genius evil

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

"Beautiful lady, you seem a little surprised to see me again... I was supposed to drive away after paying the bill, but I suddenly realized that I had done an extremely rude thing unintentionally, that is, to forget I want to ask your name, but I don't want to disturb your meal, so I'll wait here." Zhuang Bifan explained with a smile on his face.

Whether it's his body movements or his words, it's absolutely hard to make people feel disgusted. However, for Tangyue who knew what was going to happen, Zhuang Bifan's words and deeds were too deliberate There are traces of inferiority everywhere, and I can't bear to look directly at it.

"No." Tangyue shook her head.

"Oh, is it not surprise, but surprise?" Zhuang Bifan looked flattered.

Tangyue involuntarily glanced at Jiang Chen, but just happened to see Jiang Chen winking at her, she couldn't help feeling a little helpless, could it be that all men in this world have the bad habit of feeling good about themselves?

Jiang Chen was like this, and so was Zhuang Bifan.

However, compared to Zhuang Bifan, Jiang Chen seems to be sloppy and out of tune. Not everyone can learn that self-confidence that comes out of nowhere, and that style of trying to take the initiative anytime and anywhere. .

From this point, Zhuang Bifan is not as much as Jiang Chen.

In terms of flirting and trickery, if Jiang Chen can score 95 points, then Zhuang Bifan will get [-] points at most, a failing score.

Thinking about it for a while, Tangyue couldn't help laughing. How could she compare Zhuang Bifan and Jiang Chen when she was so good-looking?If Jiang Chen knew what was going on in her heart right now, he would definitely go crazy with joy.

"Mr. Zhuang, I don't know what surprises to talk about." Tangyue said indifferently.

Zhuang Bifan smiled coyly, and said: "Beautiful lady, don't misunderstand that I am a frivolous person. You are so beautiful that I can't help it."

"In that case, I've heard it too many times." Tangyue said expressionlessly.

Jiang Chen's sweet words are a thousand times or ten thousand times sweeter than these words. She has never felt anything. If Zhuang Bifan wants to use these few words to perfuse her, it is really as low as Jiang Chen said. .

Probably not expecting Tangyue to be so shameless, Zhuang Bifan was taken aback for a moment, but quickly said: "Sorry, I was too impatient, I wonder if the beautiful lady can give me a chance to correct my mistakes and let me see you off." Two go home."

"Here we come!" Tangyue thought in her heart.

The dramatic rhythm was exactly the same as what Jiang Chen had said. Of course, Tangyue would not give him a chance, and directly refused: "We have a car, so we don't need to bother."

"No trouble, not at all..." Zhuang Bifan was about to say no trouble at all, when he heard a beep, Jiang Chen pressed the car key in his hand.

The sound came from the Porsche parked next to the Mercedes-Benz. Hearing that sound, Zhuang Bifan looked back subconsciously, his expression slightly changed.

Tangyue also heard the sound of unlocking, she was slightly relieved, quickly opened the door, and got in the car.

"Zhuang Bifan, do you understand that I have tolerated you for a long time?" Jiang Chen said slowly when Tangyue closed the car door.

"My lord..." Zhuang Bifan explained.

"Never try to doubt the correctness of what I said. I said you are a pretender and you are a pretender." Jiang Chen said lightly, interrupting Zhuang Bifan's words without politeness.

"In this way, can it be understood as a personal attack?" Zhuang Bifan was not angry, but asked instead.


Jiang Chen hit Zhuang Bifan's chin with a left uppercut, and said with a smile: "See clearly, this is called a personal attack."

"It's boring." Zhuang Bifan took a deep breath as he rubbed his extremely painful chin.

"Actually, everything you do in front of me is very boring, but you are still doing boring things. If you can do it, why can't I do it?" Jiang Chen said domineeringly.

"It turns out that you are angry, but I really don't see any reason for your anger. As far as I can see, that beautiful lady has no close relationship with you... Besides, I heard it with my own ears. When you call her Teacher Tang, at your current age, you are either a high school student or a college student, but there is not a good university in Yilan City, and since you can afford a Porsche Cayenne, in other words The reason is that your family’s conditions are good. In this way, even if your college entrance examination scores are poor, you should go to the provincial capital to go to college. Therefore, you are just a high school student, and that beautiful lady is a high school teacher. , it is even very possible that it is the teacher of your class, am I right?" Zhuang Bifan said slowly.

