genius evil

Chapter 167 It is necessary to remember a person's name

Chapter 167 It is necessary to remember a person's name

It was around eight o'clock in the evening, far away in Yanjing, Lin Baobao was very irritable, and his whole body was in a state of being ready to go berserk at any time.

"Ah...Damn Jiang Chen, you ruined all the good mood of this baby." Lin Baobao kept yelling at the top of his voice, stomping his feet and scratching his hair, insane.

The old maid has long been accustomed to this, usually a few times a month, Lin Baobao is in this extremely abnormal state, and calmly delivers a cup of coffee, and then calmly leaves.

Lin Baobao grunted a few times, drank the coffee, and became even more irritable.

"Jiang Chen, you heartless Chen Shimei, you agreed that I would be your woman, yet you actually want me to help you find another woman, just look for it, can't you allow her to show a little bit of jealousy and dissatisfaction? So what are you doing, and what are you saying? If I can’t find anyone, you will break my hands... Ahh... But this baby is a genius hacker, you think this baby will break my hands for you Is it a chance... ah..." Lin Baobao murmured.She kept screaming and screaming. If she didn't know it, she would have wondered if she had been raped by some man, because this style of painting was really magical.

"Ben died with hundreds of brain cells, and mobilized all the surveillance videos in Yilan City to help you find him... But you didn't even say thank you, you must have fooled around with that kidnapped woman Ah...I curse you, no, I curse that woman, I have to come to my aunt tonight..."

"Jiang Chen, I really want to slander you so much that you don't even have your underpants left. Eh, it doesn't seem to work, you are so cruel, you don't understand the slightest pity, forget it, I'd better smear others. "Baby Lin muttered, but luckily he hasn't completely lost his mind.

After saying this, Lin Baobao ran upstairs with his feet loose. A few minutes later, he watched one website after another and was successfully hacked. Lin Baobao felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Sure enough, I am the greatest hacker in the world. Well, five more hackers, no, let's hack ten more, and I will go to sleep after ten more hackers." Lin Baobao muttered to himself, his two little paws crackling. typing on the keyboard.

Then, on this night, all over the world, I don't know how many people wanted to cry because of the runaway Lin Baobao, and the entire online world was filled with mourning!

At around 18:[-] p.m., Yilan City, in Villa No. [-] of Guilan Garden.

"Miss, I found out, Brother Sniper is dead." Shuang'er walked in from the outside and said to Tang Tian who was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Brother Sniper?" Tang Tian rolled her eyes and asked, "Jiang Chen killed him?"

"Jiang Chen didn't kill him, it was Brother Sniper's subordinate. A man named Gong Xi rebelled and killed Brother Sniper... But Gong Xi is Jiang Chen's man now." Shuang'er explained.

"Oh, this is a bit interesting." Tang Tian grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth. After eating two bites, she asked with puffy cheeks, "Shuang'er, do you want to eat?"

Shuang'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Let's talk about business first."

"Okay, let's talk about business first, but, Shuang'er, you came back so late, you must have brought back more than this news." Tang Tian said with a smile.

"There is one more thing. Xu Anqi was kidnapped today. The one who kidnapped Xu Anqi was the bald head. The bald head is already dead. I heard that this has something to do with the Song family in the provincial capital, because Song Chen is also dead." Shuang'er It is true that I went to investigate some things, and then I said it.

"The Song family in the provincial capital?" Tang Tian sneered, and said, "What a bunch of restless guys. As for that Song Chen, he is even an idiot. If he dies, he dies. What's the big deal?"

"It's not a big deal, but this matter has something to do with Jiang Chen." Shuang'er said.

"It's Jiang Chen again. He has done two major things in succession today." Tang Tian counted on her fingers while eating popcorn, and said, "Brother Sniper is dead, the bald head is dead, and what's the name of that?" The person here is Xie Sanyuan, right?"

Speaking of this, Tang Tian laughed, and said: "Jiang Chen is really capable of tossing around, but I like how he is tossing around like this. The more he tosses, the more chances we have."

Shuang'er didn't understand Tang Tian's meaning, and asked suspiciously, "What opportunity?"

"Hee hee, I won't tell you first, lest you, a woman, betray me for your master, but, of course, it is a good opportunity, a great opportunity, and our Bauhinia Club will be able to flex its muscles immediately." Tang Tian looked forward to look.

Shuang'er was helpless, and explained: "Miss, I worship Jiang Chen as my teacher because I worship the strong, and it has nothing to do with your affairs."

"Oh, I'm just talking casually. What are you doing so seriously? Of course I know you won't betray me." Tang Tian waved her little hands quickly, and asked treacherously again: "Shuanger, what about you?" Will you betray Jiang Chen because of me?"

Shuang'er's head was full of black lines, and she looked at Tang Tian in surprise.

