genius evil

Chapter 158 A Natural Pretender

Chapter 158 A Natural Pretender
Naturally, Tangyue wouldn't believe Jiang Chen's words, and she didn't come here to tell Jiang Chen. In fact, this guy is a thorn in the third class, and he is so open and above board in absenteeism. It can be regarded as unprecedented. If she hadn't been worried about Jiang Chen's mysterious disappearance, she wouldn't have talked to Jiang Chen alone.

"That's good, I'll go first." Tangyue didn't plan to say more to Jiang Chen, she turned around and left after she finished speaking.

"Teacher Tang, in order to express the deep emotion in my heart, I decided to treat you to dinner." Jiang Chen said loudly.

"I'm not hungry." Tangyue refused without thinking.

"We can also eat hot pot." Jiang Chen suggested.

"I don't want to eat." Tangyue still refused.

"Then, we can only go to KFC, um, McDonald's is also good, Mr. Tang, now you won't refuse anymore." Jiang Chen murmured.

Tangyue couldn't laugh or cry, could it be that there is nothing else to eat in this world except food and hot pot, so she must eat these two?
In her opinion, Jiang Chen's way of treating guests was completely devoid of sincerity.

"No, I still refuse." Tangyue said, she was not afraid of hurting Jiang Chen at all, she knew very well how thick Jiang Chen's skin was, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was shameless.

"If KFC and McDonald's can't do it, it seems that you can only eat Pizza Hut. It turns out that Mr. Tang, you like to eat Pizza Hut." Jiang Chen said to himself.

"I don't like to eat at all." Tangyue had to stop and said angrily.

"Then, beautiful and lovely Teacher Tang, what do you like to eat?" Jiang Chen pretended to be helpless.

"I... I don't like to eat anything." Tangyue almost said what she really liked to eat, but she quickly put it back.

"Teacher Tang, you are really ruthless, indifferent, and unreasonable." Jiang Chen said with a mournful face.

"Where am I ruthless, where am I indifferent, and where am I making trouble for no reason?" Tangyue said amusedly.

"You are ruthless, indifferent, and unreasonable." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"You just..." As if in a daze, Tangyue almost involuntarily followed Jiang Chen's words, and felt something was wrong after saying a few words.

What kind of play is Jiang Chen playing? He sings Qiong Yao's opera well, but in other Qiong Yao's plays, how can there be such a rascal male lead?

"Teacher Tang, look, you can't even speak, and you have the nerve to say that you are not heartless, indifferent, or vexatious." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Stop, can't I agree?" Tangyue said with a headache.

"But Teacher Tang, you didn't tell you what you like to eat." Jiang Chen climbed up the pole and said with a smile.

"Just eat whatever you want." Tangyue said, saying that she really didn't have any favorite food, except for snacks, but she didn't want Jiang Chen to buy a big bag of snacks for her again, it wasn't that wrong, in fact She was quite happy to go to the meeting, but she always felt that something was a little strange.

"Okay, then let's be casual." Jiang Chen nodded and agreed.

After accompanying Jiang Chen into a French restaurant and seeing the prices on the menu, Tangyue couldn't convince herself that it was okay to eat casually.

"Sir, ma'am, what do you want?" the beautiful blonde waiter said in pure French.

"Just order whatever you like, um, whatever tastes the best." Jiang Chen said casually.

The waiter nodded and went to make arrangements.

Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and asked, "Do you know French?"

Tangyue heard the waiter speak French, but she couldn't understand a word, Jiang Chen actually picked up the words, which made her feel unbelievable.

"No, of course I don't understand, but I know that in this kind of place, what they like to hear most is to order the best food, which often means the most expensive." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"When it's time to pay the bill, don't tell me to ask for a babysitter." Tang Yue gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Actually, asking for support is not the point, but being able to warm the bed is the point." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"That's not the point, the point is that I'm lonely." Tangyue rolled her eyes again.

"Oh, this can be regarded as the key point. Teacher Tang is worthy of saying that as a teacher, the key point is to grasp the key points accurately. However, the four words of this sexy boy are also the key point... Hey, why are you looking at me like this? It's very sexy, especially when you're not wearing any clothes, it's a shame that you, Teacher Tang, have never had the chance to see it with your own eyes." Jiang Chen felt sorry for Tangyue.

Tangyue was speechless, and really wanted to remind Jiang Chen that she absolutely didn't need such an opportunity, but in order to end this topic with a bad momentum, Tangyue changed the subject and said, "Jiang Chen, I know you are now I made money, but I can't spend it like this, you don't need to come to such an expensive place if you treat me to dinner."

"This is the most suitable place." Jiang Chen said.

