genius evil

Chapter 160 Missing 1 reason

Chapter 160 Missing a Reason

Back at the office, Tangyue felt guilty for some reason.

She knew very well that she didn't need to feel guilty, but she just couldn't control the feeling of guilt surging out, as if Xu Jiao accidentally saw the adulterous relationship between her and Jiang Chen.

He took a bag of plums by hand, opened it, and put one in his mouth. The sweet and sour taste bloomed on the tip of his tongue, which made Tangyue feel a little more at ease.

Tangyue wanted to make a phone call to Jiang Chen, but she suppressed this idea just as it came up.

"What are you calling Jiang Chen for? Telling him to study hard in the future? Or tell him to restrain himself?" Tangyue smiled bitterly, feeling that nothing she did was right.

"It seems that we need to keep a distance from Jiang Chen in the future." Muttering to herself, Tangyue said something, then picked up another plum and put it in her mouth.


Just as Jiang Chen drove the car into the parking lot, two people walked towards him.

The man and woman walked to the car, waited until Jiang Chen got out of the car, and greeted Jiang Chen cautiously. They were the two killers, Mulanhua and Li Yuehan.

"Why are you two still in Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked after getting off the car.

Both Mulanhua and Li Yuehan were a little puzzled. It was you who asked us to stay. How could you say such a sentence?

"We're waiting for Young Master Jiang to deal with it." Mulanhua responded quickly and said immediately.

"Oh, where have you eaten these two days?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

Magnolia and Li Yuehan looked at each other, both of them felt stunned. Jiang Chen's first question made them incomprehensible, but this second question made the two of them feel overwhelmed. It's all foggy.

"Just eat something casually, there is no fixed place." Magnolia said truthfully.

"There is a small restaurant called Sister Lan restaurant outside the school. The food tastes good. I often go there to eat. You two can try it." Jiang Chen said.

Magnolia nodded, and John Li also nodded.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, the owner of Sister Lan's restaurant is Sister Lan, and Sister Lan has a daughter named Xiaodie, she is very cute." Jiang Chen dropped these words, and the figure had gone away.

"Jiang Shao seems to care about us very much." John Li said to himself.

"Concern?" Mulanhua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Didn't you understand what he meant?"

"He recommended us to eat at Sister Lan's Restaurant, I understand." John Li said seriously, and then said again: "How do you feel that Young Master Jiang is advertising for Sister Lan's Restaurant? Or Sister Lan's Restaurant, really very unique?"

"You're mistaken, Young Master Jiang didn't ask us to eat at Sister Lan's restaurant, but asked us two to pay attention to Sister Lan's restaurant." Mulanhua couldn't help reminding.

"You mean, Young Master Jiang asked the two of us to protect Sister Lan?" Li Yuehan realized later.

"To be precise, it is to protect Sister Lan and Sister Lan's daughter, Xiaodie." Mulanhua is a woman after all, and her mind is much more delicate than that of John Li.

"But why didn't Young Master Jiang make it clear directly? Besides, the two of us are killers, so Young Master Jiang is so relieved of both of us?" John Li said in surprise.

"I don't understand this question either. Maybe he is trying to test the two of us." After thinking about it, Mulan murmured.

"If this is the case, does it mean that the two of us will not die?" John Li said happily.

"Then from this second on, you can only protect Sister Lan's restaurant from accidents, otherwise, the two of us will probably die sooner." Mulan is not as optimistic as John Li.

"Then let's go quickly. Let's go to Sister Lan's Restaurant Young Master Jiang often goes to Sister Lan's Restaurant to eat. It should be pretty good." John Li felt a little hungry.

Mulan also wanted to try the food at Sister Lan's restaurant, so she and John Li quickly found it. After seeing Sister Lan, Mulan soon discovered why Jiang Chen often came here to eat, because Sister Lan was really It's so interesting. As a woman, even if Sister Lan has a seven-year-old daughter, she still feels ashamed.

And after John Li ate the meals made by Sister Lan, he immediately decided to eat here all the time. Sister Lan's cooking skills were beyond his expectations.


Early the next morning, Shuang'er showed up at the bank of Weiming Lake on time, and continued to hit the lake surface with a wicker stick, continuing to exhaust herself to the point of exhaustion.

Jiang Chen handed the water he had prepared earlier to Shuang'er, and after Shuang'er drank the water, he said, "When you come over tomorrow, change into a set of clothes."

Shuang'er looked herself up and down, and said, "This dress is very comfortable to wear."

"Put on cotton clothes." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Shuang'er has always liked to wear leather clothes and pants. Ever since Jiang Chen met Shuang'er, Shuang'er has always been dressed like this. When the pair moved, the curves around her body swayed like willow branches in the wind, it was almost dazzling.

However, a big disadvantage of leather clothing is that it is not breathable, and Shuang'er's whole body is like being wrapped in a cover.

