genius evil

Chapter 189 She Turned Me Into Her Man

Chapter 189 She Turned Me Into Her Man
The weather became warmer day by day, and the morning breeze by the Weiming Lake made Jiang Chen drowsy, and Jiang Chen really fell asleep.

Shuang'er, who was hitting the water surface with a willow branch, was full of helplessness.

With such a master at the booth, she really has nothing to do.But who told her to worship Jiang Chen as her teacher in a feverish manner?

Till she was exhausted, Shuang'er sat down beside Jiang Chen and asked, "Master, didn't anything happen between you and Miss last night?"

The scene of Jiang Chen carrying Tang Tian back to the villa last night made Shuang'er incomparably curious. In her impression, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Tang Tian was not that close.

To be precise, Jiang Chen has always disliked Tang Tian, ​​and for this reason, Tang Tian hated Jiang Chen extremely.

But early this morning, Tang Tian didn't know what kind of madness she was having, she woke up earlier than she did for the first time, not to mention, Tang Tian was still making breakfast in the kitchen.

Although Tang Tian just toasted two breads and fried two poached eggs, and as expected, the bread was burnt, and the poached eggs were fried into two lumps of black charcoal.

However, this is enough to scare Shuang'er, okay? Even Shuang'er wonders if Tang Tian is going to poison her!
The breakfast made by Tang Tian was naturally uneatable, and Shuang'er finally got it done by herself. Shuang'er's cooking skills are not good, but toast and fried eggs are still no problem.

Afterwards, the bigger problem was that Tang Tian kept talking about it while eating breakfast, and she seemed to be going crazy, so Shuang'er was even more curious. After all, Jiang Chen and Tang Tian went for a drive last night. Something strange happened, so that Tang Tian's temperament changed drastically.

"Oh, it's nothing serious, that is, she turned me into her man." Jiang Chen said lightly, his eyes slowly opened at this moment.

"She turned you into her man?" Shuang'er was taken aback for a moment, and then covered her mouth with her hands, lest she would cry out.

"You and miss, you two..." Shuang'er was speechless.

"I was forced." Jiang Chen sighed.

Shuang'er was a little dizzy. Listening to Jiang Chen's words, it meant that Tang Tian ate and wiped Jiang Chen clean. In other words, Tang Tian took the initiative and Jiang Chen was passive.

Well, Shuang'er has no experience in the relationship between men and women, so she doesn't know the difference between the two.

Shuang'er couldn't help but think of that scene, Tang Tian, ​​who was incarnated as a big bad wolf, jumped at Jiang Chen, who was incarnated as a little sheep with open teeth and claws, and Shuang'er shuddered at the slightest thought. What kind of strange painting style is that?

The style is totally wrong.

Even if Tang Tian really turned into a big bad wolf, she was destined to be eaten to death by Jiang Chen. It was clear that Jiang Chen was acting like a good boy when he got a bargain.

Shuang'er's eyes became a little resentful, and he said, "Master, will that young lady become my teacher's wife in the future?"

After Shuang'er left, Jiang Chen was planning to sleep for a while, when the phone rang.

Half an hour later, Gu Xiang appeared in front of Jiang Chen on time, just like the appointment on the phone.

"Jiang Shao." Gu Xiang greeted Jiang Chen very like a dog, his smiling eyes nearly narrowed.

"What are you doing laughing so lewdly?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Hey, this isn't Jiang Shao, your national style, and your wonderful hand rejuvenates, otherwise I can't laugh anymore, and I won't have time to cry." Gu Xiang laughed even more stupidly.

The day before yesterday, after Jiang Chen gave him a few needles, Gu Xiang responded with a skeptical attitude and immediately went to the hotel to open a room for verification. The final result was naturally quite good, unexpectedly good.

For a man, the most painful thing is often not necessarily death, but being unable to be a man. Gu Xiang, who had such a tragic experience, naturally almost didn't enshrine Jiang Chen.

"I said you called me and said you have something important to say? Is this the so-called important thing?" Jiang Chen was a little speechless.

"This is very important to me, but to you, Young Master Jiang, it's just a matter of lifting your hands... I came here today to talk about the acquisition of a pharmaceutical factory." Having said that, Gu Xiang asked in a sneaky way: "Young Master Jiang , Shi Qingping is dead, do you know? Meng Xiangyang is dead, do you know?"

Jiang Chen smiled, "Get to the point."

"Once Shi Qingping died, all the other people in the Shi family were in chaos. In addition, Shi Qingping's death was related to the Meng family. Those people in the Shi family were all terrified and frantic. The property under my name was sold to cash out, and I took down that pharmaceutical factory at a very reasonable price, and I can start production immediately after finishing the procedures in the next few days." Gu Xiang said triumphantly.

"Oh, has the Meng family stopped?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The Meng family?" After being taken aback for a moment, Gu Xiang scratched his head and said, "The Meng family's reaction is a bit strange."

