genius evil

Chapter 173 This is the real threat

Chapter 173 This is the real threat
"Mayor Chi, I think, I need an explanation." Lan Xiu's eyes were a little cold. It's okay to meet Jiang Chen in Yilan Middle School. After all, Jiang Chen is a student here, but when he meets Chi Kaize again, Lan Xiu But don't naively think that this is also a chance encounter.

"This is a chance encounter." Chi Kaize said in a serious manner, and then continued to explain: "I don't have any work today, and it's rare to be free, so I drove out for a walk, and happened to be near Yilan Middle School. I remembered that you would come today, so I drove The car drove in, and I didn't expect to meet you by such a coincidence."

"Really? It's really a coincidence." Lan Xiu was unmoved.

"It's really a coincidence. It's so coincidental that I can't believe my eyes." Chi Kaize smiled slightly and said, "I'm very curious now. Is your reaction just now because you were disappointed because you didn't see Jiang Chen? Or Disappointed to see me? Or, a bit of both?"

"This is a meaningless question." Lan Xiu refused to answer.

"But after all, it made you believe some of my words, didn't it?" Chi Kaize smiled and said, "After recognizing a person's true face, I believe you are now liberated. Then, let's talk about us between the two."

"If you're talking about business, come to my office tomorrow." Lan Xiu said directly.

Chi Kaize smiled and said: "Don't talk about business affairs, talk about private affairs, you have always understood how I feel about you, and I will not despise you because you have a past with Jiang Chen, on the contrary, I I will work hard to help you get out of this shadow."

"Really? It sounds like I still need to thank you." Lan Xiu said coldly.

"I'm serious." Chi Kaize ignored Lan Xiu's sarcasm and said in a very sincere tone.

"Some things, after I've said them once, I don't want to say them a second time. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Lan Xiu was unmoved, and was about to leave after speaking.

Chi Kaize didn't stop Lan Xiu either, and said lightly, "Lan Xiu, this is the first time you have rejected me, remember?"

Lan Xiu didn't speak, and walked faster and faster. If Jiang Chen made her feel disgusted, then Chi Kaize's behavior at this moment made her feel even more disgusted.

"No one is born to be mean, everyone has a bottom line of tolerance, Lan Xiu, I hope you will remember later that I gave you a chance." Chi Kaize raised his voice a little.

Lan Xiu suddenly turned her head, stared at Chi Kaize and asked, "Is this a threat?"

Chi Kaize did not answer Lan Xiu's question, but said: "Secretary Jiahao is basically determined to go to the province. If there is no accident, the mayor of Fangyuan will move up. The position of mayor will be vacant soon. After coming down, I heard the news that the overall team of Yilan City will not change much, and the future mayor will be transferred from the province or from other places."

Lan Xiu didn't speak, and listened to Chi Kaize quietly. She knew very well that Chi Kaize would not talk about these things for no reason.

"Whether it's people from the province or airborne from other places, the team of Yilan City in the future will need a period of time to adjust. I think that there will be a great disadvantage to the work of the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Mayor Lan, what do you think? ?" Chi Kaize threw the topic to Lan Xiu.

Lan Xiu didn't accept the offer, and said indifferently: "I am very satisfied with my current job."

"No one is dissatisfied with the current job, but they can be more satisfied, right? I wonder if Mayor Lan is interested in joining hands with me to gain a future?" Chi Kaize said leisurely.

"You want to snipe that airborne mayor?" Lan Xiu finally understood what Chi Kaize meant.

"It's not about sniping, it's just about fighting for a chance you deserve." Chi Kaize didn't deny it at all. He said, "Why should I give up when I have the ability? I'm no worse than others, am I?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Lan Xiu refused without thinking.

"Don't answer me so quickly. If I can successfully win the position of mayor, I can save you the position of deputy secretary. You have to understand that in terms of your qualifications, you will reach the sky in one step. In the future, you will become Yilan The youngest mayor of the city, or the youngest senior city official." Chi Kaize said in a seductive tone.

"I said, I'm not interested." Lan Xiu still refused, not out of indifference, but she knew that Chi Kaize was just drawing a big cake, and she didn't think Chi Kaize could succeed.

"Are you always so cruel to me?" Chi Kaize couldn't hold back his face after all, "You even refused the win-win situation between you and me. Don't tell me you don't consider my feelings at all."

"I'm very aware of the limits of my abilities. I'm not an ambitious person." Lan Xiu said, and she thought, perhaps, this matter is the real purpose of Chi Kaize appearing in front of her today.

"You are not, but I am, and I don't think you can refuse, you have no chance to refuse at all... Just like the sentence you asked me just now, I will answer you now, this is the real threat." Chi Kaize said in a deep voice.

Lan Xiu was silent for a while, then said silently: "You chose a very good time."

"That's because I'm bound to win, and no one can stop me." Chi Kaize's expression was a little smug, he looked at Lan Xiu and said, "It's not because I have no other reason, I don't want to tear myself apart with you, if you are still stubborn If so, don’t blame me for being unscrupulous.”

