genius evil

Chapter 161 Shouldn't Live In This World

Chapter 161 Shouldn't Live In This World

Meng Xiangyang was also in a very bad mood. He wholeheartedly expected Jiang Chen to die soon, but Jiang Chen was alive and kicking in Yilan Middle School, and nothing happened.

As for the killer, after telling him that the mission failed for the first time and taking away a commission again, he just lost the news, and let his phone explode, and the other party's mobile phone was turned off.

This situation made Meng Xiangyang very depressed. If he didn't know that the killer would usually turn off his mobile phone during the mission, he couldn't help but wonder if he had been tricked by the killer.

"Meng Shao, come, have a drink." Qiu Shaowei raised his glass to signal to Meng Xiangyang.

This is a private room of Supreme First Grade. Qiu Shaowei called to invite Meng Xiangyang to sit here. Meng Xiangyang had no intentions at first, but when he thought that Qiu Shaowei and Jiang Chen had conflicts, they could be regarded as an alliance, so he came here.

Hearing Qiu Shaowei's words, Meng Xiangyang raised his wine glass and touched Qiu Shaowei, and said with a light smile, "Why does Wei Shao have time to invite me to drink today? Is there something happy about it? Why don't you tell me and share it."

Qiu Shaowei took a sip of his wine, smiled wryly and said, "There's nothing happy about it, didn't you ask Meng Shao to come here to complain?"

"Oh, something about Qiu Shaojie?" Rolling his eyes a few times, Meng Xiangyang said with a smile.

"This..." Qiu Shaowei sighed, and said: "It is said that family ugliness should not be publicized, but this matter in our family is probably causing a lot of trouble now. There is no place to put my face."

"Wei Shao was joking." Meng Xiangyang said lightly.

"Young Master Meng, I don't even have the heart to joke around now. That bastard Qiu Shaojie, relying on Jiang Chen's backing, is getting more and more presumptuous now. I've been thinking for the past few days whether I should find someone to touch Jiang Chen, otherwise , From now on it will be hard to live." Qiu Shaowei said angrily.

"Jiang Chen is not that restless." Meng Xiangyang reminded.

"I know this well, so I want to ask you, Meng Shao, if you have any ideas." Qiu Shaowei finally got to the point.

"What ideas can I have?" Smiling, Meng Xiangyang hit Tai Chi lightly.

"Then Meng Shao, tell me, if I find someone to kill Jiang Chen, will there be any sequelae?" Qiu Shaowei is not a fool, knowing such a topic, he must take the initiative.

"I seem to remember that Jiang Chen doesn't have any background." Meng Xiangyang said lightly.

"Haha, with your words, Young Master Meng, I feel relieved." Qiu Shaowei laughed, picked up his glass and toasted Meng Xiangyang.

"Westbrook, I didn't say anything, I just came to drink." Meng Xiangyang smiled.

It's not like Meng Xiangyang didn't have the idea of ​​Qiu Shaowei, but after all, he did it too conspicuously. Asking an assassin to kill Jiang Chen would be a one-shot job without leaving any traces.

However, since it was Qiu Shaowei who wanted to ask someone to move Jiang Chen, Meng Xiangyang was naturally very happy to see the result. With a slight thought, Meng Xiangyang already had an idea in his heart.

Qiu Shaowei and Meng Xiangyang had their own ghosts, and they drank to their heart's content. An hour later, when they left the box, they were already six or seven points drunk.

"Drunkard, hurry up, you stink too much." As soon as he walked out of the box, there was a voice of incomparable disgust, which suddenly sounded.

Meng Xiangyang and Qiu Shaowei looked sideways, and they saw a petite beauty who kept rolling her eyes, not to mention, slapping her nose with her white and tender palms, looking extremely disgusted.

Even though their sanity was already a little blurred, after seeing that beauty, both Meng Xiangyang and Qiu Shaowei felt their eyes light up.

As the two of them, I don't know how many beautiful women they have seen, but compared with the beauty in front of them, their women are like tofu dregs, they are not eye-catching at all.

Not to mention that this woman is as beautiful as a crystal doll, her figure is even more exaggerated and hot. It is no exaggeration to describe it with an angel face and a devil figure.

"Hey, is Young Master Meng interested?" Qiu Shaowei turned his head to Meng Xiangyang and said.

Meng Xiangyang ignored Qiu Shaowei, his eyes fell on the woman, he could hardly move away, and said with a joking smile: "Little girl, I will give you one hundred thousand."

After finishing speaking, Meng Xiangyang took out the check book from his pocket, signed a number, tore it off and handed it to the woman.

As soon as the woman took it, it was as if the big bad wolf had seen the little white rabbit. Her big eyes were shining brightly, shining with moving colors.

Then I saw that the woman quickly put the check into her pocket, as if someone would come to snatch it from her.

"Get rich, get rich." The woman was obsessed with wealth, and murmured.

Maybe it's because women are so beautiful and lovely. This is obviously an extremely vulgar action, but when she does it, it will definitely not make people hate it, but it is extremely pleasing.

