genius evil

Chapter 183 There Is No Future To Be A Gangster

Chapter 183 There Is No Future To Be A Gangster
The young man named Bai Shao eats very carefully. He chews a small piece of fish ten times with his left teeth and ten times with his right teeth for a full 30 seconds. He waits for the saliva to completely dissolve into the fish before swallowing the fish. Here, the health guidelines provided by nutrition experts are completely implemented.

"I can't see any difference in him." The middle-aged man said.

He has already finished eating, and Young Master Bai is still eating, not because he eats too fast, in fact, every time he eats with Young Master Bai, he will intentionally slow down his eating speed, but Young Master Bai really eats too slowly, even if No matter how slow he eats, it can't compare to Bai Shao's speed.

"Why is it different?" Bai Shao didn't raise his head, picked up the second piece of fish and stuffed it into his mouth, repeating the above actions.

"What I mean is, if he is no different, would it be too overkill for the Song family to spare no expense to ask people from the Dongji team to deal with him? It's obviously killing a chicken with a bull's knife." The middle-aged man said.

"It's not to deal with, but to kill Jiang Chen." Young Master Bai corrected the middle-aged man's words very seriously. He looked very serious, and he didn't know if it was born like this or what happened.

"Dealing with Jiang Chen and killing Jiang Chen are two different things. If you just deal with it, Jiang Chen may not necessarily die, but if you kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen must die." Bai Shao said in a deep voice.

Perhaps it was because he felt that such a way of speaking was very laborious, the middle-aged man took a sip of tea from the teacup on the table, and then said, "Young Master Bai, what do you think about this matter?"

"I don't have any opinion." Bai Shao took the chopsticks to pick up the third piece of fish, and when he saw a scallion, he picked the scallion away first, and then picked up the fish and put it into his mouth.

"The purpose of the Song family's doing this is already very obvious. They are unwilling to be alone, and they want to use Jiang Chen's incident to make a sound in Tiannan City. What do you think I can think about it?" Bai Shao looked at the middle-aged man and said.

"Too ambitious, sometimes it may not be a good thing." The middle-aged man sneered.

"You don't need to tell me these words. You should tell the old man of the Song family or Song Yuan. As for whether the two of them will listen or not, I can't guarantee it." Bai Shao said mockingly.

"The Song family wants to make a sound. This is the first step. This is Yilan City after all. Even if it causes a certain amount of movement, the effect will be limited. In the final analysis, Jiang Chen is just a small person. Few people really care about his life and death. Song The family’s voice is second, he wants to tell the people of the three major families of Bai Guantong that it is not a good thing that they have land to form a backer on this side." The middle-aged man thought for a while and said.

"The land group does not belong to the Song family, and it's not up to the Song family to dictate." Young Master Bai shook his head, and said seriously: "Don't worry about such trivial matters, the Song family can't make a big deal."

"Young Master Bai, what do you mean?" The middle-aged man's eyes lighted up slightly.

Bai Shao smiled lightly, and said: "It's nothing interesting. If the Song family wants to make a sound, then let them be unable to make a sound. Of course, there is a prerequisite for this matter, that is, Jiang Chen has the qualifications for me to take action. If He is really a waste, so let's forget about this matter, I don't want to waste energy."

"Young Master Bai, you are right." The middle-aged man flattered him.

"It's nothing right or wrong. Everyone wants to fight for things like interests. It's just that some people often forget one thing, that is, self-defeating behavior is self-defeating. But this kind of thing happened to our Bai family. It can't be ignored, it's one thing to be the No. [-] family in Tiannan City that no one can shake, but it's another thing to maintain the majesty on the surface." Bai Shao said nonchalantly.

"Then I hope Jiang Chen won't be such a waste." The middle-aged man said.

Bai Shao smiled and said, "There's no need to be entangled in such trivial matters. You'll know what's going on soon. When the time comes, just make a decision."

While talking, Young Master Bai started to eat the fourth piece of fish.

"I think Jiang Chen might still be useful. If I'm not mistaken, one of the people who sat with Jiang Chen just now was from the Tang family." The middle-aged man touched his nose, looking a little Embarrassing, after all, he is not young, it always feels strange to be reprimanded by Bai Shao, even though in fact Bai Shao speaks very gently.

"That girl from the Tang family came to Yilan City to fool around, and hang out with Jiang Chen. It's nothing. Are you worried that this will cause trouble?" Bai Shao said unhurriedly.

"The Tang family still has some energy. If Jiang Chen and that girl of the Tang family are a little unclear, this matter will undoubtedly become very lively." The middle-aged man nodded.

"The Tang family always likes to hide in the dark corners and make trouble. The underground emperor on the surface is nothing but bullshit. What kind of future can there be? Being a gangster has no future in itself. If the Tang family can realize it early I might look forward to this point in the future." Bai Shao said casually.

The middle-aged man just remained silent. What he thought was a problem was not a problem in Bai Shao's eyes. It was completely because the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry, so there was no need to say anything more.

