genius evil

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
"Theoretically, there is no problem, but I think you need to understand that when I said that I was considering taking an apprentice, I just said it casually, and it cannot be taken seriously. You need to understand that if you want to be my apprentice, then you You must have a strong heart, otherwise, I won't agree to you." Shuang'er's determination was so strong that it was beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, Jiang Chen had to be serious and said.

"Unspoken rules, unspoken rules, is it really good to be so obvious? Why do you have to have a strong heart? It is clear that you have to be mentally prepared to be unspoken." Baobao Lin muttered non-stop.

Shuang'er ignored Lin Baobao's words and said, "I will try hard to make my heart stronger."

"It seems that I can't refuse you." Jiang Chen smiled, and couldn't help but wonder if he shot himself in the foot with a rock.

Then, Jiang Chen said seriously: "Congratulations, you have passed the primary test. If you tell me that your heart is strong enough, then you have already lost the qualification to become stronger."

"Then can I call you Master now?" Shuang'er said happily.

"Of course." Jiang Chen smiled slightly. Although this situation is very suspicious of asking for trouble, but the apprentice is a beautiful woman, of course it is another situation.

"Master, when will you start teaching me?" Shuang'er called out respectfully, and asked impatiently.

"Well, tomorrow, tomorrow you go to school to find me." Jiang Chen said after pondering for a while.


As soon as Jiang Chen left, the inside of the villa suddenly exploded.

"Shuang'er, why do you want to recognize that pervert as your master? It's not fun at all, okay?" Lin Baobao was quite dissatisfied.

"I'm not here for fun, I'm here to become stronger." Shuang'er's eyes revealed longing.

"Is he really that strong?" Lin Baobao felt very strange.

"I don't know how strong he is, but I have a feeling that he is very mysterious, so mysterious that people can't help but want to find out." Shuang'er murmured.

"Why do you seem to be a nymphomaniac? I said Shuang'er, you must be in love with Jiang Chen, right?" Lin Baobao said speechlessly, expressing that he couldn't understand Shuang'er's enthusiasm.

Shuang'er blushed, then shook her head.

"Shuang'er, what do you mean by shaking your head? Is it a default?" Lin Baobao asked innocently.

Shuang'er smiled wryly and said, what is the acquiescence, it is obviously a denial.

"Shuang'er, you have tacitly agreed that you like Jiang Chen, but now that I am Jiang Chen's woman, does that mean that we will be rivals in love in the future?" Lin Baobao said with a smile.

"You idiot, is being Jiang Chen's woman so happy?" Tang Tian said angrily.

"Hmph, no one wants a woman with small breasts, I'm envious and jealous." Baobao Lin said disdainfully.

"It's not that no one wants me, I'm just not as hungry and tasteless as you." Tang Tian argued.

"Anyway, no one wants you because you have small breasts. No matter how much you say, it's useless. From now on, Shuang'er and I will be Jiang Chen's women, so Shuang'er will be mine." Said in a tone.

"Fart." A black line appeared on Tang Tian's forehead, and she dared to love this crazy woman for Shuang'er's idea.

"Oh my, you're going to be angry now, then I'll ask Jiang Chen to spank your butt in the future, and you'll scream, will you be even angrier?" Lin Baobao smiled like a little fox.

"How dare you!" Tang Tian said loudly.

"Why don't I dare?" Lin Baobao gave Tang Tian a blank look, and said, "Who told you to betray me? If you hadn't betrayed me, I would have been spanked by Jiang Chen. Since I was spanked, you should also Get beaten, and then we can even."

"No, I can't hit her." Tang Tian said with a guilty conscience. She indeed betrayed Lin Baobao. She also knew that Lin Baobao was a crazy woman who held a grudge. Maybe she would actually instigate Jiang Chen to spank her. Think about such a scene , It made Tang Tian fight a cold war.

"Hmph, it seems that Jiang Chen rarely spanks you, but since you really don't want to be spanked so much, I, Baby Lin, am not unreasonable, please praise me quickly, praise me hard, I Just consider letting Jiang Chen not spank your ass." Lin Baobao plucked at chicken feathers as an arrow.

"Praise you, I won't give in even if I'm beaten to death." Tang Tian said angrily, so that she wouldn't be threatened by Lin Baobao.

"Ah, I'm so beautiful, so cute, and have such big breasts, what's wrong with you complimenting me, and you didn't make you lie." Baobao Lin went crazy.

Tang Tian sneered, and said, "I'm called mighty and unyielding. You think everyone is as spineless as you, and if you get beaten a few times, you will be treated as a woman."

"It wasn't a few hits, it was a lot of hits." Lin Baobao corrected, a little wronged, her little butt is still hurting badly, and while she was complaining that Jiang Chen didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, Lin Baobao said : "Tang Tian, ​​you're dead, wait until Jiang Chen hits your ass until it blooms, and you'll know how good I am."