Meng Xiangyang looked at the woman's appearance as a money fanatic, and he was already a little distracted, but he was so hot that he was teased, so he forcibly suppressed the surging desire in his heart, Meng Xiangyang waved and said, "Let's go, my car is outside. "

"Go? Where are you going? Who are you, why should I go with you? Don't think you can talk nonsense when you're drunk. I warn you. If you look at me again, I'll dig out your eyeballs. Dog." The woman crackled.

Meng Xiangyang was completely stunned, what the hell is going on?

You know, after seeing the woman took the money, he thought the woman had already been bought by him, and he couldn't help being a little surprised that it was so easy to deal with. At the same time, he was surprised and surprised.

For 10 yuan, it is definitely worth it to get such a stunning beauty. It is too worth it. Not to mention 100 yuan, even if it is [-] million yuan, he will be willing to throw it away.

But now, what the woman said made him a little confused. This woman had already taken the money, but now she said such a thing, what does it mean?
"You took my money, of course you have to follow me." Meng Xiangyang said displeased.

"Fuck your sister, what do you mean I took your money, I was passing by here, and you insisted on giving me money... I saw that you were too ugly, and I was worried that if I didn't accept the money, you would I will commit suicide by jumping off this building, so I reluctantly collect the money." The woman said loudly.

Meng Xiangyang couldn't help feeling depressed and wanted to vomit blood, but at this moment, how could he not understand that he was played by this woman.

"I warn you, since you have received the money, you have to leave if you don't, or don't blame me for being rude." Meng Xiangyang said angrily. He was already in a bad mood, thinking that having a good affair might relieve his emotions. Now , his mood has undoubtedly become worse.


The woman raised her foot and kicked Meng Xiangyang in the abdomen, and said loudly: "I don't care if you are polite, anyway, I will not be polite to you. An ugly and petty man like you shouldn't be polite." Living in this world, if I were you, I would kill myself right now."

"Damn it, you dare to hit me?" Meng Xiangyang was very angry.

"It turns out that you are still an idiot. Where did I hit you? I just kicked you. You can see clearly, that's how you kicked." With her right foot stretched out quickly, the woman kicked Meng Xiangyang's stomach again. .

Originally, Meng Xiangyang would not be attacked by a woman so easily. It's just that he drank too much wine. Although he was not drunk, his reaction became much slower, so he had to bear the woman's feet forcefully.

"I can see clearly, but you are finished." Meng Xiangyang said sharply.

Since spending money can't deal with this woman, don't blame him for using disgraceful means.

"You are finished, your whole family is finished." The woman said with a sharp tongue, and kicked Meng Xiangyang to the ground with two bangs.

Then, the woman attacked Qiu Shaowei again, even bringing Qiu Shaowei down.

"To hang out with such an ugly, poor and idiot man, you must be an idiot among idiots." This is the reason why women put Qiu Shaowei down.

Qiu Shaowei was kicked a few times for no apparent reason, he felt aggrieved, and struggled to get up to catch the woman, but the woman had already run downstairs quickly.

"Meng Shao, are you okay?" Seeing that he couldn't catch the woman, Qiu Shaowei had no choice but to help Meng Xiangyang up.

"It's okay." Meng Xiangyang shook his head. Although he was kicked a few times, the woman had no strength and it didn't hurt that much, but being beaten by a woman still made his face very ugly.

"Do you know this woman?" Meng Xiangyang asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know him, it's very unfamiliar." Qiu Shaowei said truthfully.

If you have ever seen such a monstrous-looking woman, Qiu Shaowei will definitely not forget it.

"Hey, what are you two idiots talking about, you want to investigate me, hmph, you think I'm afraid that you won't succeed, let me tell you, I'm Jiang Chen's woman, if you dare to take revenge on me, Jiang Chen will definitely I'll kill you." The woman who was going downstairs suddenly turned around and grinned.

"Jiang Chen's woman? Is she Jiang Chen's woman?" Meng Xiangyang's heart sank suddenly, "Okay, it's really great, Jiang Chen, I never thought that it was even your woman, They are all so arrogant, I want to see who will play to death."

As for Qiu Shaowei, his hatred for Jiang Chen has also deepened at this moment. He already had the idea of ​​finding someone to touch Jiang Chen, because he had learned Jiang Chen's strength and was not sure about the feasibility, so he approached Jiang Chen. The old enemy, that is, Meng Xiangyang, came to drink. Now that there is such a commotion, Qiu Shaowei has made up his mind. Who will let the little beauty who claims to be Jiang Chen's woman be too good at spreading hatred? This is completely creating opportunities for him. There is a reason to share the same hatred with Meng Xiangyang.

"Baby Lin, you forgot to take your medicine, right? You can make a fuss in the restroom. What else is there that you are Jiang Chen's woman? Don't think I don't know. You are spreading hatred to Jiang Chen." Outside Supreme Yipin, inside a Porsche, Tang Tian looked at Lin Baobao who was bouncing into the car, and said angrily.

"Is there? I was his woman, okay? It's not me who said it, he said it himself." Lin Baobao said triumphantly, she really felt that she was too clever, she was simply the witty beauty in the legend girl!

(End of this chapter)

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