genius evil

Chapter 164 You are wrong

Chapter 164 You are wrong

Not far from Yilan Middle School, at the entrance of a small dessert shop, Jiang Chen saw Jiang Yanyan a few minutes later.

Seeing Jiang Chen appearing, the helpless Jiang Yanyan suddenly threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, choking and crying.

"Jiang Chen, I hurt An Qi. If something happens to An Qi, I will never forgive myself." Jiang Yanyan cried into tears.

"What happened, tell me." Seeing Jiang Yanyan like this, Jiang Chen didn't know how to comfort him for a while, so he said softly.

"'s like this..." Jiang Yanyan stammered, and quickly told Jiang Chen the ins and outs of the matter.

"I felt bored after class in the afternoon, so I asked An Qi to come out to accompany me for a walk. I knew the guard at the school, and after I said a few good words, the guard let the two of us out... Originally, we planned to eat some desserts and go back From the school, a few men suddenly came over to strike up a conversation, and wanted to take An Qi and me to play, but the two of us refused to agree, so they kidnapped An Qi."

"Why didn't they kidnap you together?" Jiang Chen asked with a frown.

Jiang Yanyan was stunned for a moment, then twisted Nini and said, "Maybe, I'm not as beautiful as An Qi."

"It's not a question of being pretty or not." Jiang Chen shook his head, always feeling that something was not quite right, and said in a deep voice, "Think about it, did they suddenly come over to strike up a conversation, or did they stare at them long ago? With you two?"

"It seems that when An Qi and I were shopping, we saw them twice, and one of them was on the phone once." Jiang Yanyan thought about it and recalled.

"That's why I've been staring at you all morning." Jiang Chen sneered.

It is not difficult to see from this that striking up a conversation is just a cover, and the real purpose of the other party is to kidnap Xu Anqi, so Jiang Yanyan will be let go. Otherwise, if it is a temporary malicious intention, it is absolutely impossible to kidnap Xu Anqi alone... ...It's just that Jiang Yanyan's mood was unstable, so Jiang Chen didn't tell Jiang Chen more, so as not to hit Jiang Yanyan again.

"They left by car, can you remember what kind of car it is?" Soon, Jiang Chen asked again.

"It's a white Buick business car, the license plate is... I don't remember the license plate." Jiang Yanyan looked extremely distressed.

"It's useless to remember, don't worry, I will find Squad Leader Xu." After comforting Jiang Yanyan a little, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call.


In the western suburbs of Yilan City, there is an old industrial park covering an area of ​​thousands of acres.

Because the center of economic development in Yilan City has moved to the south in recent years, more than 50.00% of the factories in this industrial park have been abandoned.

In a dilapidated warehouse in the industrial park, people were seen moving from time to time. Xu Anqi was brought here after being kidnapped.

"Little beauty, do you know what we brought you here for?" A bald man said with a playful smile.

"Of course it's kidnapping." Xu Anqi said simply.

"Smart, that's right, it's kidnapping." The bald man chuckled, looked Xu Anqi up and down, with evil eyes, and said with a smile: "Little beauty, you know that we kidnapped you, but you are still so calm, don't you think Will someone come to rescue you?"

"Of course." Xu Anqi said with certainty.

The bald man laughed loudly, and said while laughing: "From the entrance of that dessert shop, we took you into the car, and then on the way, we changed two cars and two groups of people. We did it so carefully. , even if the Yilan City police took the initiative, it would be impossible to find you."

"Why are you telling me these things?" Xu Anqi said blankly.

"I'm telling you this to tell you that we are professionals..." the bald man said triumphantly.

"Very good, I appreciate your professionalism very much, then, we can talk about the price next, as long as you let me go. No matter who pays you to kidnap me, I will pay two times more on the basis of the original price." I'll pay you more." Xu Anqi said slowly, interrupting the critical man.

"Oh, what you said means that your family is very rich?" The bald man asked in surprise. He was collecting money to do things, and the amount of money was quite large. Xu Anqi just offered to pay twice the price. The bald man was a little moved.

"This question is very unprofessional." Xu Anqi laughed and said, "Of course my family is rich. You may not know the Xu family in the provincial capital, but you must have heard of Xu Xiuyuan."

"Xu Xiuyuan, I've heard of it, who are you?" the bald man asked quickly.

"He is my grandfather." Xu Anqi said directly.

"So your family is really rich." The bald man murmured.

"To be precise, I should be very rich. You may not know it. Both my parents are dead, and my grandfather is getting old. In a few years, all the family property will be handed over to me. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will immediately give you double the money, of course, three times and four times, it is not impossible to talk about it."

