genius evil

Chapter 163 Xu Anqi Was Kidnapped

Chapter 163 Xu Anqi Was Kidnapped
"Little girl, I've already told you what you're calling me at this point. I'm not very interested in you." Jiang Chen glanced at the caller ID and answered with a casual smile.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to die?" Tang Tian on the other end of the phone immediately became furious and yelled loudly.

If you're not interested, you're not interested, and you still make fun of her over and over again. This guy really doesn't care about her feelings at all. Could it be that she's really that bad?Really can't compare to Lin Baobao, Lin Baobao is just bigger than her breasts, what's so great about it!

"Well, it's not that I'm going to die, it's that someone is going to die... No, it's already dead." Jiang Chen glanced at Brother Sniper who fell to the ground, and said with a smile.

"What a mess, I don't understand what you're talking about." Tang Tian was puzzled, and said arrogantly, "Jiang Chen, you think it's rare for me to call you this time, I just remind you out of kindness. You, you were tricked by that crazy woman, Baobao Lin, so you don’t even know how you died when the time comes.”

"What's going on?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning slightly.

Tang Tian was very quick, and told about what happened in Supreme Grade [-], and said rather gloatingly, "Jiang Chen, I can help you settle this trouble."

"No need." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Why are you so brave, I really can." Tang Tian decided to persist.

Didn't Jiang Chen say that he lacked a reason to persuade him? Tang Tian felt that this reason was just right, and wouldn't it be a pity not to make good use of it.

"Little girl, I've already settled the matter, have you forgotten what I told you, someone died." Jiang Chen replied and hung up the phone.

In Guilanyuan Villa, Tang Tian held her mobile phone, blinked at Shuang'er who was standing beside her, and said, "Jiang Chen said someone died."

"He said he was dead, so he should be dead." Shuang'er said.

"Go and find out who died." After a moment of pondering, Tang Tian ordered decisively.


Brother Sni died, and the death was inexplicable. The person who shot and killed Brother Sniper was a guy with acne all over his face.

The pimple man didn't know whether he was too excited or too scared. The hand holding the gun was trembling uncontrollably. He pulled his face and wanted to give Jiang Chen a smile, but the smile was uglier than crying.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"My name is Gong Xi." The acne man hurriedly replied.

"Congratulations? The name is good, you look really festive." Jiang Chen smiled, pointed at Brother Sniper's body, and said, "Why kill him, give me a reason."

"Because I want to stand out." Gong Xi gritted his teeth and said.

"This reason is not bad, but how do you know that you can get ahead by following me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I've heard about something about you, Young Master Jiang. I know that this is my chance. Brother Sniper doesn't know what is good and evil, so I refuse your good intentions, Young Master Jiang. However, I want to seize this opportunity, so Brother Sniper must I'm going to die," Gong Xi said.

The name Jiang Chen is definitely unfamiliar in some circles in Yilan City. Jiang Chen offended both the Meng family and the Huo family to death, and even offended the Shi family, but Jiang Chen is still alive and well. It is a powerful expression.

"I like your ambition, but I may not let an ambitious guy follow me." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.


The cold sweat on Gong Xi's forehead broke out immediately.

Gong Xi was gambling, betting on a chance to get ahead, so after Brother Sni failed to kill Jiang Chen, he killed Brother Sni without hesitation.

Now, he suddenly discovered that he had fallen into a dead end, that is, Jiang Chen might not accept him.

Once Jiang Chen doesn't accept his words, then he will immediately follow in Brother Sni's footsteps and die here, and because he betrayed Brother Sniper, he will definitely die worse than Brother Sniper.

"Why, do you know you're afraid now?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"I won't regret it." Gong Xi said forcefully.

"Don't rush to express your opinion in front of me. To be honest, I don't like you very much, because you are too ugly and not to my liking, but I am willing to give you a chance, a chance for you to prove yourself, Can you understand my words?" Jiang Chen asked slowly.

"Understood." Gong Xi said hastily.

"No, actually you don't understand anything at all, at least, you don't know how to prove it at all." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I—" Gong Xi hesitated, and the cold sweat on his forehead grew more and more, because he realized that he really didn't know how to prove himself.

He just wanted to seize this opportunity so much, that's why he couldn't wait to express his opinion. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would not listen to this at all, and forced him to a dead end.

"What should I do?" Gong Xi said bitterly.

"No one will teach you these things, it's like no one said that you must be outstanding." Jiang Chen said coldly.


