genius evil

Chapter 180 Do You Dare to Shoot?

Chapter 180 Do You Dare to Shoot?
It is obvious that in the real world, foretelling is a very mysterious thing, in other words, it is a situation that is almost impossible to happen.

However, in this matter, Jiang Chen obviously played the role of a prophet.

Excluding the possibility that Jiang Chen colluded with Meng Xiangyang to act, then it can only be explained that Meng Xiangyang did very clearly in this matter, and it was obvious that Jiang Chen was aware of his intentions early on.

Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian have no way of knowing whether this is the truth, they can only guess and think from the clues they come into contact with.

However, when this good show came, no matter whether it was Shi Qingping or Yao Xiaoqian, even though they were reminded by Jiang Chen to be mentally prepared, the two of them were not mentally prepared.

Firstly, they mistakenly thought that the good show was related to Jiang Chen, and secondly, Meng Xiangyang was too direct, so he did not conceal his purpose.

Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian had a good understanding at this moment, and it made Meng Xiangyang look impatient in Meng Xiangyang's eyes.

"Shi Qingping, do you really not understand? Or are you pretending not to understand? If you really don't understand, I don't mind reminding you what you have done recently." Meng Xiangyang snorted coldly and called out Shi Qingping's name.

"What have I done?" Shi Qingping said angrily.

"What have you done?" Meng Xiangyang smiled indifferently, and said lightly, "You are very forgetful. Could it be that you forgot to hire a killer to kill Jiang Chen?"

Shi Qingping's face changed drastically, and he looked at Meng Xiangyang in disbelief. He didn't understand such things, how could Meng Xiangyang know.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, it's ridiculous...Of course, you can deny this kind of thing, but I don't mind helping you make a big splash. In one month, or two months, the Shi family has become a street mouse, and its assets have shrunk sharply, maybe even less than 40.00% of the current level." Meng Xiangyang said narrowly.

In that document, the assets of the Shi family were divided between 60.00% and 40.00% by Meng Xiangyang. Hearing what Meng Xiangyang said, Shi Qingping finally knew what Meng Xiangyang was relying on.

He didn't come rashly, he came prepared.

"I won't deny this matter." Shi Qingping shook his head and said bitterly.

He might be able to deny it in front of Meng Xiangyang, but this is meaningless, because Jiang Chen already knew about it, so how could he deny it?
"That's good. It's simple and easy. Then, sign it." Meng Xiangyang nodded in satisfaction.

"I won't sign." Shi Qingping said very firmly, he said coldly: "Why should I fulfill you, a villain."

"A villain?" Meng Xiangyang was not angry, but smiled meaningfully. He suddenly asked, "Shi Qingping, are you afraid of death?"

"I—" Shi Qingping opened his mouth, how should he answer this question.

"Obviously because of fear, let alone this Ms. Yao, tsk tsk, her face turned pale, so now the choice is coming, either I kill you now, I will get nothing, or you sign and get 40.00 % pension money, this multiple-choice question is easy to answer, right?" Meng Xiangyang said with narrowed eyes.

"Murder is against the law." Shi Qingping subconsciously blurted out this sentence.

Meng Xiangyang laughed loudly, and said: "You are so stupid and pitiful, as stupid as your son. After I kill you, will I tell the whole world that I killed someone? Don't forget, please ask the killer Having killed Jiang Chen, I can completely push this matter to Jiang Chen, and I guarantee that no one will doubt what I did."

Shi Qingping was silent, he knew what Meng Xiangyang said was right.

Asking an assassin to kill Jiang Chen is like a time bomb tied to his body. There are two fuses, one in Jiang Chen's hand and the other in Meng Xiangyang's.

Meng Xiangyang undoubtedly had the energy to detonate this time bomb, which made Shi Qingping realize that he had no choice.

"I want to think about it." After a while, Shi Qingping said.

"You have 5 minutes. Because of my patience, I only have 5 minutes." Meng Xiangyang said noncommittal.

Shi Qingping just gave Yao Xiaoqian a look, got up and quickly walked upstairs to the study. He took out his mobile phone, flipped through the address book, and finally fixed his gaze on Jiang Chen's mobile phone number.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Qingping dialed Jiang Chen's cell phone number.

"Jiang Shao, I'm Shi Qingping." Shi Qingping said with a suppressed voice.

"Call me at this time, could it be that the good show has already been staged?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Meng Xiangyang is here with me." Shi Qingping smiled wryly. Who would have thought that he would ask Jiang Chen for advice. It is ironic that someone who hates him to the bone would ask for advice.

"Then why are you still hesitating?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"I'm not hesitating, I just don't know what to do." Shi Qingping felt driven to a corner.

"You will know what to do, but you haven't figured it out yet, how did your son, by the way, that guy named Shi Lei die." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Shi Qingping's breathing became extremely hot in an instant, his pupils constricted for a while, and he asked in a voice, "How did Xiaolei die?"

"Don't ask me this question, maybe you can ask Meng Xiangyang, Meng Xiangyang will not be stingy to give you the answer." After saying this, Jiang Chen just hung up the phone.

Shi Qingping was on the phone in the study, and Meng Xiangyang was drinking tea in the living room downstairs.