"Then I'll beat your ass until it blooms first." Tang Tian preemptively pressed Lin Baobao on the sofa and spanked her ass.

Poor Lin Baobao was first beaten red and swollen by Jiang Chen, and then was brutally beaten by Tang Tian, ​​and immediately screamed like a pig butcher, and wrestled with Tang Tian, ​​showing his happiness.


The next day was very early, and Shuang'er came to Yilan Middle School. Jiang Chen also got up early, but after going to the Weiming Lake, he continued to sleep.

Slightly farther away, Shuang'er held a willow branch that Jiang Chen casually broke down in his hand, and kept hitting the water surface, one movement, repeated again and again.




The wicker hit the water surface, and the water splashed in all directions. Shuang'er didn't know how many times she hit the water surface. Her arm was already as heavy as lead, and every time she hit the wicker in her hand hard, , the center of gravity of the body gradually became unable to maintain balance, and several times, he almost fell into the lake by accident.

But even so, Shuang'er still repeated this action mechanically.

Because this was the first lesson Jiang Chen taught her, even though Shuang'er didn't know the effect of hitting the water surface with a willow stick, but since Jiang Chen said so, Shuang'er did so.

Time gradually passed, and when Shuang'er felt dizzy and couldn't hold on any longer, Jiang Chen, who seemed to be asleep, sounded leisurely.

"Shuang'er, you can hold on for another fifty times."

"Fifty times, can I?" Shuang'er was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look back at Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't mean to say a second sentence at all.

Gritting her teeth tightly, Shuang'er forcibly swung her sore and almost numb right arm, hitting water splashes one after another on the peaceful picture.

"one two three four……"

Shuang'er didn't know if she could hold on for another fifty times. In fact, based on Shuang'er's self-feeling, her body's endurance had already reached a limit. Even if she persisted for ten more times, it would be impossible. completed tasks.

But just as she didn't ask why Jiang Chen wanted her to hit the water with a willow stick, this time, Shuang'er still didn't ask much, trying to keep her body's center of gravity balanced, using her best efforts to do a seemingly simple thing.

"Fifty strokes, here we are." Jiang Chen's voice sounded again after an unknown amount of time.

The plain voice was heard in Shuang'er's ears, but it was like the sound of nature at this moment. She only felt that the strength in her body was wasted, her feet were weak, and she fell to the grass and couldn't move anymore.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Chen stood up, handed Shuang'er a bottle of water, and said with a faint smile.

"I don't know how to describe it." Shuang'er said with a wry smile, she was struggling to even speak now.After drinking several sips of water, I finally recovered a little.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said: "Don't you have any doubts? I didn't teach you carefully. After all, children can easily do this kind of thing, so it's meaningless."

"I have no doubt." Shuang'er shook her head.

His eyes lit up slightly, and Jiang Chen smiled again: "But in fact, I really lied to you... You simply can't hold on for another fifty blows, at most ten blows, and you will fall down."

"Then I..." Shuang'er opened her mouth, unable to follow Jiang Chen's logic.

"You didn't last fifty times in the end, you only lasted thirteen times." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"So there were only thirteen strokes?" Shuang'er was a little frustrated. She thought she had persisted for fifty strokes, but she didn't expect it to be so few.

"Don't feel frustrated. In fact, the extra three strokes may seem easy, but they are already beyond your current limit. This can be regarded as a good start. At the same time tomorrow, you can come here again and continue to do it." Same thing." Jiang Chen said.

"Is that so?" Shuang'er asked in surprise.

"That's right, that's it. As for the reason, you have to think about it slowly. Whether it's right or wrong, you have to think about it. Only when you think about it can you make progress. Now, you can go." Jiang Chen He returned to his position and lay down, closing his eyes.

"I'll think about it myself, what should I think about?" Shuang'er looked at Jiang Chen helplessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, thinking that if Tang Tian knew about what she did today, Tang Tian would definitely laugh at herself.

Shuang'er didn't disturb Jiang Chen's sleep, and left soon. What Shuang'er didn't realize was that just after she left, Jiang Chen opened his eyes again.

"What a simple woman, you didn't only persist for thirteen times, but fifty times, but you don't understand what you are doing for the time being, you will know when you understand what you are doing, I am doing it What?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

After saying this sentence, Jiang Chen really fell asleep.

At this time, in the office building of the municipal government, Lan Xiu's office, Secretary Shen Lili saw a person walking in from the outside. The person waved at Shen Lili, signaling her not to speak, and knocked on a door inside the office , knocked three times, before the person inside responded, that person went straight into Lan Xiu's office.

(End of this chapter)

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