genius evil

Chapter 188 The Possibility of Relying on Your Face to Eat

Chapter 188 The Possibility of Relying on Your Face to Eat

As the night gradually deepened, the car stopped shaking. Tang Tian's soft body huddled in the back seat, breathing lightly, sleeping soundly.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged under a tree, his figure blended into the night, motionless, like a wooden sculpture.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I saw Jiang Chen's shoulders on both sides tremble slightly, followed by the sound of joints bursting.

The sound was so small that it was almost inaudible, but after the cracking sound of joints, Jiang Chen's shoulders trembled faster and faster.

Slowly, Jiang Chen's facial features began to undergo twitch-like changes, twisting and deforming, until it was a little hideous. This time lasted for about 5 minutes, and Jiang Chen's complexion gradually returned to calm.

But after the facial expression recovered, there was another cracking sound of joints, Jiang Chen opened his arms, and a low muffled sound came out from deep in his throat.


At this moment, the sleeves swelled and burst open, and veins appeared on the exposed arms, like little blue snakes swimming above the arms.

With a few "clicks, clicks", Jiang Chen twisted his neck and stood up from the ground. His body was swollen and filled as if he had inflated it, and his loose clothes were stretched out. Many places exploded.

"It's really a waste of clothes." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The third layer of body quenching is complete." Then, Jiang Chen said slowly again.

From breaking through the second layer of body tempering to tonight, the time is not very long. According to Jiang Chen's original plan, he still needs to drink medicine for a period of time before he can break through the third layer of body tempering.

Just like the first level of body tempering, it is to temper the coordination of the body, but it is the most basic entry level. The change is from the outside to the inside, which can be regarded as the body quenching stage, a more critical stage.

Breaking through the third layer of body quenching, the most important thing is not the change of strength, but the change of the body from the outside to the inside.

Therefore, regarding this breakthrough, Jiang Chen has always maintained a cautious attitude. He would rather slow down and spend a little more time, and he is not willing to have an imperfect situation.

But tonight's confrontation with Song Shi unintentionally let Jiang Chen get a certain degree of venting of the suffocation that had been pent up in his chest.

In other words, it was Jiang Chen's state of mind that had inadvertently achieved a breakthrough. This kind of breakthrough can be large or small, but for Jiang Chen, it played a vital role.

Coupled with Tang Tian's hot style, Jiang Chen's state of mind was further released, and his whole body was in a state of no pressure. This is why Jiang Chen will choose to make a breakthrough tonight. reason.And in the end, he achieved the most perfect effect he wanted.

Jiang Chen broke through the third layer of Body Tempering, and his height grew again, reaching a height of about 1.7 meters. His facial features and temperament also underwent further changes.

Even though there was still a trace of innocence between the brows of the weak and immature boy back then, the gradually tougher facial lines and the gradually three-dimensional facial features undoubtedly made Jiang Chen look more attractive.

Just pondering for a while, Jiang Chen opened the trunk of the car, took out the clothes he bought earlier, changed his clothes, climbed into the car, and drove away.

In Villa No.18 of Guilan Garden, Jiang Chen parked the car outside the yard, picked Tang Tian up, and walked inside.

"Master." Shuang'er came out from the inside, and was slightly surprised to see Jiang Chen holding Tang Tian in his arms.

"Tang Tian is asleep, which room does she sleep in?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Second come with me..." Shuang'er led the way ahead, not knowing what the situation was.

When Jiang Chen put Tang Tian on the bed and turned around, Shuang'er realized that Jiang Chen seemed to be a little different.

It seems that she has grown a lot taller, and she seems to have become a lot more handsome... Such a discovery is undoubtedly extremely strange, and it gave her a strange feeling.

"You, master?" Shuang'er pointed at Jiang Chen's face, dumbfounded.

"A little thing happened." Jiang Chen pointed to his face, and said with a smile: "I know I am more handsome, so don't be so surprised, or I will be shy."

Having said that, Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest bit of shy expression on his face. He looked as if he wished others would find out that he had become handsome, which was incomparably embarrassing.

"Master is still as narcissistic as ever." Shuang'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, that little bit of strangeness disappeared in an instant, because she realized that Jiang Chen's words like this were no longer narcissistic.

To be exact, Jiang Chen now has enough narcissistic capital.

The height of about 1.7 meters is not so outstanding, it can only be regarded as just passing the passing line, the tough facial lines and three-dimensional facial features, although it is not enough to make Jiang Chen so handsome, but for those who have not had the opportunity to rely on For Jiang Chen, who has a face to eat, this is a very big improvement.

Then maybe one day, Jiang Chen will really be able to rely on his face for a living.


