genius evil

Chapter 165 There is a way to die called stupid death

Chapter 165 There is a way to die called stupid death
Accompanied by the sound of talking, there was a creak, and the old iron door of the warehouse was pushed open by a hand, and then, a figure walked in slowly.

"What are you? You have the right to speak here?" Song Chen was in high spirits, but was suddenly interrupted, very angry.

"Jiang Chen!" Chen Lin called out a name without a voice, and stared at the figure intently, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

"Jiang Chen!"

Xu Anqi whispered to herself, her fair and tender face was slightly hot, and her beautiful eyes were full of water.

"Squad Leader Xu, I'm not late." Jiang Chen said softly with a slight smile.

"No." Xu Anqi's voice was very soft, she only said one word, because she was afraid that if she said one more word, tears would fall down uncontrollably.

The previously pretended strength, the pretended proficient negotiating skills, and the pretended aloofness of the young lady of the Xu family were instantly shattered after Jiang Chen arrived.

She is still that Xu Anqi, that quiet and soft girl who is not used to talking too much but can never be ignored by others.

She is not yet, she is not mature enough after all, she is actually just a girl, she can't pretend to be mature all the time, at least, at the moment Jiang Chen appeared, she can no longer make any disguise.

Hearing Xu Anqi's words, Jiang Chen felt relieved a little, turned his gaze, landed on Song Chen, and said with a smile, "Where is the dog barking? It's too noisy. Do you slap your mouth yourself, or let me help you?" you."

"I said, what are you, bald brother, shoot him dead." Song Chen said loudly.

"Yes, shoot quickly." Chen Lin also yelled, reaching out and pulling out a gun.

The bald man reacted quickly. Almost as soon as Song Chen's words fell, the gun appeared in his hand. Together with Chen Lin, the two guns pointed at Jiang Chen.

"Sorry, I shouldn't call you a dog, because saying you are a dog is simply insulting a dog." Jiang Chen said indifferently.


Xu Anqi covered her lips and smiled softly, she was as delicate as a flower!

"Shoot!" Song Chen had never been scolded like this before, and his mood became more gloomy, and he ordered again.

The bald man immediately pulled the trigger when he heard the words, using people's money to eliminate disasters. This is his consistent principle. Now that things have changed, he naturally wants to kill the change in the cradle.

"Who will shoot?" Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said lightly, he walked towards the bald man step by step, and took the gun from the bald man's hand under the bald man's glaring eyes.


As the trigger was pulled, a blood hole appeared on the bald man's right foot.

"Who's going to shoot?"

Jiang Chen said another sentence, playing with the gun casually, walked towards Chen Lin step by step, smiled and said: "Chen Lin, is that you? Can you shoot? To be precise, do you dare to shoot?"

"I...I..." Chen Lin's Adam's apple trembled, and he clearly put his fingers on the trigger. As long as he wanted, he could pull the trigger at any time, and a bullet was fired at Jiang Chen.

But after seeing Jiang Chen's leisurely and comfortable state like no one else, he was horrified to find that he couldn't shoot anymore, just like what Jiang Chen said, he didn't dare to shoot!
Such daring stems from the fear of Jiang Chen.

On that day, their Chen family father and son challenged Mr. Xu and forbearance in every possible way. Just for that day, they failed because of Jiang Chen, leaving the four of them with nothing.

Jiang Chen's methods were deeply ingrained in his impression. He originally thought that he had forgotten what happened that day, but after Jiang Chen appeared, he realized that he hadn't forgotten. On the contrary, this The first time I saw Jiang Chen, the impression was even more profound!
"Knowing that you don't dare, you still have self-knowledge, but unfortunately, some beings who are not as good as dogs will never understand this truth." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"Brother Bald, Young Master Chen, what the hell are you two doing? You don't dare to shoot, I dare!" Song Chen was so angry that he didn't understand why Brother Bald let his gun be taken away by Jiang Chen, let alone The gun in Chen Lin's hand was clearly pointed at Jiang Chen, why didn't he pull the trigger for so long.

They dare not, but he dares!

That's what Song Chen said, and he did the same thing. He took out a gun, pointed it at Jiang Chen immediately, and pulled the trigger.

But soon, Song Chen discovered that his entire right arm was suddenly stiff, and his fingers could not move, and he could not pull the trigger at all.

"You dare, because you are stupid enough." Jiang Chen changed his walking track, walked towards Song Chen, and said word by word: "You are not afraid of me, it is because you don't know who I am, wait until you know who I am , you will understand that there is a way of death called stupid death."

"Who are you?" Song Chen growled. He was in good health all along, but why did his right hand suddenly lose control.

"Before I tell you, I have to give you a slap in the face first. See, I like to help others like this. I don't think I can change this bad habit in this life." Jiang Chen sighed, looking very upset. It's a good look.

