genius evil

Chapter 171 I am very honest

Chapter 171 I am very honest

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, and the incoming call on the screen showed an unfamiliar number. After the call was connected, there was a slight pause for a few seconds, and a sinister voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm Chen Fu." The other party's first sentence was a self-introduction without warning, like a warning or showing off.

After this sentence was finished, there was another few seconds of silence, and Chen Fu turned to say: "As for why I have your mobile phone number and why I called you, I don't think you will be surprised. "

"No, I'm quite surprised." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"There's no need to put on airs, it's very low-level." Chen Fu smiled coldly and said, "I need an answer. Tell me, how did Song Chen die?"

"Who is Song Chen?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"You—" Chen Fu's old face twitched. He made this call to Jiang Chen after deliberation. It wasn't that Jiang Chen had tampered with him, but he asked Song Chen how he died.

This seems to be a very simple question, but once Jiang Chen answers that Song Chen was killed by Chen Lin, or Jiang Chen answers something else, then Chen Fu can immediately conclude that Jiang Chen was at the scene when Song Chen died. of.

But despite Chen Fu's calculations, he never thought that Jiang Chen would give him such an answer lightly, denying everything.

"Who is Song Chen?" Jiang Chen asked again with a chuckle.

"Why bother to ask knowingly." Chen Fu's tone of voice was full of sarcasm, and he said gloomyly: "Jiang Chen, no matter how much you deny it..."

"Wait a minute, what did I deny?" Before Chen Fu finished speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted Chen Fu's words, and said displeasedly: "Old guy, you'd better make it clear what I denied."

"Do you need me to tell you what you denied?" The veins on Chen Fu's forehead twitched.

"Of course you need to tell me, because I have no idea what I'm denying... Besides, since you asked me the first question, that is, I won't be surprised if you ask me, I will tell you honestly, I Quite surprised, I am such an honest person, how can you slander me?" Jiang Chen was quite dissatisfied.

Chen Fu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, God, is this a chatterbox, he really doesn't understand what is there to argue about such a small detail, this is not a live debate competition for elementary school students.

"Is it slander? You know it well. What I want to tell you is that no matter how much you deny it, you will understand that it is futile. You think I don't know. On the day Xu Anqi was kidnapped, you drove in the car. Has Yilan City frantically searched for Xu Anqi?" Chen Fu managed to finish what he wanted to say, and in order not to be interrupted by Jiang Chen again, he spoke quickly and urgently.

"Oh, you actually know that Xu Anqi was kidnapped. It seems that Xu Anqi's kidnapping has something to do with you, right?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"So what about me?" Chen Fu became impatient.

"I've already recorded the conversation between us, and I'll hand it over to the police in a while." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Chen Fu's face darkened, he clenched his teeth, and said sharply: "Jiang Chen, if I heard correctly, you are threatening me."

"That's right, I'm threatening you." Jiang Chen admitted straightforwardly, and finally sighed softly, and said helplessly: "It's a pity that even though I have phone recordings, the evidence is still a little insufficient, or you can do everything right. Tell me why you planned to kidnap Xu Anqi and how you kidnapped Xu Anqi, the more detailed the better, then I can threaten you more effectively."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Chen Fu was furious, not insulting people's IQ like this.

"Actually, I didn't think you were an idiot. You were an idiot in the first place. Otherwise, why would you call me?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"That's because I want an answer, did you kill Song Chen?" Chen Fu said angrily.

"That's enough to ask. Why bother beating around the bush? I'm very honest. If you want an answer, I can naturally give you an answer. Song Chen was killed by Chen Lin." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Then you admitted that you were there at the time, right?" Chen Fuqiang asked, holding back his anger.

"No, I heard what the police said. By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. I am quite familiar with Fang Yongnian, the leader of the serious crime team in Yilan City." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"No matter how you cover it up, you can't erase the fact that you killed Song Chen." Chen Fu growled.

"That's right, no matter how you cover it up, you can't erase the fact that it was Chen Lin who killed Song Chen... Well, I guess, Chen Lin must have died, old man lost his son, white-haired man gave black-haired man, The scene doesn't seem too pretty." Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's not pretty, but soon you won't be able to laugh anymore. If you offend the Song family, you will die." Chen Fu almost gritted his teeth.

"Don't put a hat on me at every turn, this kind of behavior is really low-level, old guy, don't think you are an idiot, just try to pull my IQ to the same level as yours, and then use your rich experience to beat me , I will never be fooled by you." Jiang Chen laughed and hung up the phone casually.

In the provincial capital, Tiannan City, in a rather secluded villa, Chen Fu was stunned for a while, before recalling the meaning of Jiang Chen's last sentence, his anger exploded, and he almost smashed his phone.

