genius evil

Chapter 1515 Old Acquaintances

Chapter 1515 Old Acquaintances


The air waves rolled, the smoke and dust billowed in the air, Jiang Chen moved his feet, and his physical body tore through the void, appearing in front of that figure.

"Where are the two of them? Hand them over!" Staring at each other, Jiang Chen's face was ashen, his voice was stern, and there was no doubt about it!
What Jiang Chen was referring to was not others, but Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing!
The figure in front of him was wrapped in a black robe, and he was as cold and arrogant as ice, and his aloofness was beyond words.But for Jiang Chen, it was too familiar and impressive, so that after the first glance, even if Jiang Chen wanted to pretend that he didn't recognize the other party's identity, it was very difficult to do it!

Back then, Jiang Chen carried Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing through space to transmit coordinates and entered the True Spirit Continent. This was a completely strange world. The comprehensiveness of Shen Shijing is no different from that idiot talking about dreams.

This is in Chimang Forest, Jiang Chen will cleverly set up a name, forcibly apprentice, and send Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing out!

Jiang Chen thought he had calculated this matter and had bad intentions, but what Jiang Chen never thought of was that since that farewell, there has been no news of the second daughter ever since.

Even though he rose all the way and his fame spread far and wide, the second daughter never sent back a single word, and the two living people just disappeared like this.

It is absolutely impossible to say that Jiang Chen was never worried about this matter, and this is why Jiang Chen made such a request to Feng Xingyu before coming to Siji Palace.

He couldn't find it himself, and the second daughter wouldn't come looking for him. In this way, even if he searched the entire continent, he would not hesitate to find people. He wanted to see people, and he wanted to see dead bodies!
What Jiang Chen never expected was that he would meet an acquaintance in Siji Palace. This woman in black was none other than Qian Xue who had taken Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing away from the Chimang Forest back then!
Jiang Chen was surprised, but more, an indescribable joy welled up in his heart, because, since seeing Qianxue, does it mean that soon, he will be able to see Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing?
Jiang Chen's mood was agitated and he couldn't control himself. He was so impatient, he wanted to get further news, so as to confirm the current situation of the second daughter!
"They're not here." Looking at Jiang Chen indifferently, Qian Xue responded.

"Where is it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"When the time comes, they will naturally appear in front of you!" Qian Xue responded.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" Jiang Chen was furious!
It would be fine if there was only hope from the beginning to the end, but now, with the clues in sight, how could Jiang Chen give up!

"Have you forgotten why you appeared here?" Qian Xue was indifferent to Jiang Chen's attitude.

"So, you are from the Siji Palace?" Jiang Chen just said.

The identity of this woman became a mystery, Jiang Chen knew it, knowing more would not be a bad thing, maybe Qian Xue refused to tell the whereabouts of the second woman, but she could follow the clues to find her all the way.

"Yes!" Qianxue admitted straightforwardly, without any coyness or pretentiousness.

In the end, she took a deep look at Jiang Chen, suddenly sighed softly, and said, "I originally thought that you would come here in the shortest possible time... But fortunately, although it was much late, you still came after all !"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. He stared at Qian Xue and looked again and again, wondering if he had auditory hallucinations.

Because, according to Qian Renxue, there are two meanings.

First, she has been waiting here for him, thinking that he will come soon, but she has been waiting until now before he appears.

Second, this is the place where he should come, no matter the time is sooner or later, he will always come, for example, he is here now.


Jiang Chen has always had full confidence in his own logical comprehension ability, so if he hadn't experienced auditory hallucinations and ruled out the possibility of Qianxue's wrong words, then, simply explaining, this quadrupole palace is simply his fate. land.

"Fated land!"

Jiang Chen whispered in his heart, thoughtful, but because there were so few clues, it was hard to figure out whether Qian Xue's words had other deep meanings.

"You can go in." Qianxue said.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said depressedly, "Please, can you speak clearly, it's very uncomfortable to be so vague, don't you know?"

"I don't know!" Qianxue shook her head.

"You can take your time, there is plenty of time, I'm not in a hurry at all." Jiang Chen signaled.

"Go in and have a look, it will be clear, why bother to say more?" Xiumei frowned, Qianxue said impatiently.

Hearing such a tone of voice, Jiang Chen really wanted to grab this woman and give her a vicious lesson. It was intentional, it must be intentional.

"That's all I know. I'm just here, waiting for your appearance. I don't know anything about the rest!" As if seeing what Jiang Chen was thinking, Qian Xue simply explained.