The silent middle-aged man watched Bai Shao eating fish for nearly half an hour, and saw that Bai Shao hadn't finished eating. After all, the middle-aged man couldn't help it, and said: "Bai Shao can eat fish next time." Try boiled fish fillets, that way there are no fish bones."

"I like braised fish." Bai Shao said seriously.

"Maybe you can try not to put chopped green onion and shredded ginger. In addition, you can remove the fish tail, fish bone and fish head in advance." The middle-aged man suggested in a low voice.

"Is that still braised fish? Uncle Li, you are too rigid and lack interest. Sometimes, you have to try to open your heart and enjoy life." Bai Shao gave the middle-aged man a suggestion in turn.

The corners of Uncle Li's mouth twitched wildly for a while. If this is the so-called fun, then he'd better not have such fun in his life.


Two Porsches, one in front and one behind, filed into the underground parking lot of a building.

After getting off the car, Tang Tian walked in the front and led the way, leading Jiang Chen and Shuang'er to the elevator and went straight to the eighteenth floor of the building.

"I like the number eighteen." Tang Tian said to Jiang Chen.

"Me too, but I like to send people to the [-]th floor of hell." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm not talking to you." Tang Tian was very weak, and when the elevator stopped, she was the first to rush out.

"She seems to dislike me." Jiang Chen said to Shuang'er.

Shuang'er couldn't laugh or cry, she said: "Miss has always been like this."

As for what it has always been, it depends on how Jiang Chen understands it.

"With such a temper, you still follow her all the time. You are really wronged." Jiang Chen expressed sympathy.


Over there, Tang Tian walked to a gate, she waved to Jiang Chen and Shuang'er, and said, "Hurry up, you two."

When Jiang Chen and Shuang'er walked over, Tang Tian pushed the door open forcefully, then smiled triumphantly at Jiang Chen, "How about it, isn't it a pleasant surprise?"

This is a large meeting room, which can accommodate almost two hundred people. At this moment, the meeting room is full of people's heads, and there are no empty seats.

At first glance, there is a large area of ​​darkness, which has a feeling of horror.

"Yeah, very pleasantly surprised." Jiang Chen murmured, although he didn't expect much from Tang Tian's surprise, but that's what happened.

"Jiang Shao." In the front seat of the meeting room, a figure sitting there respectfully stood up suddenly, bowed ninety degrees to Jiang Chen, and said respectfully.

"Jiang Shao." Following that person's movement, the rest of the people bowed towards Jiang Chen one after another.

"Sister-in-law." The man bowed to Tang Tian again, and the others naturally followed suit.

"Miss Shuang'er." Everyone bowed to Shuang'er again.

"Isn't it very imposing." Tang Tian called it a joy.

"It turns out that the so-called surprise is that you took advantage of me." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, and that "sister-in-law" clearly meant that he regarded Tang Tian as his woman.

"It's just a title, don't worry about these insignificant details." Tang Tian scolded and acted coquettishly, beckoning the smiling guy with a rotten chrysanthemum to come over.

That guy trotted over and asked, "Sister-in-law, do you have any orders? Or is there something wrong with what I did?"

"I didn't tell you, but you did a good job. I'm very satisfied." Tang Tian said in an old-fashioned way, with the virtue of a sister-in-law, "Keep it up."

"Okay." Rotten Chrysanthemum nodded vigorously.

"Gong Xi, explain what's going on here." Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

This rotten chrysanthemum was none other than Gong Xi who had dealt with Jiang Chen once. Gong Xi was very good at being a person and doing things. Jiang Chen still had a little impression of this guy.

Gong Xi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Tang Tian suspiciously. Tang Tian felt slightly embarrassed, twisted her waist and said, "Jiang Chen, I told you not to worry about the details."

While talking, Tang Tian dragged Jiang Chen to the outside of the meeting room, and explained to Jiang Chen in a murmur.

At the end, Tang Tian looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, and pretended to be shy and said: "I know you are very busy and have no interest in these things, so I will come forward to help you clean up these wandering soldiers. Dust, you won't blame me, will you?"

Jiang Chen had dealt with several underground forces before and after, one was Xie Sanyuan, one was on the bald side, and Brother Sniper counted as one. Except for Gong Xi, Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to the three forces.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was quite surprised, because Tang Tian actually organized all the people from these three parties together, of course, in the name of Jiang Chen's woman.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Tang Tian, ​​a woman, to subdue these thorns in such a short period of time.

"I haven't been a big brother for many years." Jiang Chen sighed, he didn't know what to say.

"It's good to be the big brother once in a while." Tang Tian said immediately.

"The problem is, it's really hopeless to join the underworld." Jiang Chen sighed again.

"No, you don't need to mess around, just leave such a small matter to me, and I'll mess around." Tang Tian slapped her chest, as if she would go through fire and water for Jiang Chen, laughing so hard that even her teeth hurt. popped up...

(End of this chapter)

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