genius evil

Chapter 155 You Have Good Eyes

Chapter 155 You Have Good Eyes

The person who spoke was a young man about 20 years old. While talking, he walked in from the outside, and he didn't stop until he was about two meters behind Jiang Chen.

When he was walking, he looked so meticulous, and even his whole body gave people a sense of meticulousness.

On his body, no matter the dress or hairstyle, including the pair of leather shoes on his feet, it will never give people a feeling of publicity, and everything is so appropriate.

However, perhaps it is because it is too suitable, but it makes it look like a piece of lifeless wood.

"Flower protector?" Jiang Chen smiled and said to Lin Baobao.

"That's not true, have you ever seen a flower protector who looks like a log?" Lin Baobao said disdainfully, curling his lips.

"It looks pretty good." Jiang Chen said objectively.

"It's far worse than you." Baby Lin snorted.

"Of course you can't compare with me, but I'm very happy that you can admit it. After all, it means that you have a good vision." Jiang Chen smiled.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen turned around, looked at the young man, and said, "Do you know what I hate the most?"

"Why should I know?" the young man said blankly.

"The thing I hate the most is being disturbed when I'm picking up girls... Even though you really don't seem interested in it, I think it's very necessary for me to tell you this." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"I only know that you are bullying." The young man said with a frown, his eyes fluctuating slightly.

"It can only be said that your vision is really bad. Besides, I never bully women, I only bully..."

Jiang Chen was talking, but before the words fell, the figure rushed out like lightning, his right arm was like a pincer, and he grabbed the young man by the throat, leading the young man back and throwing him back, smashing the young man heavily on the wall.

"Since you think bullying a girl is boring, then I bully you, you should find it very interesting, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Why, besides bullying girls, do you only play sneak attacks?" The young man said coldly.

"Sneak attack?" Jiang Chen smiled, let go of his hand, took a few steps back, kept a distance of about two meters from the young man, and said, "I'm standing here now, let's fight again."

The young man's expression changed quietly, and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

A distance of about two meters is the most suitable distance when attacking violently. He can advance, attack, retreat or defend. He stood two meters behind Jiang Chen before, and he made such a plan. He didn't expect , Jiang Chen is so simple, that is, he has seen his intentions.

"That's right, let's fight again." With a sudden stamp on the ground with his right foot, the young man rushed towards Jiang Chen like an arrow flying from the string.

"The speed is good, but it's not bad, your strength is too weak." Jiang Chen commented casually.

Jiang Chen stood still, and when the young man rushed in front of him, he grabbed the young man's wrist with his big hand, and threw the young man flying.


In the yard, the dull sound of landing came from far away, and Baobao Lin was stunned.

"You look very perverted." Lin Baobao's eyeballs rolled around, as if they had discovered a prehistoric monster, shining brightly.

"It doesn't look perverted, it's really perverted." Upstairs, Tang Tian slammed her mouth and said.

"Yeah, it's really abnormal." Shuang'er nodded in agreement.

Only when you see it with your own eyes, you will realize how shocking and terrifying Jiang Chen's sudden burst of power is.

When the young man attacked, he was fast enough and strong enough. The reason why he behaved too poorly in front of Jiang Chen was because he was far behind Jiang Chen in both strength and speed. The scene of being thrown out by Jiang Chen.

As for the young man's strength, Shuang'er is very clear, and she is a bit stronger than her. You know, Shuang'er originally thought that there should be a fierce fight today, but in the end, Jiang Chen did it in an incredible way. , Let the so-called vicious fight become a joke.

Yes, it was just for fun. To Jiang Chen, the young man was not an opponent of the same level at all.

A few seconds later, the young man ran in staggeringly from the outside. His clothes were cut several times, his hair became messy, his face was pale, and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"Well, this looks a bit like a living person." Looking at the work he created, Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"How can you be so strong?" As if he didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, the young man stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Practice casually and you'll be this strong. There's no way it can be called talent." Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"I won't believe your words, but congratulations, you will be the goal I need to surpass next, and I hope you can be mentally prepared to accept my challenge again." The young man's eyes showed a fiery light.


