any misunderstandings about me?" Seeing the past, Jiang Chen asked in great bewilderment, he wanted to slap his mouth if he looked good, and he wanted to save face, okay?

The dean of the Yuanling Martial Academy, named Yuan Ya, looks like she is only in her mid-mature age, and she still has charm, but her face is extremely indifferent, as if she has abandoned her emotions and desires, giving people a feeling that strangers don't care. The breath that is near seems to belong to the type that is very difficult to deal with.

Of course, Jiang Chen never thought about dealing with him, so whether the other party is easy to deal with is not important to Jiang Chen at all.

"Misunderstanding!" Yuan Ya sneered.

Did Jiang Chen and Feng Xingyu think she didn't hear the sentence they said when they came to the other courtyard before?

"It seems that there is really a misunderstanding between us, and it must be something that can't be explained clearly, why don't I take a step first?" Jiang Chen said.

While talking, without waiting for Yuan Ya's response, Jiang Chen turned around and walked out, that was a snap.

"Jiang Chen, stop!" Seeing this, Feng Xingyu yelled.

"Principal Feng, you may not be very clear about it. As for me, I have a big or small problem. The worst thing is that others misunderstand me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"There is no misunderstanding!" Yuan Ya said coldly.

Even if Feng Xingyu didn't stop Jiang Chen, she couldn't let Jiang Chen go so easily, arrange the relationship between her and Feng Xingyu indiscriminately, and slander her reputation. Satisfactory confession, otherwise it is impossible to give up!

"It's really a misunderstanding!" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, don't you intend to slap your mouth?" Yuan Ya stood up, if Jiang Chen didn't want to, she didn't mind doing it for him.

Jiang Chen was so rude, presumably after a little punishment, he would become a lot more honest.

"Why should I slap my mouth? I don't have the tendency to abuse myself." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, shaking his head like a rattle.


Regarding Jiang Chen's words, Yuan Ya was noncommittal, and she didn't think Jiang Chen had a penchant for self-torture, so in this way, even if she couldn't think of doing it, she couldn't do it.

With a thought, Yuan Ya took a step forward, but Jiang Chen's speed was even faster. Just as Yuan Ya's figure moved, Jiang Chen disappeared in place and appeared outside the other courtyard.

That kind of speed is extremely astonishing, breaking through the limit that the naked eye can reach, it looks like a wild horse, even if it falls into the eyes of the chiefs of several martial arts schools, it is amazing, let them see In the eyes, the eyes are bright.

"Good speed!" One person couldn't help saying, the admiration was beyond words.

"So-so..." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I want to teach you a lesson, do you think you can run away?" Yuan Ya sneered, she raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"Why don't you try it?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he was noncommittal to Yuan Ya's words, and he was extremely confident in his own speed. How could the space shuttle technique he learned from the big tortoise be in vain?

Furthermore, if it really doesn't work, using the innate good fortune technique, this book is comparable to the divine technique, and in the case of a skyrocketing cultivation base, it's probably not weaker than Yuanya.

This is Jiang Chen's confidence!

If it is said that what he did today must be regarded as presumptuous and rude, then this is where Jiang Chen has the confidence to be presumptuous and rude!
Yuan Ya stopped talking, she took a step forward, her figure returned to nothingness, blending into that space, she just wanted to make a move, so that Jiang Chen could know how high the sky was and how thick the ground was.

But Yuan Ya made a move, and stretched out a hand out of thin air to stop Yuan Ya.

"Dean Feng, you want to stop me?" Yuan Ya scolded, extremely displeased.

Feng Xingyu shook his head, he looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "Jiang Chen, you really are, you don't want to suffer at all."

(End of this chapter)

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