genius evil

Chapter 1514 4 Extreme Palaces

Chapter 1514 Four Pole Palace

"Principal Feng, I think that what you said just now is very reasonable... Differences in ways do not conspire, so why do we conspire?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.


The audience was silent, and the principals of several martial arts colleges suddenly realized that Jiang Chen was different, not because of how talented Jiang Chen was, but because, no matter what kind of environment he was in, Jiang Chen always had absolute strength. sober.

After Jiang Chen said so much, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, it's okay to work hard, but the benefits must be offered, and such benefits must satisfy him.

Otherwise, everything will stop!
This is tantamount to saying that it is clear that the soldiers and horses are negotiating conditions, which can undoubtedly save a lot of suspicion and time, but this way of speaking is also doomed, and it is unacceptable.

"Jiang Chen, I said before, as long as you are willing to take a trip, the grievances between you and me will be wiped out!" Yuan Ya said.

"President Yuan, will you kill me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No!" Yuan Ya said after thinking about it.

To the extent that Jiang Chen offended her, a slight punishment would suffice, and it would not be too much to tolerate Jiang Chen.

"That's right, I won't die if I offend you, but if I go to the Siji Palace, there is a great possibility that I will die... So, how do you let me choose?" Jiang Chen asked.

Yuan Ya was speechless for a moment. This is a multiple-choice question that a three-year-old child can do. It is clear at a glance how to choose, so there is no need to say more.

"All the living beings in the world are so innocent. The guide is willing to sacrifice his life for his own selfish desires. How can everyone in my generation be able to watch such a thing happen in front of our eyes?" A voice rang out, full of compassion.

It is a pity that Jiang Chen has always been hard-hearted, and such words are too far from convincing him.

"Jiang Chen, this is fate, it cannot be resisted!" The head of the martial arts academy also said in a vicious voice, bluntly threatening, expressing that he would not give Jiang Chen a chance to refuse.

Jiang Chen simply ignored such rhetoric. Now it is everyone begging him, not him, so such a threat is simply nonsense.

"Jiang Chen, what do you want?" Finally, Feng Xingyu asked.

Feng Xingyu thought that instead of racking his brains to think about how to persuade Jiang Chen, it would be better to let Jiang Chen set the conditions himself, and then find ways to satisfy Jiang Chen's conditions.

"Dean Feng, if I make a request, can your attitude represent the entire continent?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Naturally!" Feng Xingyu said.

The dean of several major martial arts schools in the Eastern Great Territory represents the extreme combat power of the Eastern Great Territory, and has long been communicating with the Xeons of the other three great domains.

It can be said that today, the destiny of all people is connected, and there is an unprecedented unity. Even if there is a loss of personal morality in ordinary times, at the current stage, the public morality is intact.

"That's much simpler." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Feng Xingyu's heart immediately became tense, and he suddenly realized that it might not be a good thing to give Jiang Chen the initiative. ?

But the words had already been uttered, and if the flood was hard to take back, Feng Xingyu could only bite the bullet and signaled Jiang Chen to continue talking.

Jiang Chen was not polite, and asked Feng Xingyu to mobilize powerful people from all sides to find someone for him. There were three people he was looking for, namely the old man, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

After finding the people, send them to Lieyang City, and then destroy Lieyang City!
Jiang Chen's request was very simple, and his purpose was also very simple. He was leaving a way out for himself. No matter where the three of them are currently, mobilizing the power of the entire continent to find them would definitely not be a difficult task.

This kind of retreat is not because Jiang Chen thinks that once he goes to the Siji Palace, he will never return, but because Jiang Chen never thinks that he will really die. Jiang Chen won't even blink his eyelids when the great benefits are presented to him.

The reason for taking the risk is that Jiang Chen believes that there are some things that must be done.

This is the worst timing, but it is also the best timing. As the second type of person, it is impossible to say that Jiang Chen is not curious about the guide.

Therefore, Jiang Chen must go there to meet him. This is the biggest reason why Jiang Chen will appear here. However, these things are Jiang Chen's willingness, and there are no other factors involved.

If someone takes advantage of this and uses him as a pawn, it is a wrong idea.

Jiang Chen explained the appearance of the three of them in detail so that it would be easier to find them. Feng Xingyu listened carefully and nodded seriously, expressing that he would do his best.

Jiang Chen's request was simply outrageously simple. To everyone's surprise, the eyes they all looked at Jiang Chen became a little different.

They had some plans, and waited for Jiang Chen to open his mouth, or to speak nonsense, but the request Jiang Chen mentioned was somewhat suspicious of his loneliness, which made them inevitably a little more respectful when they looked at Jiang Chen. meaning.