"The logical reasoning and analysis skills are very good, and it is a bit worthy of the name of "pretending to be a criminal". But, have you ever thought about it, so what?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's very simple. Although the teacher-student relationship is very exciting, you can't have a chance, and I have at least a [-]% chance." Zhuang Bifan said firmly.

"Is that why you acted aggressively in front of me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If you insist on understanding this way, I can't help it." Zhuang Bifan said noncommittally.

"I am a very proud man." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Zhuang Bifan looked at Jiang Chen, not understanding why Jiang Chen would suddenly say such an incomprehensible sentence.

"At the same time, I am a very powerful man." Jiang Chen said again.

"A proud and powerful man, when he falls in love with a woman, for that man, he will enjoy the stage of pursuit very much, because the final result is already doomed as early as the beginning of the pursuit." Jiang Chen Said again.

"You are too confident." Zhuang Bifan said coldly.

"Do you know what your biggest mistake is? First, you shouldn't be called Pretentious, I don't like it very much. Second, you shouldn't appear in front of Teacher Tang and make her unhappy. Third, It is also the most important point, I cannot tolerate you disturbing me to pick up girls." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Could it be that you still want to hit me again, I warn you, I will fight back." Zhuang Bifan said loudly.


Jiang Chen punched Zhuang Bifan on the chin again, and said, "Congratulations, you got the answer right."


Sitting in the car, looking at the bustling scene outside the car, Tangyue said with some displeasure: "Jiang Chen, you hit someone, and you hit someone twice."

"I'm proving to you that I'm strong." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't need this kind of proof, and there is no way we can have a result." Tangyue said angrily.

"Teacher Tang, what are you talking about?" Jiang Chen pretended not to understand.

"You know what you said yourself." Tangyue was a little angry. When she was sitting in the car, she heard what Jiang Chen said, okay?

"I don't seem to have said anything bad." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You said so." Tangyue gritted her teeth and said.

"Okay, I remembered, I cursed, but I have always praised you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen pretended to think for a while before saying.


Tangyue suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation. After all, since Jiang Chen was pretending to be stupid, she couldn't repeat what Jiang Chen said. Wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Zhuang Bifan said he would call the police." Tangyue changed the subject.

"Teacher Tang, you really care about me." Jiang Chen was very moved.

"Speak human." Tangyue was very angry.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "No, he won't call the police, don't forget his name, a guy who likes to pretend by nature, don't expect him to have any IQ, maybe he will be complacent and think that he It left a deep and unique impression on you."

"Why do you understand so well, is it true that you are also that kind of person in essence?" Tangyue asked Jiang Chen while examining him.

"I don't understand him, what I understand is the human heart." Jiang Chen pointed to his heart with a finger, and said, "It's like I understand you, Mr. Tang, but there is no need to say too clearly here , so that Teacher Tang won’t embarrass you.”

Tangyue was a little depressed, knowing that what Jiang Chen said about understanding was definitely not a pleasant thing to say, so she just felt depressed, and made up her mind not to ask more questions.

"Teacher Tang, I know there is another restaurant that is good. Let's go together next time. Although I already know you, Teacher Tang, I should give you more opportunities to know me, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said casually.

"That kind of opportunity, you should leave it to your girlfriend." Tangyue said loudly, feeling a little irritable for some reason.

"Well, Teacher Tang is jealous. It is said that a jealous woman is the most beautiful. It is true, but it seems that she can't eat more." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Tangyue couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and was a little confused by her inexplicable anger, so she chose not to speak anymore.

The car soon arrived at Yilan Middle School. Jiang Chen sent Tangyue to the teaching building. Tangyue opened the door and got off the car. She reminded again: "Friday, don't forget."

Jiang Chen gave Tangyue a handsome smile, and drove the car towards the parking lot.

"Teacher Tangyue, the one who drove the car just now was Jiang Chen from your class, right?" The car had just left, and behind Tangyue, a voice rang in his ears.

"Teacher Xu Jiao, I asked Jiang Chen to send me to do some errands, and I just came back." Tangyue said simply.

"I remember Mr. Tang, you have a car yourself. Your car is also very good, but Jiang Chen's car is even better. It seems that his family is quite rich." Xu Jiao said, unable to tell whether it was envy or something else. mean.

Tangyue smiled, and walked upstairs, Xu Jiao stared at Tangyue's back for a few times, and snorted coldly: "What are you pretending to be noble, why is Jiang Chen sending you to do things, and treat me, Xu Jiao, as an idiot? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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