Jiang Chen looked at this guy strangely. He originally thought that this guy would say some harsh words when he was frustrated in front of him, but he never thought that he would say such words.

"Accept your challenge? Are you sure? Don't you know that for existences like you, I can crush a few of them to death with a casual hand?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"I'm sure, very sure, one day, you won't be able to pinch me to death." The young man said very seriously, with an extremely powerful stubbornness.

"There won't be such a day." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen has a little appreciation for this guy, but unfortunately, the gap between ideal and reality is too far away, and he will be an object that this guy will never be able to reach.

"No, there will definitely be such a day, and, I believe, that day will come soon." The young man said in a deep voice, turned his head, and walked outside. Soon, there was the sound of a car's engine.

"I can be sure now that he is not your flower protector." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I've already told you, isn't it good?" Lin Baobao jumped off the sofa and jumped in front of Jiang Chen a few times. She was petite, and when she stood in front of Jiang Chen, she happened to be half a head shorter than Jiang Chen.

The whole person is obviously very thin, but because some parts are too majestic, when standing very close, it gives people a round feeling.

"Do you know that you were cool just now?" Lin Baobao blinked and said.

"I found that I like you more and more, because you are always telling the truth." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Would you die if you were too stinky?" Lin Baobao grinned and waved his fists. Finally, he remembered that he would definitely not be able to beat Jiang Chen, and there was a risk of his hands being broken by Jiang Chen. He hurriedly hid his hands behind his back , said in a cadenced tone: "But you definitely don't know, you have caused a super big trouble, that log will definitely haunt you in the future, haunt you to death, and you still have no way to stop him In the end, you will definitely want to slap him to death, but you can't slap him to death, haha, just ask yourself."

Lin Baobao is deliberately funny, with a small and exquisite face, there are unusually rich expressions, winking, extremely funny, and the meaning of the idiom gloating at others' misfortunes is vividly reflected.

This time, Jiang Chen couldn't hold back after all, and pinched both sides of Lin Baobao's face hard, making two red marks.

"Ah, pervert." Lin Baobao hurried away.

"Yeah, if that guy is really like what you said, he is definitely a real pervert, but why can't I shoot him to death?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously as if he hadn't bullied Lin Baobao at all. road.

"Of course...he has an extraordinary background, have you heard of the Guan family in the provincial capital? He is Guan He from the Guan family. It's boring to be knocked down by you all at once." Baobao Lin said with contempt.

It's not that Guan He is too bad, but that I'm too strong, Jiang Chen said in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

"Wu Chi." It has to be said that this nickname caught Jiang Chen's attention. As for the people from the Guan family, Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to it.

"It seems that I should think about it. It's time to take in an apprentice." Jiang Chen murmured.

"You want to accept Guan He as your apprentice?" Tang Tian's voice sounded, and Shuang'er came down from upstairs, asking in surprise.

"Don't you think that Guan He is the most suitable candidate for an apprentice? His family is rich, his qualifications are poor, and he is much uglier than me. The so-called red flower needs green leaves to match... Although my big red flower, There is no need for green leaves to set off for a long time, but we must give others a chance." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Tang Tian and Lin Baobao made a disgusted expression together, feeling that Jiang Chen's shamelessness was beyond the horizon.

"Jiang Chen, can you accept me as your apprentice?" But at this time, Shuang'er suddenly said.

"Shuang'er, you are crazy." Tang Tian exclaimed.

"Yes, Shuang'er, what do you want to do as his apprentice, this pervert is so perverted, he will definitely rule you." Lin Baobao shouted.

"I'm serious." Shuang'er said seriously.

"But I was joking." Jiang Chen said in amazement. He was a little surprised that Shuang'er would make such a decision. To be honest, he was no less surprised than Tang Tian and Lin Baobao.

"But, I'm really serious." Shuang'er repeated seriously.

"This is not an interesting thing." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

"I know, but I want to become stronger." Shuang'er said sternly.

"Oh, Shuang'er, you are already very strong, stronger than me and Xiao Tiantian combined." Baobao Lin muttered.

"I'm talking about becoming stronger, Jiang Chen, can you agree to my request?" Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen expectantly, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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