genius evil

Chapter 182 Do You Want To Pick Me Up?

Chapter 182 Do You Want To Pick Me Up?

Tang Tian obviously dressed up carefully before going out. She had her hair done and light makeup. The clothes on her body were expensive, needless to say that one set was worth ten sets of others.

More importantly, this dress is really good-looking, very good-looking, and it won't look too pure or too sexy when worn on Tang Tian's body.

Purity and sensuality, under the matching of this outfit, are perfectly integrated, the purity in sexiness and the sexiness in innocence are quite charming, making Tang Tian tend to move closer to the goblin.

But here's the problem.

It's like Jiang Chen's life, it's just a meal, what do you do in such a beautiful dress?Although it is beautiful and delicious, it is just an adjective. Jiang Chen will not take it seriously. Instead of taking it seriously, it is better to eat two more bowls of rice.

"Is it wrong to dress beautifully?" Tang Tian was wronged.

"Hey, I got the point wrong. The point is, do you want to pick on me?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"No." Tang Tian hurriedly replied.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Jiang Chen looked relieved.

Tang Tian was so angry that she was really that bad?What does this relieved expression mean? Could it be that even if Tang Tian took the initiative to send her to the door or climbed onto the bed, she would be kicked away by Jiang Chen.

It's so depressing that it makes people vomit blood!
Tang Tian had already ordered the food when Shuang'er went to pick up Jiang Chen. After the three of them were seated, the waiter immediately started serving the food.

The Wangfu Hotel is a big brand, but in fact the interior of the hotel is really small, there are no boxes, guests eat in the lobby, the advantage is that the environment is good, the antique decoration, there is a sense of chaotic time and space.Even the waiters who serve the food are wearing Hanfu, and the plates and cups are all retro imitations, which is a good feature.

"Shuang'er said, you have a big surprise waiting for me, where is the surprise?" Jiang Chen casually stuffed food into his mouth.

Tang Tian glanced at Jiang Chen with contempt. Can't this guy be a little more refined when eating?A typical reincarnation of a starving ghost.

"After dinner, I'll take you to a place, and you'll know." Tang Tian made a fool of herself.

"It doesn't seem very interesting." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Tang Tian's face turned dark immediately, and she said, "When you pass by, you will definitely be interested."

"The more I talk about it, the less interested I am." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Tang Tian gritted her teeth, wishing she could bite Jiang Chen with one bite, and said, "Trust me, I won't lie to anyone, let alone you."

"Although the more beautiful women are, the more they can deceive people, but ugly women can also deceive people occasionally." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Where am I ugly?" Tang Tian glared at each other.

"Well, your clothes look more and more beautiful." Jiang Chen blinked.

Tang Tian wanted to cry a little, but she didn't dare to look as good as the clothes she was wearing. Jiang Chen was a scolding man without profanity.

Tang Tian just decided not to pay attention to Jiang Chen, buried her head in eating vegetables, and gritted her teeth, the deep resentment in her heart can be imagined.

Shuang'er didn't speak all the time, she just sat there quietly and ate quietly. The dress-up meeting this morning had already given her a deep understanding of Jiang Chen's bad taste, but she didn't dare to bring the flames of war to herself.

"Shuang'er, eat less vegetables and more meat, you are too thin." Jiang Chen picked up a piece of fish and put it in Shuang'er's bowl.

"Thank you Master." Shuang'er said softly.

"Stir-fried pork belly is not bad, you should eat more." Jiang Chen picked up another chopstick.

"Thank you, Master." Shuang'er's voice became softer.

"I like to eat spicy chicken." Tang Tian couldn't stand it any longer, and made a sound to express her presence.

"Pick it yourself." Jiang Chen shouted, and picked up a chopstick of spicy chicken for Shuang'er.

"I said Jiang Chen, don't you want to make love to your twins? Master makes love to female apprentices. Do you want to play so exciting?" Tang Tian deliberately sarcastically said.

"As a master, besides teaching the apprentice to practice well, he also needs to take care of the apprentice's daily life occasionally." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"It's obviously bad intentions, do you want to say it so righteously, do you think I can't see that you are a wolf if you wear a sheepskin?" Tang Tian snorted coldly.

"It looks like you really want to fuck me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Have you said it all?" Tang Tian was very annoyed.

"Well, you have to maintain this kind of self-knowledge. Don't get too hotheaded and do things beyond your control, because I will definitely reject you. You are too handsome, so you really don't feel safe." Jiang Chen was very satisfied.

Tang Tian almost couldn't control herself and wanted to pick up a pot of soup on the table and put it on Jiang Chen's head, helping Jiang Chen to perm his curly hair and disfigure his face at the same time, so as to save him from inexplicably feeling good about himself all day long.

"I didn't expect that we would meet here. What a coincidence." At this moment, a voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

The man who spoke, after greeting Jiang Chen, looked at Tang Tian and Shuang'er with a pair of eyes, turned around a few times, and finally landed on Tang Tian, ​​obviously very interested in Tang Tian.

Then the man introduced himself familiarly: "My name is Zhuang Bifan, Jiang Chen's friend. Nice to meet you."