"Dad, what happened?" Chen Sen asked with a frown.

"It's nothing." Chen Fu shook his head. He couldn't tell Chen Sen that he was scolded by Jiang Chen in circles. Moreover, Chen Fu's mood at the moment was extremely bad.

When he first called Jiang Chen, there was no doubt that Chen Fu was superior because he thought he had a psychological advantage, but when Jiang Chen opened his mouth, he was caught off guard, making him passive and aggrieved. endlessly.It was hard for him to imagine how a mere high school student could have such a sophisticated mind, it would not be an exaggeration to call him an old fox.

"What should we do next?" It was obvious that Chen Fu was in a bad mood, so Chen Sen didn't ask any further questions.

"It's very simple, borrow someone from the Song family." Chen Fu said fiercely, and while speaking, he shook the mobile phone in his hand, and said with a sinister smile: "Jiang Chen said a word just now, which reminded me that my relationship with him I recorded the second half of the call, as long as this recording is handed over to the Song family, the Song family will absolutely not tolerate Jiang Chen being alive."

Chen Lin returned to Tiannan City and died at the hands of the angry Song Yuan. In order to protect his own interests, Chen Fu poured all the sewage on Jiang Chen's body. It was his intention to divert the attention of the Song family. To prevent the Song family from venting their anger on him again.

Afterwards, Chen Fu investigated Jiang Chen's movements on the day Xu Anqi was kidnapped through various relationships, and found out some clues. Although he was not sure whether Jiang Chen found Xu Anqi in the end, he finally had a comparison. The reason for throwing dirty water on Jiang Chen openly and aboveboard.

And today's phone call, on the surface, was to ask for accountability, but in fact it was still a test. Although Jiang Chen was slippery and made Chen Fu angry for a while, Chen Fu was actually quite satisfied with the final result, because it was not evidence. The evidence is enough to trigger the conflict between Jiang Chen and the Song family.

"Borrow someone from the Song family, dad, do you mean to let the Song family use the relationship with the local group? Will the Song family be willing?" Chen Sen reacted quickly and immediately understood Chen Fu's intention.

"Of course the Song family will agree. Don't forget, what is the real intention of the Song family? Song Chen is dead. Even if Song Chen is a meaningless existence to the Song family, the Song family must take revenge. Because they want to use this to build their prestige, this is a very good opportunity, and the Song family will not miss it." Chen Fu said confidently, as if everything was under his control.

"That's right, the Song family wants to stand up, because they want to start making a sound in Tiannan City." Chen Sen smiled.

Chen Fu also smiled, and said: "This is a very crucial opportunity. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to have such confidence... The reason why the Song family wants to speak out is because they want to be among the three major families in Tiannan City. Or turn the three big families in Tiannan City into four big families. They must let people see their strong side, so Jiang Chen can only become a pawn under the guillotine. I really don't know whether it is our luck or Jiang Chen. Dust is too unlucky."

"Of course Jiang Chen is too unlucky." Chen Sen said teasingly.

After laughing, Chen Fu said: "This matter must be settled as soon as possible to avoid other accidents. Chen Sen, you go to contact Song Yang. I think Song Yang will be very happy to accept your favor. And you still You can tell him as cryptically as possible what benefits killing Jiang Chen will bring him."

Chen Sen nodded, and said with a bit of worry: "Dad, just let me handle this matter, but I'm worried, the Song family is ambitious, how can we guarantee our interests?"

"I understand what you mean, but at this point, we have no turning back. It's useless to look forward and backward. Let's take one step at a time." Chen Fuyi said cruelly with his eyes flickering slightly.

Cooperating with the Song family is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. If you are not careful, even the dregs will be swallowed up. From the moment Song Yuan shot and killed Chen Lin without hesitation, Chen Fu had a strong sense of this. a further understanding.

It is impossible to say whether he regrets betraying the Xu family, or not at all, but Chen Fu knows very well that he has no chance to regret it at all, and the Xu family cannot give him a chance to regret it. A dog that bit its owner, no matter how much it wags its tail and begs for mercy, cannot avoid the fate of being beaten to death with a stick.

Chen Sen left soon. After Chen Sen left, Chen Fu called Chen Mu, gave some instructions, hung up the phone, and held his cell phone. Chen Fu was in a gloomy mood.

"Xu Xiuyuan, you old bastard, if it weren't for you, how could I, Chen Fu, have come to this point? You forced me, and you forced me. Because of you, I, Chen Fu, have a son. I will definitely do the math with you." Sitting on the sofa, Chen Fu muttered softly, his expression gradually becoming crazy...

(End of this chapter)

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