Even though Jiang Chen was not so domineering, it felt to Gong Xi as if a mountain was pressing on him, making him almost suffocate.

"You have one minute." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes." Gong Xi instinctively responded with his Adam's apple trembling.

Half a minute later, Gong Xi suddenly fired again, five times in a row, killing five people respectively.

"Young Master Jiang, I've proven myself." After killing someone, Gong Xi's face flushed red with a strange kind of madness.

"I'll give you another three days. After three days, I don't want to see you kill people again. After all, if you kill all the people, you will lose the value that can be used for me. Then , you yourself must die." Jiang Chen's eyes lightly closed, and a flash of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

This Gong Xi is not very old, probably in his early twenties, but he looks like a ferocious wolf when he kills people, so he can be regarded as a character.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see that although Gong Xi works under Brother Sniper, his status is not considered low. Otherwise, he would not dare to kill Brother Sniper, otherwise, he would be looking for death.

Gong Xi nodded, waved his hand, and quickly left with the others.

Li Yuehan and Mulanhua looked at all this, their hearts were shocked again and again, what shocked them was not Gong Xi's murder method, but Jiang Chen's imperial method.

It seemed that Jiang Chen didn't do anything, just said a few words, but every word was like a sharp knife, almost cutting Gong Xi's whole body in half, making Gong Xi stand in front of him. Nothing to hide.

"You two, you must be very disappointed." Jiang Chen said coldly, his eyes swept away from Li Yuehan and Mulanhua.

"Jiang Shao, you misunderstood." Mulanhua said hastily, she could feel that when Jiang Chen said this, there was a murderous intent.

"I will never misunderstand." Jiang Chen's words were very cold, "Because I really know what you two are thinking."

"Jiang Shao, please forgive me." Both Mulanhua and Li Yuehan were pale and trembling.

"I know better that the two of you will not be loyal to me, but are you naive enough to think that I need so-called loyalty? No, I don't!" Jiang Chen sneered.

Magnolia and Li Yuehan turned paler and trembled more violently.

Jiang Chen said no need, and directly denied the existence value of the two of them. Desperate emotions crazily grew in the hearts of the two of them. The two of them could already imagine what would be waiting for the two of them next.

"However, I still won't kill you two. Although I don't need the so-called loyalty, you two must be loyal from this moment on. You have no other choice." Jiang Chen's voice sounded again.

Mulanhua and Li Yuehan both opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at Jiang Chen. The two of them thought they would die, but they didn't expect that things would turn around.


Will the two of them be faithful?

If it was before, or before tonight's incident, no matter who said such a thing, both of them would laugh out loud. After all, talking about loyalty with a killer is either a lunatic or a fool.

The only thing killers have to do is to kill with money. They have never been loyal, and it is no exaggeration to describe them as having milk or being a mother. For the sake of profit, they can kill anyone, even their closest people!

But now, the two of them can only be loyal to Jiang Chen, and they must be loyal too!

Speaking of it, this is a choice without choice, but after seeing Jiang Chen's other side, even if Jiang Chen didn't give them two such choices, they would still make such a choice.

After Jiang Chen left those words, he quickly left. Mulanhua and Li Yuehan still stayed where they were.

"Do you like your old life?" Magnolia asked suddenly.

"I don't like it, what I like is money." John Li replied honestly.

"I don't like it either, and I don't like money either. I just don't have a choice, or in other words, no one has ever given me a choice, but Jiang Shao gave me a choice." Magnolia said slowly.

"Your words are very profound, and I can't understand them. It seems that you are a person with a story." After thinking about it, John Li said.

Magnolia didn't say anything more, just smiled wryly, and said, "Next, we should do something."

"That's right." John Li nodded seriously.

Then I saw the two of them act quickly to move the dead people away. It was not the first time for the two of them to do this kind of thing of destroying corpses and exterminating traces, and they were extremely proficient in doing it.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already climbed over the wall and entered the campus, and walked towards the dormitory. Jiang Chen had just walked downstairs to the dormitory when his cell phone rang again.

The call was from Jiang Yanyan. In Jiang Chen's impression, Jiang Yanyan had never called himself.

"Could it be that classmate Yanyan is looking for me on a date?" Smiling, Jiang Chen connected the phone.

After the call was connected, Jiang Yanyan's loud voice came through the microphone, with a strong crying voice: "Jiang Chen, An Qi has been kidnapped..."

(End of this chapter)

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