"Jiang Chen, when did your taste become so bad that you actually have such a friend?" Tang Tian said disgustedly, she just looked around when this guy came out, she had the urge to dig out Zhuang Bifan's eyeballs.

"My taste has always been good, so of course I wouldn't have such a bad friend." Jiang Chen smiled, looked sideways at Zhuang Bifan, and said, "You must stand here."

"I have a few words to tell you, but I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient to say them here." Zhuang Bifan touched his chin, which still hurt a little after being hit by Jiang Chen.

"I'll give you 1 minute." Jiang Chen didn't intend to get up.

"Is that beautiful lady from last time still with you now? I remember, she is your teacher." Zhuang Bifan smiled narrowly. Since Jiang Chen was unwilling to change places, he was just happy to see it happen.

"Finished asking?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Zhuang Bifan said righteously: "Actually, what I want to say is that men should not be too carefree. Since you have such a beautiful girlfriend, why are you still not satisfied? These two ladies are so beautiful, how can you bear it?" trick them?"

"You are the young lady, and your whole family is a small family." Tang Tian didn't know which nerve was wrong, and she had an attack immediately. She picked up a vegetable plate and pinned it to Zhuang Bifan's face, making her want to hurt Jiang. Chen did what he didn't dare to do.

"Beauty, I'm doing it for your own good." Zhuang Bifan pretended to wipe off a vegetable leaf from his face, and said solemnly.

"Pretending to be your sister, you think I don't know what you're up to." Tang Tian picked up another dish and put it on Zhuang Bifan's face.

"The world is declining, people's hearts are not old, Jiang Chen deceives your feelings like this, why do you still protect him like this, I know he has money, but it is not his money, it is his parents' money, he is just a shameless It's just a rich second generation." Zhuang Bifan said angrily.

So, Tang Tian picked up the third plate and put it on Zhuang Bifan's face.

Zhuang Bifan was very sad and indignant, really sad and indignant, how could things have turned into this way, this style of painting is wrong.

According to the design of the plot, it should be these two beauties, or one of them, who picked up the dish and greeted Jiang Chen vigorously. After successfully completing the whole process of pretending to be aggressive, why did you greet him in the face?

Is Jiang Chen's charm so great?
However, Jiang Chen just looked like this, not handsome at all, much worse than him, well, it is true that he is rich, who told Jiang Chen to drive a better car than him, but no matter how rich he is, he is not as handsome as he is. As for this situation, or is Jiang Chen very good at bed?Claiming that the golden gun can't defeat the bully?

"If you want to be deducted from the plate again, we don't mind you standing here all the time." Shuang'er said coldly.

Zhuang Bifan waved his hands in a panic, and said stammeringly: "I don't want to, I don't want to at all..."

Zhuang Bifan stepped back, and said again: "Two beauties, believe me, Jiang Chen is not a good person, you have both been deceived by him, if you want to know more about Jiang Chen, you can call me, I will definitely I know everything and talk endlessly, by the way, my mobile phone number is 137..."


Shuang'er grabbed a vegetable plate, used it as a Frisbee, and slapped it on Zhuang Bifan's face. Immediately, Zhuang Bifan's nose bleeds profusely, and he couldn't hold it anymore, and hurried to the bathroom.

"What's the matter with that guy?" Tang Tian complained. Tang Tian, ​​who had a good meal and wanted to cultivate some atmosphere, lost her appetite at this time.

"What else could be going on, isn't his name obvious?" Jiang Chen laughed and ate the leftover dishes on the table calmly.

"Zhuang Bifan, it's true to pretend to be a criminal." Tang Tian came to her senses, overjoyed, waved her hand, and said loudly: "Waiter, order."

This meal, except for Zhuang Bifan's little episode, the rest of the time was uneventful. After eating and paying the bill, the three of them went out, and the two Porsches left one after the other.

"Picking up girls and giving them a Porsche is really rich and powerful." Zhuang Bifan, who had just come out of the bathroom, expressed his amazement. He looked at his Mercedes, no matter how it looked, it was not pleasing to the eye.

"Young Master Bai, is that guy just now Jiang Chen?" In a corner of the Wangfu Hotel, by the side of the floor-to-ceiling windows, sat two people, a middle-aged man with a slightly dark complexion, and a young man with a complexion as black as charcoal. .

It was a middle-aged man who spoke, with a trace of doubt and a trace of inquiry.

"If you heard me right, he is." The young man said slowly, he was meticulously concentrating on handling the plate of fish in front of him, holding chopsticks, picking shredded ginger and green onion, and carefully peeling the fish skin After picking out the fish skin, the young man began to deal with the fish head and tail. He seemed to be born with a strange paranoia, until it took about 10 minutes to remove all the fish tail and fish head. After being picked away, he picked up a piece of fish, slowly stuffed it into his mouth, and slowly refused.

If Zhuang Bifan was lucky enough to see this scene, Zhuang Bifan would definitely regard this person as the ancestor of the pretending world. Compared with this young man, his pretending methods are extremely low!

(End of this chapter)

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