genius evil

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Chi Kaize worked hard and got up from the lake for the second time. His body was covered with mud and water plants, and he looked as embarrassed as he wanted.

He was kicked by Jiang Chen twice in a row, and he was kicked into the lake twice by being accurately misunderstood. Chi Kaize, who had learned Jiang Chen's excellent leg skills, learned to be smart this time, and kept a little distance away from Jiang Chen. If he was kicked a third time, he would not be kicked into the lake by Jiang Chen for the third time.

"Jiang Chen, what else do you want besides being full of lies?" Chi Kaize said angrily. This is not the first time Jiang Chen has had a blue show in front of him, but there is no doubt that this is the most uncomfortable thing for him once.

"I can still beat people." Jiang Chen replied casually, still looking at Lan Xiu affectionately, waiting for Lan Xiu's answer.


Chi Kaize opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of water. The water was accidentally choked into his throat just now, but it still made Chi Kaize wonder if he had vomited blood.

Chi Kaize did have the urge to vomit blood, and he regretted not bringing his secretary. Although the conversation between him and Lan Xiu must not be heard by the secretary, the secretary can definitely stay away. When Chen fights, he rushes to help, doesn't he?
But soon Chi Kaize found out depressed again. It seemed that even if he brought a secretary, it would be of no avail. Jiang Chen fought too violently. There is no way to fight at all, only to be beaten passively.

"Lan Xiu, you've already seen the true face of this guy, haven't you? Don't you want to continue to be deceived by him?" Chi Kaize felt that he had nothing to say to Jiang Chen, so he began to use alienation tactics.

Lan Xiu frowned, and said lightly: "Mayor Chi, I think it's better for you to go back and change."

"I... I'd better change it later." Chi Kaize thought for a while and said.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, don't worry about those insignificant details. You haven't answered me yet. Do you like the heroine outside, or inside the heroine, or do you like both?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"I don't even like it." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"Well, it's a little troublesome. You don't like outsiders and insiders, so I can only work hard to make more money... I really didn't realize that Xiao Xiuxiu is such a small woman in your bones, but in fact, you and I To be clear, I'm still very happy with your decision." Jiang Chen had a serious face.

Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen in bewilderment, thinking that I obviously refused, what terrible thing did Jiang Chen come up with?

He also said that he didn't see that she was such a small woman in his bones. In this case, perhaps only Jiang Chen, a rascal, could say it. You know, she is vigorous and resolute in her work, but she has the title of "Iron Lady".

But just like what Jiang Chen himself said, don't worry about insignificant details, Lan Xiu decided it's better not to worry about it, so as not to give Jiang Chen the illusion that she is easy to coax.

"The swearing-in meeting will start soon..." Lan Xiu reminded.

"Little Xiuxiu, although it is very romantic to publicly confess your love to you at the swearing-in meeting, others will definitely show envy, jealousy and hatred to express their love to you, and let's talk about our love, there is no need to show it." Jiang Chen also reminded .

"That's not what I meant." Lan Xiu was anxious.

"You are clearly reminding me to confess my love to you at the swearing-in meeting." Jiang Chen expressed his innocence.

Lan Xiu was petrified, and explained: "I mean, I'm going to prepare."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Lan Xiu felt that her explanation was a bit messy, so she hurriedly added something, and said in a reproachful tone: "Jiang Chen, don't act recklessly, or I will be very angry."

"Understand, understand, you are duplicity." Jiang Chen had an incomparably understanding face.

Lan Xiu was angry and annoyed, who is this, she couldn't communicate at all, and she didn't know how she rolled into a bed by accident that night, it was the biggest mistake in her life.

Lan Xiu left soon, Jiang Chen didn't leave, neither did Chi Kaize, the two stared at each other for a while, Jiang Chen suddenly said: "Chi Kaize, logically speaking, what happened today , In fact, I should say thank you to you."

Chi Kaize sneered and said, "Do you think you won because you fought well?"

"It's really hard to talk to an idiot like you. After all, even if I tell you that I'm actually very good at everything, you won't believe me." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Chi Kaize laughed: "So what if you believe it? So what if you don't believe it? Let me tell you, you are definitely the biggest loser today."

"Sorry, I never lose." Jiang Chen shook his head, speaking seriously.

Chi Kaize said contemptuously: "Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant. Do you think Lan Xiu's words just now can scare me? Once you disclose your relationship with Lan Xiu at the swearing-in meeting, it will definitely It will cause a storm, and at that time, Lan Xiu will definitely leave the political arena and you, and you will definitely pay the price for your own stupid behavior, and I will definitely send you to prison with my own hands."

