genius evil

Chapter 157 It turns out that I have such a good eye for picking men

Chapter 157 It turns out that I have such a good eye for picking men
Lan Xiu frowned, feeling displeased at the uninvited visitor, and asked indifferently: "Mayor Chi, I'm very busy now. If there's nothing else, please don't disturb my work."

Chi Kaize smiled and said, "Just give me 10 minutes. No matter how busy Mayor Lan is at work, I think 10 minutes can still be squeezed out."

"You only have 3 minutes at most." Lan Xiu said coldly.

"Okay, 3 minutes is 3 minutes, but although it's only 3 minutes, I think I still have time to drink a cup of tea." Chi Kaize, who knew Lan Xiu's character of rejecting people thousands of miles away, did not give up because of Lan Xiu. Feeling angry because of his attitude, he said indifferently.

"Lili, make a cup of tea and bring it in." Lan Xiu ordered.

Shen Lili had been staring at the movement inside the office for a long time. As soon as she heard Lan Xiu's words, she immediately made a cup of hot tea and brought it in, and then quietly exited the room.

"It's nice to have a caring secretary." Chi Kaize sighed while drinking tea.

"If Mayor Chi wants to change his secretary, he should go to Director Wang instead of telling me here." Lan Xiu said lightly.

Chi Kaize chuckled and said, "I didn't expect Mayor Lan to have such a humorous side. I really plan to talk to Director Wang..."

"You still have 2 minutes." Lan Xiu reminded, interrupting Chi Kaize unceremoniously.

Chi Kaize's face changed quietly. In the past, although Lan Xiu had never given him any good looks, she was still very polite to him on the surface due to her work relationship.

Naturally, after confessing his love that night... No, to be precise, after discovering that Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu were together that night, Lan Xiu's attitude completely changed.

"Damn it." Chi Kaize was quite annoyed, and after cursing viciously in his heart, he took out three photos from his pocket.

Chi Kaize put the three photos in front of Lan Xiu one by one. Lan Xiu took a look and asked in doubt, "What do you mean?"

"I wonder what Mayor Lan thinks of the women in these three photos?" Chi Kaize smiled slightly.

"It's beautiful." Lan Xiu replied briefly, even though he didn't know what Chi Kaize's purpose was for doing this.

Three photos, three women, the photos are all candid photos, some are blurry, but they can still be seen to be very beautiful.

Moreover, the three women belong to different types, and each has its own taste. Even Lan Xiu, who has always been very confident in her appearance, has a kind of light in her eyes when looking at the photos of these three women. sense of amazement.

"Yes, very beautiful." Chi Kaize nodded.

Lan Xiu looked at these three photos from the perspective of a woman, and would give a very beautiful answer. From the perspective of a man, Chi Kaize's natural feelings were even more profound.

In all fairness, no matter which one of these three women she is, she is no less than Lan Xiu.The only difference between them and Lan Xiu is the difference in temperament, but the difference in temperament definitely does not mean that it is a gap, it can only mean that everyone has their own beauty.

Of course, what Chi Kaize appreciates the most is Lan Xiu's beauty, otherwise he wouldn't have given up when he hit the wall again and again.

"Mayor Chi also thinks it's very beautiful?" Phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, Lan Xiu's lips grinned slightly, and she said with contempt: "Mayor Chi has a good eye, but it's just a personal hobby like collecting pictures of beauties. Isn't it too good to make it public? And, if I'm not mistaken, these photos are all secretly taken, right?"

A hobby of collecting photos of beautiful women?
Chi Kaize's face froze, and he looked at Lan Xiu like a ghost. When did he have such a hobby?Moreover, seeing Lan Xiu's reaction, he clearly despised his behavior, which made Chi Kaize suddenly have the urge to jump.

On the surface, Chi Kaize still kept his demeanor, and said, "Mayor Lan, you misunderstood. The women in these three photos are beautiful, but how can they be compared with you, Mayor Lan? Why should I go far away to secretly take pictures of them? But Since you can see that the photos were taken secretly, Mayor Lan, aren't you curious about the circumstances under which these three photos were taken secretly?"

"Mayor Chi just say what he has to say, there's no need to beat around the bush." ​​Lan Xiu was in no mood to play word games with Chi Kaize.

"In this way, I will say it directly. Specifically, the reason why there are these three photos is that I have been investigating a person recently. You must be familiar with that person, Mayor Lan. " Chi Kaize said with a playful face.

"Jiang Chen?" A figure flashed in his mind, and Lan Xiu subconsciously said.

"That's right, it's Jiang Chen." Lan Xiu thought of Jiang Chen in such a short period of time. Although this was exactly what Chi Kaize wanted, at this moment, he was not as happy as he expected.

