genius evil

Chapter 169 Open House Can Build Self-Confidence

Chapter 169 Open House Can Build Self-Confidence

Wen Jing left, her face flushed as if on fire, Bao Shifan also left, grabbing the 160 yuan that Jiang Chen gave him, either or not, and finally forgot to return it to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are determined to teach Bao Shifan to ruin." Jiang Yanyan's whole body was in a mess. Jiang Chen said it so bluntly, how could she still not understand why? Asking her to take 160 quick money is daring to encourage Bao Shifan to take Wen Jing to open a house, which is too blatant.

Moreover, Jiang Chen actually told all about the fact that he had a room with Xu Anqi. Although she already knew about it, is it necessary to tell the world like this? Is it really good?
Xu Anqi was also extremely embarrassed, her pretty face was flushed, and she looked at Jiang Chen with tenderness and resentment. There was an immature look in her eyes, like a tree branch with new buds growing on a spring day. Small buds, given time, when the buds grow up and the flowers bloom, they will be full of fragrance!
"Oh, what kind of person do you think Bao Shifan was before?" Jiang Chen took Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan to cook. Answering Jiang Yanyan's question and talking casually, it was naturally Jiang Yanyan's meal card that was swiped.

Jiang Yanyan felt very unbalanced in her heart. She paid 160 yuan just now, and now Jiang Chen is shamelessly swiping her card. Can this man be a little gentlemanly?
After finishing the meal and finding a table to sit down, Jiang Yanyan said, "You mean, you want to change him? But if you change it, you change it. Why do you instigate him to open a room?"

"It's not about opening a room." Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yanyan and smiled, as if you didn't understand what he said.

Jiang Yanyan was depressed, she didn't seem so stupid, Jiang Chen looked at her with hurtful eyes.

"It's self-confidence." Xu Anqi said softly.

"Confidence?" Jiang Yanyan froze for a moment.

"Jiang Chen doesn't want to change Bao Shifan, but wants Bao Shifan to change himself. Bao Shifan lacks self-confidence, so Bao Shifan must build self-confidence." Xu Anqi explained.

"Opening a house can build self-confidence?" Jiang Yanyan looked like she saw a ghost.

Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Yanyan speechlessly. How could this girl get stuck in the word "opening a house?" She said helplessly: "I said it's not a matter of opening a house. You should be able to see that, Wen Jing and Bao Shifan They have good feelings for each other, but the relationship between the two of them has not been broken. The reason for this situation is that Bao Shifan has no confidence in himself. He dare not confess to Wen Jing. What Jiang Chen did was to give Bao Shifan Shifan is confident, or put pressure on Bao Shifan."

"But, in the end, it's still open." Jiang Yanyan was a little dazed, and really couldn't get out.

"It seems to be right." Xu Anqi thought for a while, and felt that even though what she said had no logical problems, no matter what the process was, the final result would be to open a house.

"So, Wen Jing's little white flower is about to be harmed by Bao Shifan." Jiang Yanyan sighed.

"It doesn't necessarily mean who will harm whom." Jiang Chen, whose mouth was full of food, said vaguely.

"Could it be Wen Jing who harmed Bao Shifan?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"Who can say for sure, well, I can only say, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. We will see which one is willing to fight and which one is willing to suffer." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Oh, speaking of experience, it seems that you have done this kind of thing a lot." Jiang Yanyan expressed her contempt for Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I didn't do much." Jiang Chen said modestly, and then silently added in his heart, it's true that there wasn't much, he had only been to Lan Xiu's place twice, and as for what it's like to have sex in a hotel, he didn't know. I haven't tried it yet, but if I have a chance in the future, I must try it.

"I really have nothing to say to you, shameless." Jiang Yanyan was embarrassed to continue, and bowed her head to eat.

After eating, sending off Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, Jiang Chen still went to sleep by the Weiming Lake, and not long after he lay down, Brother Dao called.


When Jiang Chen drove to the Hongji Building, Brother Dao was already waiting there. To Jiang Chen's surprise, that bastard Gu Xiang was also there.

"Little Gu, what's the matter with your ugly face?" After getting off the car, seeing Gu Xiang's unlucky and sad face, Jiang Chen was suddenly happy.

"Is it funny?" Gu Xiang gritted his teeth, and said with grief and indignation: "It's not all your fault."

"Oh, it turns out that you are already beginning to doubt whether you are a man, this is a very good progress." Jiang Chen smiled.

Gu Xiang almost rushed forward and covered Jiang Chen's mouth. Can such a thing be said so loudly?Let him put Young Master Gu's face where to put it.

"No, it's just that you didn't sleep well, you're overthinking." How could Gu Xiang admit it.