"Okay." Shuang'er could only say.

After resting for a while and regaining some strength, Shuang'er said: "Master, Miss and I came to Yilan City this time for a mission. This mission is very important and concerns Miss's future."

"What mission?" Jiang Chen asked with little interest.

"Unify the underground forces in Yilan City." Shuang'er said directly.

"Oh?" Jiang Chen smiled. In fact, he had thought of this a long time ago. After laughing, Jiang Chen said, "It's crazy."

"It's crazy." Shuang'er admitted honestly.

"I won't say things like overreaching your capabilities to hurt you, but don't you two have any self-knowledge?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"So, I need your help, Master. Moreover, Master, you have negotiated the terms with the young lady, and the young lady hopes that you can keep your promise." Shuang'er said embarrassedly.

"I have discussed such conditions with Tang Tian, ​​but in this matter, there is still a lack of a reason to convince me." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"For this reason, I think it's more appropriate for the lady to tell you." After a moment of hesitation, Shuang'er said.

"I'm not in a hurry... By the way, I'm also quite interested in the underground forces in Yilan City. Remember to tell Tang Tian about this when you go back." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Shuang'er suddenly thought of Brother Dao, because he had been paying attention to the movements of the underground forces in Yilan City, Shuang'er knew that Brother Dao had been expanding his power recently.

Jiang Chen said he was interested. Could it be that he wanted to unify the underground forces in Yilan City?Shuang'er thought secretly in her heart, feeling something was wrong.

If Jiang Chen really had such a plan, wouldn't that mean that what Tang Tian wanted to do was doomed to fail?
After all, compared to her and Tang Tian entering Yilan City as strangers with no foundation, Jiang Chen has an innate advantage. Furthermore, Jiang Chen's personal strength cannot be ignored.

"I will tell Miss, but I don't think Miss will give up." Shuang'er said in a low voice.

"So, you lack a reason, but I think that no matter what the reason is, it will be difficult to convince me in the end." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

Seriously speaking, Jiang Chen didn't have any ambitions for the so-called underground forces, he just didn't like trouble, so he wanted to cut off the source of trouble.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen didn't think that such a force was of much use to him, perhaps the only use was to provide him with resources for cultivation.

Jiang Chen's ambition is to cultivate, and that is the only path he wants to take. He will not take other paths. Only when others block his path, he will let others have no way to go.

However, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to talk about these situations with Shuang'er, unless Shuang'er becomes his apprentice in the true sense.

As for the apprentice in the true sense, it means that Shuang'er followed her and embarked on the road of cultivation, but there is still a rather long process, and right now, it is only an assessment stage at best.

"We will try our best to convince you." Shuang'er said with a helpless smile.

"Well, remember to change your clothes tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

Shuang'er nodded, knowing that Jiang Chen didn't say much, and left soon.

And when Shuang'er drove away from Yilan Middle School, an unusually stylish Pagani just drove into Yilan Middle School from outside.

The driver was Gu Xiang, and Gu Xiang was in a very bad mood.

If Jiang Chen asked Gu Xiang at this time, what is the more painful thing than death, Gu Xiang would definitely say without hesitation that he cannot be a man.

Yes, just can't be a man.

I don't know if it was because of Huang Ting's jumping from the building the day before yesterday, which caused him pressure, or Jiang Chen was very damn right. Gu Xiang found out sadly that he couldn't do it.

The matter of whether it is OK or not is the result of Gu Xiang's two inspections the night before yesterday and last night. Even before driving to Yilan Middle School, Gu Xiang tried it on the big bed of the hotel.

But it didn't work, he just couldn't do it.

Sitting in the car at this moment, thinking about the inhuman torture he endured for two nights, Gu Xiang simply had the urge to want to die. He couldn't understand why he couldn't do it all of a sudden, even though he was always fine. What?
No, it wasn't that he failed all of a sudden. Specifically, after being asked that question by Jiang Chen, he became disabled.

This made Gu Xiang a little terrified. If he could not be a man in this life, then even if he had everything that most ordinary people could not have in their lifetime, what would be the point?

So, Gu Xiang came to Jiang Chen, he wanted to ask Jiang Chen clearly what was going on, and at the same time, whether he was still cured.

As for why he knew that Jiang Chen was in Yilan Middle School, it was Gu Xiang who asked Brother Dao about it. Jiang Chen was in Yilan Middle School, and he was still in Class Three, Senior Three. This matter was a bit difficult for Gu Xiang to accept. After all, he was in Jiang Chen I've been planted twice on my hand, the number one young man in Yilan City, was planted twice on the hand of a high school senior, who would believe me?Not to mention, which of the other things Jiang Chen did was done by a student?

But even though it was hard to accept, after Gu Xiang drove into the school, he went directly to Class [-], Grade [-] to find someone, and then Gu Xiang's mood became even worse because he failed to find Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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