"You went to investigate Jiang Chen, and then secretly took these three photos, and then, you came to me and told me these things? Mayor Chi, you have to give me a reason to convince me, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me This matter is kept secret." Lan Xiu said displeased.

Chi Kaize never thought that Lan Xiu would say such a thing, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, staring at Lan Xiu, and said: "Lan Xiu, if I tell you that these three women are all related to Jiang Chen If it’s shallow, do you need a reason?”

"You already told me." Lan Xiu said coldly.

"That's right, I've already told you, so please tell me, how do you feel at this moment?" Chi Kaize gritted his teeth and asked forcefully.

"That's my private matter, so don't bother Mayor Chi to care about you." Lan Xiu said lightly.

"Then if I tell you that besides the three women in this photo, Jiang Chen has unclear relationships with other women. The number should be at least three, how would you feel?" Chi Kaize asked again.

"Oh, does Jiang Chen have such a great charm?" Lan Xiu pretended to be surprised and said.

"This is how you feel about me?" Chi Kaize felt deeply frustrated. Why, Lan Xiu's reaction was completely different from what he had imagined.

According to normal logic, shouldn't Lan Xiu be extremely angry, swearing, accusing Jiang Chen of being shameless?


Hell charm!
"This is not a feeling, it's just an evaluation of Jiang Chen. Speaking of which, if you didn't tell me these things, I wouldn't know. It turns out that I have such a good eye for men." Lan Xiu said slowly.

"He's just a playboy. He's obviously playing with your feelings. Why do you deceive yourself like this." Chi Kaize said loudly.

"Mayor Chi, you have nothing to do with me. I don't need to deceive you. As for whether I have deceived myself, I don't need you to care... Three minutes are up, Mayor Chi, I have to work." Blue Xiu said with an expressionless face, that look was exactly like the reaction of a woman in love trying to protect her beloved man.

"I know, but Mayor Lan, please take care of yourself and don't regret it later. Besides, there is another sentence I want to remind you, Mayor Lan. Mayor Lan is going to Yilan Middle School to attend the college entrance examination swearing-in meeting this Friday. Well, there, you might have a surprise." Chi Kaize said angrily.

"Mayor Chi, please be clear." Lan Xiu said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, that charming man you think is at Yilan Middle School. However, he is not a teacher, but a student. To be precise, he is a student in Class [-], Grade [-], Yilan Middle School." Chi Kaize said. Said in one sentence.

"Mayor Chi is mocking my old cow for eating young grass?" Lan Xiu asked with his eyes slightly closed.

"No, I said it to remind you, don't forget your identity, have you ever thought about what will happen if your relationship with Jiang Chen is exposed at the swearing-in meeting?" Chi Kai Ze said coldly.

"It doesn't sound like a reminder, but a threat." Lan Xiu said coldly.

"No, this is just a reminder. As for Mayor Lan, you must understand it as a threat. I'm sure that I never said that." With a flick of his sleeves, he got up, and Chi Kaize left the office.

Lan Xiu ignored Chi Kaize's departure, and lowered her head, she looked at the three photos on the desk, and a bit of bitterness gradually spread from the corners of her lips.

"Lili, come in." After a while, Lan Xiu called out.

Shen Lili opened the door and walked in, and asked, "Mayor Lan, what are your orders?"

"Forget it, it's okay." After a moment of hesitation, Lan Xiu waved her hand.

Shen Lili was at a loss. She didn't understand what was going on with this famous and vigorous female mayor. But as a secretary, she knew the truth of not asking about things that shouldn't be asked, and left the office quickly.

"Jiang Chen, I did you a disastrous job this time." Lan Xiu murmured with a wry smile.


By the Weiming Lake, Jiang Chen suddenly sneezed, opened his eyes and woke up.

After Jiang Chen woke up, there was a woman beside him, and at a glance, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, you are right in front of me, so why do you miss me so much? It's not a good habit to sneeze."

"I don't have such a habit." As soon as she came here, she heard Jiang Chen talking nonsense, and Tangyue was a little depressed.

"Yes, don't have such a habit, you just need to tell me that you miss me...Teacher Tang, do you miss me?" Jiang Chen asked affectionately.

"The devil misses you." Although Tangyue has a good personality and was made a little angry by Jiang Chen, she said, "I came to you because I have something to tell you. This Friday, the school will hold a college entrance examination swearing-in meeting. From time to time, city leaders will come and speak, and no one should be absent."

"Teacher Tang, you are so kind to me. You even made a special trip to tell me the news. I am really touched. I will definitely not be absent. I promise, I will go earlier than anyone else when the time comes. Let's go." It was later than anyone else." Jiang Chen said swearingly, with an attitude that he would go through fire and water even if he would go through fire and water, which was too much for Tangyue...

(End of this chapter)

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