"How should we talk?" The bald man's breath suddenly became hot.

"For example, tell me who ordered you to kidnap me, and for example, you send me back to Xu's house... don't worry that I will call the police, let alone be retaliated. In fact, I can see that you are a capable person. Not bad, I will take charge of the Xu family in the future, and I can hire you as the security captain of our Xu family. By the way, the security captain is a very important position, and he does not get paid, but enjoys company dividends." Xu Anqi said sternly.

"How much is the dividend?" The bald man's eyes were red.

Three times or four times the price already made him extremely tempted, not to mention dividends... Moreover, Xu Anqi has arranged for his retreat, which is equivalent to giving him money, and he doesn't have to take any risks. .

Compared with the risk of kidnapping for money, Xu Anqi is like an angel with wings in the eyes of the bald man.

"I didn't ask the exact number, but after a year, it won't be lower than this number." Xu Anqi stretched out a finger.

"100 million... what, 1000 million." The bald man cried out.

"Wrong, the minimum is 1000 million." Xu Anqi said softly, "However, this is just a basic benefit. In addition, you will be able to get a villa worth no less than 2000 million from the real estate company under the Xu family, and, In the future, you can also invest in some properties of the Xu family and become a shareholder of the Xu family."


The bald man was speechless, his nose fluttered and made a sound like a bellows.

Such a situation is simply a pie in the sky, it is too beautiful, and the beauty is too unrealistic.

"You won't lie to me, will you?" the bald man asked vigilantly.

"Of course not, don't forget, I'm in your hands now." Xu Anqi said lightly.

The bald man was right when he thought about it. If Xu Anqi was not too eager to be let go by him, how could he make so many unequal promises?
Moreover, he thought that if he kidnapped Xu Anqi once, he could kidnap Xu Anqi a second time, and he was not afraid of Xu Anqi's tricks at all.

The bald man just wanted to agree. Anyway, he was getting money for his life. No matter who he sold his life to, it didn't make any difference.

But at this time, there was sudden applause.

"Xu Anqi, Xu Anqi, I have to say, you really surprised me." Accompanied by the sound of clapping, the two walked over slowly.

Seeing those two people appear, Xu Anqi's expression changed suddenly, and the bald man's expression also became unnatural.

"Brother Bald, don't be fooled by this woman. Who is Xu Xiuyuan? Since you have heard of him, you should understand how powerful he is. She is Xu Xiuyuan's granddaughter. Do you think she is so easy to deal with? How naive." A man said mockingly.

"Song Shao, what do you mean, this woman is lying to me?" the bald man said gloomily.

"Of course she is lying to you. I can guarantee that once you let her go, you will be the first to die." The man sneered.

"Damn it, how dare you lie to me." The bald man was furious, raised his hand and slapped Xu Anqi across the face.

"Slow down." The man waved his hand and said, "Brother Bald, if you beat up such a beautiful little face, I won't be happy to see it."

While talking, the man stepped forward and said with a smile: "Xu Anqi, how do you feel now, how are you doing, are you very desperate?"

"Chen Lin, I didn't expect that you would hang out with people from the Song family, moreover, with a bastard like Song Chen." Xu Anqi said coldly.

It was Chen Lin who came out with Song Chen. Hearing this, Chen Lin smiled and said, "Young Master Song has always been interested in you. What I'm doing now is just an adult beauty. I think old man Xu will also like it." I am very happy to have such an excellent grandson-in-law as Young Master Song."

"Haha, Young Master Chen, what you said is really kind." Song Chen laughed loudly, with a high-spirited look on his face.

"Even if I die, I won't let you succeed." Xu Anqi gritted her teeth. She almost convinced the bald man just now. At the critical moment, she was destroyed by Song Chen and Chen Lin. Xu Anqi knew that she would not have another chance to escape. It made her feel hopeless.

"I can't bear to let someone slap your face, how can I let you die." Song Chen laughed and walked towards Xu Anqi step by step.

"Song Chen, if you dare to touch me, I won't let you go." Xu Anqi said angrily, while stepping back.

"Xu Anqi, I would like to advise you to save some effort. Could it be that you naively think that someone will come to save you?" Song Chen said without paying attention, the evil light in his eyes became hotter and hotter.

"Help—" Xu Anqi screamed loudly.

"Scream, scream, if you break your throat, no one will come to save you. On the contrary, the more you struggle, the more you can arouse my sexual interest. If you don't believe it, just scream, the louder you scream, The more excited I am." Song Chen said, grabbing Xu Anqi with one hand.

"I can say, are you wrong?" A voice rang out at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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