genius evil

Chapter 170 No Bottom Line

Chapter 170 No Bottom Line
Gu Xiang didn't want to be so anxious, and he didn't want to be so anxious in front of Jiang Chen. If possible, he also wanted to play tricks with Jiang Chen.To avoid being robbed by Jiang Chen!

But the problem is, it is impossible to play with Jiang Chen. I touched Jiang Chen twice, once softly and once hard.

Not to mention smashing a multi-million dollar sports car, but in public, she had no choice but to confess to an ugly girl. Although Huang Ting didn't bother him, but figured out how to resign and leave Yilan City, she still brought Gu Xiang A certain psychological shadow.

Sometimes, Gu Xiang couldn't help but wonder if it was because of Huang Ting's relationship that he became like this now. He calculated ruthlessly.

But doubts are doubts, Gu Xiang can't find any evidence, moreover, Gu Xiang himself thinks this kind of suspicion is nonsensical, his heart is not that fragile.

On the other hand, the reason why Gu Xiang didn't dare to play games with Jiang Chen was that after he failed to find Jiang Chen at Yilan Middle School two days ago, he secretly went to several hospitals, and even made a special trip to the provincial capital. , The examination results of several hospitals all showed that there was no problem with his body.

Having no problem does not mean that there is really no problem. At least, Gu Xiang is very clear about how serious his current problem is. Based on the principle that he would rather suffer a loss and be a man no matter what. The teeth were knocked out, and the blood was swallowed.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Jiang Chen can really cure his illness.

"Of course there are cures, but I've always liked villains before gentlemen. You have to understand that if I make a move, the consultation fee will not be cheap." After laughing, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"How much?" Gu Xiang immediately asked.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm still a good talker, I won't open my mouth like a lion, and it's definitely within your tolerance." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

When Jiang Chen's words came out, Gu Xiang not only couldn't breathe a sigh of relief, but his heart was in his throat, because hearing Jiang Chen's words meant that he was clearly preparing to speak loudly.

Jiang Chen didn't care what Gu Xiang was thinking, and said slowly: "Little Gu, you also know that I want to open a pharmaceutical company, which is very troublesome, and I'm very busy, and I have all kinds of things every day. Things have to be dealt with, and there is no way to do it yourself.”

"I have time." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Gu Xiang hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished my words yet. To start a company, I need an office space. Although I have rented a floor in Hongji Building, how can one floor be enough for this department or that department? Well." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Then two floors... At most two floors...Jiang Shao, I'm not being stingy. You know that the office buildings in Hongji Building are very tight, and at most two floors can be freed up." Gu Xiang listened obediently. Yin, how could he not understand what Jiang Chen meant.

Fortunately, as Jiang Chen said, it did not exceed his tolerance range, the left and right have already sent out one floor, and it doesn't matter to send another floor.

Besides, if Jiang Chen's company doesn't make money and goes bankrupt, it can still be recovered very quickly.As for what if Jiang Chen's company is very profitable, would Jiang Chen have the nerve to pay him such a little rent?
It has to be said that Gu Xiang's calculations are still very loud, which is why he can speak so happily.

"It's easy to talk to smart people. It's just that the problem of the office building is solved, and the next step is to buy a pharmaceutical factory. This is also a big trouble. Many places need money. Xiao Gu, you are so smart, you can understand My words?" Jiang Chen asked in a negotiating tone.

"Understood!" Gu Xiang said this sentence as if he was holding his breath, his face was uglier than crying, and said: "Jiang Shao, you are killing me, or I will lend you some private money. How much, don't be disgusted."

"I'm borrowing money from you, but how dare I borrow money from your own house? It's the money you use to pick up girls. Don't talk about borrowing, even if you give it to me, then I won't take it." Jiang Chen Dayi said solemnly.

At the end, Jiang Chen added solemnly: "I need to borrow money, naturally I need to borrow money from the bank, and it doesn't need much, just borrow a dozen or two billion at will. In spite of your face, this must be an easy task."

A dozen or two billion casually, Gu Xiang was almost stunned. If it was not casual, wouldn't it be tens of billions? Jiang Chen really dared to speak.

"Jiang Shao, a dozen or two billion is not a small amount of money. With my relationship, it may be possible to get it, but is the risk too big?" Gu Xiang asked seriously.

A company that has not yet opened, the white wolf took out more than one billion from the bank with empty gloves. It would be okay to start a real estate company. After all, everyone knows that as long as you get a good location, it is a thing that can make money without losing money, but Jiang Chen opened a medical and beauty company, and if he still doesn't pay the money, he will be in a lot of trouble.

