genius evil

Chapter 162 Really Stupid

Chapter 162 Really Stupid

"You just admit what he said. Are you still promising? Although you are not as beautiful as me and your breasts are ugly, you are not so hungry, right?" Tang Tian said bitterly.

"Hey, you can eat indiscriminately, don't talk nonsense, whoever said that I am not as beautiful as you, I am obviously a hundred times more beautiful than you, why do I have ugly breasts, this is pure nonsense, I don't compare myself with others, anyway, it's much more beautiful than yours." Lin Baobao groaned.

"You will sag." Tang Tian said lightly.

"Ah——" Lin Baobao almost wanted to roll over, this woman was so cruel, she hit the nail on the head, and she couldn't do it.

"You don't even have a chance to sag." Lin Baobao gritted his teeth.

"Of course not, because I don't know how to do it at all." Tang Tian enjoyed the joy of victory. After all, it was rare for her to gain the upper hand in the process of bickering with Lin Baobao.

"No, when you find a man in the future, you will definitely grow up, and you will sag." Baobao Lin immediately corrected himself.

"You mean, can I still develop?" Tang Tian said lightly.

"Ah, I made a mistake again." Lin Baobao was very frustrated. What happened to this woman today? Why did her fighting power break through the sky all of a sudden, and she was no longer an opponent?
"Don't say these things are gone, take out the check, and everyone who sees it will get a share." Tang Tian stretched out her hand and said slowly.

"Why, this is my hard-earned money." Lin Baobao was not happy.

"Then you just wait for me to expose it and tell them that you are not Jiang Chen's woman at all." Tang Tian said indifferently.

Lin Baobao went crazy with anger, and took out the check tremblingly, feeling his heart was bleeding.

Tang Tian took the check, took out her mobile phone, transferred [-] yuan to Baobao Lin, and then drove to the villa.

When the car arrived at the villa, a Land Rover was already waiting there. Guan He got out of the car and opened the co-pilot's door. Lin Baobao gave Guan He a look and said, "Wooden man, didn't I say I wanted to change the driver?"

"I am the best, I can protect you." Guan He said.

"Tch, you're too bad, you can't even protect yourself." Baby Lin rolled his eyes.

"I will become stronger." Guan He's eyes revealed a blazing light.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, Xiao Tiantian, I'm leaving, remember to miss me, besides, you have already charged the hush money, please don't expose me, who told Jiang Chen to beat me so cruelly? What about my ass, I'm taking revenge, it's not just hatred." Lin Baobao said in a muttering voice.

"Okay." Tang Tian agreed happily.

"The promise is so straightforward, it's tricky at first glance, Xiao Tiantian, I trust you so much, don't let me down." Lin Baobao instructed.

"There's so much nonsense." Tang Tian was a little impatient.

"Xiao Tiantian, your attitude makes people very sad, very sad, and my heart hurts." Lin Baobao clutched his chest and climbed into the car.

The Land Rover left soon, Tang Tian turned back to the room, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Baby Lin, Baby Lin, I told you to fight with my sister, I said earlier that you are not my opponent. Now there is a reason to be caught I'm holding it, let's see how I can play with your feelings, don't blame my sister for being cruel."


At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Chen drank medicine and had a meal at Sister Lan's restaurant. Just as he walked out of the restaurant, he saw Li Yuehan and Magnolia appearing in front of him.

One minute later, Jiang Chen saw a guy who was tied up and thrown in a corner.

"What's going on here?" Jiang Chen asked with a casual glance.

"This man wandered around in front of Sister Lan's restaurant for a long time. We were worried that he would harm Sister Lan and Xiaodie, so we arrested him." Mulanhua explained.

"Have you been interrogated?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised. He just threw these two killers into Sister Lan's restaurant yesterday, and today he has achieved results.

"After the interrogation, he said that he belonged to Brother Sniper, and told us to be more sensible and let him go as soon as possible." Mulanhua said truthfully.

"Who is Brother Sniper?" Jiang Chen asked the guy who was tied up.

"Brother Sniper is Brother Sniper, I warn you, if you offend Brother Sniper, you will not have a good life." The man said viciously.

"Slap your mouth." Jiang Chen ordered lightly.

"Papa...papa..." Li Yuehan understood, and knocked out two of the guy's teeth with more than a dozen slaps.

"Who is Brother Sniper?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Brother Sniper...Brother Sniper is my boss. We received an order from Brother Sniper to come to Yilan Middle School to find a student named Jiang Chen. I heard that Jiang Chen would come to Sister Lan's restaurant for dinner every day, so we stayed in Lanjie. Near my sister's restaurant." The man was beaten so miserable that he said everything in one go.

"Listen clearly?" Jiang Chen glanced at Li Yuehan and Mulanhua.

The two nodded and left soon.

