genius evil

Chapter 168 I Can Only Help You Here

Chapter 168 I Can Only Help You Here

"Brother, what's the wind blowing today, come to class." Jiang Chen had just entered the classroom the next morning, when a boy wearing glasses sitting in the front row of the classroom said with a wretched face.

"Oh, who are you?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"Dude, you didn't know me for a long time." The man was extremely depressed.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and with his smile, the other students in the classroom also roared with laughter.

"Jiang Chen, what are you playing with?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes vigorously, and said angrily.

"Student Yanyan, I can see clearly that you laughed the loudest just now." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"It's not your fault. It's not like you at all to come to the classroom to do what you want to do." Jiang Yanyan asked suspiciously, wondering if this guy has changed his sex?

Or, he fell in love with another beautiful woman in the class who came to the classroom to pick up girls, but that's not right, in the entire third class, is there anyone more beautiful than Xu Anqi?Even if Xu Anqi is excluded, is there anyone more beautiful than her?Jiang Yanyan thought shamelessly.

"Oh, I just came to class casually, you don't need to pay attention to me." Jiang Chen waved his hand, returned to his seat, picked up a book and pretended to read it.

"Stuntling." Jiang Yanyan kept slandering in her heart, and curiously said to Xu Anqi: "Anqi, do you know what happened to Jiang Chen? He must be sick."

"Yanyan, don't talk nonsense." Xu Anqi was a little funny, and she also knew that after Jiang Chen's absenteeism became a habit, he suddenly appeared in the classroom, which would make people feel uncomfortable, but Jiang Yanyan's reaction was too strong, right? .

"The problem is, it's quite inexplicable." Jiang Yanyan was puzzled.

"Then just treat him as if he came to class casually." Xu Anqi said softly.

The class bell rang very quickly. The first class was Tangyue's math class. Seeing Jiang Chen in the classroom, Tangyue couldn't believe it for a moment.

"What the hell is this guy doing?" Frowning and thinking for a while, Tangyue was very confused, coughed lightly, and began to write questions on the blackboard.

Tangyue was in class, the classroom was always lively, and soon the attention and emotions of the students in the class were mobilized by Tangyue, of course, Jiang Chen was the exception.

After finally finishing one class, Tangyue left the classroom full of worries, Jiang Chen suddenly got up and said: "Squad leader Xu, I think you did well in the math class just now, so I decided to invite you to dinner at noon. "

"Wow, this guy came to class to pick up on Xu Anqi."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Jiang Chen already got Xu Anqi in his hands, okay?"

"That's the one who came to the classroom to show affection."

"That's right, that's right, this guy is definitely here to show his affection, has he considered the feelings of us single dogs?"

In the classroom, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and many people were aggrieved.

"Okay." Xu Anqi said softly.

Among the whole class, she was the only one who knew why Jiang Chen came to the classroom.

Jiang Chen was worried about her, so he ran to the classroom specially, saying that she was doing well, referring to her emotional stability, and Xu Anqi was slightly happy and sweet in her heart.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you value sex so much over friends?" Jiang Yanyan immediately complained.

"Student Yanyan, if you don't have money to eat, then let's go together, just an extra pair of chopsticks." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Damn it, who said I'm out of money." Jiang Yanyan was very sad and indignant, couldn't Jiang Chen talk properly, why did it sound like he was being given alms?Still being given a meal.

"Oh, from what it means, I don't plan to go, it just saves me money." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Did I say I won't go?" Jiang Yanyan widened her eyes and said, "Stingy, see how I make you poor."

"Oh, I accidentally made tens of millions in the past two days, Yanyan, you can eat whatever you want." Jiang Chen said lightly, and he walked outside the classroom.

"Tens of millions? Is it Vietnamese Dong or Korean currency? If you don't brag, you will die." Staring at Jiang Chen's back, Jiang Yanyan yelled to herself. The feeling of being ignored by others is really uncomfortable.

In the end, Jiang Yanyan felt that she was a bit mean again. Why did she talk so much about Jiang Chen's love of sex and despise of friends? You must know that Jiang Chen is such a person in the first place. This is not to punish him at all, but to praise him, okay?

Moreover, why couldn't she stand Jiang Chen's provocative methods and insisted on going with Xu Anqi? It wasn't that she really didn't have money for food, it seemed that Jiang Chen's treats were so rare.

Jiang Yanyan was very depressed. The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. She was not in a good mood anymore.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared by the Weiming Lake.

A figure, holding a willow branch, kept hitting the water surface, again and again, with clumsy and awkward movements.

"How many more times can you hold on?" Jiang Chen casually lay down by the lake with his hands behind his head and asked casually.

"My goal today is [-] times, and I can do it another [-] times." Shuang'er said firmly without looking back.

