genius evil

Chapter 185 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice

Chapter 185 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice
A high-power telescope is mounted on the window, and through the telescope, you can vaguely see what is happening in the meeting room of the building.

Bai Shao took a few glances, then returned to the sofa, picked up the red wine glass that was placed aside, the amber liquid was scarlet like blood under the light.

The wine glass was gently shaking in Bai Shao's hand, and he played the most standard sobering technique to the fullest.

"Maybe if I want to take back what I said earlier, this Jiang Chen still has some meaning." Uncle Li said.

"Oh, what is this? A brainwashing conference?" Bai Shao said with a smile after taking a sip of red wine.

"Uh—" Uncle Li was stunned.

"What kind of tricks can you play with the means of making small troubles." Bai Shao crossed his legs and drove the conversation to continue at his own rhythm.

Uncle Li smiled coquettishly, and said in a bull-headed tone: "That girl from the Tang family has said since she was a child that she wanted to organize a gang organization called the Bauhinia Society, but she never thought that she really did it. Undefeated, very interesting."

"A little game of playing house." Young Master Bai shook his head, and said, "The Tang family made this girl mess around, it seems that the Tang family is determined to go all the way to the dark."

"This girl hasn't been in Yilan City for a long time, so it's not bad to be able to play for this kind of sake." Uncle Li reminded.

Young Master Bai suddenly laughed, and said, "Let's see what she can do. It seems that Bai Tong really likes her."

"The relationship between Jiang Chen and her?" Uncle Li frowned.

"Jiang Chen will soon be in the past tense." Young Master Bai got serious.

Uncle Li just turned around and looked over there again through the binoculars. He really felt that it was too much effort to talk to Young Master Bai. Perhaps, this is the case for people with character.

As a butler, the last thing he needs is character.


"Miss." Shuang'er came out at some point and stood beside Tang Tian.

"I'm fine." Tang Tian said.

"Master is really powerful." Shuang'er said.

Tang Tian glanced at Shuang'er, and then at Shuang'er again, to make sure that Shuang'er didn't mean to comfort herself, her puffed up mouth was enough to hang a soy sauce bottle.

"He's fine and I'm fine." Tang Tian said.

"Yeah, I'll be busy soon, Miss, your wish will come true soon." Shuang'er sighed.

"My wish?" Tang Tian was stunned, and immediately reacted, and said in a voice: "Bauhinia? Bauhinia Society?"

Shuang'er looked at Tang Tian in surprise, what kind of nerve is this?
"Yes, you are right, this is the Bauhinia Club, the Bauhinia Club I want." Tang Tian said loudly.

Shuang'er expressed that she couldn't understand Tang Tian's inexplicable excitement. Moreover, Tang Tian was only excited at this time. Could this reaction be too slow?
"This is just the beginning." Shuang'er poured a basin of cold water on Tang Tian.

"A very good start." Tang Tian clenched her fists, a strange light shone in her eyes.

"But I didn't know about this at the beginning, Miss, you can keep it from Master, but why are you also keeping it from me?" Shuang'er complained, this feeling of not being trusted was very bad.

"I didn't hide it from you. I have many uncertain factors. Now, I know which direction I should work hard." Tang Tian clenched her fists tighter, trembling with excitement.

Shuang'er stared blankly at Tang Tian, ​​and said, "Do you want to call the master and report the matter here?"

"It can only be regarded as a small surprise right now. If you want a big surprise, call him again. Besides, do you think he won't know what happened here? The old fox has many tricks." Tang Tian curled her lips.

Shuang'er just smiled and said: "Master will be very happy."

"Don't care if he's happy or not, I'll just be happy." Tang Tian didn't care about the old fox's thoughts at home.

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Shuang'er said silently.

Ten minutes later, downstairs in the building, Tang Tian climbed into Jiang Chen's car, Jiang Chen glanced sideways at Tang Tian who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and said lightly: "I won't take you home .”

"I don't want to go home yet, you can take me for a drive, but the air in the city is too bad, let's go to the suburbs, the less people the better." Tang Tian gave Jiang Chen a dazzling look.

"Go to the suburbs, are you sure?" Jiang Chen glanced at Tang Tian again, why did he feel that the girl's mental state was a bit abnormal.

"Sure, let's go quickly." Tang Tian urged.

It was still very early, Jiang Chen slept all afternoon, and he was in a good state of mind. Since Tang Tian had such a request, it was not impossible to meet it. She kicked the accelerator and drove away, while Shuang'er drove back to Guilan. Garden villa, did not go together.

"The stars are twinkling tonight, the moonlight is like a tulle, falling on the body, like a lover's touch, the heart is throbbing, and the desire is rising..." Tang Tian said to herself.

"Little girl, can I ask you one thing, when you are literary, can you turn off your mobile phone, you are plagiarizing, do you know that?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Tang Tian giggled: "I just think this passage is very interesting, so I'll read it to you. You must not have bad thoughts. Really, please don't have any."