Meng Xiangyang was in a very good mood, really good. In recent days, the depression brought about by Jiang Chen's successive defeats was swept away.

Ever since Shi Lei's death, and using Shi Qingping's hand to deal with Jiang Chen, Meng Xiangyang had been planning this day since then.

Originally, Meng Xiangyang wouldn't have a showdown with Shi Qingping in such a hurry, at least he had to wait until Jiang Chen was dead, otherwise it would be of no benefit to him if something happened out of the ordinary.

However, these two days, Meng Xiangyang was really excited, he couldn't wait for the showdown with Shi Qingping.

The reason why Meng Xiangyang was so excited was because he got the news that Jiang Chen was being targeted by the Song family in the provincial capital.

Most people have only heard of the three major families of Baiguantong in the provincial capital, but Meng Xiangyang's vision is obviously not so narrow. The Meng family is considered a wealthy family in Yilan City, but in the provincial capital, it is Not even the name, the Song family under the three major families of Bai Guantong, is even more beyond the reach of the Meng family.

Jiang Chen being targeted by the Song family, in Meng Xiangyang's view, it is undoubtedly Jiang Chen's disaster, not to mention, the Song family is related to the legendary land group, and there is even news that people from the land group have come Yilan City.

The people from the ground group came to Yilan City, naturally they came to kill Jiang Chen, either today or tomorrow, anyway, these two days, Jiang Chen's end is coming.

Jiang Chen didn't die for the time being, but he was in a doomsday situation. How could Meng Xiangyang be in a bad mood? Even Meng Xiangyang was a little grateful to Song Chen. If it wasn't for Song Chen, how could he have gained the upper hand so easily?

You know, in order to deal with Jiang Chen, he has used many methods. He invited the killer twice, and failed twice. Even Mr. Namo was quite afraid of Jiang Chen and did not dare to take action easily.

If such a thing hadn't happened, Meng Xiangyang wouldn't know how to deal with Jiang Chen. Fortunately, now, all troubles are about to be resolved, and what he has to do is to reap the final fruits of victory.

When Shi Qingping came down from upstairs, 3 minutes had passed. During these 3 minutes, Meng Xiangyang drank three sips of tea.

Seeing Shi Qingping going downstairs, Meng Xiangyang put down his teacup with a smile and said, "You must have thought it through."

"How did Xiaolei die?" Shi Qingping didn't answer Meng Xiangyang's question, he walked up to Meng Xiangyang, stared at Meng Xiangyang and questioned him.

Meng Xiangyang frowned, and said displeasedly, "Are you an idiot?"

"Tell me how Xiaolei died." Shi Qingping seemed not to have heard Meng Xiangyang's words.

"Stupid." Meng Xiangyang's tone was very unhappy. Shi Qingping's reaction deviated from what he expected. Could it be that something happened after Shi Qingping went upstairs that he didn't know about?

"Stupid?" Shi Qingping laughed suddenly, and murmured, "Yes, stupid, he is stupid. If he wasn't stupid, how could he die?"

"Shi Qingping, I don't have the patience to accompany you to get nervous, sign it." Meng Xiangyang urged.

"Meng Xiangyang, you asked me to sign for such a thing. Are you naive, or are people from my Shi family really stupid?" Shi Qingping's face was a bit grim, and he took out his hand, and a pistol appeared in front of him. He raised his hand and pointed at Meng Xiangyang.

Meng Xiangyang took a breath of cold air, and a pistol appeared, aiming at Shi Qingping.

"Are you crazy?" Meng Xiangyang was furious.

"Yes, I was crazy, but I was also driven crazy by you." Shi Qingping said loudly.

Meng Xiangyang did not directly admit that it was related to Shi Lei's matter, but Meng Xiangyang's attitude has already proved this point.

Shi Qingping is not a fool, if he was really a fool, he would not be able to make such a big career.

If after hearing Jiang Chen's words, Shi Qingping was only a little suspicious of Meng Xiangyang, then Meng Xiangyang's attitude had already made Shi Qingping affirm this matter.

Shi Qingping realized that he had been misled by Meng Xiangyang. From the moment Meng Xiangyang heard the news of Shi Lei's death, he had been under Meng Xiangyang's control. The situation like today could be said to be completely controlled by Meng Xiangyang, from the beginning to the end. At the end, he was played around by Meng Xiangyang like a marionette.

This is a great shame, this is an irresolvable hatred, how can Shi Qingping not be angry, how can he not hate!

"I think you want to die." Meng Xiangyang's voice became sharper.

"You are the one who died." Shi Qingping confronted each other.

"Do you dare to shoot?" A cold sneer appeared on the corner of Meng Xiangyang's mouth.

"Do you think I dare not?" Shi Qingping's voice became louder, as if to cheer himself up.

"Of course I know you dare not shoot." Meng Xiangyang said confidently.

"Why didn't I dare to shoot?" Shi Qingping's eyes were red and his breathing was short.

"If you dare to shoot, you can shoot now." The sneer at the corner of Meng Xiangyang's mouth became stronger and stronger.


Without warning, gunshots sounded at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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