genius evil

Chapter 1513

Chapter 1513

"Dean Feng, do I have to suffer? Or, you old man, are you planning to make me suffer? But one thing I must explain in advance is that I like to eat everything, but I don't like to suffer, so the courtyard is closed You must never force others to make things difficult for you, even if you force others to make things difficult for you, I will not give in anyway!" Blinking his eyes, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't pretend to be crazy!" Feng Xingyu said helplessly after waving his hand.

Feng Xingyu knew that Jiang Chen must have seen the clues, that's why he would choose to make trouble, but this surprised him, but he didn't know where Jiang Chen saw the clues, and that is, How much did Jiang Chen guess!

"Dean Feng, I don't even understand the meaning of punctuation marks in your words." Jiang Chen said with a smile, refusing to admit that he was pretending to be crazy, otherwise, wouldn't it be very boring.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that you have already guessed something, so let's cut straight to the point, let's sit down and discuss in detail, how about it?" Feng Xingyu had no choice but to say.

Jiang Chen is definitely not the kind of person who is easy to be perfunctory. According to Feng Xingyu's original intention, he has no plan to perfunctory Jiang Chen. However, Jiang Chen's ability to provoke hatred is too strong. It's just trouble!

"So, am I really doomed to suffer?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

But Feng Xingyu said that all the time, and his words were sincere, but he had to give this face. Jiang Chen walked in again and sat down under Feng Xingyu's guidance.

Yuan Ya was still angry, she looked at Jiang Chen with faint eyes, but she didn't get angry, but Jiang Chen left a bad impression on her, but it was certain.

"Jiang Chen, it just so happened that you came to Xilan City, so I called you over to discuss matters related to the Siji Palace together... If you listen to it, you will be clear, but you will believe it, but you will be dark. Everyone is sharing weal and woe now, but we must work together. Have selfish intentions!" Feng Xingyu said solemnly.

This was nothing more than a glamorous scene, after all, Jiang Chen would not think that in Feng Xingyu's eyes, he had the qualifications to be equal to the presidents of the martial arts academy.

Of course, in this way, Feng Xingyu would make a special trip to call him, and this matter became intriguing invisibly.

"The Siji palace is quiet now, but we must not take it lightly. A bigger storm will come soon." Feng Xingyu said again.

Afterwards, several directors of the Martial Academy exchanged opinions on this matter. Jiang Chen had just arrived, and the information about the Siji Palace was all hearsay, and his level of understanding was far inferior to that of others, so he simply kept his mouth shut. say.

Half a minute later, the exchange of opinions between all parties was over, but there was no real progress in handling the matter. Everyone, including Feng Xingyu, was frowning.

The existence of the quadrupole palace is impressively like a cancer, which makes people feel overwhelmed with pain. Everyone wants to pull out this cancer, but it is not easy to put it into action.

It is precisely because of this that people are helpless and at the same time extremely powerless, and can only helplessly be beaten passively. If the Siji Palace strikes again, the entire continent will be affected and the sky will be turned upside down.

Suddenly, several eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body.

Feeling the heat of those gazes, Jiang Chen was slightly startled. He touched his face and asked, "Am I handsome?"

"Jiang Chen, what do you think of the guide?" Feng Xingyu said seriously, ignoring Jiang Chen's nonsense.

"I don't have any opinions, you continue to talk, don't worry about me at all." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Jiang Chen, you might as well speak up if you have something to say." Feng Xingyu said.

"Principal Feng, you're embarrassing me again." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Hearing the meaning of Feng Xingyu's words, how could Jiang Chen not understand, even if he really didn't have any opinions, he still had to say a few words.

The voice fell, and with a light cough, the old god Jiang Chen said, "Principal Feng, since you insist on letting me speak, then I will just say a few words casually. If there is anything wrong, please don't remember it. You villain, don't argue with me... Otherwise, I won't say anything if you kill me."

The corner of Feng Xingyu's mouth twitched, inexplicably doubting whether it was a wrong decision to ask Jiang Chen to express his opinion.

"As for the guide, I know very little, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone's goal is to kill him, so just go straight to the goal. As for the means and process, it doesn't matter at all. "Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Such words attracted everyone's attention, Feng Xingyu was stunned, thinking that Jiang Chen would talk nonsense, but he did not expect that Jiang Chen would speak seriously.

"Even if it's not so easy to kill a person, there are still more ways than difficulties, right? For example, you can use beauty tricks, poison, or bribe people around him to murder... Well, let me put it this way, Do you understand?"

"Of course, this is just an introduction. It doesn't mean that you are required to follow my proposal. Everyone can open their minds and use their imagination a little bit, can't they?"