"I don't have any at all." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Oh, it seems too artistic, so let's have a more intense one." Tang Tian searched and searched with her mobile phone, and quickly found a paragraph, "Under the moonlight, her skin is as crystal clear as satin, exuding a seductive beauty." The charm of the heart and soul, her red lips are like blooming roses, the faint fragrance..."

"Stop!" Jiang Chen hastily interrupted.

"This passage is well written." Tang Tian looked at Jiang Chen innocently.

"It's too yellow." Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian like he was insane, what's going on with this girl tonight?

"How can it be yellow? Besides, can the matter of scholars be called yellow? This is called art." Tang Tian yelled, and said, "I'll read it to you again, and you will know what yellow is."

"The big bed is shaking, the woman's two snow-white jade legs are hooked around the man's strong waist, following the man's movements..."


Jiang Chen braked and stopped the car.

"Are you seducing me?" Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian with a half-smile.

His eyes flickered, and he said pretendingly: "I don't have any, I'm still young, I don't know how to seduce men."

Having said that, Tang Tian's heart was full of joy.

That's right, she was seducing Jiang Chen, but how could she admit such a thing, even if it was seduction, she had to be reserved.

Of course, if restraint is not enough, then be more enthusiastic and unrestrained.

"Didn't you realize that your seduction technique is very clumsy." Jiang Chen looked into Tang Tian's eyes.

"Oh, I really didn't seduce you. It's just that the literary cells are on fire tonight. I told you not to think too much. You said you didn't think too much, but you obviously did." Tang Tian refused to admit it.

Jiang Chen pulled the seat to the end, then suddenly stretched out a hand to Tang Tian, ​​hugged Tang Tian, ​​and put it on his lap.

Tang Tian's soft body was slightly stiff, but she let go soon, her hands wrapped around Jiang Chen's neck, and she snuggled into Jiang Chen's arms.

"You say no, but your body is quite honest." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No, this is you seducing me, which is fundamentally different from me seducing you." Tang Tian remained stubborn.

"You are playing with fire." Jiang Chen had to remind.

Although he has always looked down on Tang Tian's figure, but that's just lip service. In fact, this hot chick is actually very charming.

Hugged in his arms like this, the beautiful woman in his arms is as light as boneless, with a faint fragrance that makes Jiang Chen want to move.

"I said it's not my problem, it's your own problem." Tang Tianjiao snorted, I just don't admit it, even if you see through it, I won't admit it.

"Have I ever told you one thing, in the relationship between men and women, I prefer women to take the initiative?" Jiang Chen whispered in Tang Tian's ear.

The warm breath sprayed on her face, Tang Tian's body became soft like water, and her eyes became blurred. She raised her neck and looked at Jiang Chen's face, as if she wanted to see Jiang Chen clearly. Chen's appearance seemed to be to see clearly whether Jiang Chen's words were true or not.

After watching for a while, Tang Tian's face slowly approached, and she licked Jiang Chen's mouth gently, like a kitten drinking water.

After a while, Tang Tian licked again, Jiang Chen didn't give Tang Tian a third chance, he pressed Tang Tian's head with one hand, and kissed it viciously.

It wasn't until Tang Tian's face turned red and she was about to suffocate that Jiang Chen let Tang Tian go.

"You seduced me because of the Bauhinia Society?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

Tang Tian rubbed her face with her hands, and hummed embarrassedly.

"Is the price too high?" It was rare for Jiang Chen to see Tang Tian like this. He stretched out a hand and pinched her face.

Tang Tian was not used to it, so she grabbed Jiang Chen's hand to prevent him from moving, and said, "Before, I thought about letting Shuang'er seduce you and asking you to do things for me, and I also thought about making Lin Baobao Push it to you and let her harm you, now, I suddenly realize that as long as I turn myself into your woman, then everything you have will be mine."

While talking, Tang Tian giggled, as if she had created a great logic.

Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian like an idiot, and couldn't help but said, "It may not all be yours."

"Of course it's all mine. Even your people are mine. Is there anything else that's not mine?" Tang Tian said as a matter of course.

"Don't be afraid, you won't get my heart even if you get my people." Jiang Chen pretended to be entangled.

Tang Tian smiled and said: "I don't need your heart, I want you, don't struggle, just follow me as a little girl, and I promise to make you famous in the future."

"Sounds pretty good, but unfortunately, I may not ask you to accept you." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Why don't you accept it? I am so beautiful, with such a thin waist and such long legs. It's just that my breasts are a little smaller, but can I still grow up?" Tang Tian was very angry, and the more she spoke, the more angry she became. Hugging Jiang Chen's neck, he took the initiative to send his own passionate kiss, and muttered inarticulately: "The man I like, you can't escape, I'm going to cook raw rice tonight Mature rice, let's see where you go."

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

Just when Tang Tian was about to try her best to subdue Jiang Chen, a dissonant sound of knocking on the car window suddenly resounded!
(End of this chapter)

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