genius evil

Chapter 181 It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come

Chapter 181 It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come

Meng Xiangyang lowered his head and looked at the bloody hole in his chest, his eyes widened, as if he saw a ghost.

He and Shi Qingping were arguing about whether he dared to shoot because he wanted Shi Qingping to put down the gun in his hand. After all, he came for the Shi family's property, and he didn't want to kill people unless it was absolutely necessary.

The reason why Meng Xiangyang was not worried about Shi Qingping shooting was because he could tell that Shi Qingping didn't have the courage to shoot, at least he didn't have the courage to fire the first shot.

However, after breaking his head, what Meng Xiangyang didn't expect was that Shi Qingping did not shoot, and the one who did so was Yao Xiaoqian, a woman whom he completely ignored.

"Did I kill someone?" The moment the trigger was pulled, Yao Xiaoqian was completely dazed. She stared blankly at Meng Xiangyang, her mouth was wide enough to stuff a duck egg in.

Shi Qingping's mouth was also opened wide, like a fish out of the water, breathing heavily, his hands were shaking, and cold sweat was breaking out on his forehead.

Saying that they want to kill people and actually killing people are completely different things. The philistine and cunning businessmen in their bones cannot give the two of them experience in such things.


Yao Xiaoqian's hand softened, and the gun in her hand fell to the ground. The crisp sound of the gun falling on the ground was like a sharp knife, cutting Shi Qingping's tense heartstrings.


The gun in Shi Qingping's hand also fell to the ground, his face turned pale, sweat profusely, his eyes were dazed, and his whole body seemed to be in a daze.

This gun was prepared after meeting Jiang Chen yesterday. It was not so much used to kill people as it was used to boost courage, but after the gunshot rang out, the two of them couldn't even hold the gun steadily.



At this moment, Meng Xiangyang fired, two shots in a row, at Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian respectively.

Meng Xiangyang didn't know if he would die, but at this point, both Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian must die. After two shots, Meng Xiangyang didn't even have time to check the situation of Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian, but his feet went limp and he fell to the ground , screaming hysterically in pain.

After He Huiming left the living room, he did not leave, but stood in the yard waiting for Meng Xiangyang's greeting at any time.

Lawyer Huiming's location in Yilan City is quite well-known, and he is a barrister who has risen to fame in the past few years, but He Huiming is very clear that he can achieve today's achievements entirely because of the strong support of the Meng family. No, he is just a dog raised by the Meng family. He will bite anyone the Meng family wants him to bite.

Today, He Huiming cooperated with Meng Xiangyang to bite Shi Qingping. This is not the first time He Huiming has done this kind of thing.As long as you can get enough money, that's enough.

When the first shot was fired, He Huiming thought it was the sound of something hitting the ground. After the next two shots, accompanied by Meng Xiangyang's screams, He Huiming realized that something was wrong. Hesitating, he rushed into the living room.

Then, He Huiming was frightened and stupid.

Both Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian died, one was shot in the eyebrow, the other was shot in the chest, Meng Xiangyang was also shot, and the left chest was bleeding profusely.

"Help me, save me quickly." Seeing He Huiming coming in, Meng Xiangyang shouted at the top of his voice as if he had grasped at straws.

"Okay... okay... save you, I'll call someone now." Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, He Huiming took out his mobile phone to make a call, but the phone hadn't been connected yet. He Huiming saw Meng Xiangyang's phone call at a glance. The situation was getting worse and worse, which was obviously a sign that his life was not long. He hesitated for a while, and suddenly rushed out of the villa with his mobile phone.

"Meng Shao, don't blame me, I just want to make money, I don't want to lose your life." He Huiming stopped calling and walked faster and faster.

As a lawyer, he is very clear about what kind of chain reaction will be triggered by today's incident. Meng Xiangyang and Shi Qingping's husband and wife shot at each other. Once the incident gets out, it will definitely cause an uproar. Don't want to die yet.


Watching He Huiming leave like this, Meng Xiangyang wanted to stop He Huiming, but he couldn't make a sound no matter what, he could only watch He Huiming leave, and then waited to die.

At this moment, another figure appeared in the living room of the villa.

It was a woman, and no one knew who she was or how she came to be here.

"My name is Mulanhua." The woman smiled at Meng Xiangyang and said softly.

"You may want me to save you, but I'm sorry, I'm not here to save people, I'm here to kill people." Soon, the woman who claimed to be Mulanhua said the second sentence.

"I don't know you." Meng Xiangyang said with difficulty.

"I don't know you either." Mulan smiled slightly, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "But what does it matter? All I have to do is pick up the gun on the ground and kill you."

As she spoke, Mulanhua bent down and picked up a pistol. The black muzzle pointed at Meng Xiangyang.