"What is the most suitable place?" Tangyue was stunned, not understanding what Jiang Chen meant.

"In short, this is a place that can prove that, Teacher Tang, you need a strong man to protect you, and I happen to be that man, who can give you a pair of strong shoulders." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Nonsense." Tangyue's face was reddish and hot, what's going on, the topic changed back and forth, and turned to this question again?

"It's definitely not nonsense, it can really be proved, if you don't believe me, Mr. Tang, look at it." Jiang Chen curled his lips and said.

Tangyue just looked and saw a man walking towards her and Jiang Chen's table. The man was dressed like a typical successful person, holding a bottle of red wine and two empty wine glasses.

Coming closer, the man introduced himself: "This beauty, I'm sorry to bother you, my lord Zhuang Bifan."

"What's the matter?" Tangyue quickly glanced at Jiang Chen and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I invite your beauty to drink a glass of wine. I wonder if the beauty will appreciate it?" The man who called himself Zhuang Bifan said with a smile, trying to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Sorry, I don't drink." Tangyue shook her head and refused.

"That's really a pity." Zhuang Bifan showed a regretful expression, put the wine bottle in his hand on the table, and said, "I specially ordered this bottle of wine for you, beautiful lady. If you don't drink, then Give this friend of yours a drink."

At the end, Zhuang Bifan said: "I have no other intentions, please don't refuse again."

After saying this, Zhuang Bifan stopped pestering him, smiled, and walked to his seat.

Tangyue was a little puzzled, she could clearly see that Zhuang Bifan took the opportunity to strike up a conversation, although she was definitely going to refuse, but why did she give up so easily?
"Teacher Tang, no matter what you are wondering about, don't doubt your own charm." Jiang Chen's voice rang in Tangyue's ear.

Tangyue was speechless, she was quite suspicious of what she was doing, and that Zhuang Bifan left so soon was exactly what she wanted to see.

"Also, please don't doubt, Mr. Tang, the pretentious means of a guy named Pretentious Criminal." Jiang Chen said again.

"It seems to be called Zhuang Bifan." Tangyue said.

"So, he is a natural pretender." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, do you understand the allusion of playing hard to get? When a man falls in love with a woman, it's not just about stalking her." Way, he can do everything possible to find a reason that you can't refuse in a silent way."

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen pointed to the red wine on the table, and said: "Take this bottle of red wine as an example, if he said it was for you, you would definitely not want it, but when he said it was for me At that time, all you thought was to let him leave as soon as possible, not to bother you, but you forgot to refuse."

Tangyue was a little confused, but she also felt that what Jiang Chen said was quite reasonable. She really thought so, and what Jiang Chen said was absolutely right.

"After having the first reason that cannot be rejected, there will be a second one soon, but although his name is Zhuang Bifan, his pretentious methods are really low-level. I already know that when we finish this meal After paying the bill and going out, he will definitely offer to give you and me a ride, and his car must be a good car." Jiang Chen said with great certainty.

"Send you and me, he has no chance." Tangyue said.

"If he just sent you alone, he would have no chance, but sending you and me is different. It's really not easy to refuse. Then, after sending you and me to the destination, he will be able to know you Where do you live, or where do you work." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"You know a lot." Tangyue said angrily.

"This is necessary, otherwise, how can I protect you, Teacher Tang?" Jiang Chen said confidently.

"I don't need your protection." Tangyue said with some frustration.

"Mr. Tang, you said that you don't need my protection. Maybe you think so in your heart, but it's useless. A woman who is as beautiful as you has a very popular adjective nowadays, which is disaster, active or passive. , you must accept protection, and I am the best candidate." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Tangyue thought to herself, what is the difference between that and throwing herself into a trap, but she said, "Jiang Chen, thank you for inviting me to French dinner."

"You're welcome, that's what it should be. A qualified protector needs not only a pair of strong shoulders, but also strong financial resources and a flawless face. Teacher Tang, don't you really think about it? "Jiang Chenqi said shamelessly.

"I just want to eat now." With the knife in Tangyue's hand, she slashed hard at the foie gras that had just been delivered, as if she had a grudge against that piece of foie gras.

After eating this meal for more than an hour, Tangyue couldn't help but wonder if the reason why Jiang Chen invited her to eat French food was because in this way, he could justifiably spend more time with her. Like what Jiang Chen himself said, a reason he couldn't refuse?

Then, after paying the bill and walking out of the restaurant, Tangyue discovered that, unfortunately, Jiang Chen had told her that the guy named Zhuang Bifan was standing in front of a Mercedes-Benz, and when she saw her, he immediately walked over...

(End of this chapter)

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