genius evil

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

"Where is it, your brother Jiang Chen and I have always been so handsome." Jiang Chen deliberately said with a straight face and pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't lie, he is not blind." Xiaodie rolled her eyes, wrinkled her cute little nose to express her contempt for Jiang Chen, and dragged Jiang Chen into the restaurant, while While walking, he yelled loudly: "Mom, come and see the handsome guy."

"Xiaodie, don't make trouble, have you finished your homework?" Sister Lan walked out of the kitchen, pulled Xiaodie away from Jiang Chen, raised her head, and after seeing clearly that it was Jiang Chen, she just froze for a while.

If she hadn't seen Jiang Chen every day, Sister Lan would have doubted whether the man in front of her was really Jiang Chen.

"Sister Lan, I bought some new medicine." Jiang Chen greeted Sister Lan.

Sister Lan came to her senses, remembering the last time Jiang Chen changed his dressing, nodded, and asked, "Is it the same as before?"

"Yes, it's the same as before." Jiang Chen said.

Sister Lan picked up two bags of herbs and put them in the kitchen.

There is a cabinet in the kitchen, which used to be used by Sister Lan to store ingredients, but now it is specially cleared out to store the medicinal ingredients Jiang Chen bought.

When Sister Lan came out of the kitchen, she heard Xiaodie yelling: "Mom, don't look at it anymore, brother Jiang Chen has already left, he said he left something for you, hurry up and see what it is, man Almost dying of curiosity."

Sister Lan took the bag from Xiaodie's hand, opened it, and found that there was a stack of money inside, not much, 1 yuan.

Startled, Sister Lan closed the bag and said to Xiaodie, "Xiaodie, do your homework obediently."

"But you didn't show it to me, what is it, is it a gift from brother Jiang Chen to your mother?" Xiaodie asked innocently.

Sister Lan blushed slightly, shook her head, and gripped the bag tighter.

Sister Lan knew that Jiang Chen didn't give her the money directly because he was worried that she wouldn't accept it, so she handed it to her through Xiaodie. In this way, she couldn't refuse.

Sighing, Sister Lan silently went back to the kitchen, turned on the faucet to wash the dishes, and turned off the faucet again before finishing washing a bowl.

A few minutes later, Sister Lan turned on the faucet again, took the bowls, and began to wash them carefully one by one.

Xiaodie eavesdropped on the commotion in the kitchen, her mouth pouted, her face full of displeasure: "Mom is so stingy, she didn't even tell me what gift Jiang Chen brother gave her... But mom is getting more and more beautiful, Brother Jiang Chen is getting more and more handsome, brother Jiang Chen gave mother a gift, could it be that brother Jiang Chen fell in love with mother..."

The little girl didn't know what to think of, and when she was talking to herself, she suddenly giggled.


Supreme ktv.

This ktv has a big name, but in fact it is a small ktv. The location of the ktv is not bad. Although the scale is not good, the business is good. In broad daylight, you can hear the sound coming from the inside The sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

On the second floor of the KTV, in a large box, a young man with white hair was sitting on the sofa with a cigar in his mouth.Behind the white-haired man, two scantily clad women pressed his shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Master Hua." The door of the box opened, and two people walked in from the outside.

"You two, come here." The white-haired man named Hua Ye waved towards the two of them.

The two people looked at each other, obviously seeing the color of fear in each other's eyes, but they still bite the bullet and walked over step by step.

As soon as the two approached, they saw Lord Hua jumping up, grabbing a beer bottle with his left and right hands, and smashing them on the heads of the two with a bang.

"Trash, let the two of you go after a woman, and she ran away. What's the use of me raising a trash like you?" Master Hua said angrily.

Earlier, Master Hua was driving over to Supreme KTV when he saw a woman by chance. He was shocked and asked these two people to bring that woman to Supreme KTV.

This is not the first time Master Hua has done this kind of thing, and there has never been a record of a miss before, but who would have thought that seeing the cooked duck fly away like this, how could this make Master Hua not angry.

"Master Hua, please forgive me. We have already found out the origin of the Porsche Cayenne. I believe that as long as the woman is still in Yilan City, she will be found soon." Among the two, one of them immediately said.

"Say." Master Hua snorted coldly.

The man then said: "Master Hua, we checked the license plate of that Porsche, and it is registered under the name of a person named Jiang Chen."

"Who are you talking about?" Master Hua frowned.

"Jiang Chen." The man didn't understand Master Hua's reaction, and said quickly.

"Jiang Chen?" Master Hua's brows inadvertently frowned even tighter.

The name Jiang Chen is an unfamiliar name to most people, and it doesn't represent any meaning, but Biansheng Huaye is no stranger to these two words.