For Jiang Chen, who will soon be able to rely on his face for food, this night is undoubtedly a wonderful night, but for everyone in the Meng family, this night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Meng Xiangyang died, along with Meng Xiangyang, and Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian. Judging from the current situation, the three died by shooting each other indiscriminately.

This is an unacceptable result for the Meng family.

"Where is He Huiming? Has anyone found it?" Meng Xingnan asked in a deep voice.

"Still looking, there is no news for now." A middle-aged man replied cautiously.

"Then what are you doing here? Find it for me. Immediately. If you live, you want to see people, if you want to die, you want to see corpses." Meng Xingnan was angry.

Ever since the news of Meng Xiangyang's death came out, Meng Xingnan had been sending people to look for He Huiming. Meng Xingnan realized that He Huiming might be a key clue in this incident.

However, after mobilizing all the strength of the Meng family and searching for it for so long, there is still no news at all. How can this make Meng Xingnan not angry.

"Yes." The middle-aged man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and left quickly.

"You look for me too." Looking around, Meng Xingnan said to the rest of the Meng family.

Soon, only Meng Xingnan, Meng Xiaoyang and Kong Yujie were left in the huge living room.

Meng Xiaoyang's face was sluggish, while Kong Yujie's was sad, but at this moment, Meng Xingnan didn't have the heart to comfort the two of them, so he picked up the cold tea on the table and drank a big gulp.

"This matter is weird." Suddenly, Meng Xiaoyang said.

"What do you mean?" Meng Xingnan looked at Meng Xiaoyang.

Meng Xiaoyang said: "Dad, have you read the document found in the Shi family's villa? There was no signature on the document. That is to say, even if Shi Qingping did not agree to the conditions of the eldest brother, he has no reason to kill."

"What if Xiang Yang forced him to sign with a gun?" Meng Xingnan asked in a muffled voice.

"This is even more unreasonable. If the eldest brother forced Shi Qingping with a gun, would Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian have a chance to shoot? Dad, don't forget that the eldest brother is a member of the shooting club. He would not give Shi Qingping a shot. Ping and Yao Xiaoqian's chance to shoot." Meng Xiaoyang said quickly.

"Huh?" Meng Xingnan's eyes were slightly surprised. Meng Xiaoyang's words were correct. Indeed, Meng Xiangyang would not have made such a stupid mistake. Otherwise, how could he have gone to Shi's house alone?It must have been well prepared earlier.

"In that case, where is the problem?" Meng Xingnan said to himself.

"I suspect that this is a conspiracy." Meng Xiaoyang said in a low voice.

"You think too much." Meng Xingnan waved his hand, it was a conspiracy, but it was a conspiracy created by Meng Xiangyang, and then Meng Xiangyang became the victim of the conspiracy created by himself, which is undoubtedly very ironic.

"Dad, I didn't think too much, you trust me." Meng Xiaoyang was a little anxious, and said quickly, "I heard about one thing. Some time ago, the Shi family hired an assassin to kill Jiang Chen."

"Are you suspicious of Jiang Chen?" Meng Xingnan frowned.

"Can't you doubt him?" Meng Xiaoyang asked back.

"Reason?" Meng Xingnan said.

"There is no reason, I just doubt him. Besides, do we really need a reason to doubt Jiang Chen? If we really need a reason, then we need a reason, a reason that we can openly seek revenge from Jiang Chen. Now, here comes the reason." "Meng Xiaoyang said recklessly.

Meng Xiaoyang's hatred for Jiang Chen was not just a speck. Thanks to Jiang Chen, his life during this period was meaningless. In addition, Meng Xiangyang's inexplicable death made Meng Xiaoyang's hatred for Jiang Chen even more intangible. It has deepened a lot, or it is because of fear... He is afraid that he will be like Meng Xiangyang, who will not know how he will die someday... So, even though this matter has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Meng Xiaoyang decided to take Jiang Chen to death. Dust was dragged into the water.

"It's a good reason, but it's not evidence." Meng Xingnan thought for a while, then shook his head slowly.

"Dad, no matter what, Jiang Chen must die, otherwise our Meng family will have no peace." Meng Xiaoyang said loudly.

"Xingnan, Xiaoyang is right. Jiang Chen must die. Even if this matter has nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen must die." Kong Yujie, who had been silent all this time, spoke. The pain of losing her son made her That rather graceful and luxurious face was extremely mean.

"This is not an easy task." Meng Xingnan sighed, he didn't want Jiang Chen to die, but how could Jiang Chen handle it so easily.

"Xingnan, I have an idea..." Kong Yujie said her idea with a distorted light in his eyes.

After listening, Meng Xingnan's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Yu Jie, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. In order to let Jiang Chen die, I can pay any price. Moreover, like Xiaoyang, I suspect that Jiang Chen is behind this matter. Jiang Chen is not dead, so I feel uneasy." Kong Yujie grimaced. Said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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