About ten minutes later, John Li and Mulanhua brought five people over. The five people were pointed at by guns and squatted in the corner.

"Now, call Brother Sniper to come over, oh, yes, tell Brother Sniper to call more people over." Jiang Chen ordered.

Those who were brought here all looked at Jiang Chen as if they were seeing a ghost. It was understandable to ask Brother Snipe to come here, but what the hell is it to ask Brother Sniper to bring more people over?

Could it be that Jiang Chen is looking for death?But, don't be so obvious, right?

Thinking so, one of them quickly picked up his mobile phone and called Brother Sniper, and reported what happened here to Brother Sniper.

"Brother Sniper said, we'll be there in 15 minutes." After the phone call, the man whispered.

"Oh, then wait 15 minutes." After yawning, Jiang Chen spoke lazily.

When two vans appeared and a dozen people got out of the car in a swarm, including the one who was tied up, six people were overjoyed.

More than a dozen people walked towards Jiang Chen, and the one who walked in the front was a middle-aged man with long hands and long feet, but he was only about 1.6 meters tall, and his body proportions looked a bit ridiculous.

What was particularly funny was that the man's right hand was always hidden in his sleeve, which made his posture rather awkward and ugly when he was walking.

But when they saw this person, John Li and Magnolia looked at each other with slightly nervous expressions.

"I'm Brother Sniper." The middle-aged man walked over and said directly.

"You only brought so few people here, it looks like you're not doing very well." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"My Brother Sniper just wants to make a living. It doesn't matter how well you do it. What are the rules?" Brother Sniper said very sophisticatedly.

"There is no charter, I just want to ask you a question, are you willing to hang out with me?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

Brother Snipe was taken aback, apparently he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would say such a thing when he called him over with such great fanfare, and immediately, Brother Snipe laughed out loud, and said while laughing: "If I guess correctly, you are Jiang Chen Bar."

"There is no reward for guessing right." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Since you are Jiang Chen, I'll tell you the truth. If someone wants to get you, the minimum is to cut off your limbs. If you can kill you, the price will be doubled. That's a number that makes my heart beat... here Under such circumstances, are you still going to let me hang out with you?" Brother Sniper said coldly.

"You just need to answer my question." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Brother Sniper's face changed slightly, he understood what he said so clearly, yet Jiang Chen still reacted like this, so there are only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that Jiang Chen is an idiot, and the second possibility is that Jiang Chen has something to rely on.

Obviously, the first possibility is impossible to exist, so the second possibility is mostly.

"Idiots talking about dreams." Brother Sniper snorted coldly, he didn't care what Jiang Chen had to rely on, because he believed that Jiang Chen couldn't play tricks under his nose.

"Actually, you should accept it. After all, such an opportunity is really hard to come by. It's a pity that you rejected it. Maybe you haven't realized what your rejection means, but soon, you will understand it. You do A rather stupid decision." Jiang Chen shook his head and said regretfully.

"It's you who are stupid." Brother Sniper said viciously, the gunshot rang out suddenly, and the sharp sound of bullets piercing the air came out.

Li Yuehan and Mulanhua's expressions changed quietly, and they subconsciously looked at Brother Sniper, only to see that at some point, Brother Sniper had an extra gun in his hand.

And that gun was pointing at Jiang Chen!

In the eyes of Brother Sniper, the color of madness shines. The reason why he is called Brother Sniper is precisely because of the gun in his hand. , and will not be called Brother Sniper.

"It's really too stupid." Jiang Chen sighed, looking at Brother Sniper like a dead man.

"not dead!"

Li Yuehan and Mulanhua turned their gazes and landed on Jiang Chen. When they heard the gunshot just now, the two of them were surprised, but they were actually relieved.

The reason why the two of them were surprised was because they sensed that Brother Sniper was dangerous, but they never noticed Brother Sniper's shooting action. You know, this is undoubtedly a great shame for them as professional killers.

And heaved a sigh of relief, because the two of them have been living under Jiang Chen's shadow for the past few days. If the clouds can clear up, it would be great news for them.

Never thought that under such circumstances, Jiang Chen would not die. You know, with that range and the shooting technique of Brother Sniper, it is completely a dead end.This made the two of them glad that they didn't do anything excessive?

"You—" Brother Sniper looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, his eyes widened, and he suddenly pulled the trigger again.

This time, the gunshot didn't ring out, Brother Sniper only moved his hand, and the gun in his hand fell into Jiang Chen's hand, ignoring Brother Sniper's terrified expression, playing with the gun, Jiang Chen said with a light smile : "Don't be so nervous, I won't shoot."


Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, there was another gunshot, and there was a bloody hole in the back of Brother Sniper's head.

It was at this moment that the phone in Jiang Chen's pocket rang...

(End of this chapter)

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