genius evil

Chapter 179 A surprise for you

Chapter 179 A Surprise for You

Jiang Chen has always been the envy of many students in Yilan Middle School. They envy the car he drives, envy the relationship with Xu Anqi, and envy him the privilege of skipping classes whenever he wants.

Jiang Chen drove a Porsche Cayenne, which is not expensive in the category of luxury cars. The rich and wealthy second generation would not even consider this car as a luxury car. They only had Ferrari, Lamborghini or Pagani in their eyes.

There are a lot of wealthy second generations in Yilan Middle School, there are not too few high-profile ones, and not too few low-key ones, but Jiang Chen is the only one who drives a car so blatantly around the school, so this kind of thing is still worthy of envy .

But if you can still envy the car, then you can't envy the two things about Xu Anqi and absenteeism.

And if someone knew what Jiang Chen was going through right now, they would even become powerless to envy such things.

By the Weiming Lake, Jiang Chen was lying on the grass, and Shuang'er stood there in a rather coy posture, waiting for Jiang Chen's comment.

"This red set, or the white set just now, which one is better?" Shuang'er asked shyly.

"Red is very festive." Jiang Chen appreciated it with a very pure eye, mainly because Lan Xiu's gentleness last night gave him great satisfaction, both physically and mentally, it was extremely fulfilling.

"Won't it look like a blessing baby?" Shuang'er was a little worried.

"This will make your skin fairer and look good, but it's not the best looking yet." Jiang Chen said.

Shuang'er just knew that Jiang Chen was not very satisfied with this set of clothes, because he wanted to see the best ones. Although, a good master taught his apprentices, and inexplicably turned into a dress-up meeting. The feeling in his heart was very strange, Shuang'er Still suppressing his shame, he walked towards the Porsche parked not far away.

There is no place to change clothes by the lake, and Shuang'er can only change in the car if she wants to change. Fortunately, the car's car film is very dark, so you can only see the outside from the inside. Can't see what's inside the car.

Compared with the time it took nearly 10 minutes to change the first set of clothes, this time, Shuang'er only took about 10 minutes to change into pink clothes and get out of the car.

Red is a gorgeous and strong color, not every woman can control it. Although pink is not as strong as red, it will cause a strong visual impact at first glance, but the degree of control is only higher than red. Not low.

Shuang'er, who was wearing a pink sports suit, approached Jiang Chen in a slow manner. Jiang Chen raised his eyelids a little and smiled.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Not good." Shuang'er shook her head. Personally, she didn't need to try this kind of clothes with a fresh and girlish temperament.

"I think it's not bad." Jiang Chen looked at it without blinking his eyes. It's not that Shuang'er is so different in this pink body, but, compared to Shuang'er's previous black body, Pink has a very sharp contrast effect.

"I'd better change to another color." Shuang'er asked hesitantly.

"I haven't seen enough yet." Jiang Chen smiled.

Shuang'er was running fast, followed by yellow, blue and green, which dazzled Jiang Chen.

Shuang'er has practiced martial arts all year round, and her skeleton is well-proportioned. She wears clothes of every color, and she will never match them. It will be raised several times.

Every color was changed again, and Shuang'er finally wore white clothes. White is the representative of simplicity and elegance, and black is two extremes, but even with Jiang Chen's harsh aesthetic vision, he has to admit , Shuang'er wears clothes of this color, second only to black, and is still wearing a black leather jacket.

And when Shuang'er was wearing black sportswear, perhaps because of the contrasting black leather jacket, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was horrible, and it was the most unpleasant color among so many colors.

"Wear white from now on." Jiang Chen touched his chin and said.

Shuang'er breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help complaining a little to Jiang Chen. She also thought white was good, so the first thing she changed was white.

If I knew it would be such a result, why did I have to change clothes so many times?Or did Jiang Chen do it on purpose?

After all, as a master, it is really disgusting to pay so much attention to what an apprentice wears, especially a female apprentice.

Jiang Chen had a bad taste in the first place, he just wanted to find something to do, but of course he wouldn't tell Shuang'er what he really thought.

After the dress-up meeting was over, Shuang'er broke the willow branches and started the daily game of hitting the water surface. Jiang Chen really fell asleep.

When Shuang'er was exhausted again, Jiang Chen had already woken up, handed Shuang'er a bottle of water, took a few sips, rested for a while, and said: "Master, miss said to invite you to dinner tonight, and also said to let You must go, there is a big surprise waiting for you.'

"What surprise?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Shuang'er shook her head. Tang Tian has been acting mysteriously for the past two days. She doesn't know what Tang Tian is doing.

As for the surprise, Shuang'er can only pray that it will not be a shock.

