genius evil

Chapter 184 Bauhinia Blooms Forever

Chapter 184 Bauhinia Blooms Forever
There is no future for gangsters!

Typical old cadre style, listen to how good these words are, how high-minded they are, worthy of being a master for others, and the level of speaking is so good, Tang Tian is about to die of laughter.

You know, what Tang Tian is doing now is very suspected of stealing the fruit of Jiang Chen's labor. Tang Tian is undoubtedly guilty, worried that Jiang Chen will be furious, and even more worried that Jiang Chen will kick him away, how far will she go? How far to go.

So, Tang Tian invited Jiang Chen to dinner, and dressed herself as sexy and beautiful as possible, so that Jiang Chen could take pity on her for the sake of her pretty face.

Therefore, Tang Tian's behavior today has always been strange and awkward, because she wants to please Jiang Chen, but she can't be too direct. It's too difficult, especially for a woman who has never flattered a man but has only been flattered by a man.

After entering the meeting room, Tang Tian felt even more guilty when everything was revealed. She thought about a lot of questions at once. What if Jiang Chen didn't show her face and exposed her in front of everyone?So wouldn't all her efforts be wasted, and the prestige she had finally built up would be destroyed in one go?
Well, even if Jiang Chen didn't expose it face to face, but expressed dissatisfaction behind his back, that wouldn't work, because that would mean that Jiang Chen would take back his rights, and she was completely making Jiang Chen's wedding dress.

God knows how cautious Tang Tian was when explaining the cause and effect to Jiang Chen, she acted coquettishly and flirtatiously, and even used completely unfamiliar tricks.

Then, Jiang Chen said that there is no future for gangsters, which completely ended the topic.

Does the underworld have a future?

Of course there are, big ones, anything, at least Tang Tian thinks so.

Jiang Chen thinks that there is no future, so let Jiang Chen think it, what a perfect excuse, Jiang Chen himself gave her an excuse that she couldn't find after racking his brains, if it wasn't for the performance If you were more reserved, Tang Tian almost wanted to laugh three times.

"You?" Jiang Chen didn't care what Tang Tian was thinking, and looked at Tang Tian with interest.

Tang Tian nodded like a chick pecking at rice, and quickly said: "Yes, it's me, I can do it, please believe me."

"Girls are gangsters, they have no future, and no one will want them." Jiang Chen thought about Tang Tian.

"It doesn't matter, isn't there still you here?" Tang Tian cast a wink at Jiang Chen unskillfully.

"The problem is, I don't like you." Jiang Chen was very worried.

"That's okay, just let me be lonely forever." Tang Tian gritted her teeth.

"It's good to have such an awareness. After all, your breasts are really too small. It's very difficult to find a man. I'm worried that you won't be able to bear such a blow." Jiang Chen felt relieved.

"I'll take it." Tang Tian tried her best to look more energetic.

"It's a very annoying thing to fight and kill." Jiang Chen said again.

"I have been fighting and killing since I was a child, and every time I am excited, I wish I could chop more. The feeling of cutting people is like cutting melons, it's so cool!" Tang Tian was really excited, no matter whether there was such a thing, Anyway, bragging is not against the law, but you can brag vigorously.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hot-blooded side. It's quite impressive, but I still think, girls, it's fine to embroider, cook, have children." Jiang Chen still thinks about Tang Tian.

"I'm different from other women. I don't like to chop vegetables with a knife, but I like to chop people with a knife." Tang Tian said loudly.

"It's really a strange hobby, so let's make a happy decision." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Really? Jiang Chen, you want to hand them over to me, right?" Tang Tian's eyes were as bright as light bulbs.

"Have I ever said something like this? You are so capable of fighting and hacking, you dare to fight and fight, so you just happen to be my number one hitter. Besides, you will be alone in the future, and you won't even have to take maternity leave. I like to use it the most." Such a person." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tang Tian was dumbfounded, became mad, and yelled: "Are you kidding me?"

"This is a promising career." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Ahh..." Tang Tian yelled again, as if she had been trampled by Jiang Chen a hundred times.

"You said that there is no future for being in the underworld." Tang Tian asked with a sad face. She was low and subdued, and she didn't want this kind of result.

Number one hitter?

It sounds like something interesting, but God knows what the hell it is!

She is a majestic young lady of the Tang family, who is destined to do something big, even if she doesn't look at her courage to do something big, for the sake of her face, she can't be allowed to do it.

"Yeah, I also feel that there is no future, but the question is, haven't I already boarded your thief ship?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"You can get off the boat at any time." Tang Tian pulled her cheeks, showing a smile that was uglier than crying.

