genius evil

Chapter 166 You Never Know How Excellent You Are

Chapter 166 You Never Know How Excellent You Are
"Actually, I shouldn't let you see blood, and I shouldn't let you see someone die in front of you. Maybe I shouldn't. I'll discuss with you what to do with that bald head. I can kill him directly... ...but I also feel that it is necessary for you to get in touch with these." Looking at Xu Anqi's beautiful big eyes, Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

Xu Anqi listened quietly, and looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes without blinking. She has a pair of beautiful eyes, and her eyes can speak, and all emotions and desires are in it.

"This is very realistic and cruel, but I think, rather than someone else letting you see this, it's better for me to let you see this. After all, I'm here." Jiang Chen slowly said what he wanted to say over.

"I understand everything." Xu Anqi whispered softly, she said: "Jiang Chen, if I tell you that I'm not that scared, would you believe me?"

"I'm really not that scared, because I know that after I was kidnapped, Jiang Yanyan will call the police and call you. I don't know if the police can find this place, but I know you will come to rescue me. I don't understand Why do I have such confidence, but I do, it seems very inexplicable, but I really believe in this wholeheartedly, and you are finally here." Xu Anqi said silently.I don't know if these words are for Jiang Chen or for herself.

"Too blind." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Yeah, it's too blind, but it's already like this." Xu Anqi pretended to be helpless.

"Well, I can now believe that you are not that scared, but you should call your grandfather now." Jiang Chen laughed.

Xu Anqi nodded, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and called Mr. Xu.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Anqi frowned slightly, and said, "Grandpa said he would send me some bodyguards."

"This is very good." Jiang Chen agreed.

"I don't like it." Xu Anqi said with a bitter face.

"However, you have already accepted." Jiang Chen couldn't help but rubbed Xu Anqi's hair with his hands. This girl has always been quiet and calm. She has an attractiveness that is different from other girls.

She will be stubborn, even more stubborn, but most of the time, she is alienated, and the seemingly easy-to-approach surface actually sets up lines of defense.

This is why she only has Jiang Yanyan as a female friend. Boys will have a crush on her and like her, but it is absolutely difficult to get close to her. Girls may also like her, but more often, they will keep a certain distance from her.

No one would be willing to be the green leaf beside a big red flower, and only Jiang Yanyan's carefree and careless personality would stand beside Xu Anqi without the awareness of the green leaf.

This is Xu Anqi's luck. It is difficult for her to make friends, but she needs friends. Of course, it is different now, Xu Anqi still has him as a friend.

Xu Anqi tilted her head and let Jiang Chen mess up her hair. She was as docile as a well-behaved kitten, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, I don't want to go back to school. You can take me for a drive."

"I know there is a place that you will definitely like." Jiang Chen naturally would not reject Xu Anqi, he pulled Xu Anqi to the parking place of his own car, and after getting in the car, he kicked the accelerator, and the car went away like an arrow.

Still far away, the cool wind is blowing from afar, and the calm water surface is shimmering under the hazy moonlight.

"Is that over there, Nanxing Lake?" Xu Anqi pointed to the front and asked.

"That's right, it's Nanxing Lake." Jiang Chen smiled, and soon, he parked the car by the lake, opened the co-pilot's door, and said with a smile, "Beautiful Ms. Xu, what do you think of this place?"

"It's so beautiful." Xu Anqi murmured, and immediately rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen: "Why do you call me like that, you can't be serious."

"Okay, beautiful Squad Leader Xu, please get out of the car." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Xu Anqi put one hand on Jiang Chen's palm, her soft little hand was as soft as boneless, slightly cold, Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation, and held Xu Anqi's little hand in the palm of his hand.

"Why did you think of bringing me here?" Xu Anqi asked curiously while the wind was blowing.

"Tonight is an unusual night for you." Jiang Chen said, and what he didn't say in the second half was that that night was an unusual night for him.

That night, he was reborn, but tonight, he was cruel and cold-blooded. From another perspective, it was also a kind of rebirth for Xu Anqi!
That's why he brought Xu Anqi to Nanxing Lake.

But there are some things that are always secrets. Apart from Jiang Chen himself, he can never tell anyone else.

"Yeah, it's very unusual." Xu Anqi sighed, sat down on the grass, and began to talk: "I only met Song Chen twice, once when I graduated from the third year of junior high school, and once during the Chinese New Year last year. , I have always disliked him, for no reason, even loathed him, I think that loathing should be an intuition."