"Just kidding, it's really a joke, Shuang'er, what are you doing looking at me like this, hang out with Jiang Chen...ah, no, practice hard with Jiang Chen, I'm optimistic about you." Tang Tian said loudly As he spoke, he stuffed the popcorn into his mouth with a guilty conscience.

"Okay, I will practice hard." Shuang'er said speechlessly.


The time is around eleven o'clock in the evening, the provincial capital, Tiannan City!

In the Song family, in the hall of the villa, a group of people all looked at Chen Lin who had just returned from Yilan City with extremely strange eyes.

"Chen Lin, do you know what you are talking about?" Chen Fu, who was chatting happily with Mr. Song, thought that Chen Lin returned to Tiannan City in the middle of the night to bring back good news. Unexpectedly, when Chen Lin opened his mouth, To disillusion him, in a hurry, he slapped the table and got up, angrily yelling.

"I killed Song Chen." Since entering the door, Chen Lin has always said this sentence, and at this time, he is also repeating this sentence.

"Bastard, you dare to talk nonsense." Chen Fu was angry and impatient, his eyes widened like bells, wishing he could rush up and slap Chen Lin soberly, so that he would know what nonsense he was talking about!

After failing to seize power from Mr. Xu last time, Chen Fu endured for many days, and finally set up with the ambitious Song family.

The Song family plotted against the Xu family wholeheartedly, wanting to become one of the three major families in Tiannan City, or to turn the three major families in Tiannan City into four major families.

The two sides have common interests, and it can be said that they hit it off, so there was a scene where Chen Lin and Song Chen went to Yilan City to kidnap Xu Anqi.

According to the plan of Chen Fu and Mr. Song, they want to use Xu Anqi as the entry point. If Song Chen can pass through Xu Anqi and enter the Xu family smoothly, then everything is easy to talk about. If not, then use Xu Anqi to blackmail Mr. Xu.This kind of abacus is not unreasonable.

However, who would have thought that after Chen Lin returned to Tiannan City, the first thing he said was that he killed Song Chen.

Leaving aside whether he killed Song Chen or not, he couldn't just kill Song Chen directly. However, Chen Lin didn't say anything other than repeating the sentence that I killed Song Chen. How could this keep Chen Fu from getting angry, and he didn't know where Chen Lin's cleverness went.

You know, the reason why Chen Fu sent Chen Lin to Yilan City with Song Chen was because of Chen Lin's cleverness. Chen Mu was too young, and Chen Sen was too mature and stable. It can be said that Chen Lin was the best candidate. How did it become like this?

"I killed Song Chen." Chen Lin said as if he didn't hear Chen Fu's words at all.

"You still dare to talk nonsense." Chen Fu couldn't bear it anymore, he stood up suddenly, walked towards Chen Lin, raised his hand and slapped Chen Lin's face heavily.

"I told you to talk nonsense, why don't you quickly explain what happened." Chen Fu said sternly.

"Chen Fu, this matter can't be solved with just a slap in the face, I need an explanation." Mr. Song narrowed his eyes, staring at Chen Fu and Chen Lin and his son.

"Old man, I will give you an explanation for this matter after I find out the truth." Chen Fu said in a deep voice.

Almost as soon as Chen Fu finished speaking, the cell phone of a middle-aged man next to Mr. Song rang. The middle-aged man answered the phone, and after listening to a few words, his face turned black in an instant.

"Dad, Chen'er is indeed dead. The news came from the Yilan City police." The middle-aged man said sharply. He was Song Chen's father, Song Yuan. Come to trouble, but now that his son is dead, it still makes him extremely angry!
"Chen Fu, there's no need to investigate now." Mr. Song said sullenly.

"Old man, there must be a misunderstanding on this matter, please listen to my explanation." Chen Fu said anxiously, he was thinking of delaying for a while, at least until he left the Song family, never thought that the Song family received Yilan so soon news from the city.

"Okay, I'll listen to your explanation, but wait until Chen Lin dies." Old Master Song waved his hand blankly.

Seeing this, Song Yuan took a step forward, took out a pistol, put it on Chen Lin's forehead, and fired.


Red and white liquids splashed, and a lot of them splashed on Chen Fu's body. Chen Fu staggered back a few steps, his face was pale, and he looked as if he had aged a few years in an instant.

"Now, Chen Fu, you can explain to me. I hope your explanation can successfully convince me. Otherwise, not only Chen Lin, but you, including your other two sons, must die!" Mr. Song said viciously. Said.

"Okay, let me explain!" Taking a deep breath, he forcibly suppressed the panic and sadness in his heart. He glanced at Chen Lin who was lying on the ground, turned his eyes around, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "However, before I explain, I think you need to remember a person's name first, because this person is very important. I suspect that the whole thing is his conspiracy. His name is—Jiang Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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