"I suddenly felt that it would be nice to stay on this boat." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Fighting and killing are not suitable for you." Tang Tian was so earnest.

"Of course it's not suitable for me, so I need someone like you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"How can I be considered a talented person? At best, I can only embroider, cook and have children. Besides, maybe I suddenly want to find a man at that time. Maternity leave is very troublesome. What if I become addicted to having children? If you give birth to ten or eight children, you will lose a lot." Tang Tian was about to cry, she doesn't play with people like this.

"Isn't there still me? Maybe I'll suddenly fall in love with you then." Jiang Chen smiled.

"The two of us don't call." Tang Tian was very serious.

"Emotions, it's impossible to say, if you don't call now, maybe you will call if you are everywhere, and, look at my face, what a handsome face, you prostrate yourself under my jeans , it's obviously a matter of time." Jiang Chen was bursting with confidence.

"I don't like men in jeans." Tang Tian tried hard to fight for herself.

"I can wear suit pants, or don't wear pants. My leg hair is very sexy. Do you want to see it?" Jiang Chen asked sincerely.

"Forget it, I don't have such weird hobbies, Jiang Chen, you really don't think about it anymore. People like you will undoubtedly do big things in the future. The gangster structure is too small. To you, it's like Long trapped in the shallows, you won't be able to display your talent." Tang Tian flattered her with a slap.

"I like the way you flatter. Although what you say is the truth, in order to hear more about your flattering in the future, promise me that you will be my number one thug. Five insurances and one gold are all available. Meals, cars, houses, telephones, and more Everything is available...don't refuse in a hurry, and tell me what you think after you think it through." Jiang Chen threw Tang Tian a sentence, and before Tang Tian could speak, he walked into the meeting room.

Tang Tian scratched her hair, stomped her feet, wanting to cry, she felt that she was going to be spoiled by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was obviously paraphrasing her previous words.

"Young Master Jiang."

Just as Jiang Chen entered the meeting room, overwhelming voices rang out.

Jiang Chen pressed his hands and said with a smile: "Low-key, low-key, I've always liked low-key."


Some people laughed out loud when they heard Jiang Chen's words.

"As for why I like to keep a low profile, it is because whenever someone is high-profile in front of me, I will make him unable to be high-profile for the rest of his life. Can you understand this? It is actually very simple. It means that when someone When it makes me feel uncomfortable, I have a hundred ways at any time to make that guy unhappy for the rest of his life." Looking around, Jiang Chen showed his white teeth and smiled.


No one dared to laugh anymore, no one even dared to make an extra movement, no matter whether they were sitting or standing, they all remained motionless.

"I'm not interested in your origins, nor in your names, nor in what you've done to kill a few people, and I'm not interested. Next, the only thing you need to do is to obey absolutely. Of course, you still have to There is another thing that can be done, that is, let me send you to hell with my own hands, does anyone want to try?" Jiang Chen smiled brighter.

The oppressive atmosphere swept across the entire meeting room silently, and everyone was so angry that they didn't dare to breathe out.

"Oh, by the way, you can doubt what I said, anyone can, after all, I am still very gentle and easy to speak, I have always been fair and democratic, never talk about it, and never lose my temper. Now, some people doubt If so, please show me your hand." The expression on Jiang Chen's face was extraordinarily gentle and harmless.

The oppressive atmosphere turned into chilling, like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. All the people felt that there was a scythe of death hanging above their heads, which could cut their necks at any time.

"Well, I appreciate your attitude, but appreciating your attitude does not mean that I appreciate you people. In fact, any one of you here is not even qualified to let me take a second look." Jiang Chen's tone It's getting colder.

"Don't feel unconvinced in your heart, and don't think I'm joking. Wait until someone among you has the courage to stand in front of me, and then come and bargain with me." Jiang Chen's words were like knives , cut a knife in everyone's heart.

"Bauhinia blooms forever!"

I don't know who it is, but suddenly, I yelled.

"Bauhinia blooms forever!"

"Bauhinia blooms forever!"


A deafening sound filled the entire meeting room.

Tang Tian in the corridor outside the door pinched her earlobe with her hand. She thought she was having auditory hallucinations. After confirming that it was not, her eyes suddenly became a little moist.

"Why do you have the urge to cry?" Tang Tian blinked her eyes and whispered softly. She walked to the door, looked at the man standing there, and suddenly felt that she would never forget what happened today in her whole life. This scene.

"Bauhinia blossoms forever." She said, her voice could only be heard by herself, because she was talking to herself, she was that redbud flower, the most beautiful redbud flower in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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