"The one you can threaten me with is Jiang Chen. Actually, I don't mind falling in love with Jiang Chen." Lan Xiu suddenly laughed.

"You're crazy!" Chi Kaize stared dumbfounded.

"Sister-brother love is not something shameful, and there is no rule that a female mayor must cleanse herself. What's more, I am not married, he is not married, no one can find fault." Lan Xiu's voice was much more cheerful.

Then Lan Xiu asked, "Is there anything else you can threaten me with?"

"I—" Chi Kaize's Adam's apple trembled, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Hell, why did he seem to push Lan Xiu to Jiang Chen abruptly? Judging by Lan Xiu's posture, it was obvious that he was desperate Going all out, this is not the result he wanted.

"I don't believe you don't have any worries at all, unless you want to turn today's college entrance examination swearing-in meeting into a meeting to confess your love to Jiang Chen." Chi Kaize said in a vicious voice.

"It's okay. You have to know that every woman yearns for romance. Such a scene must be very romantic, with so many witnesses." Lan Xiu said unhurriedly.

"Shit!" Chi Kaize cursed.

He clearly held Lan Xiu's life in check, but at the critical moment, Lan Xiu defeated him?
Although Chi Kaize is very clear that Lan Xiu may not really care at all, but as Lan Xiu said, she is not married and Jiang Chen is not married. Injury.

"Mayor Chi, I think demeanor is very important for a man." Lan Xiu left after speaking.

"Damn it, you can't go." Chi Kaize reached out and grabbed Lan Xiu.

But just as Chi Kaize stretched out his hand, there was a "snap", and it was slapped away by the other hand. The burning pain came, and Chi Kaize's face changed.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you can never ask a mental patient to be graceful, just like you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep." Jiang Chen appeared in front of Lan Xiu, said with a smile, just stopped Lan Xiu's way.

Lan Xiu glared at Jiang Chen angrily, "Get out of the way."

"Xiao Xiuxiu, those words of yours just moved me so much, I never knew before that you love me so deeply and are willing to make such a big sacrifice for me." Jiang Chen acted as if he hadn't. Hearing Lan Xiu's words, he said affectionately.

Lan Xiu was speechless. God knows how much courage she put in what she said just now. On the surface she said she didn't care, but in fact she really didn't care?
The pressure from society, work, and family could tear her into pieces at any time. She didn't want to be threatened by Chi Kaize at all, so she dealt with him with a tough attitude.

Jiang Chen let it go when he heard it, and put on such a nasty image, which made her feel ashamed and angry.

"Get out of the way." Lan Xiu said again.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, although you very much hope that I will publicly confess my love to you at the swearing-in meeting, I don't mind confessing twice at all. I came here in a hurry and didn't make any preparations. You take this flower first and wait a while. I'll give you another nine hundred and ninety-nine roses." Jiang Chen carried the shamelessness to the end.

"Is this interesting?" Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen with a serious expression.

"Oh, so Xiao Xiuxiu, you are shy." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid, turned around and scolded Chi Kaize: "Idiot, I want to live with Xiao Xiuxiu in a two-person world, so get out of here."

"Jiang Chen, I don't think you know how to write the word dead?" Chi Kaize couldn't stand Jiang Chen for a long time, and when he was scolded by Jiang Chen again, he exploded instantly.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

Jiang Chen rushed forward, slapped Chi Kaize's face with a few slaps, and cursed: "Is it an insult to my low education level? I went to high school anyway, so of course I know how to write dead characters."

"You dare to hit me?" Chi Kaize was stunned.

"Clap clap..."

Jiang Chen slapped Chi Kaize on the face a few more times, and said, "It's really sick, I slapped so happily, and you still ask such a naive question."

"Jiang Chen, I warn you, if you dare to do anything again, I will definitely make your life worse than death." Chi Kaize had never been treated like this before, and almost went crazy.


Jiang Chen didn't move anymore, kicked Chi Kaize flying, and fell into the lake. Then, as if nothing had happened, he raised the wild flower in his hand to Lan Xiu's face, and said softly. Said: "Xiao Xiuxiu, the light bulb has been driven away by me, you won't be shy now."

Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen with a headache. This guy kept saying that Chi Kaize was sick, and it was true that he was sick. Will this lead to any consequences?

"Jiang Chen, I don't care about the conflict between you and Chi Kaize." Lan Xiu hardened her heart and said.

"No problem, I don't need you to take care of it. I will take care of the male lead outside and the female lead inside." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"It's not what you said." Lan Xiu was very annoyed.

"Otherwise, it's fine for the man to lead the inside, and the woman to lead the outside." Jiang Chen cautiously suggested.

"Jiang Chen, you're finished, you're completely finished." Chi Kaize managed to crawl out of the water, turning wet into a drowned chicken, just in time to hear Jiang Chen flirting with Lan Xiu, and said viciously.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and kicked Chi Kaize away again.

(End of this chapter)

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