"Unfortunately, you won't have that chance." Jiang Chen said in a regretful tone.

Chi Kaize's face changed, what did Jiang Chen mean by this, could it be...

"Are you scared? You want to leave here? Are you worried that I will harm you?" Jiang Chen was very angry, "I am a good citizen who abides by the law and never do anything illegal. How can you judge a gentleman with a villain's heart like this? Belly?"

"I didn't say anything." Chi Kaize said embarrassingly. He did have such thoughts. Jiang Chen was no different from a madman in his eyes. If Jiang Chen went crazy, he would be at a great loss.

"Do you think I will touch my piece of jade with your rotten stone? You think beautifully. Or are you deliberately provoking me so that I can beat you up again? I've seen someone worse off than you." Jiang Chen became even more angry.

Chi Kaize looked as if he had seen a ghost, and he twitched and said, "Your eloquence is good, and I'm not to the point of being abused."

"Maybe you don't even know about some of your hobbies?" Jiang Chen was smiling, talking, and suddenly rushed up, punching and kicking Chi Kaize.

He didn't know how many punches and kicks he had taken. After making sure that Chi Kaize was in so much pain that he didn't even have the strength to speak, Jiang Chen was satisfied, and said, "Look, you really deserve a beating."

Leaving those words behind, Jiang Chen walked away.

Chi Kaize lay on the ground, watching Jiang Chen leave bitterly, and deliberately took out his mobile phone to call the police, but found that the phone was soaked in water and broke, and angrily smashed the phone on the ground, Chi Zekai struggled to sit on the ground On the ground, his eyes were full of resentment.


The college entrance examination swearing-in meeting will start soon. On the playground, under the arrangement of the head teacher, the students of the third grade are lined up in a neat line to count the number of people.

Tangyue finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Jiang Chen appear. She was there before, but she told Jiang Chen that he must come. It seems that Jiang Chen has not forgotten everything she said.

"Jiang Chen, you're late." Jiang Yanyan winked at Jiang Chen.

"I just met a pervert, I wasted some time." Jiang Chen explained, inserted into the line, and just happened to stand beside Xu Anqi.

Tangyue's expression was a bit annoyed. It seemed that this guy was really in a relationship with Xu Anqi. Even if he was standing in line, he had to stand with Xu Anqi. However, he didn't take her as the class teacher seriously.

"Jiang Chen, you stand at the front." Tangyue suddenly said without knowing why.

"Teacher Tang, it's not good." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Tangyue wanted to laugh a little, this guy always likes to show off the most, how could he be so shy sometimes?

She said with a straight face: "Hurry up, the leader will be here in a while, and you can help me maintain order by the way."

"Teacher Tang, I just feel that if I have such a face that can harm the country and the people, if the city leaders take a fancy to it, it will be bad if they insist on dragging me to warm the bed." Jiang Chen said lazily.


Tangyue was defeated.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen finally stood at the front, and Tangyue stood at the front of the class, but Tangyue soon regretted it, because Jiang Chen actually stood there playing with her mobile phone.

Tangyue had the urge to rush over and confiscate Jiang Chen's mobile phone. Fortunately, after playing for a while, Jiang Chen put away the mobile phone, which made Tangyue feel a little relieved.

Just like that, after waiting for about ten minutes, Lan Xiu walked towards the rostrum accompanied by all the school leaders.

"Wow, is that the city leader? That's beautiful."

"Yeah, it's so beautiful, like a star."

"Tch, it's so trivial. Mayor Lan already has the title of star mayor."


Because of her status, Lan Xiu's dress is very simple, with an elegant atmosphere in the simplicity. The light gray linen suit, worn on her body, shows an elegant and delicate taste.

Her hair was pulled back, revealing a clean little face. There was no expression on her face, and the numerous discussions did not arouse her slightest reaction.

The college entrance examination swearing-in meeting was hosted by the old principal Feng. After a few brief opening remarks, the microphone was at Lan Xiu's hand.

Lan Xiu's trip here was purely a formality. After adjusting the height of the microphone, Lan Xiu habitually scanned the audience, and then planned to say a few words casually. This task was considered completed.

At this moment, a strange smiling face suddenly caught Lan Xiu's eyes. There were so many people and so many different faces, but for some reason, among so many people, she Just seeing that smiling face, her eyes froze, and the hand holding the microphone trembled involuntarily.

"I'm Lanxiu..." After a while, Lanxiu finally spoke, but she only said a few words, Lanxiu just couldn't continue, because she saw the strange smiling face and winked at her She blinked her eyes, and in an instant, she didn't know whether to be angry or annoyed, Lanxiu's pretty face was covered with a blush!

(End of this chapter)

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