genius evil

Chapter 187 Horizontal Push

Chapter 187 Horizontal Push
Song Shi was blasted back by Jiang Chen for the second time. Although he was not injured, Song Shi already understood that he could not be Jiang Chen's opponent.

Jiang Chen was stronger than he expected, which made Song Shi realize that if he said something bad, he would not be able to kill Jiang Chen, but would instead give his life here.

Song Shi just hesitated, he realized that this battle was meaningless, because to be precise, at this point, the confrontation between him and Jiang Chen was no longer a real battle. He didn't even have a chance to make a move, and he was extremely passive. This was something that had never happened before.

If this continues, the final result will be either death or serious injury. Song Shi doesn't want to die or get hurt. He just joined the ground team not long ago, but he is a member of the lowest level of black iron level. He knows that he will definitely change in the future. Strong, not to mention hitting the silver level and the legendary gold level, at least, it is still possible to hit the bronze level.

Before becoming strong enough, Song Shi didn't want to die by Jiang Chen's hands like this, otherwise even if he died, he would die with regret.

With his mind spinning, Song Shi hurriedly retreated a dozen steps back with the strength of Jiang Chen's fist, then turned around and was about to run.

However, just after running two steps away, Song Shi had no choice but to stop. At some point, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"What do you want to do?" Song Shi said in surprise.

"Of course I'm sending you to die, otherwise how can I be worthy of your name." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Jiang Chen, you are so crazy, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Song Shi's face was ugly, how could Jiang Chen's speed be so fast, as if he knew his thoughts in advance, which made him Deeply disturbed.

"I don't need you to be afraid of me. A dead person won't be afraid." Jiang Chen shook his head, looking at Song Shi like a dead person.

"If you want to kill me, then I will send you to die first." Song Shi was angry. He was not really afraid of Jiang Chen, but he just didn't want to do things that were uncertain. There was no way out, Song Shi could only Choose desperately.

In a flash, the figure kicked out with a kick.

At the same time, Song Shi clenched his fists with both hands, and punched Jiang Chen in the middle in a crushing way from both temples.

Jiang Chen laughed, and at the same time Song Shi kicked, he didn't retreat but advanced, and bumped straight into it, like a human flesh crushing machine.

Song Shi obviously didn't expect that Jiang Chen would have such a desperate style of attack. Following Jiang Chen's charge, he subconsciously changed the arc of the attack, changing it from a side kick to a whip kick.

One leg was like a long whip, sweeping straight to Jiang Chen's waist.

But soon, Song Shi found that he had missed this leg. Jiang Chen's speed was too fast. Almost at the same time as he changed his attack method, Jiang Chen had already appeared in front of him, and then Song Shi felt that his His chest felt as if he had been hit by a car, and he flew backward uncontrollably.

Jiang Chen charged straight up, and before Song Shi could react, he suddenly stepped down on Song Shi's chest. Song Shi's expression changed, and he rolled a few hastily, and rolled to the side.

But his speed was fast, and Jiang Chen's speed was even faster. When Song Shi was rolling, he kicked Song Shi on the back, kicking Song Shi like a football, and fell four or five meters away.

"This feeling is really good." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Jiang Chen said excitedly.

Since his rebirth, Jiang Chen's life, even though it wasn't smooth sailing, had always felt in his bones that such a life lacked passion.

But now, Jiang Chen understood what the lack of passion was.

It's fight!
He lacks a hearty fight!

The opponents he encountered were too weak to make him want to fight, and they were not even considered opponents.

The guy in front of him named Song Shi, although he is not too strong, but at any rate, Jiang Chen can make a shot with all his strength without any scruples.

Therefore, this kind of battle is more like a kind of venting to Jiang Chen.

After rebirth, the frustration from the beginning, the inexplicable plotting by others, and the depression of throwing himself into the lake, all in this one-sided battle, have been vented to a certain extent.

After a sentence, Jiang Chen continued to use his speed and abnormal horizontal push ability to attack Song Shi.

"The speed is too slow, are you not full?"

"The strength is too weak, well, it seems that you really haven't had enough to eat."

"The avoidance range and angle are wrong, are you dancing in the square?"

"The way of exerting force is wrong, you should be like me."


Jiang Chen was chattering, and suddenly he whipped his leg and sent Song Shi flying.

"See clearly, this is the real whip leg." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


Song Shi opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, like a kicked ball, fell to the ground and couldn't move anymore.

"It seems that our evaluation of Jiang Chen has to be raised to a higher level." Inside the car, Uncle Li said suddenly.

Bai Shao glanced at Uncle Li, smiled, and said, "Not one, but half. If he can live another week, it will be one. But, can he live until then?"

Uncle Li thought for a while, and really wanted to talk about sound energy, but when the words came to his lips, he said: "Someone in the Song family will go crazy."

"If you want to blame, blame Song Shi for not picking the name well. Song Shi deserves to die." Bai Shao squinted and smiled, beckoning: "Let's go, the nightlife has just begun. It was really a pleasant night."

This night, for Jiang Chen and Tang Tian, ​​the nightlife also kicked off at this time.

Tang Tian opened the car door, jumped onto Jiang Chen's body, hung herself in Jiang Chen's arms like a koala, and offered her a sweet kiss.

"Jiang Chen, you are really amazing." Tang Tian trembled with excitement.

It wasn't the first time Tang Tian saw Jiang Chen make a move. That time, in Guilanyuan villa, Jiang Chen dodged the bullet miraculously and subdued Xie Sanyuan.

However, even though such a scene is very exciting, how can there be such blood and violence tonight in such a confrontation?
If the process of Jiang Chen and Xie Sanyuan's fight is described as a Hong Kong movie, then the battle between Jiang Chen and Song Shi is completely a Hollywood blockbuster.

"That's right, I've always been this good." Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"Really, be humble and die."

"Aren't you afraid?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Afraid?" Tang Tian giggled and said, "Have you forgotten who this lady is? This lady comes from a gangster family, and she has chopped down more people than you have eaten... Hey, look at it this way What do I mean, do you think I'm lying... Well, I'm indeed lying, I haven't cut people off, right? "

Tang Tian wanted to show off, but how could she escape Jiang Chen's piercing eyes, she soon retreated steadily under Jiang Chen's eyes, and her voice became lower and lower.

"Then are you afraid or not?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Of course it's... so scary, woo..." Tang Tian's eyes rolled around, and she said coquettishly: "Touch and see, is his heart beating so fast, he's about to be scared to death."

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, is this also called fear?
This chick was clearly trying her best to seduce him.


(End of this chapter)

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