genius evil

Chapter 190 I'm Actually a Black Car Driver

Chapter 190 I'm Actually a Black Car Driver

Jiang Chen immediately smiled, and looked at the woman who called herself Ye Sichen with great interest.

Perhaps a little guilty, Ye Sichen pressed her head down, revealing a slender and delicate neck. After she pressed her head down, her voice also followed suit, and said in a pleading tone: "Sir, can you please?" drive first?"

"I want to pick you up and throw you down first." Jiang Chen said.

"Sir, I will definitely thank you. Please drive, okay?" The begging turned into a begging. Seeing her appearance, she was clearly about to cry.

"Oh, then tell me, how would you thank me?" Jiang Chen asked calmly.

"I...I..." Ye Sichen swallowed, and was really thinking about how to thank Jiang Chen seriously. After thinking for a while, he didn't seem to have any good ideas, so he slowly raised his head, Looking at Jiang Chen, he said softly, "Can I give you the fare?"

Jiang Chen thought that this woman would say something, but he never thought that after holding back for a long time, she actually gave him such an answer, he couldn't help laughing, and was about to speak when he saw two people walking over.

One of them stretched out a finger and tapped hard on the window glass.

After knocking for a while, the man hooked his finger, and made a gesture of opening the car door towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen pretended not to see it, his gaze still fell on Ye Sichen, and said with a faint smile, "Then how much can you give me?"

"You... How much do you want?" Ye Sichen was a little shy.

"You are not sincere." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Ah—" Ye Sichen's face was full of anxiety, and her voice was so soft that she might not be able to hear it clearly, "One thousand."

"A lot." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I don't have much cash in my wallet, otherwise I can give you [-], or [-], as long as you take me out of here." Ye Sichen summoned up his courage and raised his voice a lot.

Her gaze was a little erratic, not when she was looking at Jiang Chen, but when she was erraticly looking at the two people outside the car. There was a frightened light in her bright eyes, which gave people a kind of shock like a deer. weird feeling.

This is a very tasteful woman, with messy hair and panicked eyebrows and eyes, which cannot conceal her natural beauty. She has a face the size of a palm, and her complexion is very pale. To be precise, she is pale. thing.

What is especially attractive is her pair of eyes. When looking at people, there is a sense of stupidity and sweetness. Jiang Chen is a little curious. For such a silly and innocent looking woman, what is it that gave her courage? , Let her bravely climb into the car of a strange man.

Or, what is she going through now.

"Actually, I..." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Sir..." Ye Sichen spoke quickly and anxiously.

"Actually, I'm a black car driver." Jiang Chen became serious.

"Ah—" Ye Sichen's already big eyes widened even further. She glanced at Jiang Chen's face, then at the familiar sign on the steering wheel, thinking about how to drive a car. Porsche Cayenne guys, is there a possibility of black car drivers, and how likely it is.

In the end, it was obvious that Ye Sichen couldn't figure this out. She stared blankly at Jiang Chen with an expression on the verge of crying.

"1000 yuan is a lot of work." Jiang Chen said again.

Ye Sichen finally understood Jiang Chen's words, he was overwhelmed with joy, weeping with joy, wiping his eyes vigorously with his tender fingers, wiping away the teardrops overflowing from his eyes.

"Thank you." Ye Sichen said forcefully, choked up.

"Well, just don't rely on my car money." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, regardless of the two people standing outside the car, he kicked the accelerator and drove the car out.


Who would have known that Jiang Chen would play cards out of common sense like this, and the two of them suddenly became a bit of a fool.

"Chasing or not?" one of them asked blankly.

"Fuck you, hurry up and call Master Hua, and tell me that the woman has escaped." Another person said loudly.

After the car left on the road, Ye Sichen's mood stabilized a lot. She opened the small bag she was carrying, found a pink wallet, and counted the money seriously.

After counting twice, Ye Sichen's expression changed a little, and he said embarrassedly, "Sir, I don't have 1000 yuan."

"How many are there?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Nine hundred...970 and nine yuan." Ye Sichen's face turned red.

The money is her daily pocket money, and there is nothing in the wallet except money, not to mention the bank card, not even the ID card.

The 1000 yuan was stuffed into the wallet last night. Today, when she went shopping alone, she bought some small things and spent 21 yuan. Ye Sichen forgot that she had bought something, thinking that she still had 1000 yuan. So he decided to give all his money to Jiang Chen.

But the current situation is that she doesn't have 1000 yuan at all, and Ye Sichen doesn't know what to do.

"It means, you still need 21 yuan, right?" Jiang Chen took the money from Ye Sichen's hand unceremoniously, stuffed it into his pocket, and said.