Inside the Shi family, after the death of Shi Qingping and Yao Xiaoqian, there was turmoil. Because of the ultra-low price selling of various industries, all forces rushed up one by one like a leech. They all want to bite off a piece of meat.It was Gu Xiang himself, in addition to getting the pharmaceutical factory, he also got two hotels and a piece of land in the Shi family, and gained a lot.

Only the Meng family didn't make any movement on this matter.

"It's a bit weird." After hearing Gu Xiang's words, Jiang Chen frowned.

The husband and wife of Meng Xiangyang and Shi Qingping shot at each other, and in the end Mulanhua appeared with a magic gun. This matter was undoubtedly done extremely beautifully, and no one could catch any faults.

Under normal circumstances, when Meng Xiangyang died, the Meng family would definitely retaliate against the Shi family crazily, but the Meng family did not make any movement on this matter, just like what Gu Xiang said, this matter is unreasonable and very weird .

"Could it be that the Meng family is suspecting something?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Then, Jiang Chen smiled indifferently.

The reason why he does things beautifully is, in the final analysis, that he doesn't like trouble. As far as his character is concerned, he doesn't like this kind of calculation, and he prefers direct violent suppression.

The Meng family didn't suspect him, so it's fine with each other.

If the Meng family really suspected him, then they wouldn't mind, and took the opportunity to get rid of the Meng family in one fell swoop.

After all, the Meng family has been hopping around under his nose for a long time, and it has reached the point where he is extremely bored. It is time to cut off this tail.

"Jiang Shao, do you have time at noon? I'll treat you to dinner." After finishing the business, Gu Xiang immediately recovered his cynical side and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry about eating or anything, you can go somewhere with me first." Jiang Chen said, got up and left.

An hour later, when Gu Xiang came out of a large pharmacy following Jiang Chen with two packages of medicinal materials, Gu Xiang was on the verge of crying.

200 million, 200 million is gone, just a little medicinal material.

"Tell me, where to eat." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

After breaking through the third layer of Body Tempering, Jiang Chen needed to recombine the medicinal materials. It just so happened that the medicines he bought for Sister Lan and Xiaodie were almost used up, so he happened to buy them together.

Gu Xiang jumped in front of him at this time, who else could he kill if he didn't kill this guy?
"Jiang Shao, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. Let's wait another day for the meal." Gu Xiang said hastily.

"Little Gu, you got a lot of benefits from the Shi family this time, right? Don't you think it's too much, and you want to share with me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah, Young Master Jiang, I suddenly remembered that I was fine at all. I know there is a good restaurant, so let's go there now." Gu Xiang said loudly.

How dare Gu Xiang break up with Jiang Chen? With Jiang Chen's black-bellied methods, if he really wants to break up, in the end he must be the one who can only drink soup, maybe he can't even drink soup.

Compared with spending such a small amount of money, Gu Xiang can clearly distinguish which is more important.

Jiang Chen smiled, he was just saying it casually, he didn't really want to play Gu Xiang's idea, of course this is also the reason why Jiang Chen has strong confidence in his medical beauty company, otherwise, Jiang Chen still wouldn't Don't mind playing Gu Xiang's idea, who made this guy always appear in front of him with an appearance of being taken advantage of.

After eating, Jiang Chen separated from Gu Xiang and drove back to Yilan Middle School.

The Porsche had just turned a corner at a fork in the road when a figure rushed over rashly and stopped Jiang Chen's car.

Then, the person who blocked the car quickly walked to the co-pilot's seat and knocked hard on the window glass.

"You're standing in the wrong place." Jiang Chen said coldly as the car window was put down.

The person who stopped the car was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion: "Sir, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I said before, you are standing in the wrong place, you should stand in front of the front of the car, you can try it, I dare to kill you here." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The face of the person who stopped the car changed, his lips smacked a few times, and he said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please, help me."

"I have no obligation to help you. Before I change my mind and kill you, you'd better stay away from the car." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

The face of the person who stopped the car changed even more. He gritted his teeth and said softly, "I'm Ye Sichen."

"Do you know me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I don't know." Ye Sichen said in a low voice.

"Then tell me your name, do you think I must know you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, where did this woman get her confidence?

"You really don't know me?" Ye Sichen was dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Chen strangely.God, is there someone who doesn't know her?This guy shouldn't be lying, but it doesn't look like he is lying.

"Of course I don't know you, and you don't know me either, so you can get out of here." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and said as if chasing flies away.

Ye Sichen bit his lip and stared blankly at Jiang Chen. She didn't leave, but made a rather bold move. She lowered her head and bent, her body was as soft as a water snake, crawling out of the car window. Entered the co-pilot's seat, and then pressed the right hand to close the window glass. The action is called skillful, and it is called impolite...

(End of this chapter)

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