"I was thinking that I just came here today, so I'll help you solve this problem by the way. Since it's fine, let's forget about it." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"Don't." Gu Xiang was about to be played badly by Jiang Chen, rushed over in a hurry, and said with a mournful face: "Brother Jiang, Young Master Jiang, this is a matter of human life, you must not let go Never mind."

"Then do you ever doubt yourself?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"I—" Gu Xiang drooped his face, unable to speak for life and death, with a constipated look on his face, Jiang Chen laughed and walked into the building.

I went to Gu Xiang's office. Gu Xiang was very considerate and asked the secretary to make tea. Brother Dao finally had a chance to speak, and he said, "Brother Jiang, I encountered some trouble with the matter you explained. It is the purchase of pharmaceuticals. Regarding the factory, there are not many pharmaceutical factories in Yilan City. The few ones are either profitable and unwilling to sell, but we can’t buy those who are willing to sell. On the one hand, the price cannot be negotiated; Someone messed it up."

"Oh, the Meng family?" Jiang Chen took a sip of tea and smiled faintly.

"It's the Meng family." Brother Dao said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chen frowned. The reason why he would tell Brother Dao to pay attention to the acquisition of a pharmaceutical factory was to launch products when the company opened, and strive to make the company famous all at once.

Perhaps this is an extremely idealized situation in the eyes of some people, but Jiang Chen has no worries, no one else, Jiang Chen has absolute confidence in the products he personally concocted.

Jiang Chen is fully confident that as long as he manages it properly, after the opening of Feifei Group, it will be able to subvert the current medical beauty system in Yilan City, the whole province, and even the whole country in a very short period of time.

One of the key links in this is to have a pharmaceutical factory and channels of its own, but because the pharmaceutical factory itself has channels, it can be said that as long as the pharmaceutical factory can be acquired, the problems in these two aspects are We can solve it together.

The Meng family has very deep contacts in the medical system of Yilan City, especially that Kong Yujie, who left a deep impression on Jiang Chen, so when Brother Dao mentioned someone disrupting the situation, Jiang Chen subconsciously thought of Meng. Home, that's exactly what happened.

"Do you know the boss of that pharmaceutical factory?" Jiang Chen asked after thinking about it.

"Shi Qingping." Brother Dao said the name.

"Shi Qingping?" Hearing this name, Jiang Chen immediately smiled. The Shi family and the Meng family are now tied together. It's no wonder that Brother Dao has a look of bitterness and hatred.

After laughing, Jiang Chen glanced at Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang was taken aback, and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, you probably asked me to handle this matter."

"You can't." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Okay, I can't." Gu Xiang smiled wryly. The Shi family is fine, but the Meng family is very difficult. If Jiang Chen insists on him, then he can only move out his father, but obviously , which has almost no success rate.

Moreover, Gu Xiang vaguely knew that Jiang Chen had conflicts with the Meng family and the Shi family. In this way, even if he could move out his father, it would not be of much use.

"I know, of course you can't." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Will you die if you don't hit me?" Gu Xiang felt very bitter. After all, he is also the number one young man in Yilan City, so Jiang Chen can't give him more or less face?
"I'll settle this matter," Jiang Chen said.

Brother Dao heaved a sigh of relief. Although he was pretty good at it, his level was too low after all. Jiang Chen naturally took care of things by himself, that would be great.

"I plan to open the company within half a month, that is, after purchasing the factory and developing one or two new product lines. At this stage, all preparations must be done." Jiang Chen ordered.

"This can be wrapped on my body." Gu Xiang immediately leaned over shamelessly. He caught Jiang Chen's pigtails.

"Alright." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then now, we can talk about your affairs."

"Actually, I'm fine." Gu Xiang's eyeballs rolled and turned, erratically, Brother Dao saw this, smiled, got up and walked outside.

"Jiang Shao, you have seen my situation two days earlier. I won't talk nonsense, just say a word, whether you can save it or not." As soon as Brother Dao went out, Gu Xiang automatically switched to the anxious state, The address became eager, with a smile on his face, it looked like a dog leg.

"It's like what you said yourself, it's nothing serious, at most it's just that you can't be a man." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Gu Xiang is about to cry, this is the biggest thing in his life, if he can't be a man, what's the difference between being dead?The outside world is so wonderful, so many flowers and plants are waiting for him to take care of it.

"Jiang Shao, don't be a fool. I'll tell your ancestors to do it. You say, there must be something to cure, right?" Gu Xiang said anxiously.

Jiang Chen just laughed. When he saw this guy picking up girls, he looked like a human being, and he looked like that. He didn't expect that the attributes of Xiaoshou's temperament were hidden in his bones...

(End of this chapter)

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