"Yes, can I owe you first, and I'll pay you back later?" Ye Sichen held onto the small bag with two small hands uneasily.She looked at Jiang Chen expectantly, hoping that Jiang Chen would agree to her presumptuous request.

"As I said just now, you don't know me, and I don't know you. The reason why I'm willing to take you here is for the sake of money. It's very bad to be in debt." Jiang Chen shook shook his head.

"How about, I'll mortgage this bag to you." Ye Sichen said hastily.

"What do I, a big man, want your bag for?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Ye Sichen was right when he thought about it, he habitually lowered his head again, not daring to look at Jiang Chen anymore.

"Are you hungry?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.


"Want something to eat?"


Ten minutes later, on the side of the road, in the car, Ye Sichen held a piece of bread in one hand and a bottle of mineral water in the other, took a small bite of the bread, and then took a small sip of water.

Ye Sichen ate very slowly. She was obviously very hungry, but she was still restrained by a lady. It looked like she had a good lady education. As she ate, she seemed to remember something. She blinked, Ye Sichen Said: "Sir, I owe you twenty-four dollars now."

One piece of bread and five yuan, one piece of mineral water and five yuan, this account is very clear.

"Remember to pay me back the money." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll remember." Ye Sichen answered seriously, she finally finished eating a piece of bread, and she held a small half of the mineral water in her hand.

"Sir, can you lend me your mobile phone? I want to make a call." Ye Sichen stuttered and made a small request.

Jiang Chen took out the phone and handed it over, saying, "Call charges are calculated by the minute."

"Okay." Ye Sichen nodded, dialed a phone number, and after a few words, the phone hung up. Ye Sichen seriously checked the call time and said, "One minute and seven seconds."

"That's 2 minutes." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Now I owe you 24 yuan and 1 cents." Ye Sichen did the math, and domestic calls cost [-] cents per minute.

After sitting in the car and waiting for a few minutes, a white Mercedes-Benz sedan drove up. Ye Sichen immediately showed a look of joy when he saw the sedan, opened the door and got out of the car.

At the same time, in the Mercedes-Benz RV, a girl also opened the door and got out of the car. The two women hugged each other, crying and laughing at the same time.

After making a fuss for a while, Ye Sichen followed the girl into the RV. Just when Jiang Chen thought the RV would leave immediately, he saw Ye Sichen and happily got out of the car.

This time, before Ye Sichen knocked on the car window, Jiang Chen just put the glass down.

"Sir, here is 25 yuan, please keep it." Ye Sichen said firmly.

"Oh, but I don't have any change for you." Jiang Chen was not polite, and took the money.

Ye Sichen shook his hands in a panic, and said hastily, "No need, no need, no need to look for it."

Jiang Chen fumbled in the pocket of his trousers, found out a dollar, handed it over, and said, "I only have change for one dollar."

Ye Sichen looked at the one dollar in Jiang Chen's hand, he didn't accept it, he didn't accept it, and that kind of silly and sweet look appeared on his face again.

"Take it, I'm not short of the forty cents, just treat it as buying candy for you." Jiang Chen urged angrily.

Ye Sichen had no choice but to take the money, and sincerely bowed to Jiang Chen to thank him, doing it in a very grand manner, and then saw that Ye Sichen was holding the one dollar, got into the RV, and the RV quickly drove away up.

"Sir, I still owe you forty cents...Although you look annoying, you are a good person." A message was sent to Jiang Chen's cell phone.

Jiang Chen looked at the text message and chuckled, his face was about to cramp.

To be honest, Jiang Chen's first impression of Ye Sichen was very bad. After Ye Sichen climbed into her car, his impression changed slightly. After seeing Ye Sichen's silly, sweet side, his impression was that Changed again.

How could he fail to see that Ye Sichen was in trouble, the trouble shouldn't be too big, but with Ye Sichen's silly and sweet personality, there was nothing he could do to deal with it.

A woman who is away from home, except for a little cash, has no ID card, bank card, mobile phone or anything, which is considered weird. After that, he was just teasing Ye Sichen in a wicked way.

However, Ye Sichen always looked cautious, which aroused Jiang Chen's evil taste, but he was a little curious about what kind of environment Ye Sichen grew up in to be able to live to such a great age.

"It's pretty, but there's something wrong with my brain, it's a pity." After smacking his mouth, Jiang Chen slowly drove the car back on the road.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you've become handsome again." Jiang Chen had just gotten off the car at the door of Sister Lan's restaurant, the little man just giggled and threw himself into Jiang Chen's embrace, overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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