Especially when the name is associated with a Porsche Cayenne.

Because Master Hua had heard about what happened at the Blueberry Bar, Jiang Chen slapped Meng Xiaoyang in the face in public, and forcibly snatched Meng Xiaoyang's Porsche Cayenne away.This matter has long been a joke in the circle.

"Things are a little troublesome." Master Hua murmured.

Jiang Chen slapped Meng Xiaoyang in the face, let Meng Xiaoyang lose all face, and even let Meng Xiaoyang kill a person in public, but after the incident, Jiang Chen was fine, just this point alone, can't help Master Hua not to estimate Jiang Chen's energy .

"Does that woman know Jiang Chen?" Afterwards, Master Hua asked.

"I don't know, we saw that woman stop Jiang Chen's car with our own eyes." The man said hastily.

"Don't know?" Master Hua smiled again.

If that woman knew Jiang Chen, for a woman, he would really have to think about meeting Jiang Chen, but since he didn't know each other, then this matter would be much easier to handle.

"Find them all for me. Even if you overturn Yilan City, you must find that woman before tonight." Master Hua immediately ordered.

Hua Ye has never been short of women. The reason why he is called Hua Ye is because he has many women, but Hua Ye swears that he has never seen such a woman.

Just looking at it from a distance made his heart move. He had to find that woman, and he had to turn that woman into his woman.

"Yes." The two nodded like chickens pecking rice, and were about to leave the box.

But at this time, there was a muffled "bang", and the door of the box was kicked open from the outside.

"Which bastard, do you want to die?" Master Hua was angry. It was a bastard who dared to kick the door of his box. Didn't he know that this box belonged to him?
"Shut up." Master Hua responded with a cold voice, and immediately, four people rushed in from outside.

All camouflage uniforms, loaded with live ammunition, four submachine guns, one of which was pointed at Master Hua's head.

"Who are you?" Master Hua was dumbfounded.

"I told you to shut up." A gun butt unceremoniously hit Master Hua on the head.

Master Hua and the others were quickly taken out of the box. Not far away, in a white Mercedes Benz, a woman pointed forward and said, "Sichen, did you see the two people chasing you?" ?"

"I see." Ye Sichen looked at the two people who came out with Master Hua and nodded.

The woman understood, opened the car door and got out of the car, said a few words to one of the guys in camouflage uniform, the guy waved and shouted: "Smash me!"

After smashing the Supreme KTV, several military vehicles left with people, and the Mercedes-Benz RV followed.

"Sichen, you have also seen that it is so chaotic outside, you must be careful when you go out in the future... No, no, you must never go out alone in the future, even if you want to go out, you must take me with you. If you don't have time, you have to bring bodyguards." Inside the driving Mercedes-Benz saloon, the woman chattered.

"Sister Mi, you've said that eight hundred times." Ye Sichen's face was full of grievances.

"I have to say it after eight hundred times." Miss Mi said as a matter of course, "It's not like you haven't seen how dangerous this matter is today. If you hadn't stopped a car by chance, you would have been ruined." gone."

Thinking of this, Ye Sichen was also a little scared, Na Na said: "I never thought it would be like this, I used to be fine when I was in Yanjing."

"My dear lady, you also said that was the past, the past was the past, and the present is the present. Anyway, the safety work must be done well. On this issue, you must listen to me and there is no need to discuss it." Sister Mi shouted stand up.

"But in that case, wouldn't I have no freedom at all." Ye Sichen sighed.

"Sichen, I know that would be unfair to you, but you have to think about your own safety. You have to understand that such good luck doesn't happen every time. It's never a big mistake to be careful... By the way, you You took 25 yuan from me before, what happened? You haven’t told me yet?” Sister Mi asked curiously.

"I said I gave the man 1000 yuan, which was 21 yuan less. Later, he bought me bread and water, and I made a call with his mobile phone. I owe him 24 cents in total." Ye Si Chen said softly.

"God, he actually asked you for money? He calculated so clearly, could he be blind, didn't he recognize who you are?" Sister Mi yelled, with the expression of seeing a ghost.

"He said he drove an illegal car and didn't know me." Ye Sichen seemed like a kid who did something wrong.

"Driving a black car?" Sister Mi was dumbfounded. Even if she is an idiot, she knows that it is absolutely impossible for a guy who can afford a Porsche to drive a black car. Besides, if he really drives a black car, he can earn enough money Gas money?

Well, Ye Sichen is not an idiot, she is just too simple and trusts people too easily. Sister Mi secretly slandered the rich people's evil taste in her heart, and her sense of crisis became more and more intense. You need to have a few bodyguards, otherwise, if you get cheated away one day, you might even count the money for that person...

(End of this chapter)

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