"No, there is no risk at all." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "When the time comes, you will know that making money is easier than you imagined. All I need is an opportunity."

"I need time to think about it." Gu Xiang didn't dare to agree easily, besides, his friendship with Jiang Chen wasn't up to that point yet.

"Of course you can think about it, but have you ever thought about why I came to you? In other words, it's only a little over a billion yuan, isn't it a lot? And you have to understand that I took the money to buy pharmaceuticals The factory, even if the money is not paid, the factory is still there, the risk you need to take is less than one percent, you dare not take such a small risk?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Okay, I admit that what you said still makes sense, but it's okay to borrow money, but I want to buy shares." Gritting his teeth, Gu Xiang said, this is his final bottom line, if Jiang Chen doesn't agree, he is It is impossible to take such a big risk for Jiang Chen.

But soon Gu Xiang discovered that in front of Jiang Chen, his biggest bottom line was that he had no bottom line.

"I'm sorry, I don't accept any shareholding." Jiang Chen refused very directly, jokingly, if he asked Gu Xiang to be a shareholder, wouldn't that mean giving Gu Xiang money?

Gu Xiang was dumbfounded. What did Jiang Chen mean by this? He acted as if the company he opened would definitely make money. Where did the confidence come from?

"I don't need a lot of shares." Gu Xiang wanted to fight for it.

"It's impossible for me to give you shares. However, in other aspects, such as channels, we can keep working together. After all, we are friends, and we can make money together. It's never been my habit to eat alone." Jiang Chen said. Looks great.

Gu Xiang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, saying that although the channel makes money, but listening to Jiang Chen's words, how could he not feel at ease?
For a long time, besides helping Jiang Chen set up the company, he was also responsible for helping Jiang Chen sell goods... Whose company is this?

"Xiao Gu, I know you have concerns, and you may not feel very comfortable in your heart, but you have to know that if you master the channel, it means you have mastered the life and death line of the company. Whether the company will make money or not will depend on your position. It is very important, and you can also clearly understand the company's development trend, so you don't have to worry about being hacked by me all day long." Jiang Chen persuaded earnestly.

"Jiang Shao, can I say that I don't agree?" Gu Xiang said humiliatingly.

Jiang Chen put on a posture that you said you were taken advantage of, and you didn't kill whoever you killed, and it was the kind that couldn't be discussed, but what Gu Xiang had to admit was that Jiang Chen's words were very reasonable.

On the surface, he was unable to become a shareholder of Jiang Chen's company, and he had no control over management or production. However, he won the distribution channel, but it was equivalent to being tied to Jiang Chen. All initiative.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's negotiating methods are very sophisticated, even if he still suspects that this is Jiang Chen digging a hole for him to jump in, Gu Xiang found out that he has no reason to refuse at all.

"You're such a smart person, of course you won't refuse." Jiang Chen casually gave Gu Xiang a high hat, since it doesn't cost money anyway.

"Okay then, it's just that I have a request, and everything should be handled in the normal way." Gu Xiang said while pondering.

"Deal." Jiang Chen raised his hand and patted Gu Xiang.

Pulling Gu Xiang into the team was not Jiang Chen's temporary idea, and the result of the negotiation was beyond Jiang Chen's expectations. In other words, in this way, it can be regarded as a conversation with Gu Jiahao, although, in Jiang Chen's opinion, , It's useless, the only thing he needs is to rely on Gu Xiang to get that sum of money and the channels operated by the Gu family's years of relationship network.

"Jiang Shao, the business is over, it's time to deal with my affairs." Gu Xiang was humiliated, and he was still in a good mood. I hope, it's just that he is not used to Jiang Chen's dominance. You must know that he is the number one son of Yilan City. When was he led by the nose like this? This is the first time he has ever been led by the nose.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, he took out the silver needle from his pocket, pricked it on Gu Xiang's body a few times, and said, "Okay, I guarantee you will be alive and well tonight."

"No mistake, right?" Gu Xiang's complexion was ugly, he just pricked a few needles casually, he didn't even feel the pain, Jiang Chen just said it?
"There's a lot of nonsense, of course it's fine...I'm leaving now, remember to deal with the loan matter quickly." Jiang Chen said impatiently, he left these words and went out.

Watching Jiang Chen leave the office, Gu Xiang was tangled and depressed again, but doubts were all doubts, Gu Xiang quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call, then quickly went downstairs and drove to the hotel.

And at this time, Jiang Chen suddenly received a strange call...

(End of this chapter)

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