But when Jiang Chen started, there was no embarrassment at all. A dozen or so slaps slapped Song Chen's cheeks before Song Chen could react.


While Jiang Chen was smoking, Song Chen was vomiting. He didn't know how many bloody teeth he spit out. After Jiang Chen finally stopped, he was already dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

"My name is Jiang Chen. You don't know me, but Chen Lin knows me. This is not intended to show off. I introduce myself like this, just to tell you once again that you are really stupid and hopeless. Stupid." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, right? Very good. I remember your name. After today, I must make your life worse than death?" Song Chen said in a vicious voice.

"You can't survive today." Jiang Chen said with certainty, "From the moment you send someone to kidnap Squad Leader Xu, or, from the moment you have the idea of ​​kidnapping Squad Leader Xu, you are doomed in my eyes Say a dead man."

"You want to kill me, right? Do you know who I am? My name is Song Chen, and I'm a direct descendant of the Song family in the provincial capital. If you kill me, your end will be miserable." Song Chen said sharply .

"Families in the provincial capital, I have only heard of the Xu family and the Bai Guantong family. Is the Song family famous? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Under the three major families of Bai Guantong, the Song family is the Song family, followed by the Xu family... But the Xu family has no successors, has long since fallen, and has no real name. My Song family is different. Sooner or later, it will be among the three major families. , behind the three major families of Bai Guantong, the Song family must also be added!" Song Chen was full of confidence.

"No, the Xu family will not fall." Xu Anqi said, her voice was not loud, but she was extremely firm and unquestionable.

Song Chen laughed loudly, pointed at Xu Anqi with a finger, and said, "Xu Anqi, I didn't expect you to be so naive. You thought that the Xu family would be the old Xu family. Secretly, I don't know how many forces are playing against the Xu family. , now that Mr. Xu is still here, the situation can be stabilized, but when Mr. Xu dies, you think the Xu family can still have the surname Xu, even if you are yourself, you will not be able to keep it!"

"I said before that the Xu family will not decline. No matter how many forces are trying to influence the Xu family, the Xu family will always exist." Xu Anqi's voice was slightly raised.

Song Chen showed a look of disdain, obviously scoffing at Xu Anqi's words!
"Oh, that's why you kidnapped Squad Leader Xu?" Jiang Chen heard something tricky and asked.

"It's not that I want to kidnap her, it's that she doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. If she agrees to my pursuit, why should I?" Song Chen said confidently.

"Your reason, in my opinion, is extremely ridiculous... In addition, I can tell you seriously now that there may be four major families in the provincial capital, but the extra family will definitely not be the Song family. , it can only be the Xu family, as squad leader Xu said, the Xu family will not decline." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"It's up to you?" Song Chen sneered.

"Of course, it's just me, and a group of pig teammates, for example, him." Jiang Chen pointed at Chen Lin.

"What, Chen Lin, are you going to betray me?" Song Chen said disdainfully.

"He's not going to betray you, he's going to kill you." Jiang Chen said calmly, no one saw that a few silver needles fell into Chen Lin's body with the flick of Jiang Chen's fingers.

The next second, Chen Lin shot Song Chen.

The gunshot rang out, and Song Chen looked at Chen Lin as if he had seen a ghost. He finally knew what the pig teammate meant.


Chen Lin pulled the trigger again, and fired at Song Chen again. Song Chen fell to the ground, unable to believe that such a thing would happen.

"Chen Lin, you can leave. Don't forget to tell the Song family that you killed Song Chen. I think the Song family will be very happy with your confession," Jiang Chen ordered.

"Yes!" Chen Lin nodded vigorously, walking towards the outside of the warehouse like a machine, leaving only Xu Anqi and the bald man stunned.

"Squad leader Xu, what do you want to do with this guy?" Pointing at the bald man, Jiang Chen casually said.


The bald man's knees softened, and he fell to his knees. He had never seen such a strange thing, which was beyond his comprehension. You must know that he was not the only one who planned this kidnapping case, but he None of the people brought here appeared, as if they had never appeared before. In addition, Song Chen was killed by Chen Lin for no apparent reason. How could the bald man not know that this was the rhythm of his own death.

"Don't...don't kill me..." the bald man fell to his knees and begged beggingly.

"Jiang Chen, you deal with it." Xu Anqi glanced at the bald man in disgust, and Xu Anqi turned sideways, not looking further.

"I'll handle it, this is really embarrassing, kill him, it seems too cruel, don't kill him, it seems too cheap for him, or let him commit suicide, how about it?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

When Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi walked out of the warehouse, they heard gunshots inside the warehouse. Xu Anqi knew that the bald man had committed suicide.

Xu Anqi didn't turn her head to look, she just looked at Jiang Chen fixedly, with an inexplicable emotion surging in her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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