If Jiang Chen didn't talk, he would become talkative as soon as he opened his mouth. He talked with great eloquence, until the complexion of everyone who listened to him changed and his breathing became short of breath.

"Enough!" Yuan Ya couldn't listen any longer, and scolded, the way she looked at Jiang Chen at this time was no longer like looking at an idiot, but like looking at a psychopath.

Jiang Chen said a lot, which seemed to be very reasonable, but in fact, every word was said or not said. In other words, everything Jiang Chen said was nonsense.

Beauty trap?Poison?buy?
Leaving aside such means, whether there is any suspicion of indiscriminate use, as Jiang Chen said, the process and means are not important, what matters is the result.

But such a crude method, just wanting to kill the receiver, is it different from dreaming in broad daylight?

Yuan Ya originally thought that Jiang Chen could give some constructive suggestions, so she patiently listened to Jiang Chen's words, but she couldn't bear it anymore, so she could only roughly interrupt Jiang Chen.

"That's enough, I'm done." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"About the guide, the most mysterious thing is that he is not from the Zhenwu Continent. He comes from an unknown world, so we don't know anything about his true ability." Yuan Ya said bluntly, which can be regarded as A kind of retaliation for Jiang Chen who said so much nonsense.

"That's right." Feng Xingyu nodded after hearing the sound, and he added, "As the saying goes, different ways don't conspire."

"That's a different number, and even more of a different kind. If nothing happens all the time, I, Zhenwu Continent, may not be able to tolerate his existence, but seeking luck and overturning my life is a sin worthy of death, and it must not be forgiven!" Then, Feng Xingyu said indignantly.

"Jiang Chen, another important reason for our gathering today is to recommend someone to go to the Siji Palace to have a face-to-face contact with the guide, so that we can find out the details of him!" Feng Xingyu said.

"Such an important task must belong to Dean Feng!" Jiang Chen said, awe-inspiring.

"No, I intend to entrust this task to you... Originally, there was no suitable candidate, and it happened that you came to Xilan City." Feng Xingyu said.

"Jiang Chen, if you go to the Siji Palace, I will forgive your rudeness!" Yuan Ya said.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen stood up, interrupted their words, and said, "I remembered, there is an important matter that needs to be dealt with, let's take a step first, and you can talk slowly."

While looking for something to say, Jiang Chen was about to leave, but when he moved, several figures moved in unison, blocking his way.

"Is this to use force?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Jiang Chen, since I handed over the Seven Star Pagoda to you, I think you know my intentions. Since you have come to Xilan City, I think you have already made a decision, haven't you?" Dean Feng said solemnly .

Jiang Chen sighed lowly, and said dumbfoundedly: "This is a big matter, let's discuss it again, we must take a long-term view."

"We don't have much time left." Feng Xingyu shook his head.

"So, I was really tricked!" Jiang Chen yelled.

At the beginning, Feng Xingyu gave him the Seven Star Pagoda, calling it the inheritance of the fire, but how could Jiang Chen not understand that the true meaning of the inheritance of the fire was due to his special identity.

That is, like the guide, for the people of Zhenwu Continent, he belongs to the second type of person!

That's why Feng Xingyu will hand over the Seven Star Pagoda to him!

Just like that, the moment he came to Xilan City, he was summoned here by Feng Xingyu!


Jiang Chen wasn't stupid, and he wasn't going to pretend to be stupid when it came to such important matters. This was why Jiang Chen would preemptively create conflicts, divert attention, and offend Yuan Ya.

However, Feng Xingyu's patience was exhausted, or he had reached the point where he had no choice but to directly cut off his retreat and cut straight to the point.

"Jiang Chen, since you came to Xilan City, you have made such a big show, isn't it just to attract our attention?" Feng Xingyu said earnestly.

After Jiang Chen entered Xilan City, he was extremely high-profile. First, he wanted to try to see if he could contact Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's two daughters. Second, it was Feng Xingyu's stated intention.

The former did not succeed, but for the latter, Feng Xingyu immediately appeared in front of him after seeing his intentions.

"Dean Feng, you have said so many things, you almost convinced me." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You agreed?" Feng Xingyu's face brightened, and the rest of the people also showed joy.

"Not at all." Jiang Chen shook his head, and he said, "It's still a little short, I need a reason, you guys have to convince me, and then I can convince myself!"

Even if Jiang Chen came to Xilan City, the purpose was the Siji Palace, and he planned to meet with the guide, which was consistent with the purpose of Feng Xingyu and others, but it does not mean that Jiang Chen would be so easy for others. Work hard.

The reason why he wants to meet the guide is very simple. It is because, in essence, he and the guide belong to the same kind of person, but being calculated by others is not a comfortable thing after all, is it?
(End of this chapter)

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