"Oh, it looks like I don't have to go." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Then I'll tell Miss when I go back, saying you agreed." Shuang'er said.

"At the same time, tell her that if it is not a surprise, she will bear the consequences." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Shuang'er smiled and left quickly, while Jiang Chen continued to sleep.


Far away at Shi's house, Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian are going through a very difficult mental journey at the moment.

"What does Jiang Chen mean by what he said yesterday?" Yao Xiaoqian asked.

Since returning home yesterday, Yao Xiaoqian has been asking this question from time to time, counting this time, almost [-] times.

Shi Qingping took a deep puff of the cigarette, exhaled a puff of thick mist, and said, "Don't ask any more, you think I'm not annoying enough."

"You're annoying, don't I? Now you're impatient with me. When I grow old, don't you want to kick me away? How am I going to live these days?" Yao Xiaoqian suddenly became sad.

Shi Qingping's head was getting bigger, and he looked at Yao Xiaoqian like a ghost. For this reason, Yao Xiaoqian still lost his temper with him. It seems that he really needs to think about how to live in the future. The premise is that he able to survive until then.

Jiang Chen's sudden appearance yesterday undoubtedly gave Shi Qingping a great stimulus. It was definitely not a surprise, but a complete panic.

Especially Jiang Chen's endless words kept him awake all night last night.

Unknown things are always the most likely to generate fear, and Shi Qingping is in such a situation now.

If Jiang Chen had taken some measures against him after learning what he had done yesterday, Shi Qingping would not have been like this. The problem is that Jiang Chen didn't do anything, which made Shi Qingping deeply uneasy.

When the doorbell rang, both Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian were startled. They looked at each other for a while, and Yao Xiaoqian asked, "Who could it be that came to see us? Could it be Jiang Chen?"

"Go and open the door." Shi Qingping said directly.

"I'm not going." Yao Xiaoqian was very scared.

Shi Qingping twitched his face, got up wondering and depressed, and went out of the living room. Shi Qingping saw the person standing outside the iron gate of the yard.

There were two people standing there, one was Meng Xiangyang, and the other was a middle-aged man in a neat suit, not unfamiliar, Shi Qingping quickly remembered that it was He Huiming from Huiming Law Firm.

The combination of Meng Xiangyang and He Huiming seems a bit strange, but it is not surprising, because He Huiming is the private lawyer of the Meng family, and the reason why He Huiming became famous in the lawyer circle of Yilan City is also because of the relationship of the Meng family.

Shi Qingping didn't know why Meng Xiangyang brought He Huiming to find him, but he walked over quickly and opened the iron gate to welcome them in.

"Uncle Shi, it's rude to interrupt you." Meng Xiangyang said politely.

"Xiangyang, what are you talking about? I'm so happy that you're here." Shi Qingping led the two of them inside, and at the same time ordered Yao Xiaoqian to make tea.

After sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Shi Qingping asked suspiciously: "Xiangyang, what's the matter with you and Lawyer He coming here this time?"

In Shi Qingping's impression, Meng Xiangyang had never been to his place, and he also knew that his temple was too small, so please don't move the great god Meng Xiangyang.

In the past, when Meng Xiangyang came to the door in person, Shi Qingping must have set up a friendship, but now, the timing is too sensitive.

"Oh, I brought Lawyer He here this time to ask Uncle Shi to sign an asset transfer agreement." Meng Xiangyang said slowly and gestured to He Huiming.

He Huiming opened the briefcase he was carrying with him, took out a document, and spread it out in front of Shi Qingping. Shi Qingping glanced at it for a while, and his expression changed drastically.

"Xiangyang, what does this mean? You want me to transfer 60.00% of the Shi family's assets to you unconditionally? How is this possible?" Shi Qingping yelled.

Meng Xiangyang smiled slightly and waved to He Huiming. He Huiming just walked out. When He Huiming left, Meng Xiangyang knocked on the table with his hand and said unhurriedly: "Uncle Shi, you have to understand , in this world, nothing is impossible... In fact, I only want 60.00% of your assets and leave 40.00% for you and Aunt Yao for retirement.

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all." Shi Qingping muttered to himself, his expression changing.

Yao Xiaoqian just brought tea and came from the kitchen. She didn't listen to Meng Xiangyang's words, but when she put down the teacup, she inadvertently saw several important numbers on the document.

After a glance, Yao Xiaoqian's face also changed, and with a "click", a teacup was accidentally touched by her and hit the ground, and the hot tea splashed.

Yao Xiaoqian looked at Shi Qingping, and Shi Qingping also looked at Yao Xiaoqian. A thought suddenly popped up in the minds of the husband and wife - a good show, it really was a good show!
(End of this chapter)

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