Meng Xiangyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in a sharp voice: "Who asked you to kill me, as long as you let me go, no matter how much that person gave you, I will give you double the price, no, triple it."

As if she didn't hear Meng Xiangyang's words, Mulanhua said to herself, "Before you died, Master Jiang asked me to bring you a sentence. There are some debts. It's not that it's not counted, but it's just that the time hasn't come yet."

Not yet?
Now, it's time!

What a thought-provoking sentence.

Meng Xiangyang's breathing suddenly became rapid, Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen again, why, Jiang Chen couldn't protect himself, he still lost to Jiang Chen.

"Is this a game?" Meng Xiangyang asked tremblingly.

"You are the person who makes the arrangements, don't you know better than others?" Mulanhua glanced at Meng Xiangyang, as if looking at a stray dog ​​by the side of the road.

Then the gunshot rang out, Mulanhua took out a handkerchief, wiped the fingerprints on the gun carefully, then threw the gun on the ground, turned and left the villa.

He Huiming and Meng Xiangyang each drove over in a car. He Huiming drove a Volkswagen Passat. After he rushed out of the yard, he rushed into the car immediately, started the engine and drove away.

He Huiming didn't hear the fourth gunshot in the villa, but someone else heard it. It was a rather handsome looking guy. He was smoking a pack of low-quality cigarettes that cost five yuan.

This kind of cigarette didn't talk about smoking before, this guy didn't even look at it for the first time, but now, he smoked it with relish, until there was only one butt left, this guy also carefully dusted off the ash, vigorously Taking another big puff, he flicked out the cigarette butt with some reluctance.

"It's up to me to do something." Snapping his fingers, this guy started his car. This is a van of unknown hands. After the car started, the strong vibration seemed to be likely to fall apart at any time, but the 2000 yuan was returned. Who cares about the comfort of a car, as long as it can be driven on the road.

Obviously, the truck was quite skilled, and it caught up to He Huiming's Passat a few minutes later, but he didn't catch up too close, but hung far behind, and even turned on the radio and listened to music.

"A day like this is actually pretty good." The guy whispered to himself as his left hand tapped on his thigh to the rhythm of the music.

After a while, this guy seemed to think of something, took out his mobile phone and made a call, and said, "Mulan, I'm John Li, remember to ask Sister Lan to save some food for me tonight... oh, I want to eat Fish, stewed carp, and the fried pork with chili, put more chili and more meat, don’t worry, I have money to pay the bill, of course, it’s my own money.”


By the Weiming Lake, the warm wind was warm, and Jiang Chen slept until around six o'clock before waking up.

During this period, his mobile phone rang twice, one was from Shi Qingping, and the other was from Mulanhua, but this did not spoil Jiang Chen's interest in sleeping.

The third call came in at this time. Jiang Chen glanced at the caller ID, connected and said a few words. Not long after, a Porsche Cayenne drove out from the school parking lot.

At the school gate, there was already another Porsche waiting there. Seeing Jiang Chen driving out, the pair in the Porsche turned around, and the two cars, one in front and the other behind, headed towards Lanjie Hotel.

After Jiang Chen drank the medicine, the car started on the road again, and half an hour later, it stopped at the entrance of a restaurant called Wangfu Hotel.

"This place is good." After getting off the car, Jiang Chen said casually.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." With a gust of fragrant wind, Tang Tian appeared in front of Jiang Chen, smiling like a flower, as sweet as it could be, those who didn't know thought she was welcoming her lover .

"What are you doing laughing so rippling?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

"Isn't this happy?" Tang Tian said sweetly, scolding Jiang Chen more than a hundred times in her heart, what made her smile rippling, it really was because she didn't read too much, she didn't know how to use adjectives, That's clearly smiling like a flower, okay?

"You are still so happy to invite people to dinner? You are really a fool with a lot of money, a fool and an idiot." Jiang Chen said in surprise.

Tang Tian was very angry. Can this guy speak?
After stomping her feet, Tang Tian walked into the restaurant. After walking a few steps, Tang Tian suddenly stopped, turned around, and asked, "Jiang Chen, how do I like my clothes today? Does it look good?"

"You are really sick." Jiang Chen pouted.

"Ah——" Tang Tian was about to go crazy. You must know that for this meal, she had prepared for an entire afternoon. She changed no less than twenty sets of clothes alone, but she was actually in exchange for someone like Jiang Chen. Evaluation, she almost went crazy.

"The dog can't spit out ivory, so let it be ugly." Tang Tian said angrily.

"I didn't say it's not good-looking, it's just that it's just a meal. What are you doing in such a beautiful dress? Do you want to eat or eat people? I said girl, don't you want to pick on me?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously!

(End of this chapter)

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