"Your intuition is not wrong." Jiang Chen was lying on the ground, holding a piece of dog's tail grass, and chewing it in his mouth.

"The relationship between the Song family and the Xu family has always been good, and they have a lot of business contacts. Only now do I realize that the reason why I don't like Song Chen is because Song Chen is too purposeful. The whole Song family is too purposeful. It's too strong." Xu Anqi didn't know if she heard Jiang Chen's words, but she was still talking.

"There are some things that Song Chen said are correct. The Xu family has already become a favorite in the eyes of various forces. Every one of them wants to jump up and take a bite. Now that Grandpa is here, this situation is fine. Once there is something One day, grandpa is gone, who knows what will happen?"

"In the past, with Uncle Fu's help, Chen Sen's abilities were very good. Chen Lin and Chen Mu treated me very well. I always regarded them as my own brothers. Grandpa once said that if one day, Uncle Fu If he starts his own family, he will give Uncle Fu half of his property, but Uncle Fu is too anxious, really, they are too anxious."

"After the last failure, I thought that Uncle Fu and the others should give up. They couldn't beat Grandpa. They also knew that they couldn't beat Grandpa. They just teamed up with the Song family. When I called Grandpa just now, what I heard When I came out, Grandpa was very tired, he was old, and he was supposed to take care of himself, but I was too useless, I couldn't do anything, instead, it was still his old man's burden."

"Perhaps when my grandfather sent me to Yilan City to attend high school, I should have known that the Xu family would no longer be peaceful. Grandpa was protecting me in his own way. He did so much for me, but , What can I do? I can't do anything, and I don't know how to do anything. I have always lived under the protection of my grandfather. He protects me so well, but who will protect him?"


Xu Anqi kept talking, kept talking, she probably never once said so many things tonight, she talked about the situation in the provincial capital, the plight of the Xu family, and her own thoughts...

It's not that she doesn't understand anything, but she understands everything. She is very clear about what she will face in the future. She is strong, but she is always soft. In the final analysis, she is just a girl, a dissatisfied girl .

Outsiders only see her beautiful side, and no one has ever touched the softness deep in her heart. She bears too much, and those are not what she should bear at her age.

"You said a word, you said that the Xu family will not fall." Jiang Chen looked directly at Xu Anqi and said.

"I said so." Xu Anqi's voice trembled.

"Do you believe what I said?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I——" Xu Anqi hesitated. Momentary courage, after all, does not mean that she has always had such courage. Under the circumstances at that time, she was able to say such words, to a large extent, it was a kind of comfort to herself.

"Since you can trust me unconditionally, why can't you trust yourself unconditionally?" Jiang Chen said softly.

"Is it really possible?" Xu Anqi still doubted herself.

"Undoubtedly, it is possible. No one has ever denied your excellence, except yourself. It is a pity that you never know how excellent you are." Jiang Chen said in an affirmative tone.

"I'm not denying it, I'm just worried that I'm not as good as I imagined." Xu Anqi's eyes were wet with tears, and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Cry as much as you want, but I only allow you to cry this once. In the future, I don't want to see you cry again." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Her shoulders trembled, and Xu Anqi cried loudly.

She said she wasn't that scared, not that she wasn't scared, but she was scared after all, and tears were the best proof.

Jiang Chen didn't do anything, he was lying there, listening to Xu Anqi's crying... He couldn't be more clear that no amount of comfort would be powerless at this moment.

The cruelty of this night allowed him to see another side of Xu Anqi. This is a kind of new life, and new life is often accompanied by labor pains, but Jiang Chen understands that Xu Anqi has long been psychologically prepared for this.

Crying is not so much a kind of fear as a way of venting.

The wind blew, wrinkled the lake water, and rattled the willow branches on the bank. The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and occasionally there was the sound of insects and birds.

After the crying stopped, Xu Anqi walked to the edge of the lake, picked up cold water, and poured it on her little face. She squatted there obsessively, looking at her own reflection in the lake.Everything here was so beautiful, how she wished this moment could last forever.

"Jiang Chen, will you bring me here in the future?" Xu Anqi asked.

"Anytime." At some point, Jiang Chen stood beside Xu Anqi.

"Is this a promise?" Xu Anqi raised her head and looked at Jiang Chen in a daze.

"As long as you like, you can take it as my promise." Jiang Chen grinned, and Xu Anqi also smiled, her slightly pale and haggard face seemed to be blooming with the most beautiful flower in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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