"Be careful that haste makes waste. Moreover, what I have to tell you is that your movements are ugly and not beautiful at all." Jiang Chen teased.

Shuang'er froze for a moment, and her movements froze for a moment.

"Is this counting as pointing me? But if it is pointing, what does it matter if the movements are beautiful or not?" Shuang'er said in a daze in her heart.

"Go ahead, don't hesitate." Jiang Chen said lazily, his eyes closed.

Shuang'er nodded and continued to hit the water surface with the willow branch. This seems to be a very simple action, and the willow branch in his hand is also very light, but it is precisely because the willow branch is too light that if you want to hit the water on the water surface Waves means that every time he hits the willow branch, he has to use a lot of strength. In this way, every movement is a huge consumption and waste of her strength.

Shuang'er thought about the beautiful movements that Jiang Chen said, so she used more strength every time she struck, because she had to concentrate to maintain the range of movements.


After forty or fifty blows, Shuang'er's breathing gradually became rapid, her pretty face flushed, her waist became sore and her legs became weak.

"It's so hard, it's really hard." Shuang'er said to herself, she felt that she couldn't hold on for two hundred times at all, and she would lose her strength after hitting thirty times at most.

"Why did this happen? Was it because I was distracted, or was my way of exerting force wrong?" Shuang'er frowned and thought about it. She tried to throw down the willow stick in the most normal posture, but found that the original normal posture, It was extremely awkward at the moment.


Shuang'er continued to try, and after ten times, the wicker slipped from her palm and fell to the ground.

Shuang'er's complexion changed slightly, and he turned around, planning to break another section of willow. Fortunately, there are many willow trees planted by the Weiming Lake, so there is no need to worry about this problem.

"That's it for today." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Shuang'er withdrew her hands, walked to Jiang Chen and sat down, and said in a low voice: "Is my action just now really ugly?"

"It's not really ugly, it's very ugly. I think, when you hit the water, you must not have looked at the reflection in the water. If you did, you will find that there are only four words to describe it, that is, I can't bear to look directly at it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"But why must the movements be beautiful and beautiful? When fighting, isn't the fastest reaction the most important?" Shuang'er said with a wry smile.

"Maybe, it's because I prefer beauty, just like I like beautiful women." Jiang Chen laughed.

Shuang'er suddenly realized that she couldn't continue the conversation. Even if Jiang Chen really liked beautiful women so much, he didn't need to tell her like this. It was really strange that she felt like being molested by Jiang Chen for no reason.

"I will try my best." Shuang'er said embarrassedly, and after speaking, Shuang'er was about to leave.

"By the way, I forgot to mention that the clothes you are wearing today are good, but don't always wear black, I think white is fine, or pink red, um, purple is also fine, the sexiest is purple, trust me , and you are the best match." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Shuang'er staggered and almost tripped. She only wore black clothes, which was a very simple color, and she liked simplicity.

"Do you really want to try other colors, such as white or purple?" Shuang'er was very confused, covered her face with her hands, and left in a hurry.

Jiang Chen slept until lunch time, and then went directly to the school cafeteria, where Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were already waiting for him.

"Jiang Chen, I've made a decision. I'll treat you today." Jiang Yanyan made an appearance that she was generous and not short of money. This was an idea that Jiang Yanyan came up with after struggling for a long time in the classroom.

"Okay." Jiang Chen readily agreed.

"Hey, why did you agree so quickly? Are you embarrassed?" Jiang Yanyan began to feel depressed again. According to normal logic, shouldn't Jiang Chen persist?What the hell is it that promised so quickly, or is Jiang Chen not a sincere treat in the first place?
"There is a treat, of course you have to agree quickly, oh, I want ten chicken legs, five elbows, twenty eggs, and besides..." Jiang Chen walked into the cafeteria while ordering food.

"Stop, stop, I'm afraid you'll die after a while, the police say I'm a murderer, up to five chicken legs, two elbows, and five eggs." Jiang Yanyan bargained.

"Student Yanyan, you are too stingy." Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yanyan with disdain, and when he turned his gaze, he was attracted by the two people who had just walked over.

"Jiang Chen, hello." Wen Jing, who was walking with Bao Shifan, felt a little uncomfortable being seen by Jiang Chen.

"Well, I'm fine." Jiang Chen smiled, stretched out his hand to Jiang Yanyan, and said, "Give me 160 eight yuan."

"Why 160?" Jiang Yanyan was stunned for a moment, but she still took the money out of her wallet.

"I remember very clearly that the hotel near the school is 160 for one night. I went to open the room with class leader Xu." Jiang Chen muttered, grabbed the money and stuffed it into Bao Shifan's hand He said earnestly, "Dude, I can only help you so far!"

(End of this chapter)

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