Jiang Chen was inexplicably surprised. He found that the logic was once again in confusion, because if Qian Xue really knew nothing, then what if such a long wait becomes meaningless?
After all, what if he didn't come by accident, or, even if he did, he would have waited for tens or hundreds of years?

You can't just wait helplessly like this, isn't that very suspicious of waiting to become a watchful husband?

In this way, Jiang Chen's intuition told Jiang Chen that Qianxue must have concealed something, but the reason why Qianxue didn't intend to tell him was so perfunctory.

"Well, it's okay if you don't know about this matter, but before I go in, let's talk about Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing. Of course, if you tell me and you don't know, then I really have nothing to say It’s over.” Jiang Chen said.

He has been thinking about this matter all the time, of course he has to ask the bottom line, and ask clearly.

"I really don't know." Never thought, Qian Xue said.

Jiang Chen was in a mess all of a sudden, he looked at Qian Xue like a ghost, grinned and said, "What did you say, I didn't hear clearly, do you want to say it again?"

"Back when you entrusted the two of them to me, I directly brought them into the Siji Palace. After that, I can't interfere with it." Qianxue said.

"What a hell!" Jiang Chen called an egg~It hurts.

The old acquaintance was right, but Qianxue didn't know anything about it. To Jiang Chen, her existence was meaningless, just like a decoration, playing the role of welcoming guests.

"I know you have a lot of doubts and puzzles." Qian Xue said.

"But you just don't say it?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Qianxue smiled lightly, and she said, "You don't believe me, do you? No matter how much I say, what's the point? Entering the Siji Palace, you can get answers to whatever you want...Why don't you go in ?”

"A clumsy aggressive method!" Jiang Chen sneered.

"If you don't even have the courage to go in, I'm very suspicious of your intentions for appearing here!" Qianxue's face changed, and she became impatient.

"You don't need to put on airs in front of me. It's just that I still have a lot of questions. I don't want to understand them. I need to think about them carefully." Jiang Chen said.

What Jiang Chen said was not a lie. He did have a lot of questions that he couldn't figure out clearly. If his understanding is correct, does it mean that the reason why Qianxue appeared in the Red Mountain Forest was precisely because of him?
In this case, when Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin were entrusted to Qianxue, Qianxue was just acting, but Qianxue's acting skills were so superb that he never noticed it.

Jiang Chen believes that if Qian Xue didn't lie, then this logic is the most correct logic. In other words, his every move is actually under the surveillance of a certain person, from beginning to end. , there is no secret at all.

This is the most terrifying thing, and it makes Jiang Chen's heart tingle. He has always been unscrupulous, but he is stared at by a pair of eyes. No matter who it is, this kind of feeling is not pleasant, is it?
Jiang Chen thought a lot about it. He recalled all the experiences he had experienced after entering the Zhenwu Continent. One thing he can be sure of is that there is no sign of human intervention in his experience.

In other words, the pair of eyes staring at him just stared at him without interfering.

But how to understand the situation of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing?Are the two of them in the quadrupole palace, or did they fall into someone else's hands?

All kinds of situations, after a little thought, Jiang Chen realized that the incomparable complexity, or the appearance of Qianxue, was a signal, that is to say, Qianxue may not have been waiting here all the time, but because the two had met before, It was Qian Xue who appeared in front of him.

The appearance of Qianxue indicated that Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing had finally found their whereabouts. If so, even if he didn't want to enter the Siji Palace, it would be impossible.

"What a well-thought-out calculation!" Jiang Chen sighed.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen sincerely admired the person who arranged the layout, and thought that even he himself might not be able to achieve this level.

On the one hand, it is necessary to have enough and deep enough understanding of him, on the other hand, it is necessary to push it secretly without any trace.

Between the two, one is indispensable, otherwise, Jiang Chen might not be able to appear in the Siji Palace right now.

"Could it be that the catastrophe in Zhenwu Continent was actually caused by me?"

Suddenly, an extremely weird idea emerged from Jiang Chen's mind. The moment this idea emerged, Jiang Chen found it very strange that it might not be impossible.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen stared deeply at the gate of the Siji Palace, took a few glances, and then, without hesitation, Jiang Chen strode forward, took a few steps forward, walked in, and entered the Siji Palace. palace.

Qianxue stood at the gate of Siji Palace, she looked at Jiang Chen's back, her eyes were changing, but no one knew what she was thinking...

(End of this chapter)

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