Jiang Chen felt it was funny, but he was too lazy to explain anything. If you misunderstand, just misunderstand. Anyway, such misunderstandings are beneficial and harmless, and the more the better.

The more misunderstandings there are, the harder it will be to find people, which is exactly what Jiang Chen likes to see.

On the next morning, Jiang Chen set off from Xilan City alone to the Siji Palace.

In just half a day, a huge palace with an astonishing scale, like a small city, came into Jiang Chen's eyes.

Undoubtedly, that is the Four Pole Palace!
"In Zhenwu Continent, there is such a place in the center of the Four Great Domains!" Jiang Chen was surprised.

It can only be said that in the past, the Siji Palace acted too low-key, so low-key that it was almost transparent. Who would have expected that this power that can subvert a continent would have such a high-key side.

However, as an odd number, it is obvious that the various forces on the mainland deliberately downplayed its influence. That intention is not just as simple as a convention.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, the biggest possibility is that the existence of the Four Pole Palace is acquiesced and rejected. He is actually superior to many forces, controlling the life and death of anyone!
This is too special, because it is special, it is even more respectful!
Jiang Chen strode forward, and soon discovered that the Siji Palace was not a palace, but a small human city. He could clearly perceive that there were many signs of human activities inside.

Of course, Jiang Chen knew that this human city was born attached to the Siji Palace, and the reason why it existed was to be used to continuously provide various resources for the Siji Palace.

Without hindrance, Jiang Chen entered the city. After entering the city, it was unexpectedly prosperous, like a small Taoyuan world, full of rich life atmosphere, such a scene, unlike any other honest There is absolutely no difference, as if this place is not disturbed by the outside world.

But soon Jiang Chen felt awe-inspiring, because he found that there was no aura of any martial artist here, that is to say, the people living here were ordinary people, not martial arts monks.

He was walking among the crowds. On the surface, he seemed inconspicuous, but Jiang Chen understood that his own existence, since he entered this place, was probably no different from that [-]-watt light bulb.

Jiang Chen didn't think about wasting time. He went directly to the place where the Siji Palace was located. That building can be described as a landmark building here. There was no need to inquire about it. Soon, Jiang Chen appeared in the Siji Palace outside the palace.

This is a majestic and towering huge palace. The style of the palace is peculiar. Looking at the Zhenwu Continent, it is considered rare. However, Jiang Chen is familiar with such an architectural style and cannot be more familiar with it.

"The style of the comprehension world, could it be that this guide is from the True Spirit Continent!" Jiang Chen thought as his heart moved.

Every world has a unique style of that world, and that style is embodied in food, clothing, housing and transportation. For example, the style of the earth is different from that of Zhenwu Continent. Popular styles are out of place.

Because this style is too familiar, even if Jiang Chen doesn't want to associate it with the True Spirit Continent, it will be very difficult.

"But it's better not to be an old friend!" Jiang Chen smiled when he thought of this.

Once in the True Spirit Continent, as a powerful person in the realm of fusion, he traveled extensively and traveled all over the world, leaving a great reputation on the True Spirit Continent.

If the guide was really from the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen felt that maybe the two had dealt with each other before.

Of course, this is all Jiang Chen's conjecture, and it still needs to be confirmed.

But from the bottom of his heart, Jiang Chen didn't want the other party to be his acquaintance. After all, his realm had fallen and he was no longer the glory of the past. If the other party ridiculed him because of this, would it be an attack or not?

It has never been Jiang Chen's style to be submissive. If he were to fight, he would definitely not be his opponent. Isn't that obviously going to embarrass him?

In the area where the Quadrupole Palace is located, within a radius of several kilometers, there are no other buildings, standing alone like an isolated island.

The gate of the palace was closed tightly, and no one could be seen. Jiang Chen thought for a while, and then reached out to push the door.

It's just that Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and saw that the closed door slowly opened from the inside to the outside. At the same time, a cold voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

"Jiang Chen, you are finally here!"

Hearing the sound, hearing the tone of voice, Jiang Chen faintly felt a little familiar, but he couldn't think of it for a while, so he just raised his eyes to look.

In the next instant, Jiang Chen's face changed, and those eyes became as sharp as a sword!

"It's you... No, how could it be you?"

Jiang Chen said in a low voice, his eyes fell heavily on the person who spoke, he stared at him and glanced up and down, his eyes fluctuated, and he was surprised. This was a great accident, and Jiang Chen never expected it anyway. Now, I really met an old acquaintance!
(End of this chapter)

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